Hello all and welcome,
With my return to the game and subsequent inability to wrap my head around anything in the way of gameplay I will be starting from the beginning. This is were I'd like some help from the community as I am putting forward the idea of my character creation being based off of responces to this and subsequent posts.
It is simply this, I will be creating a new character which will either be the KDF, Romulan with KDF leanings or Federation. This is the first hurdle and as for those wondering why I did not add Romulan with Federation sympathies well I find it hard to fit a romulan or reman for that matter with the federation.
I have both romulan and reman unlocked for their faction, for the KDF the options are going to be Klingon, Alien (ToS Klingon) or Gorn. At the federation it will either be an Andorian, Vulcan or Human as I am not a fan really of the other races within the federation. The class also is a toss up but I am refraining from using a tactical officer simply because I have one at 50 currently and am not finding the playstyle to be what I want currently. I lean toward science but I am not adverse to engineering.
Here is were I would put in a poll but I don't know how to do that on these forums but I look forward to the responces that I hope come soon. Also as I said I will be updating this post with my current progress and perhaps some roleplay as well.
Thank you all
I also like Lib Borgs. I'd still advise to steer clear of Engs though - Tacs are clearly better at DPS and Science plays fundamentally differently; Engs are somehow caught between the middle of not doing that much direct damage and not having a particularly unique playstyle. Which is sad, because I like my engineering
As for current "end game" science ships that can be purchased from the C-Store, the options are very slim. Both Romulans and KDF have their own version of the T5 Dyson Science Destroyer and all T5 ships purchased from the C-Store can be upgraded to T5U if you purchase an upgrade token. T5U starships get stronger hulls and some other "bonuses" which can vary depending on the ship like better shields, better weapon damage, better exotic damage, etc. The KDF also have the T5 Varanus in the C-Store. On the plus side the Varanus is considered the 2nd best T5 science, then again the KDF only has 2 T5 science ships to begin with.
There are currently no T6 science ship for the the KDF or Romulan. T6 starships came into existence back in Sep 2014 when Delta Rising was released which increase max level from 50 to 60. That will soon change when the Agents of Yesterday expansion is released sometime during the summer. The T6 Enternal science ship will be a cross-faction ship that any faction can use once you purchase it. That means it will be about two since T6 starships came into existence that the KDF and Romulan faction will finally get T6 science ship in the C-Store.
From what I've investigated the kdf and rom both have science ships very early, in fact the deh'lan (sp?) is set for two science officers, one engineer and one tactical. The raptor is the same way, they may not call them 'science' ships and you have to do a bit of work for certain things but I think they can easily be made into science vessels
There is a firestorm about how the KDF and Roms are taking a beating right now. Even given what I just said, I won't speak a word opposing them on that issue.
If the Ouroboros is to be a raider worthy of attention to the Feds, I suppose it would need battlecloak. I can also understand if it does given it's a ship from a future when all 3 factions are one. Again as much as I am more calm on the way things are happening in the TOS expansion, I still won't oppose anyone whose opinion against it is stronger than mine.
To me, T5 garbage scow science vessels in the T6 era is NOT acceptable for KDF/Roms. Even worse, promotion/lottery/buy-more-and-more-and-keep-losing-and-losing-and-losing promo packs is NOT an acceptable solution to the lack of sci ships for KDF/Roms. I still understand if some may see the Eternity as also unacceptable, preferring Klingon/Romulan science ships but as for myself, I plan to take a gander at the stats before judging.
I am truly enjoying all the feedback however and look forward to seeing more of it, thank you again all for your help.
If you want to fly a faction science ship, you need a Federation character.
Meh, for story content my newest Fed Science captain has had no problems tearing things up in space flying a science ship. On the ground with 2 - science and 1 - engineering 1- tac boffs he does better than my old tac captain still using 2 tac boffs 1 s 1e (need to change 1-2 of those tac boffs).
Two things I discovered that might help you in making your choices...
First, the way I play my ENG is I use him to add toys: Turrets and Drones. Since he's often alone, I like the help. A SCI seems to be about Heals/Boosts.
Second, The Romulan Arc has your Captain begin on a colony that gets attack. After that, many of the people you meet were swayed by Spock teachings and wish to form their own Romulan Republic separate from the Romulan Empire, so choosing the Federation is equally legitimate as choosing the Klingon Empire. It's just a question of the kind of Rom you wish to play: Hawk or Dove.
As for finishing a mission faster as a tactical captain, I would both agree and disagree; yes you can but you tend to be squishier at least in my experience with my fed tac captain. He is 51 and after leaving him for so long while I don't know the intricacies of the class anymore than I did when I left the feel is straight forward with much damage being the norm.
I am looking at a klingon tac captain, wondering how it would play as I thought of something more along the lines of an old styled loyalist warrior. The romulan idea holds some merit I just wish there were a few more options.
Science ships generally have sensor analysis, and a shield modifier greater than 1. The Dyson Science Destroyers also added a secondary deflector that is a unique characteristic for more recent T5 science ships and all the T6 science ships.
However, in STO a captain can fly any type of ship and adapt it to his / her needs to play story content.
If you want full-on endgame SCIENCE! you need to be Fed or to buy a lobi or lockbox alien ship that doesn't match your faction.
The T6 Eternal cross faction starship from the C-Store will likely cover all the bases. I say "likely" because the specs have not been released yet to the best of my knowledge. Since the ship is from the future where the KDF and RR have joined the Federation, the Eternal will most likely look the same for all the current factions.
As it stands currently I am wanting to work in a captain that is based off one of the series captains, my issue being I don't know what they'd be classified as. Would kirk be a tac officer? How about Picard, would he be an engineer? I need answers to these things and no sites have been able to furnish them.
Good question. Picard was a flight control officer. In game that equates to a conn officer which is in the tactical branch.
Kirk began as a phaser gun crew member.
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
Thanks Shel for the input, doesn't surprise me but it puts into relief the only problem I have with the game; Tactical officers are the only one (at least for me) that feel like an actual starfleet captain while being a science or engineering officer feels like i am just leading an away team or got left with control of the ship while the captain is away.
Some guy is selling the Codes for (when I picked it up a few weeks ago) $3.24 plus $2.00 Shipping. The codes work, but you need to enter in different URL than the normal PWE unlocks.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
I think Mr. Picard's comments in Tapestry are the clearest information on this subject: "I would like to try... to move beyond astrophysics... into engineering or security perhaps. Something which might even lead to a command."
So you can have command coming from different branches. And of course in All Good Things we see Beverly commanding a medical ship. Most science vessels, however, were not heavily armed and were for research assignments. Still, it would be another opportunity for command.
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
while nice information that is not part of this discussion
That's true and not something I thought about really
"When diplomacy fails, there's only one alternative - violence. Force must be applied without apology. It's the Starfleet way." - Captain Janeway
#Support Mirror Universe I.S.S. Prefixes
My sci does whicked damage with sci attacks (Grav well, Tykens, etc), so most of my energy goes to auxilliary, which makes running a torpedo beneficial to the build. I run Control, and Particle Gens very high (300 and 360, respectively). When there is a crowd of enemies, I do damage by pulling them in with a GW, then use beams, torps, and other attach, plus tac team and emergency to weapons, et al. I would put this toon /ship next to any pug any day of the week, and twice on Tuesday.
My engie' spews energy, and runs an all beam build, uses engie buff/debuffs to accentuate damage to the enemies, has speed and maneuverability atop a run of the mill cruiser, and has no problem keeping the shields charged.
It all comes down to what you really enjoy, and finding how to best use it.