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Are XP Users Screwed?

I have been hearing game support for windows xp is more or less going away.Is this true? if so, I'll have to quit the game.


  • angrytargangrytarg Member Posts: 11,003 Arc User
    edited May 2016
    I haven't heard it, but it's not hard to imagine. The support for Windows XP itself has been ceased two years ago (which means you're online with a OS not receiving maintenance any longer, which is risky) so gaming companies not supporting XP any more makes sense. You also don't get new graphics drivers etc for XP any more. It's the way things go.

    If you insist on using XP you have to live with things going away, sadly.​​
    Post edited by angrytarg on
    ^ Memory Alpha.org is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
    "No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
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  • fletch57fletch57 Member Posts: 318 Arc User
    working part time I can't afford a new pc right now.
  • postinggumpostinggum Member Posts: 1,117 Arc User
    Windows 7 and now 10 are not the slow resource hogs that some previous windows upgrades have been, a PC upgrade may not be necessary, even if it is you can look at a used CPU, memory or hard drive. At the low end of PCs big speed and storage improvements can be had really cheaply buying used and selling what you have. As pc gear ages the price difference between premium parts and basic versions can drop from having been hundreds to a few dollars/pounds/euros, so you can sometimes get a 50% boost for very little, enough to get the next operating system going and delay buying a new computer for years - win 7 will get basic upgrade support until 2020.

    A quick google suggests that win 7 can probably run faster than xp on old 'obsolete' gear.

    Obviously I won't post instructions or links to free copies of windows 7.

    The security issues with XP mean that you should not be doing online banking, shopping or anything sensitive with it.

    If the OP can post the cpu, motherboard and hard drive spec we can probably figure out how little an upgrade might cost. I realize upgrading a pc sound daunting, but it can mean little more than plugging in an extra hard drive to unused plugs that are already in the machine.
  • swamarianswamarian Member Posts: 1,506 Arc User
    The game should run fine, unless it starts making API calls that aren't supported on XP. I don't really see anything new in 7 that they'd add. You should be safe (as far as STO goes) for a while. The lack of security updates is probably a bigger concern.
  • lucho80lucho80 Member Posts: 6,600 Bug Hunter
    If you're still using Windows XP, you have way more serious problems than being able to play STO. I have 3 computers running Windows 10, and my work computer runs Windows 7.

    Find some old cheap Windows 7 upgrade and then just get the free Win 10 upgrade. I just saw some Windows 7 Pro keys going for less than $30.
  • fletch57fletch57 Member Posts: 318 Arc User
    windows 7 won't run on my pc.already looked into it.as far as security,I shop online at amazon alot,never had a issue.as far as the game,it was running ok until the season 11.5 update.it always freezes at the character sellect screen.I would think if the problem was my pc,the game would not load at all and get error messages.
  • postinggumpostinggum Member Posts: 1,117 Arc User
    Win 7 will run on pretty basic machines. If its a desktop can you down load something like Speccy and use that to see what your current PC spec is? specifically cpu, ram, motherboard and hard drive size.

    For desktops its possible to buy motherboard, cpu, ram, bundled or seperate, that will run win 7 & 10 and keep keep you machine secure for years, for under £100 new.

    Until July 29th Microsoft will give owners of a legit Win 7 a free upgrade to Win 10, and with win 7 being so old it can be had for £20 with a license.

    Laptops are trickier, other than memory or hard drives upgading is awkward and limited.

    All that aside for now, you really need to have you security software up to date and as comprehensive as possible if going online with XP. At least anti virus, anti malware, firewall and anti spyware, free ones are fine but they must be updated.
  • maxwilsonmaxwilson Member Posts: 61 Arc User
    Upgrade your computer. Dump the XP system. You're playing with fire and it's only a matter of time until you find your credit score is crazy low because there's like 10 credit cards in your name. You can throw down like $500 for a mid range desktop, even get a cheap GPU to supplement it with.
    Veteran lifer since the beta.
  • fletch57fletch57 Member Posts: 318 Arc User
    I forgot to mention my pc is 15 years old,not worth upgrading,I have a friend that will sell me his backup gaming rig cheap. mabe this summer.
  • postinggumpostinggum Member Posts: 1,117 Arc User
    £200 is enough to buy new cpu, ram, motherboard, hard drive and psu that are adequate for a modern OS and some gaming. So don't feel that you have to spend a lot in order to meet a high level of expectations.

    I'd imagine that it would be possible to spend close to half that if getting lucky with used gear.
  • lucho80lucho80 Member Posts: 6,600 Bug Hunter
    edited May 2016
    fletch57 wrote: »
    windows 7 won't run on my pc.already looked into it.as far as security,I shop online at amazon alot,never had a issue.as far as the game,it was running ok until the season 11.5 update.it always freezes at the character sellect screen.I would think if the problem was my pc,the game would not load at all and get error messages.

    Windows 7 runs pretty well on old machines. If you're so worried, turn off all the fancy graphical UI stuff and disable all the services that you don't need.

    I have Windows 10 64-bit running right now here using 1.6Gb of memory. I got rid of all the junk apps Microsoft forces on it except the XBOX app which I actually use. Turned off all the Microsoft phoning home stuff (Enterprise version can change the registry to get rid of the diagnostic data junk), got rid of IE and Windows Media Player also, and I never use Edge because, even if better than IE, it's still slow as hell compared to Chrome.
  • maxwilsonmaxwilson Member Posts: 61 Arc User
    lucho80 wrote: »
    fletch57 wrote: »
    windows 7 won't run on my pc.already looked into it.as far as security,I shop online at amazon alot,never had a issue.as far as the game,it was running ok until the season 11.5 update.it always freezes at the character sellect screen.I would think if the problem was my pc,the game would not load at all and get error messages.

    Windows 7 runs pretty well on old machines. If you're so worried, turn off all the fancy graphical UI stuff and disable all the services that you don't need.

    I have Windows 10 64-bit running right now here using 1.6Gb of memory. I got rid of all the junk apps Microsoft forces on it except the XBOX app which I actually use. Turned off all the Microsoft phoning home stuff (Enterprise version can change the registry to get rid of the diagnostic data junk), got rid of IE and Windows Media Player also, and I never use Edge because, even if better than IE, it's still slow as hell compared to Chrome.

    Why do you limit yourself on so little ram? I can't imagine your computer can handle doing so much simultaneously.
    Veteran lifer since the beta.
  • fletch57fletch57 Member Posts: 318 Arc User
    memory is not the issue. I have at least 4gb.I just tried logging on afew minutes ago and noticed the screen was not frozen but there was extreme lag where you could only access buttons but every 10-15 seconds.this tells me the problem is the game.three weeks ago the patch fixed issues with AMD users.there has been no fix for intel pc's yet.
  • narclusnarclus Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    fletch57 wrote: »
    memory is not the issue. I have at least 4gb.I just tried logging on afew minutes ago and noticed the screen was not frozen but there was extreme lag where you could only access buttons but every 10-15 seconds.this tells me the problem is the game.three weeks ago the patch fixed issues with AMD users.there has been no fix for intel pc's yet.

    Hi fletch, exaclty the same issue with me XP as well, impossible slow lag making the game unplayable taking 20 s for the cursor to acknowledge its location. The game has evolved past us time to save up for a decent computer mine's about 12 years old lol. Time for me to say goodbye to STO for a year or two.

  • salvation4salvation4 Member Posts: 1,167 Arc User
    what version of XP?? x86 is limited to 3GB..x64 is as good as the amount of ram you have..
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  • fletch57fletch57 Member Posts: 318 Arc User
    I have the home edition,32 bit,I think.also I have 2 gb memory,thought I had 4,oh well.I'm out until my buddy sells me his backup pc.
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