Explore the Galaxy in previous Trek Eras. How do you know there won't be Cardassians in a DS9 Era Season?
There has been talk that new series will have independent Seasons taking place in different Eras or just before or after Star Trek Eras. Could be used in STO as well.
'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
Judge Dan Haywood
'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
You may not be concerned but CBS may be setting the tone.
No, but you explore the areas appropriate for those Eras.
'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
Judge Dan Haywood
'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
It would seem that Season 11.5 provided us with an internal exploration of our Skills instead.
'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
Judge Dan Haywood
'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Why? This is gonna suck. Aren't you sick of time related stories? Where's the exploration we were promised? Why aren't we in Gamma Quadrant? Why are they trying to turn this into Doctor Who? Why are you thanking them for this TRIBBLE? If you act appreciative, they'll think they're doing a good job. Stop it please otherwise nothing will ever get better.
NOW hold on just a minute.... I have put up with a "trek-*like" game LONG enough.
When I first pre-ordered Star Trek Online I was deeply saddened that I got the wrong box set, and didn't get to have a TOS constitution class.
Then the first expansion came out, and it was the BORING Romulans. I don't want disruptors, I WANT PHASERS!
Then I patiently waited through YEARS of non-trek ships that were loosely based on star trek, and hundreds of hours of gameplay that hardly felt like I was a starfleet captain.
I'm not saying it's all been bad... When they sold the TOS bundle with the original enterprise interiors and type 2 phasers, I purchased it. The Delta Quadrant expansion was FANTASTIC, I also have the USS Voyager interiors, as well as the Defiant interior.
I have LOVED every minute that this game is true to Trek.
NOW FINALLY MY FAVORITE ERA IS COMING! I have already pre-ordered the new expansion in full, and I am hoping they release it the first week of June! I am already planning to play the entire game in TOS and TOS movie era only. Upgrading my TOS ships to the max!
Also, this expansion will allow for better role playing, and they can expand in to the TOS movie era interiors and ships. Scotty is already wearing his engineering vest from the TOS movies if you check out the new STO website....
Lets also consider, Shatner, Koenig, Nichols and James Doohan's son are all with us to make cameo's! I think Cryptic has made a GOOD decision to do this, as it's the last chance to immortalize their voices in true trek content that we know of.
The way I see it: this expansion wont appeal to a lot of younger millennials. This expansion is for us fans who have loved trek since the beginning... Aside from giving the original actors cameos (which is highly appropriate), we have a chance to create a full circle for the game in case we are getting close to end-game.
And if we aren't getting close to end-game, this will draw in a new bunch of fans and the next expansion can start to take place in the Gamma quadrant.
Anyways Lindsey, there's nothing trek in the gamma quadrant. This is a star trek game and as such, it has to follow what's been written.
The new trek series is being filmed in my city of Toronto, and rumors say it will be taking place between the 23rd century and the 24th century, meaning Star Trek Online is making a very good move to incorporate all the era's in to the game now.... because in 2017 the new series is going to be doing the same and a lot of new trek fans will want to see 23rd century ships and content.
People who claim that Time Travel is rare in EVERY Star Trek Series, must have never watched "ENTERPRISE".
And "Rare" is not the word I would use for the number of times that Time Travel has been used throughout Trek's history.
STO Member since February 2009. I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born! Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
Let's see the Original series did it atleast once per season. TNG did it a few times, on of the original 6 movies completely CENTERED around going back in time. DS9 did it, Voyager even did it a few times.
Every single Star trek show that's ever aired HAS USED TIME TRAVEL.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
[/quote]The way I see it: this expansion wont appeal to a lot of younger millennials. This expansion is for us fans who have loved trek since the beginning... [/quote]
Born '89, grown up with TNG and VOY. Discovered TOS thanks to DVDs. Loving the heck out this expansion announcement.
TOS (and particular TMP) is my favorite era and I can't wait to start. Maybe I'm the exception, who knows lol
Why? This is gonna suck. Aren't you sick of time related stories? Where's the exploration we were promised? Why aren't we in Gamma Quadrant? Why are they trying to turn this into Doctor Who? Why are you thanking them for this TRIBBLE? If you act appreciative, they'll think they're doing a good job. Stop it please otherwise nothing will ever get better.
NOW hold on just a minute.... I have put up with a "trek-*like" game LONG enough.
When I first pre-ordered Star Trek Online I was deeply saddened that I got the wrong box set, and didn't get to have a TOS constitution class.
Then the first expansion came out, and it was the BORING Romulans. I don't want disruptors, I WANT PHASERS!
Romulans were wanted by people for years. Granted what they wanted was to play as the Romulan Star Empire and not the Reunificationists, but most have taken what Cryptic has provided there.
Then I patiently waited through YEARS of non-trek ships that were loosely based on star trek, and hundreds of hours of gameplay that hardly felt like I was a starfleet captain.
I'm guessing non-trek ships are ships that don't really resemble the kind shown on the TV series?
I'm not saying it's all been bad... When they sold the TOS bundle with the original enterprise interiors and type 2 phasers, I purchased it. The Delta Quadrant expansion was FANTASTIC, I also have the USS Voyager interiors, as well as the Defiant interior.
I have LOVED every minute that this game is true to Trek.
Doing a Delta Quadrant expansion to the game without implementing an Intrepid interior is asking for trouble from players.
NOW FINALLY MY FAVORITE ERA IS COMING! I have already pre-ordered the new expansion in full, and I am hoping they release it the first week of June! I am already planning to play the entire game in TOS and TOS movie era only. Upgrading my TOS ships to the max!
Also, this expansion will allow for better role playing, and they can expand in to the TOS movie era interiors and ships. Scotty is already wearing his engineering vest from the TOS movies if you check out the new STO website....
Lets also consider, Shatner, Koenig, Nichols and James Doohan's son are all with us to make cameo's! I think Cryptic has made a GOOD decision to do this, as it's the last chance to immortalize their voices in true trek content that we know of.
I would like to point out that you are not pre-ordering the Expansion. As was the case for Legacy of Romulus and Delta Rising, the expansion will be a free update for everyone. You're simply purchasing the new ships in advance so you'll have them ready to fly for when you finally get to play the expansion.
Another point of note is that your hope of a first week of June release date has to be dashed. Both previous expansions had a couple of months worth of tribble testing to make fine adjustments to the content as it gets stress tested by the players. It's really a wait and see game to see when the code branch and the first content for the expansion hits tribble.
One last thing I want to point out in this section is the fact that Scotty is wearing his engineering vest from the late TOS movies and the relics episode. If you notice, Worf, Nog, Harry Kim and Tom Paris are all wearing uniforms that match the series they were last in. Yet none of them appear in that attire in game. It's just a promotional image to show off the character.
The way I see it: this expansion wont appeal to a lot of younger millennials. This expansion is for us fans who have loved trek since the beginning... Aside from giving the original actors cameos (which is highly appropriate), we have a chance to create a full circle for the game in case we are getting close to end-game.
This is of course your opinion. I can be classed as a millennial and I am eager to explore the world of TOS and fly all those ships!
And if we aren't getting close to end-game, this will draw in a new bunch of fans and the next expansion can start to take place in the Gamma quadrant.
I doubt that the game is anywhere near end-game (which would mean them shutting down the servers). They're already planning what they want to accomplish for Expansion 4 and possibly 5.
]Anyways Lindsey, there's nothing trek in the gamma quadrant. This is a star trek game and as such, it has to follow what's been written.
The new trek series is being filmed in my city of Toronto, and rumors say it will be taking place between the 23rd century and the 24th century, meaning Star Trek Online is making a very good move to incorporate all the era's in to the game now.... because in 2017 the new series is going to be doing the same and a lot of new trek fans will want to see 23rd century ships and content.
End rant.
True, the developers do have to do their best to incorporate things that have been stated throughout the shows. Look at everything they've done so far:
They expanded on the Iconians, connected them to Hobus and stuck to exactly what Picard had said about them: They weren't actually bad, just other species portayed them that way because they wouldn't share their technology until the other species were at a point they could handle it.
They took the mysterious aliens from Enterprise and connected them to the Iconians. They took the Solanogen-based lifeforms from TNG and made them yet another connection to the Iconians. They also took the parasites from Season one of TNG and expanded them as being yet another connection to the Iconians, essentially tying up plot points that went unanswered.
When they revisited Voyager, they had an opportunity to turn the Vaadwaur plotline into a major enemy, and once again connected them to the Iconians since both were species that lost their homes to bombardment.
Species like the Voth and the Na'khul that got only a couple of episodes were expanded also to be enemies in the game. Even concepts that we were sure to be unconnected get tied together by Crypic. They're making sure that they cover as much as they can to tie up loose ends.
Hopefully, whatever the next series has in store, STO will definitely incorporate it in some form.
TOS First Season Time Travel: The Naked Time, Tomorrow is Yesterday, The Alternative Factor (Lazurus' ship was a time ship as well), The City on the Edge of Forever. That is 13.8% of the Season had connections to time travel.
'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
Judge Dan Haywood
'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Why? This is gonna suck. Aren't you sick of time related stories? Where's the exploration we were promised? Why aren't we in Gamma Quadrant? Why are they trying to turn this into Doctor Who? Why are you thanking them for this TRIBBLE? If you act appreciative, they'll think they're doing a good job. Stop it please otherwise nothing will ever get better.
NOW hold on just a minute.... I have put up with a "trek-*like" game LONG enough.
When I first pre-ordered Star Trek Online I was deeply saddened that I got the wrong box set, and didn't get to have a TOS constitution class.
Then the first expansion came out, and it was the BORING Romulans. I don't want disruptors, I WANT PHASERS!
Romulans were wanted by people for years. Granted what they wanted was to play as the Romulan Star Empire and not the Reunificationists, but most have taken what Cryptic has provided there.
Then I patiently waited through YEARS of non-trek ships that were loosely based on star trek, and hundreds of hours of gameplay that hardly felt like I was a starfleet captain.
I'm guessing non-trek ships are ships that don't really resemble the kind shown on the TV series?
I'm not saying it's all been bad... When they sold the TOS bundle with the original enterprise interiors and type 2 phasers, I purchased it. The Delta Quadrant expansion was FANTASTIC, I also have the USS Voyager interiors, as well as the Defiant interior.
I have LOVED every minute that this game is true to Trek.
Doing a Delta Quadrant expansion to the game without implementing an Intrepid interior is asking for trouble from players.
NOW FINALLY MY FAVORITE ERA IS COMING! I have already pre-ordered the new expansion in full, and I am hoping they release it the first week of June! I am already planning to play the entire game in TOS and TOS movie era only. Upgrading my TOS ships to the max!
Also, this expansion will allow for better role playing, and they can expand in to the TOS movie era interiors and ships. Scotty is already wearing his engineering vest from the TOS movies if you check out the new STO website....
Lets also consider, Shatner, Koenig, Nichols and James Doohan's son are all with us to make cameo's! I think Cryptic has made a GOOD decision to do this, as it's the last chance to immortalize their voices in true trek content that we know of.
I would like to point out that you are not pre-ordering the Expansion. As was the case for Legacy of Romulus and Delta Rising, the expansion will be a free update for everyone. You're simply purchasing the new ships in advance so you'll have them ready to fly for when you finally get to play the expansion.
Another point of note is that your hope of a first week of June release date has to be dashed. Both previous expansions had a couple of months worth of tribble testing to make fine adjustments to the content as it gets stress tested by the players. It's really a wait and see game to see when the code branch and the first content for the expansion hits tribble.
One last thing I want to point out in this section is the fact that Scotty is wearing his engineering vest from the late TOS movies and the relics episode. If you notice, Worf, Nog, Harry Kim and Tom Paris are all wearing uniforms that match the series they were last in. Yet none of them appear in that attire in game. It's just a promotional image to show off the character.
The way I see it: this expansion wont appeal to a lot of younger millennials. This expansion is for us fans who have loved trek since the beginning... Aside from giving the original actors cameos (which is highly appropriate), we have a chance to create a full circle for the game in case we are getting close to end-game.
This is of course your opinion. I can be classed as a millennial and I am eager to explore the world of TOS and fly all those ships!
And if we aren't getting close to end-game, this will draw in a new bunch of fans and the next expansion can start to take place in the Gamma quadrant.
I doubt that the game is anywhere near end-game (which would mean them shutting down the servers). They're already planning what they want to accomplish for Expansion 4 and possibly 5.
]Anyways Lindsey, there's nothing trek in the gamma quadrant. This is a star trek game and as such, it has to follow what's been written.
The new trek series is being filmed in my city of Toronto, and rumors say it will be taking place between the 23rd century and the 24th century, meaning Star Trek Online is making a very good move to incorporate all the era's in to the game now.... because in 2017 the new series is going to be doing the same and a lot of new trek fans will want to see 23rd century ships and content.
End rant.
True, the developers do have to do their best to incorporate things that have been stated throughout the shows. Look at everything they've done so far:
They expanded on the Iconians, connected them to Hobus and stuck to exactly what Picard had said about them: They weren't actually bad, just other species portayed them that way because they wouldn't share their technology until the other species were at a point they could handle it.
They took the mysterious aliens from Enterprise and connected them to the Iconians. They took the Solanogen-based lifeforms from TNG and made them yet another connection to the Iconians. They also took the parasites from Season one of TNG and expanded them as being yet another connection to the Iconians, essentially tying up plot points that went unanswered.
When they revisited Voyager, they had an opportunity to turn the Vaadwaur plotline into a major enemy, and once again connected them to the Iconians since both were species that lost their homes to bombardment.
Species like the Voth and the Na'khul that got only a couple of episodes were expanded also to be enemies in the game. Even concepts that we were sure to be unconnected get tied together by Crypic. They're making sure that they cover as much as they can to tie up loose ends.
Hopefully, whatever the next series has in store, STO will definitely incorporate it in some form.
Vegeta, I agree with everything you said, and see the flaw in my logic- I believe I even shrank about two inches due to your superiority- All kidding aside, I actually do agree with your points.
I'm just excited to finally get my fav. era of trek and what I consider the truest trek there is.
I fell in love with trek via The Next Generation, like most people my age (born in the early 1980's here.)
I HATED the original series. When the next generation ended, I had no choice but to watch the original six movies and I actually fell in love with the characters. As I got older and hit my twenties, I re-watched the original 1960's show and fell in love with it too.
I still find the colourful jewel buttons and basic ship designs from the 1960's to be futuristic by todays standards.
You also have to appreciate that personal computers, cell phones and ion engines and many other things from star trek circa 1960's had never been invented and were literally predicted/inspired by the show!
The idea that a computer was attached to a monitor, as most of you are reading these words WAS FIRST envisioned in a consistent and dramatic way by Star Trek the original series.
I myself am excited for my new 23rd century Captaincy and I will be playing it till end-game, hopefully in a far distant future.
Ok. Thanks for the clarification, I was laboring under the assumption that I liked Enterprise. Thank you for showing me the error of my ways.
I'm not worthy! I'm not worthy!
'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
Judge Dan Haywood
'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Whether or not folks like ENTERPEISE is moot.
It is still part of the Official Trek History and therefore very much goes against your Lack Of Time Travel comment.
Also, I believe that the average number of Time Travel episodes is 11 or 12 for each Trek show.
(excluding ENTERPRISE which obviously used it as an underling theme for it's entire run)
STO Member since February 2009. I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born! Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
People who claim that Time Travel is rare in EVERY Star Trek Series, must have never watched "ENTERPRISE".
And "Rare" is not the word I would use for the number of times that Time Travel has been used throughout Trek's history.
Not to mention in Voyager where they apparently time traveled so many times that that psycho Captain Braxton tried to travel back in time to destroy Voyager.
Will Captain Proton (Future) be an Agent of Yesterday?
Stay tuned next week. Same time, same channel.
'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
Judge Dan Haywood
'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
They used it rarely. Like you said, maybe once per season. There was ONE movie centered around it. Do you know what rare means? It means not frequent. Meanwhile EVERYTHING IN THIS GAME IS NOW TIME TRAVEL. Now an episode per season, but EVERYTHING.
And did I hear you right that we'll have to BUY the TOS ships with Zen? I thought we were gonna get TOS freebies like the current leveling. That makes this expansion even worse because that means it is NOTHING BUT A CASH GRAB. This is NOT Star Trek!
Wait a minute. A for profit company is trying to make money?! BLASPHEMY!!
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
There has been talk that new series will have independent Seasons taking place in different Eras or just before or after Star Trek Eras. Could be used in STO as well.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
You may not be concerned but CBS may be setting the tone.
No, but you explore the areas appropriate for those Eras.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
NOW hold on just a minute.... I have put up with a "trek-*like" game LONG enough.
When I first pre-ordered Star Trek Online I was deeply saddened that I got the wrong box set, and didn't get to have a TOS constitution class.
Then the first expansion came out, and it was the BORING Romulans. I don't want disruptors, I WANT PHASERS!
Then I patiently waited through YEARS of non-trek ships that were loosely based on star trek, and hundreds of hours of gameplay that hardly felt like I was a starfleet captain.
I'm not saying it's all been bad... When they sold the TOS bundle with the original enterprise interiors and type 2 phasers, I purchased it. The Delta Quadrant expansion was FANTASTIC, I also have the USS Voyager interiors, as well as the Defiant interior.
I have LOVED every minute that this game is true to Trek.
NOW FINALLY MY FAVORITE ERA IS COMING! I have already pre-ordered the new expansion in full, and I am hoping they release it the first week of June! I am already planning to play the entire game in TOS and TOS movie era only. Upgrading my TOS ships to the max!
Also, this expansion will allow for better role playing, and they can expand in to the TOS movie era interiors and ships. Scotty is already wearing his engineering vest from the TOS movies if you check out the new STO website....
Lets also consider, Shatner, Koenig, Nichols and James Doohan's son are all with us to make cameo's! I think Cryptic has made a GOOD decision to do this, as it's the last chance to immortalize their voices in true trek content that we know of.
The way I see it: this expansion wont appeal to a lot of younger millennials. This expansion is for us fans who have loved trek since the beginning... Aside from giving the original actors cameos (which is highly appropriate), we have a chance to create a full circle for the game in case we are getting close to end-game.
And if we aren't getting close to end-game, this will draw in a new bunch of fans and the next expansion can start to take place in the Gamma quadrant.
Anyways Lindsey, there's nothing trek in the gamma quadrant. This is a star trek game and as such, it has to follow what's been written.
The new trek series is being filmed in my city of Toronto, and rumors say it will be taking place between the 23rd century and the 24th century, meaning Star Trek Online is making a very good move to incorporate all the era's in to the game now.... because in 2017 the new series is going to be doing the same and a lot of new trek fans will want to see 23rd century ships and content.
End rant.
And "Rare" is not the word I would use for the number of times that Time Travel has been used throughout Trek's history.
I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
Every single Star trek show that's ever aired HAS USED TIME TRAVEL.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
Born '89, grown up with TNG and VOY. Discovered TOS thanks to DVDs. Loving the heck out this expansion announcement.
TOS (and particular TMP) is my favorite era and I can't wait to start. Maybe I'm the exception, who knows lol
"Let them eat static!"
I'll be right there enjoying it alongside you.
Romulans were wanted by people for years. Granted what they wanted was to play as the Romulan Star Empire and not the Reunificationists, but most have taken what Cryptic has provided there.
I'm guessing non-trek ships are ships that don't really resemble the kind shown on the TV series?
Doing a Delta Quadrant expansion to the game without implementing an Intrepid interior is asking for trouble from players.
I would like to point out that you are not pre-ordering the Expansion. As was the case for Legacy of Romulus and Delta Rising, the expansion will be a free update for everyone. You're simply purchasing the new ships in advance so you'll have them ready to fly for when you finally get to play the expansion.
Another point of note is that your hope of a first week of June release date has to be dashed. Both previous expansions had a couple of months worth of tribble testing to make fine adjustments to the content as it gets stress tested by the players. It's really a wait and see game to see when the code branch and the first content for the expansion hits tribble.
One last thing I want to point out in this section is the fact that Scotty is wearing his engineering vest from the late TOS movies and the relics episode. If you notice, Worf, Nog, Harry Kim and Tom Paris are all wearing uniforms that match the series they were last in. Yet none of them appear in that attire in game. It's just a promotional image to show off the character.
This is of course your opinion. I can be classed as a millennial and I am eager to explore the world of TOS and fly all those ships!
I doubt that the game is anywhere near end-game (which would mean them shutting down the servers). They're already planning what they want to accomplish for Expansion 4 and possibly 5.
True, the developers do have to do their best to incorporate things that have been stated throughout the shows. Look at everything they've done so far:
They expanded on the Iconians, connected them to Hobus and stuck to exactly what Picard had said about them: They weren't actually bad, just other species portayed them that way because they wouldn't share their technology until the other species were at a point they could handle it.
They took the mysterious aliens from Enterprise and connected them to the Iconians. They took the Solanogen-based lifeforms from TNG and made them yet another connection to the Iconians. They also took the parasites from Season one of TNG and expanded them as being yet another connection to the Iconians, essentially tying up plot points that went unanswered.
When they revisited Voyager, they had an opportunity to turn the Vaadwaur plotline into a major enemy, and once again connected them to the Iconians since both were species that lost their homes to bombardment.
Species like the Voth and the Na'khul that got only a couple of episodes were expanded also to be enemies in the game. Even concepts that we were sure to be unconnected get tied together by Crypic. They're making sure that they cover as much as they can to tie up loose ends.
Hopefully, whatever the next series has in store, STO will definitely incorporate it in some form.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Vegeta, I agree with everything you said, and see the flaw in my logic- I believe I even shrank about two inches due to your superiority- All kidding aside, I actually do agree with your points.
I'm just excited to finally get my fav. era of trek and what I consider the truest trek there is.
I fell in love with trek via The Next Generation, like most people my age (born in the early 1980's here.)
I HATED the original series. When the next generation ended, I had no choice but to watch the original six movies and I actually fell in love with the characters. As I got older and hit my twenties, I re-watched the original 1960's show and fell in love with it too.
I still find the colourful jewel buttons and basic ship designs from the 1960's to be futuristic by todays standards.
You also have to appreciate that personal computers, cell phones and ion engines and many other things from star trek circa 1960's had never been invented and were literally predicted/inspired by the show!
The idea that a computer was attached to a monitor, as most of you are reading these words WAS FIRST envisioned in a consistent and dramatic way by Star Trek the original series.
I myself am excited for my new 23rd century Captaincy and I will be playing it till end-game, hopefully in a far distant future.
I'm not worthy! I'm not worthy!
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
It is still part of the Official Trek History and therefore very much goes against your Lack Of Time Travel comment.
Also, I believe that the average number of Time Travel episodes is 11 or 12 for each Trek show.
(excluding ENTERPRISE which obviously used it as an underling theme for it's entire run)
I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
Not to mention in Voyager where they apparently time traveled so many times that that psycho Captain Braxton tried to travel back in time to destroy Voyager.
Stay tuned next week. Same time, same channel.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!