The time shuttle gets the unique deflector, which can do a whole lot of damage if used correctly, but it also gets sensor analysis too. IMO it looks better with the Korath skin than vice versa and tonight I'll have to see if it can also use the Paradox skin.
The to'Duj fighter should also get a mention for having built in Rapid Fire I but is otherwise unremarkable.
rattler2Member, Star Trek Online ModeratorPosts: 58,971Community Moderator
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I love my little Arwing... I mean Aeon Timeshuttle.
I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite colored text = mod mode
Well, I can't say for certain but I'd think the timeship shuttle is high on the list. Aside from being a fun shuttle to fly it also has a unique piece of equipment and its skin can be used as an unlock for three different full sized ships... the Wells, the Mobius, and the Paradox. Not to mention it can be opened on a KDF captain for a faction specific version as well; whose hull material can, again, be used as a skin on their timeships. Then, going in the opposite direction, you can use the consoles from the timeships (if you own them) on the shuttle which can also be pretty fun.
EDIT: Oops, looks like my edit about also being able to use the consoles on it came a bit late. Though since I'm making this second edit, I'll agree with saurializard below. I've never had the chance to try the voth one myself, but I've always heard good things about it from friends.
As Zephram Cochrane once said, "That'll do, pig. That'll do." - April 1st 2015.
Well, I can't say for certain but I'd think the timeship shuttle is high on the list. Aside from being a fun shuttle to fly it also has a unique piece of equipment and its skin can be used as an unlock for three different full sized ships... the Wells, the Mobius, and the Paradox. Not to mention it can be opened on a KDF captain for a faction specific version as well; whose hull material can, again, be used for its skin on their timeships.
While I agree the timeship is awesome (it can also use the temporal console set, BTW, so enjoy having your 3 timeships fighting together or rewinding time), it (at least the Fed version, the Aeon) has a little (literally) problem: it's small.
Small as in the energy weapon beams and bolts are nearly bigger than it and their point of origin is bigger than it, which can look weird at best and not do good to your eyes at worst.
In second place, I'd place the Voth heavy fighter. It's big, yes, it has a slower turn rate, yes, but it's pretty cool, has a built-in Hazard Emitters 1, I find its look unique and pretty and it's resilient. One problem, even if it's classified as a fighter, it can't equip dual cannons.
I have the Voth heavy fighter and it's always been pretty decent. It can tank better than anything else of that size I'd say and that counts for a lotion a shuttle. Can't equip dil cannons but I've not noticed that as a problem.
I can't imagine any of them being worth 300 lobi more than a plain old Runabout.
If forced to spend the crystals, I'd go with the Pythus, because you can equip 2 Torpedo Spread I skills, and that seems to be by far the best skill in shuttle vs. shuttle pve, even taking into account the shared cooldown. The built-in (slow recharging) Beam Overload is gravy. Mind you, I haven't been doing shuttle missions lately, but from what I saw when I got the pre-reputation Reman set the old fashioned way, with 100 Vault shuttle runs, I wouldn't even consider any other shuttle. (I'd still save my lobi and use a freebie shuttle though.)
I use the Voth Heavy fighter and it is really a nice tight little ship. It tanks well, has integrated Hazard Emitters, an ensign engineer and an ensign universal boff slots which makes it pretty versatile.
No one has talked about the Tholian Widow fighter ship. Is it any good? I see that they are selling for around 80 million ec in the exchange.
Oh, NM, thought this was about pets. In that case, the Widow is actually very nice. It's got a good loadout and a little more durability than the others.
I use the Voth Heavy Fighter and have for quite a while. It's great as shuttles go. It's good enough that I dismissed all my other small craft if that tells you anything.
EDIT: Oops, looks like my edit about also being able to use the consoles on it came a bit late. Though since I'm making this second edit, I'll agree with saurializard below. I've never had the chance to try the voth one myself, but I've always heard good things about it from friends.
While I agree the timeship is awesome (it can also use the temporal console set, BTW, so enjoy having your 3 timeships fighting together or rewinding time), it (at least the Fed version, the Aeon) has a little (literally) problem: it's small.
Small as in the energy weapon beams and bolts are nearly bigger than it and their point of origin is bigger than it, which can look weird at best and not do good to your eyes at worst.
In second place, I'd place the Voth heavy fighter. It's big, yes, it has a slower turn rate, yes, but it's pretty cool, has a built-in Hazard Emitters 1, I find its look unique and pretty and it's resilient. One problem, even if it's classified as a fighter, it can't equip dual cannons.
Can't equip dil cannons but I've not noticed that as a problem.
If forced to spend the crystals, I'd go with the Pythus, because you can equip 2 Torpedo Spread I skills, and that seems to be by far the best skill in shuttle vs. shuttle pve, even taking into account the shared cooldown. The built-in (slow recharging) Beam Overload is gravy. Mind you, I haven't been doing shuttle missions lately, but from what I saw when I got the pre-reputation Reman set the old fashioned way, with 100 Vault shuttle runs, I wouldn't even consider any other shuttle. (I'd still save my lobi and use a freebie shuttle though.)
Oh, NM, thought this was about pets. In that case, the Widow is actually very nice. It's got a good loadout and a little more durability than the others.