Anyone else upset at it being so high?
From discussion in game, there are quite a few people who want it high because most do not spend actual cash in the game. Majority grind for the dil to trade on the market. With the 1% mentality and the 'gold sellers', the game economy will become like Neverwinter's.......bad. Perma ban 'gold sellers' and watch for people that are driving up the dil market because they don't like that others cannot spend the same or close to the same amount of cash as they do. I grind and spend cash when I am able. Just hope the 1%ers do not ruin another game by making it for the rich.
Say what?!?!
As someone who grinds for Zen I know the market pretty well.
We just need something that will balance out the economy in some way. IMO 250/1 is a relatively decent exchange rate for both Zen Sellers and Grinders because the of the effort to reward ratio. If it gets too high, EVERYONE suffers because no trading will occur. I doubt even the hardcore grinders would be willing to trade at 500/1 because its just not worth it at that point.
And cidjack... I know what you're going to say. In fact I'm pretty sure everyone knows what you're going to say. You've beaten us with that fish every chance you get.
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Inflation was actually caused by Cryptic making more EC, mats and dil available to "the poors" (casual players) not by the 1%. Hardcore grinders were already maxing the dil refinement cap long before Admiralty and increased mission rewards.
The number of things that made Zen more desirable without a counterbalance is a major contributor. Also we had the Mirror event last year, which gave 50k per character, we had the more recent Breach event, which gave 50k per character, and guess what's coming up this month? Crystaline, with 50k per character. Market saturation right there. With no counterbalance.
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
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Right, Cryptic made it much easier for "normal" players to get large amounts of dil compared to what they earned before. Even with a single character it's trivial to get an extra 1,000+ per day for spending a few minutes on Admiralty. Plus we've added Delta, Iconian and Terran reps with their 32,000 dil completion payouts.
And even if the casuals just went from 1000 per day up to 2000 that has a huge effect from their sheer numbers. 1,000 players x 1,000 = 1 million extra dil on the market every day.
Cryptic has tried to get people to use it up on gear upgrades and Fleet projects, but that hasn't been enough. And they've done nothing to get people to spend more EC outside of the exchange.
Perhaps they should add some blue-quality space gear to the EC stores to soak up some of the EC.
Awoken Dead
Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
As others have said, based on the weekly-or-more threads on this topic... yes, some people are.
Personally, I'm not bothered by it. The rate varies over time & due to various factors (as mentioned, higher supply of Dil + higher demand for zen). Did I enjoy when it was only 100? Sure. Am I pissed that it's 320? Nah.
(When I first joined, there were a number of threads on the forum, proclaiming the collapse of the game's economy, because the exchange rate was dropping below 300. The big-money-men who bought zen to exchange for Dil - for their fleets/etc - all running around saying the sky was falling.... if the rate dropped any lower, people would stop buying zen, and the game would get no money & die. Clearly, given how the game survived through a period of 90-130 exchange rates, that wasn't the case. But it's also doubtful that the rate being ~320 will kill the game either. /shrug)
And maybe it's just me, but it still doesn't seem that high overall.
Pretty much this, though not like I am ever going to exchange any of it while is stays above 250 per Zen; it just isn't worth it for me.
While the Dilthium market is a player driven economy, Cryptic have done their very best to inflate it to such stupid levels, that they have all but destroyed any chance of casual/free players ever being able to buy anything...
normal text = me speaking as fellow formite
colored text = mod mode
I think the players nowadays are spending smarter via dilithium & Zen. I'll admit I was REAL tempted in giving in recently since Cryptic had a ship sale & Zen sale in tandem but I avoided it but just barely.
The lowered tiered ships are just not worth their cost mostly now with higher leveled ships & content available & same with dilithium costs for most Reputation & Fleet items. Their values have lessened yet their costs have not. There is more ways to earn dilithium now which in essence lessens the cost but that is still grinding a lot of effort. I rarely surpass MK XII when upgrading because for most PvE content, to me, the cost isn't worth it whereas for PvP I definitely see an incentive if not need to do so.
& I refuse, even if it is on sale, to buy a ship that they gave away for free but to only certain players & not me. What I would do probably is be tempted to buy a ship that completed a console set for a ship that if I had been given it for free & that I could use. After all we can only pilot 1 ship at a time.
To each their own though if you can afford it & deem it a good enough value buy it, heck I want Crpytic to operate in a way again that makes me want to buy Zen, but I will state there last transparent giveawasy I thought were very well done, sure not perfect, but they included something for everybody & that's inclusive not exclusive.
If the Dilithium Exchange was truly player only orientated & propelled why is there such a narrow spectrum of the buy & sell limiting the range? To keep it in check? Well then it is being at least partially manipulated isn't it?
There's no difference between me only earning 8k dil a day and no stockpile and having a stockpile as 8k is all that can be traded unless you save each 8k for x amount of days/weeks for a big purchase. But that has always been the way the exchange works. So as i've said i don't buy into the market saturation as whether i have 500k unrefined or 0k unrefined it still takes the same amount of time to earn 500 zen with or without a stockpile if you earn 8k dil per day whilst in game.
I will agree that it is easier to build up stockpiles of dil which will affect could affect PvE queues as people don't need to play the game as much
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Save all that for an Upgrade Weekend and you'll go very far indeed.
Then wait a while....
If you dont like the exchange rate for dil - zen, dont buy it, if enough people dont like the proce, and dont buy it, eventually the rate will drop so the supply side can move thier zen.
I'll let you know in 6 days, when I get it refined..
When people talk about there being "more Dil" around, they're not talking about the folks who have huge piles of unrefined. Sure, those people have been maxing out their 8k limit every day for months/years. But it's all the players who haven't been maxing out that they're referring to - the Admiralty system, for ex, gave those players a boost in how much they were refining. Ditto for increased mission rewards.
So the end result is that there's more refined Dil around. The same 8k/day from the players with massive stockpiles, but more Dil/day from the guys who don't have a backlog of unrefined.
(Personally, I never have a backlog on my characters except when I finish a rep, or when there's a bonus weekend & I have VIP mining claims. But, then, I've got 9 alts. /shrug)
Pretty much this.
Already climbing up 6 points on last night 324-330