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Who is left to be the big villain? Who do you suggest?



  • thomaselkinsthomaselkins Member Posts: 575 Arc User
    The Hur'q.

    It was theorized they were responsible for the Fek'Ihri and it was recently believed that the Iconians had been responsible for them both. The Iconian War is officially over now, but T'Ket still has a stick up her butt and the Hur'q could still be at her disposal. Like the Elachi who plagued the Alpha/Beta Quadrants and the Vaadwaur who plagued the Delta Quadrant, I would expect the Hur'q are in the Gamma Quadrant. This will give us an excuse to add the Gamma Quadrant to the game and give us a reason to meet the Dominion directly this time. I'm sure they could be fighting the Hur'q and never bother to tell us about it because they'd be too stubborn to ask for help or even admit they have a problem. Don't want people thinking their mighty Dominion is weak now do they?
  • rattler2rattler2 Member, Star Trek Online Moderator Posts: 58,913 Community Moderator
    Hm... the Hur'q are an interesting idea. We could also end up with something new that could even catapult us into the Andromeda Galaxy if there are gates out there. The Herald Sphere used to be in Andromeda. There's nothing saying that was the ONLY thing there.

    But opening up the Gamma Quadrant might be a first step.
    I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
    The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
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  • asuran14asuran14 Member Posts: 2,335 Arc User
    edited March 2016
    What about sentient warp capable, and high technologically advanced....... Tribbles.... which are bend on.......... enslaving all non-tribble life to their will an desires of being forever petted an fluffed by...... suffocating all that oppose them with cuddling an fluffing upon them.
  • feiqafeiqa Member Posts: 2,410 Arc User
    As a shake up? The RR gets admitted to the Federation and the Vulcans follow T'nae and leave the Federation.

    Problem is the current arc has such potential. Since it is time travel related, all those events that are handled can come back full bore. Oh we handled the borg? Those victories have been undone. Do it again. Fek'lri? Yeah they are coming back and helping the true way to not be defeated like they had been. Noye could potentially redo every single villain out there as a 2.0 version that is better than when we first encountered them.

    Originally Posted by pwlaughingtrendy
    Network engineers are not ship designers.
    Nor should they be. Their ships would look weird.
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  • farmallmfarmallm Member Posts: 4,630 Arc User
    There is a lot of open plots still can be used. I don't think we need one.

    Do we get Vega back?
    What about the Prophets Gates that Sela told about. She said no human has ever been there. That is totally new.
    We still have new areas of all 4 Quadrants.
    The Remans been quite for a while. What about them?

    USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
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  • kodachikunokodachikuno Member Posts: 6,020 Arc User1
    nikeix wrote: »
    The rise of the Kithess-Sisahn, a Gorn messianic figure (sort of a incarnation of Kali in human terms) and her launching a Gorn/Voth genocidal purge of the endotherms of the galaxy. Chaos in the Klingon Empire as the loyalties of millions of Gorn throughout the government is called into question. An exhausted Federation hard hit by world-burning ecological warfare. The Romulan Republic directly besieged by the Voth in the Solonae Sphere as the two halves of the new axis struggle to secure the critical Iconian gateway. Caches of Elachi ships looted from subspace to arm the Gorn "Purists". Ground battles on Memory Alpha as Purist commandos try to loot Federation data cores. An actual omega particle detonation reshaping some otherwise boring sector of the Alpha quadrant as the Vorn play their ultimate trump card. Cameos for numerous minor races caught in the advance. An alliance of desperation with the Tholians. And what the Cardassians are up to during all the turmoil will leave you shocked!

    ok... here's my problem with that... I WANT TO SIDE WITH THE "BAD" GUYS :P seriously... thats not all that different than a foundry mission I want to write where the Voth and Gorn rebels ally up and some other stuff. Kinda like I would rather help free the timeline from Federation oppression atm. I'm frankly sick of propping up the UFP-centric TRIBBLE we get handed.
    rattler2 wrote: »
    Hm... the Hur'q are an interesting idea. We could also end up with something new that could even catapult us into the Andromeda Galaxy if there are gates out there. The Herald Sphere used to be in Andromeda. There's nothing saying that was the ONLY thing there.

    But opening up the Gamma Quadrant might be a first step.

    Yeah but we get there and theres this dude wearing some cool armor with an N7 logo on it and he kicks our asses right back out of there.
    tacofangs wrote: »
    STO isn't canon, and neither are any of the books.
  • equinox976equinox976 Member Posts: 2,305 Arc User
    Did somebody break shatner's nose? It seems to get wider and wider everytime I see him :D
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  • nebfabnebfab Member Posts: 672 Arc User
    Big bads are overrated, would like to see a return to more trekkish episodes and story telling.
    Or better yet, an exploration revamp.
    Additionally I would like to see the peace accords break down at some point, plunging the Federation, KDF and Romulans back into war again, with a proper PvE/PvP hybrid metagame involving capturing and controlling sectors.

    Well, it's a neat idea in principle, but it's not going to happen, first, Walker said that preserving the current alliance is one of the main goals of the future!Fed (which ofc doesn't necessarily mean it's there forever, but it's definitely there for a while) and, more importantly, if done in any meaningful way it's much more expensive (triple the story arcs) and risky. Quite a few people just don't care about PvP on principle, and may feel like it's foisted on them, and it's not likely a horde of new PvPers would just beam in to justify the expense. (Me personally? I'll give it a try, but probably will give up after being ganked and then insulted by someone using the newest 1337 supa-v@p0r, then getting that 1337 supa-v@p0r myself, ganking someone and feeling bad about it. If it's more urbane and balanced... Well... As a 90's kid I have trouble imagining any other kind of PvP, tbh. My hunch is it would be even more cut-throat than stuff back then, if anything, just more polite.)

    As for new Big Bads... I wish it was mirror Leeta, she is just so unapologetically vicious and so old-school-Trek hammy without being smug (unlike certain other major female villain) that I love to hate her.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    edited March 2016
    rattler2 wrote: »
    Hm... the Hur'q are an interesting idea. We could also end up with something new that could even catapult us into the Andromeda Galaxy if there are gates out there. The Herald Sphere used to be in Andromeda. There's nothing saying that was the ONLY thing there.

    But opening up the Gamma Quadrant might be a first step.
    My guess is that the Hur'q are an Iconian servitor race, possibly a rogue one now that their masters are in isolation. Why? well, the way the Delta recruit objectives worked you find this thing, that was leftover from the Hur'q invasion... and it's apparently derived from Iconian tech.

    Which in turn suggests that some of the theoretical basis of Klingon tech may have been reverse engineered from captured Iconian Servitor tech.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • chastity1337chastity1337 Member Posts: 1,608 Arc User
    goodscotch wrote: »
    What happened to the Davidians, those blue ghost guys? Was that ever really wrapped up?

    The FBI burned them all to death at Waco two decades ago...
  • lopequillopequil Member Posts: 1,226 Arc User
    @markhawkman So, Hur'q = Drakh? That would be a good story if Cryptic didn't stand to have JMS sue their pants off.
  • staq16staq16 Member Posts: 1,181 Arc User
    aliguana wrote: »
    the Sphere Builders are the next big bad. Not the Na'kul (they are worse off than the Romulans, being scattered refugees around the galaxy).

    This. They've been trailing the Builders since "Butterfly". Only problem I can see is that they need to be around for another 150 years or so before their final defeat by the Federation and its allies... which probably means that they'll just end up being staved off for a century.

    Actually, that raises a good point; despite what the OP said, most of the major villains aren't defeated, we just haven't seen them in a while. Only with the Undine and Iconians do we have any real conclusions.

    The Borg never suffered an explicit defeat - we know that the Iconians and/or their servitors hit them hard once, but that's all. They've proven able to bounce back from worse and were still actively hunting the Cooperative

    The Vaadwaur suffered a major defeat and accepted peace, but are still able to menace the Kobali. Again, not completely broken.

    The Voth took losses as the hands of the alliance, Undine and Vaadwaur, but no indication they were broken as a force.

    The Tholians and Breen are still waiting in the wings. I'd guess the Iconians hit them too, or they'd be exploiting the other powers weakness.

    Personally, I'd like to see the Borg back for another round - they're still Trek's most impressive villains, IMO, and their heyday in STO was 2012. That's long enough for a repeat. I'd also expect to see more of the Terran Empire- really we've had an intro and nothing more.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    lopequil wrote: »
    @markhawkman So, Hur'q = Drakh? That would be a good story if Cryptic didn't stand to have JMS sue their pants off.
    Nah, can't see that. The Hur'q aren't that similar.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • asuran14asuran14 Member Posts: 2,335 Arc User
    edited March 2016
    When I think about it after the temporal arc we have going now with the sphere builders and the like, that I would want less of a singular foe an more of splinter groups maybe goaded into attacking by weakness or another force. I mean we have the Vaadwaur/voth in the delta quad that could work into somewhat of a issue situation along side the borg that would see the voth an Vaadwaur in a quite weakened state as possible targets for assimilation. Than you have the tholians that are part of the temporal war an so might have links with the sphere builders, as well as the breen which could both work into attacking separately against the fed/kdf/rom in a weakened state after the two wars/conflicts. Than you have the dominion that is gamma quad bound yet might look into getting involved in taking control of the wormhole. This is not even getting into the fact of the Undine that still might have spies active an watching what is happening, might sound weird yet what if a change done during this current arc by the Annorax brought back the Undine cooper into prominence in the undine faction an even creating maybe a schism in it.

    In this way you have no true big bad, but several groups wearing down the three factions on all sides, and allowing for several story arcs that take place between several areas. It would be really interesting an nice to see as well as give more time for developing content as well as story arcs by releasing them one mission per month at a time alternating between quadrants. Give us several new red alerts one in each quadrant based on which group is in that area, and we would have alot of interesting content to keep us interested an not feeling like we are facing a specific enemy, but just dealing with fighting several upstart groups that are capitalizing on our weakened state after the conflicts.
  • qziqzaqziqza Member Posts: 1,044 Arc User
    TOS style icons used with the kind permission of irvinis.deviantart.com ©2013-2015
  • eldritchxeldritchx Member Posts: 120 Arc User
    Extrapolating from those who mentioned yourself and Revan, I think it would be quite an interesting turn for the big bad to turn out to be... you! (a la Revan) , perhaps from an alternate timeline.
  • jorantomalakjorantomalak Member Posts: 7,133 Arc User
    jbmonroe wrote: »
    The Dominion

    Tbh they are the one galactic power that still makes the feddie bears soil their britches at the mere thought of a 2nd dominion war.

    You know, just once I'd like to have an adult conversation in here. Does name-calling really enhance the quality of the discourse?

    Yes it does.

    And its the truth the feddy bears would do almost anything to not have to go to war with the dominion again, so if cryptic did a 2nd dominion war it would set the stage for maybe the ultra mega federation?

    You would have the dominion getting ahold of iconian gate tech via T'ket they have been building up their military strentgh for sometime now, with the female founder released back to the dominion.
    the fact they watched an old battle fleet almost bring the feds klinks and roms to their knees and take DS9, would embolden them let alone the federation and its allies are still weak from the iconian war.

    This would be the perfect time for the dominion to strike, and not only get invade but maybe become a new faction it could be the new faction which could include the cardis.

    Have the klinks and roms join the feds out of neccessity , and the cards get left out and look at this new federation as a threat so they rejoin the dominion.

    Blue V Purple in a war that would shape not only the alpha but the gamma quads aswell, ik ik well we have the bug,jhdc etc etc ships ingame already......so what those are old ships, i would think the dominion has made newer more advanced ship then something they used 40+ years ago.

    and lockbox ship so what again, you can always put a T-1 bug ship with the same 2x1 weapons slot like the miranda ,NX etc , and have some familiar ships but not as good as the LB ships, but aswell include a whole new cache of new designs aswell.

    Its a thought
  • qziqzaqziqza Member Posts: 1,044 Arc User
    edited March 2016
    eldritchx wrote: »
    Extrapolating from those who mentioned yourself and Revan, I think it would be quite an interesting turn for the big bad to turn out to be... you! (a la Revan) , perhaps from an alternate timeline.

    exactly :wink:

    i'd love a story line where we get to choose which protagonist we are.. do we play our current self, or take the role of our alternate self? could be some great content in there, they could write us into any combination of series, during any 2 or 3 time frames, at any known or currently unknown locations, the fun they could have with building that story line, the fun we could have playing it.

    in the course of our characters development, we have, each of us, been pushed down the route of making some pretty hefty choices, and taken some unthinkable risks. our principles have been stretched, our morals questioned, and our sense of duty truly tested.

    add into the mix the complexities of a multiverse, divergent time lines, and our ability to manipulate and travel them, who knows what long term effects that can have on our (has had/will have on our) physiology and psychology, not too mention the almost definite effect all this will have on our philosophical outlook.

    we are at an apex moment, standing looking at our entire existence [past.. present.. possible future] through a science display. we must be asking ourselves.. questioning ourselves.. about those pivotal moments? the reasoning, the rational, the validation? with everything came a price, but what of the actual value?

    ​i mean, what if we could just... or maybe not actually accept to... or that 1 time maybe listened to our conscience and acted on that..​​
    Post edited by qziqza on
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  • peterconnorfirstpeterconnorfirst Member Posts: 6,225 Arc User
    I've always loved the Borg as an enemy. So much you can do with them. I hope they make a come back. Let them find a way to assimilate undine, iconian, and krenim. There's your next bad guy.

    I'm with you. Borg are best. I hope we get more of them in the future. :)
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    felisean wrote: »
    teamwork to reach a goal is awesome and highly appreciated
  • equinox976equinox976 Member Posts: 2,305 Arc User
    We have not seen this Villain for a long time:

    Perhaps his search for Eden have left him a broken disillusioned man?

    What horrors will he visit upon the Federation as he strums his gentle tune of oblivion?
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  • aliguanaaliguana Member Posts: 262 Arc User
    nah, he just doesn't reach me...

    but as several people have said, i'd like a whole season where there isn't a big bad. Like Trek, every episode takes place on a different world with a different race, some you fight, some you hug, some you make out with.. oh wait, that was just Kirk...
    LUKARI GUERILLA GARDENING MILITIA - Glowing fingers are Growing fingers!
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  • equinox976equinox976 Member Posts: 2,305 Arc User
    azrael605 wrote: »
    equinox976 wrote: »
    We have not seen this Villain for a long time:

    Perhaps his search for Eden have left him a broken disillusioned man?

    What horrors will he visit upon the Federation as he strums his gentle tune of oblivion?

    Adam died.

    So did Spock :D I'm sure we can think of a plot device to bring him and his funky music back to trek; perhaps the Kobali found his corpse...
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