Anyone else have this? My main toon has maxed out all 105 specializations, and now I have 21 surplus specialization points. From what I've read these are supposed to automatically convert to dilithium, but it's clearly not happening here. I raised a ticket but was advised to report it as a bug (done) and post here (done) to see if anybody else has had this happen to them.
[06/16 11:51] [Combat (Self)] Your Advanced Dual Heavy Radiant Antiproton Cannons - Hypercharge deals 237970 (113626) Antiproton Damage(Critical) to Tactical Cube.
AHAHAHA! Eat it Borg!
[09/15 11:01] [Combat (Self)] You lose 12187085 Cold Damage from Death.
Death is OP, please nerf. I BLAME KURLAND FOR THIS!
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
The dil reward is still present, just many players are far from reaching it because of the number of boxes they opened, which do not count towards the maximum.
Eh, no I am at the maximum on my main and I am not getting Dilithium for the getting the max on Holodeck. However, on Tribble that system is still in affect.. lol