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  • baiazbaiaz Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    Hello. I just noticed that the Borg deflector, the Aegis deflector and the Delta deflector all of them have points to "Power insulators" on Holodeck , however on Tribble they get only "Control Expertise" , and no "Drain Expertise" whatsoever. Probably some bug in the stats translation ? Other deflectors and items get correct translation from "Power Insulators" to "Drain Expertise".
  • primar13primar13 Member Posts: 1,896 Bug Hunter
    edited February 2016
    baiaz wrote: »
    Hello. I just noticed that the Borg deflector, the Aegis deflector and the Delta deflector all of them have points to "Power insulators" on Holodeck , however on Tribble they get only "Control Expertise" , and no "Drain Expertise" whatsoever. Probably some bug in the stats translation ? Other deflectors and items get correct translation from "Power Insulators" to "Drain Expertise".

    Based off My Conversion Charts the Stats ~should~ be.

    Original Stats

    +5 Aux Power
    +26.2 [HullCap]
    +17.5 [CtrlX]
    +43.7 [DrainX]

    Now this doesn't mean its gonna be.... A Lot of items seem to have gotten a Parity Pass to prevent insanely high buffs to one category. We will have to wait for Bort for the finaly say so. :)
  • baiazbaiaz Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    primar13 wrote: »

    Based off My Conversion Charts the Stats ~should~ be.

    Original Stats

    +5 Aux Power
    +26.2 [HullCap]
    +17.5 [CtrlX]
    +43.7 [DrainX]

    Now this doesn't mean its gonna be.... A Lot of items seem to have gotten a Parity Pass to prevent insanely high buffs to one category. We will have to wait for Bort for the finaly say so. :)

    I think you have miscalculated here. You have added the inertial dampeners to DrainX where they should go to CtrlX. The stats should be 35 CtrX and 26.2 DrainX. :) At least on other items Inertial Dampers got converted to CtrlX.

    Sooo it does not seem to be much overpowered . Unlike the Terran deflector ...where you get over 50 DrainX. Interestingly enough the Borg deflector on Tribble has

    5 aux
    26.2 HullCap
    and over 60 CtrlX

    As it seems Inertial Dampers , GravGens and Power Insulators got all converted to CntrX.

  • shailatshailat Member Posts: 478 Arc User
    lucho80 wrote: »
    Log in to Tribble, character appears in ESD, disconnected in 3 secs
    Log in to Tribble, character appears in ESD, disconnected in 5 secs
    Log in to Tribble, character appears in ESD, disconnected in 15 secs

    I think eventually I'll be able to remain in Tribble long enough to actually test.

    Im having the same issue, can log in, but get disconnected after 10 - 20 secs of being in
  • donburritodonburrito Member Posts: 39 Arc User
    shailat wrote: »
    lucho80 wrote: »
    Log in to Tribble, character appears in ESD, disconnected in 3 secs
    Log in to Tribble, character appears in ESD, disconnected in 5 secs
    Log in to Tribble, character appears in ESD, disconnected in 15 secs

    I think eventually I'll be able to remain in Tribble long enough to actually test.

    Im having the same issue, can log in, but get disconnected after 10 - 20 secs of being in

    Yep same issue here. Even tried deleting every single toon I had on Tribble and copying over just one of them again. Seemed fine for 20 seconds and then BAM gone again.
    Online DJ and Audio Engineer for Kirtang Pirate Radio and occasional Blog Writer for The G & T Show
    Facebook Page: Don Burrito
    Twitter: @DonBurrito143
  • megraemegrae Member Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    ladymyajha wrote: »
    This is going to suck for pet builds, I don't doubt it.

    These are all brand new bonuses! You didn't need them before, why feel penalized if they take effort to achieve? It's not like you're losing anything.

    Except you now have one problem. If you spec into that to be competent/good in your Carrier at the potential it has... you just lost being competent in most of your other ships. And for $5 (or even the sale prices briefly) a pop to be able to go back to your other ships, its just not worth it.

    My newish Jupiter is now basically a wasted purchase in this new system as I primarily fly science ships. Currently I can easily jump into it with my build (on Holodeck). But as you said there are new skills. So while I will have good science ships after using my skill points (in the new system) to be able to run my hybrid exotic/ drain beam build (almost back to how I had it), I will lose A LOT of potential the carrier should have, to the point that it would only be mediocre and not very fun to play, especially compared to someone skilled fully into it.

    What kind of incentive is that for me to 'exploring new builds and playstyles', or even buy more ships that are not science ships, when you want us to pay real money to properly spec into ships? Right (with this new skill tree) now I can either be an awesome Science ship pilot, and weak carrier pilot (based on lost skills), or the other way around. Or, I could make both of them mediocre, making it not very fun. Unlike currently where I can do pretty darn good in either.

    Didn't we have this having to spec into ships thing in the original skill tree? And you all got rid of it, well, with this new tree, it sure looks like its coming back.

    Side note: I really hope you all fix carrier pets overall (AI included), like back to how they were before they were nerfed again for being 'too powerful'.

    Twilight, Particle Physicist that stole the ship.
    Original Signup date: August 4, 2008
    LTS since Pre-Order
  • salacnar070890salacnar070890 Member Posts: 425 Bug Hunter
    Asking @borticuscryptic to see what he can make of this build in the new system

    Why don't you?

    Eng: 2 Hull Rest, 3 Hull Capacity, 1 Hull Plating, 3 EPS+Energy Shunt, 2 Impulse Expertise, 1 Def Subsys, 1 Off Subsys, 3 Warp Core Potential+Eff
    Sci: 2 Shield Rest, 3 Shield Capacity, 1 Shield Hardness, 2 Drain Exp
    Tac: 3 Energy Wep, 3 Projectile Wep, 2 Targeting, 2 Defensive, 2 Hull Pen, 3 Shield Pen

    7 points left. You could top off Hull plating, the Def/Off subsystems, and get one in Long-range sensors to compensate for the new beam drop-off formula. Threat control unlock is reached, as is Sector space travel (Driver Coil). You also get new subsys rep/battery, damage resist/hull cap, extra engine/aux +2 power, projectile critH/critD, and energy critH/critD.

    Weap prof, weap exp, endurance training, armor exp, armor master, personal shields expert, kit performance expert, with 3 pts remaining.

    Was there a point to this? Or did you just want someone else to do it? :-p

    seems nice i might try that tomorrow also was wondering with what @borticuscryptic would come up with​​
    =/\=Priority One Armada=/\=
    32 | Introvert | ADD (W/O Hyperactivity) | He/Him | Hetro-Demisexual | 6’9” ft-in tall | Avatar by: foodcu_be | Gunpla | STO | Yu-Gi-Oh!
  • kirimuffinkirimuffin Member Posts: 695 Arc User
    donburrito wrote: »
    shailat wrote: »
    lucho80 wrote: »
    Log in to Tribble, character appears in ESD, disconnected in 3 secs
    Log in to Tribble, character appears in ESD, disconnected in 5 secs
    Log in to Tribble, character appears in ESD, disconnected in 15 secs

    I think eventually I'll be able to remain in Tribble long enough to actually test.

    Im having the same issue, can log in, but get disconnected after 10 - 20 secs of being in

    Yep same issue here. Even tried deleting every single toon I had on Tribble and copying over just one of them again. Seemed fine for 20 seconds and then BAM gone again.

    Same. Tribble is just not usable at the moment.
  • nepsthennepsthen Member Posts: 213 Arc User
    Being constantly disconnected as well. Tossing my clientservercomm log up. According to it, it's a client side issue.
    pastebin.com/jgxqZ0RD If you're wondering where to find yours, it's in the playtest/logs/gameclient directory of where you have STO installed.
    Still alive.
  • captxpendablecaptxpendable Member Posts: 127 Arc User
    nepsthen wrote: »
    Being constantly disconnected as well. Tossing my clientservercomm log up. According to it, it's a client side issue.
    pastebin.com/jgxqZ0RD If you're wondering where to find yours, it's in the playtest/logs/gameclient directory of where you have STO installed.

    No idea what any of that means, but I've been getting kicked off too. Seemed to be running fine until I tried zoning into ESD.
    "Let me guess, my theories appall you, my heresies outrage you, I never answer letters and you don't like my tie" - The Doctor

    "Any sufficiently analyzed magic is indistinguishable from science!" -
    Agatha Heterodyne
  • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    I suspect there will never realy be a good point for Hangar unlocks.

    If it's too early, it's useless to a levelling characters, who might need the most help. If it's too late, it locks down your skill choices in a particular track.

    But: While you are "locked" int that track, it's unlikely those skills are useless. So you are not neccessarily creating an inferior build, just maybe a build you didn't intend originally. But your build in Holodeck right now never had those unlocks anyway, and you made it work then anyway.

    Maybe some of the regular skills could have a secondary benefit for pets? Say, Impulse Expertise could also buff their maneuverability and speed, and Weapon Training could also affect their damage. Even if it's not the same buff as the player gets. (Maybe this is somethnig for the 3rd tier unlock of some of the skills? The bonus itself is so low I'd normally avoid it, even for key skills.) Of course, that would make the skill system less simple to describe and understand.
    Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
  • samt1996samt1996 Member Posts: 2,856 Arc User
    Normally I would agree borticus but I wonder what the point of the bonus are at all if the builds who need them most can't access it without rearranging their skill tree into something less ideal.
  • poseidolonposeidolon Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    orangeitis wrote: »
    How I would handle it:

    Tactical:5 = Stealth // Threat Control (since most people want to either me the center of attention or to avoid attention)
    Tactical:10 = Projectile CritH // Hangar Health (not everyone has torps, not everyone has pets, but it should cover most)
    Tactical:15 = Projectile CritD // Hangar Weaponry (same here)
    Tactical:20 = Energy CritH // Energy CritD (these should go at top tier to prevent everyone from getting an easy DPS buff)

    IMHO, of course.​​

    I would like to second this suggestion.
  • mattaukettmattaukett Member Posts: 190 Arc User
    Having similar issues to those earlier in the thread, logging in and then after a few minutes (maybe 3, didn't time it - and maybe it's longer than the guy's above due to time of day?) getting a Server Not Responding prompt appearing and then getting disconnected immediately. Can log back immediately, but same thing happened on second log in. Not sure if location is a factor, but was just sat in sector space outside Drozana station.
  • genemorphgenemorph Member Posts: 404 Arc User
    The new system is much better than the previous system. However there is a problem with it that can easily be solved. The problem is it copies the specialization system too much and it doesn't really work. In its current form it reduces build diversity because no matter what order you put the skills in each profession the in-line career unlocks are arbitrary placed, for instance why are hanger pet skills a higher unlock than everything else in the tac tree? Despite there being people who build for carriers, but don't necessarily want most of the skills before it. The same situation is present in the other career trees.

    The simple solution is to removed the necessity of having to put a certain number of points into a career skill tree to unlock higher skills. Give people the option to place their skill points anywhere they want without restriction, i.e. remove the unlock component for each rank promotion level. This doesn't even affect the career track bonus reward unlocks at the bottom of the screen as you will still need to put a certain number of point into a career to get those benefits. This approach is logical but the new system is less so, because it doesn't have to arbitrarily pretend that certain skills are better than others, either because they are totally unrelated or dependent on the build trying to be achieved. Also this would overcome an obvious reduction in build diversity compared to the current system.
  • salacnar070890salacnar070890 Member Posts: 425 Bug Hunter
    Asking @borticuscryptic to see what he can make of this build in the new system

    Why don't you?

    Eng: 2 Hull Rest, 3 Hull Capacity, 1 Hull Plating, 3 EPS+Energy Shunt, 2 Impulse Expertise, 1 Def Subsys, 1 Off Subsys, 3 Warp Core Potential+Eff
    Sci: 2 Shield Rest, 3 Shield Capacity, 1 Shield Hardness, 2 Drain Exp
    Tac: 3 Energy Wep, 3 Projectile Wep, 2 Targeting, 2 Defensive, 2 Hull Pen, 3 Shield Pen

    7 points left. You could top off Hull plating, the Def/Off subsystems, and get one in Long-range sensors to compensate for the new beam drop-off formula. Threat control unlock is reached, as is Sector space travel (Driver Coil). You also get new subsys rep/battery, damage resist/hull cap, extra engine/aux +2 power, projectile critH/critD, and energy critH/critD.

    Weap prof, weap exp, endurance training, armor exp, armor master, personal shields expert, kit performance expert, with 3 pts remaining.

    Was there a point to this? Or did you just want someone else to do it? :-p

    seems nice i might try that tomorrow also was wondering with what @borticuscryptic would come up with

    Okay if change my build to try this here are 3 pictures that show what i have down with the remain 2/3 points in space after i filled in the aforementioned stuff imgur.com/a/hbVQs​​
    =/\=Priority One Armada=/\=
    32 | Introvert | ADD (W/O Hyperactivity) | He/Him | Hetro-Demisexual | 6’9” ft-in tall | Avatar by: foodcu_be | Gunpla | STO | Yu-Gi-Oh!
  • genemorphgenemorph Member Posts: 404 Arc User
    lucho80 wrote: »
    Log in to Tribble, character appears in ESD, disconnected in 3 secs
    Log in to Tribble, character appears in ESD, disconnected in 5 secs
    Log in to Tribble, character appears in ESD, disconnected in 15 secs

    I think eventually I'll be able to remain in Tribble long enough to actually test.

    I'm having this problem as well. I'm being dc'd after 5 secs each time I log in.
  • legendarylycan#5411 legendarylycan Member Posts: 37,284 Arc User
    ladymyajha wrote: »
    This is going to suck for pet builds, I don't doubt it.

    These are all brand new bonuses! You didn't need them before, why feel penalized if they take effort to achieve? It's not like you're losing anything.

    this would be a lot more believable if cryptic hadn't nerfed the hell out of ALL hangar pets after delta rising when you were only supposed to fix the broken health scaling

    so no, i don't see these as brand new bonuses, i see them as what carrier commanders USED to have and are now being forced to waste skill points on to get back​​
    Like special weapons from other Star Trek games? Wondering if they can be replicated in STO even a little bit? Check this out: https://forum.arcgames.com/startrekonline/discussion/1262277/a-mostly-comprehensive-guide-to-star-trek-videogame-special-weapons-and-their-sto-equivalents


    A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
    An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
    A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
    A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"

    "It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch."
    "We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. Curiosity...is bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more importantly...it makes you poor!"
    Passion and Serenity are one.
    I gain power by understanding both.
    In the chaos of their battle, I bring order.
    I am a shadow, darkness born from light.
    The Force is united within me.
  • hardsalehardsale Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    gotta say really preferred last weeks set up as someone who flys mostly carriers this is a huge slap in the face having to spend that many points in tac is a joke and a bad one at that
  • malvthemanmalvtheman Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    SHrug this is what alts are for my friend.

    megrae wrote: »
    ladymyajha wrote: »
    This is going to suck for pet builds, I don't doubt it.

    These are all brand new bonuses! You didn't need them before, why feel penalized if they take effort to achieve? It's not like you're losing anything.

    Except you now have one problem. If you spec into that to be competent/good in your Carrier at the potential it has... you just lost being competent in most of your other ships. And for $5 (or even the sale prices briefly) a pop to be able to go back to your other ships, its just not worth it.

    My newish Jupiter is now basically a wasted purchase in this new system as I primarily fly science ships. Currently I can easily jump into it with my build (on Holodeck). But as you said there are new skills. So while I will have good science ships after using my skill points (in the new system) to be able to run my hybrid exotic/ drain beam build (almost back to how I had it), I will lose A LOT of potential the carrier should have, to the point that it would only be mediocre and not very fun to play, especially compared to someone skilled fully into it.

    What kind of incentive is that for me to 'exploring new builds and playstyles', or even buy more ships that are not science ships, when you want us to pay real money to properly spec into ships? Right (with this new skill tree) now I can either be an awesome Science ship pilot, and weak carrier pilot (based on lost skills), or the other way around. Or, I could make both of them mediocre, making it not very fun. Unlike currently where I can do pretty darn good in either.

    Didn't we have this having to spec into ships thing in the original skill tree? And you all got rid of it, well, with this new tree, it sure looks like its coming back.

    Side note: I really hope you all fix carrier pets overall (AI included), like back to how they were before they were nerfed again for being 'too powerful'.

  • mrlizardomrlizardo Member Posts: 155 Arc User
    I'm glad for the revamp and updates and all. It is going to take some juggling to get used to. A problem I have, though, is unrelated to that aspect. During the Omega event, I had just about enough Qmendations to get the Krenim ship. Then we tested the new revamped skills. The Omega event is over, I'm not getting the ship (since I can't do the featured episodes on tribble), but what in the ninth circle of hell am i going to do with all these Qmendation things? It's a cluttery mess I tells ya. Can't change them in for rep marks, can't redeem them for random goodies. Do I just sit it out and wait until next year to cash them in, even though they probably won't be good for anything?

    "You seem to have gotten some of your blood in my raktajino. This is unfortunate."
  • zntechzntech Member Posts: 153 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    Cant Login tribble server right now cause its down again
    In the beginning there was all and then become nothing

  • blitzy4blitzy4 Member Posts: 839 Arc User
    There's some sort of patch occurring.
    "..and like children playing after sunset, we were surrounded by darkness." -Ruri Hoshino

  • shailatshailat Member Posts: 478 Arc User
    yep 500mb worth, just gotta wait for the notes, the suspense!!!!
  • mrlizardomrlizardo Member Posts: 155 Arc User
    We are all .... DOOOOMED!

    "You seem to have gotten some of your blood in my raktajino. This is unfortunate."
  • pappy02upappy02u Member Posts: 141 Arc User
    I still think the nodes should unlock the ability to select a power from the list not only have two choices. This would make everyone happy, Tacs can DPS, Engi can Tank, Carriers can buff pets, Sci can... well Science.

    all the Tactical path power are on one list. Unlock first node knowing build will be carrier, select pet buff or knowing build will be tank select threat.

    Does that make sense?

  • sharpie65sharpie65 Member Posts: 679 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    I take it this "new patch" is the reason for the Tribble downtime happening at present?

    EDIT: No more downtime, I guess I'll have to see if the game lets me on.
  • genemorphgenemorph Member Posts: 404 Arc User
    mrlizardo wrote: »
    I'm glad for the revamp and updates and all. It is going to take some juggling to get used to. A problem I have, though, is unrelated to that aspect. During the Omega event, I had just about enough Qmendations to get the Krenim ship. Then we tested the new revamped skills. The Omega event is over, I'm not getting the ship (since I can't do the featured episodes on tribble), but what in the ninth circle of hell am i going to do with all these Qmendation things? It's a cluttery mess I tells ya. Can't change them in for rep marks, can't redeem them for random goodies. Do I just sit it out and wait until next year to cash them in, even though they probably won't be good for anything?

    You probably won't be able to use them next year either. As they seem to be changing the tokens every year now, hence the year designation on them now. But eventually you will be able to trade them for other stuff like we did last year.
  • nateham101#2745 nateham101 Member Posts: 420 Arc User
    ladymyajha wrote: »
    orangeitis wrote: »
    hajmyis wrote: »
    "Tactical:5 = Projectile CritH // Projectile CritD
    Tactical:10 = Energy CritH // Energy CritD
    Tactical:15 = Stealth // Threat Control
    Tactical:20 = Hangar Weaponry // Hangar Health"

    Can this go back to where it was. I liked that I could get the threat without having to spend so much in to the tact line, this way my tank/healer can pull more aggro

    I feel like you are getting more DPS for spending less in the tact line now
    This, please. You can't even specialize in pets without taking too much away from your other abilities. Aren't pets supposed to be a secondary specialty anyway?​​

    This is going to suck for pet builds, I don't doubt it. But from a practical and not personal view, it's a very small minority that use pets as primary anything, while everyone pretty much uses either torps or energy. While it's going to suck for my carrier, it makes more sense to cater to the majority in this case then the vocal minority.

    Pets are not that important to DPS. Pet builds? You are not going to pull 80-100k with pets build.
  • protoneousprotoneous Member Posts: 3,267 Arc User
    Unfortunately, the new characters made over this last week will need to be wiped in order to bring back the old ones.

    Sorry about this! We'd been planning to merge the databases, but it turned out to not be possible. If we'd known ahead of time that this week of effort would be lost, we'd have let you know ahead of time.

    The good news is, you can copy characters again!

    The bad news is that we built an entire tribble test fleet, fully stocked, all holdings complete, and now it's gone as the new characters that built it no longer exist.

    Many of it's members have provided you feedback in the forums (even some in this thread). I've gotten numerous inquiries from people that want to rejoin for testing purposes. All I can tell them is that it's gone, and am starting from scratch, time permitting.

    That was many hours of hard work by lots of people you erased... and we were trying to help.

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