Orion Maurader Flight Deck Cruiser = Space Hippo aka Space Pig. I don't know who came up with that, but since I read it, it stuck in my head. It looks like a cute hippo/pig. In space.
Jupiter= Mobile DS9 or King of the Gods (mythological reference).
Lesse, here's a few, I betcha you can guess which ones:
Terran Battlecruiser ("Battlecruiser, operational!")
Notannorax/the 'Thunderbird'
Space shoe horn
Veritech Fighter
Dak'Ha or 'BRRRRRT'
The Janeway
and, while not a ship per se, TRIBBLE - Standard Type Derivative, aka a cookie cutter faw build with bells on
Sovy for Sovereign class
Connie for Constitution
Amby for Ambassador
Bug ship for JHAS
I forgot some besides those I mentioned, so here goes second par of the list:
Scimitar = Scimmy
Excelsior = Excel/ENT B
APU = Ha'tak
Oddyssey = Oddy
Prometheus = Prom/Prommie
B'Rel/any other type of Bird of Prey = BoP (same goes for Romulan Bird of Prey(s))
D'deridex = Warbird (I know that most romulan ships are called warbirds, but when I hear/read warbird, my first association is D'deridex)
Galaxy = Gal X
Negh'Var = Neggy
Samsar = Zombie ship/Necromorph
Bortasque = Bortas
Defiant = Def
Vaadwaur ships = cargo ships/freighters (because they look exactly like freighters - at least most of them does)
FED ENG:FA Sirius Verax (USS Leviathan) , FED TAC (Delta): FA Adria Tyllex (USS Thunderblade) , ROM TAC:ADM Kill'ina (IRW Imperix Thrai) , KLING ENG (Delta):LT. GEN Ghol'Vaq Martok (IKS Qeh'Ral II) - 44th Fleet member SUPPORTING PLAYABLE CARDASSIAN AND DOMINION FACTIONS!
And so you shouldn't. There's no such thing as overkill in this game.
I sometimes refer to the Odyssey as the "Big O".
I've also, in the past, referred to the Atrox as the "Cat Box". And the Trident Class as the "Cruise Liner".
That's just off the top of my head.
My character Tsin'xing
I call the Monbosh the Goat's Head.
Jupiter= Mobile DS9 or King of the Gods (mythological reference).
Corsair FDC = Space C*ck.
I call it the Dak'Ha (Dakka) for that same reason... 5 dhcs fore, heavies on the back, point defence turret and anything else that fires energy bolts
..and of course its in red...
Notannorax/the 'Thunderbird'
Space shoe horn
Veritech Fighter
Dak'Ha or 'BRRRRRT'
The Janeway
and, while not a ship per se, TRIBBLE - Standard Type Derivative, aka a cookie cutter faw build with bells on
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I forgot some besides those I mentioned, so here goes second par of the list:
Scimitar = Scimmy
Excelsior = Excel/ENT B
APU = Ha'tak
Oddyssey = Oddy
Prometheus = Prom/Prommie
B'Rel/any other type of Bird of Prey = BoP (same goes for Romulan Bird of Prey(s))
D'deridex = Warbird (I know that most romulan ships are called warbirds, but when I hear/read warbird, my first association is D'deridex)
Galaxy = Gal X
Negh'Var = Neggy
Samsar = Zombie ship/Necromorph
Bortasque = Bortas
Defiant = Def
Vaadwaur ships = cargo ships/freighters (because they look exactly like freighters - at least most of them does)