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Seriously? TWO HOURS?



  • kavasekavase Member Posts: 771 Arc User
    Yes...two hours....prey they don't make it more!
    Retired. I'm now in search for that perfect space anomaly.
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  • lotusteadragonlotusteadragon Member Posts: 72 Arc User
    coldnapalm wrote: »
    wdnobile wrote: »
    there is no Elite - but I was on Advanced - where im usually 3rd, occasionally 2nd and on rare nights - first - DPS

    Regardless, you fired for 5 seconds of the available 25. You deserve to get AFK hammered if you do that.

    What a stupid comment.


    "Your reaction time is that of a casual human player who has just arrived in the instance and can't jump immediately into battle?! YOU DESERVE PUNISHMENT!"

    Jesus Christ, stop with the caffeine, people!
  • ufpterrellufpterrell Member Posts: 736 Arc User
    Lol, doesn't surprise me in the slightest. I don't have near as much time to play as I used to, not to mention BT are really failing hard with my connection at the moment. Grinding dilithium and materials for upgrade kits is something of a chore these days, I'm lucky if I can get one or two queues down before that's my time up for the day. As a result I'm still running with all Mk XII VR/UR weapons and Mk XII deflector/shield/engines. I've gotten my tactical consoles to XIV Epic/UR but that's it.

    Goes without saying that I fall waaaay behind the players who've managed to devote an ungodly amount of time into perfecting their builds with full Mk XIV epics. So for those of you who are lambasting the OP, please stop and listen to yourselves for a moment. There is a difference between being placed in a group which utterly outclasses you DPS wise and not contributing. It takes a good 10-15 seconds to fly to the CE at full impulse which if it's at low hp already means you're not getting much damage down range before it's all over.

    The E-Peen is strong with this thread...

    Looking for a dedicated Star Trek community? Visit www.ufplanets.com for details.
  • sarcasmdetectorsarcasmdetector Member Posts: 1,176 Media Corps
    ufpterrell wrote: »
    Lol, doesn't surprise me in the slightest. I don't have near as much time to play as I used to, not to mention BT are really failing hard with my connection at the moment. Grinding dilithium and materials for upgrade kits is something of a chore these days, I'm lucky if I can get one or two queues down before that's my time up for the day. As a result I'm still running with all Mk XII VR/UR weapons and Mk XII deflector/shield/engines. I've gotten my tactical consoles to XIV Epic/UR but that's it.

    Goes without saying that I fall waaaay behind the players who've managed to devote an ungodly amount of time into perfecting their builds with full Mk XIV epics. So for those of you who are lambasting the OP, please stop and listen to yourselves for a moment. There is a difference between being placed in a group which utterly outclasses you DPS wise and not contributing. It takes a good 10-15 seconds to fly to the CE at full impulse which if it's at low hp already means you're not getting much damage down range before it's all over.

    The E-Peen is strong with this thread...

    You clearly did not read anything in this thread.

    First point: It doesn't take ungodly amount of time to perfect builds, nor does it take MK14 Epics.
    Gear is mostly irrelevant. It really is all about piloting skills. A good pilot can go in with MK10 Whites and get rank #1 in both Damage and Healing for a CCA.

    2nd point: It takes everyone 10-15 seconds to fly to the CE. If you have a tendency to warp into an STF later than others, then make sure you are on the ground when the queue pops. The "Beam Out" animation is shorter than the "Warp Out", and it will skip the "Warp In" animation altogether, saving you around 5 seconds or so.

    3rd Point: It was already pointed mulitple times in this thread (hence why i say you didn't even bother reading before commenting about "e-peens") that CCA also tracks healing done with the same weight as it tracks damage done. Just doing a little damage and popping off a heal or two means you will never be hit with an AFK.
  • peterconnorfirstpeterconnorfirst Member Posts: 6,225 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    wdnobile wrote: »
    So - because its bonus marks weekend - theres a million ppl doing CCE. I queue up, zone in - and before ive even gotten in range the entity is at 45%. Within25 seconds the thing is dead. I fired for all of 5 second. OK - i get it - had some real badasses in the group and the instance launched before the queue was 100% full. But - I get a TWO HOUR "afk penalty" and cannot play any STFs for that time? for WHAT? sucks. I get the point of the ban but jesus i cant outshoot ppl who can do a whole CCE run in less than 60 seconds.

    not cool cryptic, not cool

    Sorry about your experience OP.

    A friend of mine had the same prob a while back. We are talking about a player who has a dedicated HSE tank, who makes 3/2 ISA splits child’s play in his tac and who has a 60k sci toon full of magic as well.

    His mistake was to enter CCA with me on his latest toon which is a noob still and encountering some internet trouble during the run.

    2 hours for real.

    Please realize that the AFK penalty is there for a reason. Sometimes players who don’t earn it get caught in it. I think one needs to do 1% of the team contribution so one has to be a little carful on some of the advanced maps around, hehe.

    Don’t worry that much OP, you get better soon and should not fall into that trap too often.
    Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
    felisean wrote: »
    teamwork to reach a goal is awesome and highly appreciated
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  • warpangelwarpangel Member Posts: 9,427 Arc User
    Please realize that the AFK penalty is there for a reason. Sometimes players who don’t earn it get caught in it. I think one needs to do 1% of the team contribution so one has to be a little carful on some of the advanced maps around, hehe.

    Yes. The reason is to placate a bunch of jealous whiners who demanded Cryptic "do something" about the abject horror of occasionally seeing someone sitting in on one of the so-easy-they're-auto-win queues and getting a reward without "contributing."

    And as is usual when someone is called upon to do "something," the something that ended up being done was bad.

    The AFKers are still there, because they know exactly how to avoid the so-called penalty. The whiners are still demanding Cryptic "do something," because of course they are. People like that never learn their lesson, even when the next "something" will probably be even worse. And the regular players who would just like to play the game in peace get to pay the price.

    I have never once even heard of anyone getting the penalty who actually deserved it (and no, in a mission that last under 30 seconds nobody could possibly deserve it for any reason). Although I suppose some pioneering leechers must have done so few times to establish the lower limits of how little they can "contribute" to evade it (that magic 1% people keep quoting).
  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    Shooting stuff to avoid the AFK penalty doesn't take Epic gear people B)
  • lotusteadragonlotusteadragon Member Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    coldnapalm wrote: »
    coldnapalm wrote: »
    wdnobile wrote: »
    there is no Elite - but I was on Advanced - where im usually 3rd, occasionally 2nd and on rare nights - first - DPS

    Regardless, you fired for 5 seconds of the available 25. You deserve to get AFK hammered if you do that.

    What a stupid comment.

    Why is it stupid? You fire for a whole 5 seconds when you were in engagement range for 25 seconds and you think he wasn't AFK for all intents and purpose at that point? Or do you think everyone deserves a prize for showing up? I'm sorry, but this attitude is why we are in such a sorry state in this country.
    coldnapalm wrote: »
    wdnobile wrote: »
    there is no Elite - but I was on Advanced - where im usually 3rd, occasionally 2nd and on rare nights - first - DPS

    Regardless, you fired for 5 seconds of the available 25. You deserve to get AFK hammered if you do that.

    What a stupid comment.


    "Your reaction time is that of a casual human player who has just arrived in the instance and can't jump immediately into battle?! YOU DESERVE PUNISHMENT!"

    Jesus Christ, stop with the caffeine, people!

    So...casual players need 20 seconds to press the space bar to start shooting?!? I'm sorry...but you aren't a casual player if that is the case. Your reaction time is slower then a SLOTH at that point...I mean is being that slow even humanly possible? He was in engagement range for 25 seconds. It took them 25 seconds from when he reached the entity...NOT THE START OF THE MAP. Read what he said. He could have been firing for 25 seconds of a 1 min run...instead he fired for 5 seconds. That is being AFK for all intents and purposes...and yes, if you do that, you DESERVE IT.

    Nope. Quite frankly, if you can go all caps over this, you're too far removed from reason. I mean, seriously, someone takes 20 seconds to do something you can do right now and they deserve *AFK*? Jesus Christ, I hope you don't act that way around board games.

    "I have to go pee."

    I bet you're great at Hungry Hungry Hippos, too.
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  • sarcasmdetectorsarcasmdetector Member Posts: 1,176 Media Corps
    ruinthefun wrote: »
    2nd point: It takes everyone 10-15 seconds to fly to the CE. If you have a tendency to warp into an STF later than others, then make sure you are on the ground when the queue pops. The "Beam Out" animation is shorter than the "Warp Out", and it will skip the "Warp In" animation altogether, saving you around 5 seconds or so.
    Yes, and that 5 seconds is enough for the mission to be long over by the time you get there. Current CCA times are sub 4 seconds now, and sub-30 second PUGs are not unheard of. It's gotten to the point where I've contemplated the notion of "Give Everyone Else an AFK Penalty" semi-premades.
    3rd Point: It was already pointed mulitple times in this thread (hence why i say you didn't even bother reading before commenting about "e-peens") that CCA also tracks healing done with the same weight as it tracks damage done. Just doing a little damage and popping off a heal or two means you will never be hit with an AFK.
    Easier said than done: Remember: The mission's length is now shorter than its load time. It is entirely possible and likely to become increasingly common that you can warp in and find that the mission is OVER.

    And let's not forget the hapless sods that might have this happen to them in CC*N*, should they unwisely choose to play THAT. If CCA ends in under 4 seconds, CCN is probably over before it even starts.

    All this demonstrates something systemically wrong with both the game and the AFK penalty. Honestly, no penalty should be assessed in cases of Private Queues (yes, you can still get AFK'ed in a private queue), or mission where you are present for under 1 minute, as it is entirely possible to warp into a mission to replace a dead player only to have it immediately end before you can arrive at the battle.

    you should really forget about the 4 sec CCA and all the "spectacular" records you see from a certain group. It really is staged; by that i mean that these guys will spend 4 to 8 hours sessions just warping in, then abandoning the run, over and over again until they get the 1 perfect run, where all the stars and planets align.

    While their achievements are fairly awesome, it is not the norm. they got a 4s CCA does not mean everyone is doing 4s CCAs now, nor does it mean that they themselves can get 4sec CCAs everytime. It's the same with most of their DPS records. if they get a 200k+ DPS record does not mean they will always parse over 200k; outside of warping in and out of an ISA for 4 hours with a certain team composition, to get that perfect run, they probably average around 100k. throw them into average pugs and they'll probably be around the 80k mark.

    my point is, that high end record is just that: a high end record. it's not the average, the median, or the average median. Don't take it as such and don't assume that that has become the norm.
  • edited February 2016
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  • sarcasmdetectorsarcasmdetector Member Posts: 1,176 Media Corps
    ruinthefun wrote: »
    you should really forget about the 4 sec CCA and all the "spectacular" records you see from a certain group. It really is staged; by that i mean that these guys will spend 4 to 8 hours sessions just warping in, then abandoning the run, over and over again until they get the 1 perfect run, where all the stars and planets align.
    I imagine so, but even if the more typical run is 10-20 seconds, it's still way faster than a load screen is. It is quite common to see even 30-second PUGs now.

    the typical high end CCA is around the 1 min mark. atypical high end runs can go down to 30s sometimes.
    ruinthefun wrote: »
    my point is, that high end record is just that: a high end record. it's not the average, the median, or the average median. Don't take it as such and don't assume that that has become the norm.
    I operate under the position that the worst case scenario is the standard scenario, because that's how reality actually works. Anything bad that can happen, will happen, unless steps are taken to prevent it.

    What? seriously? so if you roll a die and get a 1, you believe that rolling 1s is the "standard scenario"? "That's how reality actually works"?!
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  • lotusteadragonlotusteadragon Member Posts: 72 Arc User
    coldnapalm wrote: »
    coldnapalm wrote: »
    coldnapalm wrote: »
    wdnobile wrote: »
    there is no Elite - but I was on Advanced - where im usually 3rd, occasionally 2nd and on rare nights - first - DPS

    Regardless, you fired for 5 seconds of the available 25. You deserve to get AFK hammered if you do that.

    What a stupid comment.

    Why is it stupid? You fire for a whole 5 seconds when you were in engagement range for 25 seconds and you think he wasn't AFK for all intents and purpose at that point? Or do you think everyone deserves a prize for showing up? I'm sorry, but this attitude is why we are in such a sorry state in this country.
    coldnapalm wrote: »
    wdnobile wrote: »
    there is no Elite - but I was on Advanced - where im usually 3rd, occasionally 2nd and on rare nights - first - DPS

    Regardless, you fired for 5 seconds of the available 25. You deserve to get AFK hammered if you do that.

    What a stupid comment.


    "Your reaction time is that of a casual human player who has just arrived in the instance and can't jump immediately into battle?! YOU DESERVE PUNISHMENT!"

    Jesus Christ, stop with the caffeine, people!

    So...casual players need 20 seconds to press the space bar to start shooting?!? I'm sorry...but you aren't a casual player if that is the case. Your reaction time is slower then a SLOTH at that point...I mean is being that slow even humanly possible? He was in engagement range for 25 seconds. It took them 25 seconds from when he reached the entity...NOT THE START OF THE MAP. Read what he said. He could have been firing for 25 seconds of a 1 min run...instead he fired for 5 seconds. That is being AFK for all intents and purposes...and yes, if you do that, you DESERVE IT.

    Nope. Quite frankly, if you can go all caps over this, you're too far removed from reason. I mean, seriously, someone takes 20 seconds to do something you can do right now and they deserve *AFK*? Jesus Christ, I hope you don't act that way around board games.

    "I have to go pee."

    I bet you're great at Hungry Hungry Hippos, too.

    So...you are right because you use hyperboles and flat out lie...got ya. I don't even know how to respond to this as it's just full of untruths...or is lower cased posts with some upper case posts ALL CAPS to you? Do you even know what the word ALL means? Because I don't think it means what you think it means.

    Where am I lying? You just said that people who couldn't shoot fast enough for your liking DESERVE IT. (your word and caps)
    The kind of play style you advocate here is what turns a game into a chore. Not everyone is going to be as fast as you, or as trained as you because they likely don't play as often as you do. That's no reason for them to get an AFK penalty. The devs need to dial it back a bit, and they're not the only ones.
  • questeriusquesterius Member Posts: 8,627 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    It's a dead horse, stop beating it and bumping this topic in the process.

    Even if the devs were to confirm at this point that things are not working as intended, then their focus will remain on the skill revamp which most likely will fix the hyperbole which currently is experienced from time to time.

    And to go back to where this post started: It's a dead horse, stop beating it and bumping this topic in the process.
    Post edited by questerius on
    This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
  • gradiigradii Member Posts: 2,824 Arc User
    AFK penalty has needed looked at for a long, long time.

    "He shall be my finest warrior, this generic man who was forced upon me.
    Like a badass I shall make him look, and in the furnace of war I shall forge him.
    he shall be of iron will and steely sinew.
    In great armour I shall clad him and with the mightiest weapons he shall be armed.
    He will be untouched by plague or disease; no sickness shall blight him.
    He shall have such tactics, strategies and machines that no foe will best him in battle.
    He is my answer to cryptic logic, he is the Defender of my Romulan Crew.
    He is Tovan Khev... and he shall know no fear."
  • bobbydazlersbobbydazlers Member Posts: 4,535 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    though its not perfect as I have received a ban myself for no fault of my own we need something in place to deter the leechers and the system we have is probably the best we can expect, its just a case of the lesser of two evils.
    if I get the odd ban now and then for some reason even if its unfair I am prepared to except that for the sake of keeping the lazy players on the go.

    When I think about everything we've been through together,

    maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,

     and if that journey takes a little longer,

    so we can do something we all believe in,

     I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.

  • gaevsprivsmangaevsprivsman Member Posts: 314 Arc User
    Thw ban always happens to my when i get incredible lag... cannot do anything... annoying!, so i get it..
  • lianthelialianthelia Member Posts: 7,909 Arc User
    This isn't a afk penalty problem, this is a rampant dps power creep problem...
    Can't have a honest conversation because of a white knight with power
  • askrayaskray Member Posts: 3,329 Arc User
    questerius wrote: »
    It's a dead horse, stop beating it and bumping this topic in the process.

    Even if the devs were to confirm at this point that things are not working as intended, then their focus will remain on the skill revamp which most likely will fix the hyperbole which currently is experienced from time to time.

    And to go back to where this post started: It's a dead horse, stop beating it and bumping this topic in the process.
    Pretty much this. Dead horse, AFK penalty isn't going anywhere.
    Yes, I'm that Askray@Batbayer in game. Yes, I still play. No, I don't care.
    Former Community Moderator, Former SSR DJ, Now Full time father to two kids, Husband, Retail Worker.
    Tiktok: @Askray Facebook: Askray113

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