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When do we get to see the Cooperative?



  • jodarkriderjodarkrider Member Posts: 2,097 Arc User
    edited January 2016
    artan42 wrote: »
    The same argument could be used whenever people want playable Cardassians. You can make those too with Alien-gen, there are ways to "RP"/pretend, you know & people still want them as a playable species. Don't invalidate someone else's wishes just because you don't like them. Those of us, who like the Cooperative have our own reasons for it and they are no less valid compared to those who'd rather see other factions. While I don't necessary want another faction right now, still... Cooperative would be my personal #1 if there absolutelly had to be a new faction.

    For the record - I don't understand the fascination of people about Cardassians, who are mostly evil & they have zero appeal to me personally. Does that make their choice worse than mine? Nope. Just different mindset, different opinion. And there's nothing wrong about that.
    [10:20] Your Lunge deals 4798 (2580) Physical Damage(Critical) to Tosk of Borg.

    Star Trek Online Volunteer Community Moderator
    "bIghojchugh DaneH, Dumev pagh. bIghojqangbe'chugh, DuQaHlaH pagh."
    "Learn lots. Don't judge. Laugh for no reason. Be nice. Seek happiness." ~Day[9] 
    "Your fun isn't wrong." ~LaughingTrendy

    Find me on Twitterverse - @jodarkrider

  • tragamitestragamites Member Posts: 424 Arc User
    I couldn't have said it better. I'm often repulsed by those who argue that you can have something added to the game because they don't want it or that no dev has made any mention of it.

    Player based ideas are just as valid as dev based ideas when it comes to implementation. The whole purpose of the forums is to voice your ideas and opinions.

    Yes there are 2 Tal Shiar ships that have adapted Borg tech in game. There are a total of 6 possible boff options that are liberated Borg. There are more than a handful of Borg doffs as well and a lts can make a Borg captain.

    I've done this and posted about playing as the Dominion using alien gen and the lockbox ships. But the cooperative was a group that cryptic hyped up with Delta rising but we didn't actually see them in game. So I'm hoping we get to at some point and that they bring some goodies for us with them.
  • artan42artan42 Member Posts: 10,450 Bug Hunter
    artan42 wrote: »
    The same argument could be used whenever people want playable Cardassians. You can make those too with Alien-gen, there are ways to "RP"/pretend, you know & people still want them as a playable species. Don't invalidate someone else's wishes just because you don't like them. Those of us, who like the Cooperative have our own reasons for it and they are no less valid compared to those who'd rather see other factions. While I don't necessary want another faction right now, still... Cooperative would be my personal #1 if there absolutelly had to be a new faction.

    For the record - I don't understand the fascination of people about Cardassians, who are mostly evil & they have zero appeal to me personally. Does that make their choice worse than mine? Nope. Just different mindset, different opinion. And there's nothing wrong about that.

    You cannot get the Cooperative ingame, you will never be able to get it ingame, this is the only option. Same for the Cardassians.​​
    Norway and Yeager dammit... I still want my Typhoon and Jupiter though.
    JJ Trek The Kelvin Timeline is just Trek and it's fully canon... get over it. But I still prefer TAR.


    '...I can tell you that we're not in the military and that we intend no harm to the whales.' Kirk: The Voyage Home
    'Starfleet is not a military organisation. Its purpose is exploration.' Picard: Peak Performance
    'This is clearly a military operation. Is that what we are now? Because I thought we were explorers!' Scotty: Into Darkness
    '...The Federation. Starfleet. We're not a military agency.' Scotty: Beyond
    'I'm not a soldier anymore. I'm an engineer.' Miles O'Brien: Empok Nor
    '...Starfleet could use you... It's a peacekeeping and humanitarian armada...' Admiral Pike: Star Trek

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  • horridpersonhorridperson Member Posts: 665 Arc User
    edited January 2016
    Hopefully never. The Cooperative as a group make second stringer potential factions like the Cardassians or Ferengi look like Galactic Empires. The canon references to Riley and her planet locked dirt farmer friends and the possibility of them achieving much other than dying inbred because of their numerically stunted and disparate genetic codes make them a deus ex trope cliche. There were some decent reintroductions of Delta species in the DR expansion but wringing a "power" from this improbable piffle of a commune seemed slapped together just so Seven of Nine could have someone to play cheerleader/ambassador for. At least the Talaxian enclave seemed probable as they were from an independent remnant culture of wanderers.

    The sillymeter just keeps rising as Hugh magically ferrets this group out (Quadrants apart without getting reassimilated during their meanderings or just outright destroyed for being a biohazard to the Collective pre or post Voyager) and joins their club or possibly just adopts their name for his own group of expatriate Borg. Which was it? There are so many holes in this faction story it reads like fan fic driven by the desire to include rather than a plausible reason for being at all.

    The Cooperative diminish the Borg. While there is some shard of humanity in all Trek aliens there was something singularly horrifying about them. Free will and motivations stemming from the condition was almost assured among sentient species unless building something intended to be completely abhorrent to out human sensibilities. This mystique made the Borg. A short like Locutus, Hugh or possibly the Cooperative if they hadn't been a tie in to provide Seven more face time on Voyager could have made the horror/disparity greater instead culminating with Seven they became far too familiar and eroded that unknowable otherness.

    Full disclosure: I think Voyager was the worst drek that was ever passed off as Trek. Janeway was the worst Captain, and her crew the most shameful motley that bumbled out of Starfleet (think Police Academy) If they even graduated at all. This means my opinions surrounding this part of the franchise is going to reflect the significant prejudice I hold against it. I intend you no personal insult should you think differently than I do. The greatest challenge of trying to advance my captains was enduring that stain of a quadrant and it is my sincere hope that anything that happened in the Delta Quadrant shall remain in the Delta Quadrant. I will admit that the Talaxians grew on me and I ended up making a captain of one.

  • artan42artan42 Member Posts: 10,450 Bug Hunter
    It's not even the story issues. It's simply the fact that three factions are two too many for Cryptic to handle. The KDF an RR don't even get their own dialogue options anymore, never mind their own missions. They have maybe two or three separate mission arcs to themselves and the rest are just RPing Fed characters.
    Cryptic can't cope with the three they've got, they aren't going to add more.
    Norway and Yeager dammit... I still want my Typhoon and Jupiter though.
    JJ Trek The Kelvin Timeline is just Trek and it's fully canon... get over it. But I still prefer TAR.


    '...I can tell you that we're not in the military and that we intend no harm to the whales.' Kirk: The Voyage Home
    'Starfleet is not a military organisation. Its purpose is exploration.' Picard: Peak Performance
    'This is clearly a military operation. Is that what we are now? Because I thought we were explorers!' Scotty: Into Darkness
    '...The Federation. Starfleet. We're not a military agency.' Scotty: Beyond
    'I'm not a soldier anymore. I'm an engineer.' Miles O'Brien: Empok Nor
    '...Starfleet could use you... It's a peacekeeping and humanitarian armada...' Admiral Pike: Star Trek

    Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
  • angrytargangrytarg Member Posts: 11,001 Arc User

    The Cooperative diminish the Borg. While there is some shard of humanity in all Trek aliens there was something singularly horrifying about them. Free will and motivations stemming from the condition was almost assured among sentient species unless building something intended to be completely abhorrent to out human sensibilities. This mystique made the Borg. A short like Locutus, Hugh or possibly the Cooperative if they hadn't been a tie in to provide Seven more face time on Voyager could have made the horror/disparity greater instead culminating with Seven they became far too familiar and eroded that unknowable otherness.

    While I generally agree with you, fact is that the alien, menacing Borg that'd stray the Galaxy looking to assimilate technology to perfect themselves are the canonical minority. The Borg was introduced as the ultimate user, relentless and pointless to fight. Ending best of both worlds and introducing Hugh the Borg was rewritten significantly, now pursuing individual assimilation for whatever reason. With First Contact and Voyager manure hit the fan, we don't have to talk about that, but after I, Hugh the Borg were definitely everything but interesting and alien and they ripped their own concept apart and opened plot holes of galactic scale.

    Now, the cooperative on the other claw is the canonical possibility of bringing the old Borg back. The cooperative resembles a true hive mind more than the Borg who are led and controlled by an individual, emotional TRIBBLE. I'd welcome the "green" Borg die and the "blue" become the new collective, as having a hive mind used as a "democratic dictatorship" can very well reintroduce old concepts. The cooperative has been shown to "misuse" the hive whenever they feel like it. Including new 'liberated' Borg chances rise that the majority of minds will once again dictate the collectives will, without a "Queen" controlling them. The cooperative can even use the old Borg lines again. "We wish to improve ourselves" "You will be punished". Make them the alien and scary hazard again, roaming the galaxy, trying to perfect themselves with technology. Since whatever they did before caused the creation of the "Queen", the hive will just avoid assimilating people and instead procreate again like they did in "Q, Who".

    Seven of nine like "liberated" Borg can still prevail and jump around the galaxy, but the cooperative in my opinion should not be made playable or a "good guy" faction.​​
    ^ Memory Alpha.org is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
    "No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
    "A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
    "That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
  • tragamitestragamites Member Posts: 424 Arc User
    Why are people assuming that I am asking for a new faction? I am not asking for that at all. I'm asking for the Cooperative to be a NPC faction that we team up with and earn new rewards from just like any other rep group. What I have laid out is what would be available from this group.

    Liberated Borg Reputation and a Cooperative Lockbox would be great. Just add some more story around the Cooperative and then its complete. There are plenty of LB captains that are split between the 3 faction that they could in fact function the same as the Rom Faction at this point.

    Personally I think adding the Romulans as a third group was a poor idea anyway since they have always been a secretive race and nearly always depicted as villians of the Federation and Klingon Empire. Now that faction is split between the original two making it possible that the Romulans could eliminate themselves if war breaks out again between the KDF and Feds.

    This is not an I want a Borg faction thread, this is a group that had been hyped up for introduction in DR and they barely even made a appearance at all. So hopefully we get to see more from them. If the Collective is attempting to collect all the liberated Borg back, then this should be a priority for the Federation and the KDF to deal with.
  • tragamitestragamites Member Posts: 424 Arc User
    deokkent wrote: »
    I would definitely buy a borg ship. Cryptic, shut up and take my money.
    a Borg Donut, I haz it. :plapland_by_marhawkman-d83rd6y.png

    This pic really does a great job incorporating the Borg tech into a ship design, and got me thinking about Type 4. 5. 6. 7. and 8 as far as the structural design of the ships.
    • Type 5
      • Tier: 6
      • Type: Science Vessel
      • Hull: 41,350
      • Standard Shields: 7,472 (Mk X)
      • Shield Modifier: 1.43
      • Weapons: Fore 3, Aft 4
      • Crew: 500
      • Bridge Officers: Universal Lieutenant Commander, Science Commander, Tactical/Command Lieutenant, Engineer/Intelligence Lieutenant, Science Lieutenant
      • Device Slots: 3
      • Consoles: Tac. 3 Eng. 3 Sci. 5
      • Turn Rate: 12
      • Bonus Power: +15 auxiliary power
      • Abilities: Subsystem Targeting, Sensor Analysis

    So trying to mesh a Borg and Starfleet design I came up with something. I would figure this to be the science vessel wit dual deflectors.
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    interesting... where are the engines on that?
    My character Tsin'xing
  • evilmark444evilmark444 Member Posts: 6,950 Arc User
    interesting... where are the engines on that?

    Well, borg ships don't typically have visible engines so ...
    Lifetime Subscriber since Beta
  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    Ah, I see. Just as long as that thing attached to the bottom isn't a nacelle. :p 'cause that would be weird.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    I am all for playable Borg Collective. As the new "Nightmares of Wolf 359" not the pansified Cooperative.

    I am all for playable Borg faction that is at war against the more numerous Alliance playerbase. Hell, I am all for playable Borg at war with everything.

    I am all for playable Borg playing only their ships, structures, using weapons and technology specific to the Borg and not using anything else from regular player Reputation, Lobi Store, etc.

    What the playable Borg would have would be powerful, unique only to them. They are designed to be able to fight multiple player ships... As it should be like in earlier depictions in TNG where a Cube cuts apart scores of ships.

    You get missions, rewards for completing goals: Assimilation of worlds (which players can try to stop), assimilation of ships. Rewards will get you resources to procure improvements and new technology, new traits, as the Borg Collective adapts to the new forms of combat and technology the Alliance futilely throws at them.

    You want a real Borg Invasion? Let the players conduct that.
  • stobg2015stobg2015 Member Posts: 800 Arc User
    samt1996 wrote: »
    An interesting storyline that I hope they follow up on.

    On an unrelated note, it looks like bluegeek was officially replaced then? Don't know how I feel about this as I still harbor resentment towards that entire cluster**** of a situation.

    Off topic, bluegeek officially retired of his (my) own free will and harbors no resentment toward the moderation team whatsoever. I'm a much happier person without dealing with flame fests and forum violations on a daily basis. :)
    (The Guy Formerly And Still Known As Bluegeek)
  • goodscotchgoodscotch Member Posts: 1,680 Arc User
    The Cooperative is the ultimate solution to the Borg menace.

  • storulesstorules Member Posts: 3,262 Arc User
    Who revived this zombie? It should be about...when the servers about to die. As a desperate move from PWE to get more people in the game and start selling Cubes as locked boxes.​​
  • tragamitestragamites Member Posts: 424 Arc User
    storules wrote: »
    Who revived this zombie? It should be about...when the servers about to die. As a desperate move from PWE to get more people in the game and start selling Cubes as locked boxes.​​

    Space Zombies will always return to the forefront!

    To call adding in a much desired part of Trek lore into the game, "a desperate move" is ridiculous. People have been playing "the cooperative" since launch as Liberated Borg. There just hasn't been a unified mind presented in small scale.

    Now we are seeing more and more Borg like traits, Hive Mind, Regenerative Tissue, Coalition Squad and Starship Tactics, Photonic Armor Protocol, and Invasive Control Programming, We've been given all kinds of other ships, Iconian really? It is only right that some kind of hybrid Borg ship be introduced into the available ships of the line.
  • tragamitestragamites Member Posts: 424 Arc User
    I'm on the fence thinking that the Cooperative "hive mind" would consist of several hundred voices on large ships. I've altered the Escort type 4 ship to have a crew of 300, and the Cruiser type 6 ship to have a reduced crew of only 2000.
    • Type 4
      • Tier: 6
      • Type: Escort
      • Hull: 39,100
      • Standard Shields: 5,173 (Mk X)
      • Shield Modifier: 0.99
      • Weapons: Fore 4, Aft 3
      • Crew: 300
      • Bridge Officers: Universal Lieutenant Commander, Tactical Commander, Science/Intelligence Lieutenant, Engineer/Command Lieutenant, Tactical Lieutenant
      • Device Slots: 2
      • Consoles: Tac. 5 Eng. 3 Sci. 3
      • Turn Rate: 16
      • Bonus Power: +15 weapons power
    • Type 5
      • Tier: 6
      • Type: Science Vessel
      • Hull: 41,350
      • Standard Shields: 7,472 (Mk X)
      • Shield Modifier: 1.43
      • Weapons: Fore 3, Aft 4
      • Crew: 500
      • Bridge Officers: Universal Lieutenant Commander, Science Commander, Tactical/Command Lieutenant, Engineer/Intelligence Lieutenant, Science Lieutenant
      • Device Slots: 3
      • Consoles: Tac. 3 Eng. 3 Sci. 5
      • Turn Rate: 12
      • Bonus Power: +15 auxiliary power
      • Abilities: Subsystem Targeting, Sensor Analysis
    • Type 6
      • Tier: 6
      • Type: Cruiser
      • Hull: 56,200
      • Standard Shields: 5,748 (Mk X)
      • Shield Modifier: 1.1
      • Weapons: Fore 4, Aft 4
      • Crew: 2,000
      • Bridge Officers: Universal Lieutenant Commander, Engineer Commander, Tactical/Intelligence Lieutenant, Science/Command Lieutenant, Engineer Lieutenant
      • Device Slots: 3
      • Consoles: Tac. 3, Eng. 5, Sci. 3
      • Turn Rate: 5
      • Impulse Modifier: 0.15
      • Inertia rating: 20
      • Bonus Power: +10 weapons power, +10 engine power
      • Abilities: Strategic Maneuvering, Shield Frequency Modulation, Weapon System Efficiency, Attract Fire
    • Type 7
      • Tier: 6
      • Type: Carrier
      • Hull: 65,850
      • Standard Shields: 5,748 (Mk X)
      • Shield Modifier: 1.1
      • Weapons: Fore 3, Aft 3
      • Hanger Bays: 2
      • Crew: 4,000
      • Bridge Officers: Universal Commander, Engineer Lieutenant Commander, Tactical Lieutenant Commander, Science Lieutenant Commander
      • Device Slots: 4
      • Consoles: Tac. 4, Eng. 3, Sci. 4
      • Turn Rate: 5
      • Impulse Modifier: 0.15
      • Inertia rating: 20
      • Bonus Power: +5 weapons power, +10 auxiliary power
      • Abilities: Launch Probes, Carrier Commands, Subsystem Targeting
      • Universal Console: Plasma Energy Bolt Generator (Set 1/2)
    • Hanger Item
      • Probe
      • Regeneration Probe
      • Tractor Probe
    • Type 8
      • Tier: 6
      • Type: Destroyer
      • Hull: 36,500 *
      • Shield Modifier: 1.1
      • Weapons: 5 Fore 2 Aft
      • Crew: 820
      • Bridge Officers: Universal/Command/Intelligence Commander, Tactical Lieutenant Commander, Engineer Lieutenant Commander, Science Lieutenant Commander
      • Device Slots: 3
      • Consoles: Tac. 4 Eng. 3 Sci. 3
      • Turn Rate: 15
      • Impulse Modifier: 0.18
      • Inertia rating: 50
      • Bonus Power: +10 Weapons power, +5 Engine power
      • Abilities: Universal Console: magnetometric-guided charge (Set 1/2)
      • Cost: 900

    Liberated Borg would still have the advantage of active implanted Borg devices while other crew members could be linked in a manner like Chakoay had in the episode. Still their own person, not a borg but connected to a central mind link allowing for better overall effectiveness within the group.

    These ships would all still have standard ship layouts as the crew are all still individuals linked in a collective effort to perform. Thus a few modifications to the ship layouts with the Bridge selections for these ships should present a fun environment.
  • tragamitestragamites Member Posts: 424 Arc User
    Type 8

  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    well that's adequately hideous. :p
    My character Tsin'xing
  • kayajaykayajay Member Posts: 1,990 Arc User
    Maybe we could just have a couple of test episodes...you're brought into the Co-Operative and temporarily "assimilated" for a mission. And then for those jonesing for a Cardy faction, let us be genetically altered to look like one and do a mission, etc.
  • quiiliitiilaquiiliitiila Member Posts: 309 Arc User
    There was talk (long ago) that the Cooperative or some type of Borg faction would be the next playable group. Cryptic hasn't said much on it since, but there was a podcast where one of the devs was talking about how they designed the entire new flight mechanic for Borg ships but ultimately never went forward with expanding upon it.

    I for one would love a full Cooperative faction, but hell, I'll be happy even with a mini faction like the Romulans if I can actually play a Borg on a Borg ship.

    I feel like we're due for a new faction somewhat soon. I keep hoping that one day I'll visit the website and see a big mysterious picture and quote just like what they did with the LoR before they officially announced it. The game is doing well (making a ton of money at least) so it's not like PWE would strike the idea down for lack of monetary incentive. Another expansion would probably draw a ton of players back. I know personally I'd play the hell out of the game again if the Cooperative were released as a playable faction.

    Some opponents say that the Dominion/Cardassians should be playable first, but honestly I don't see how that'd happen anymore. Almost all of the big key ships for both the Cardassians and the Dominion have been made into Lockbox ships. In fact, the Borg ships are the few in STO that have not been made playable in one capacity or another. I suppose that's lucky for us as trying to make a faction where all your ships have been given out as LB prizes would be difficult indeed.
  • vegeta50024vegeta50024 Member Posts: 2,336 Arc User
    There was talk (long ago) that the Cooperative or some type of Borg faction would be the next playable group. Cryptic hasn't said much on it since, but there was a podcast where one of the devs was talking about how they designed the entire new flight mechanic for Borg ships but ultimately never went forward with expanding upon it.

    I for one would love a full Cooperative faction, but hell, I'll be happy even with a mini faction like the Romulans if I can actually play a Borg on a Borg ship.

    I feel like we're due for a new faction somewhat soon. I keep hoping that one day I'll visit the website and see a big mysterious picture and quote just like what they did with the LoR before they officially announced it. The game is doing well (making a ton of money at least) so it's not like PWE would strike the idea down for lack of monetary incentive. Another expansion would probably draw a ton of players back. I know personally I'd play the hell out of the game again if the Cooperative were released as a playable faction.

    Some opponents say that the Dominion/Cardassians should be playable first, but honestly I don't see how that'd happen anymore. Almost all of the big key ships for both the Cardassians and the Dominion have been made into Lockbox ships. In fact, the Borg ships are the few in STO that have not been made playable in one capacity or another. I suppose that's lucky for us as trying to make a faction where all your ships have been given out as LB prizes would be difficult indeed.

    Just going to nitpick that last paragraph about Dominion and Cardassian playable factions. The Cardassians have had ONE ship that was a lock box ship (which is the Galor), and the devs have said that was a big mistake on their part. There's still time to rectify the mistake there, and not completely nail the Cardassians out as a playable faction yet.

    What about the Dominion? You have the Jem'Hadar Attack Ship (seen in T5 and T6 versions), the Jem'Hadar Heavy Escort (Heavy Escort Carrier as the playable version, and one of the few Non-canon designs for a non-playable faction), the Jem'Hadar Battleship (no playable version) & the Jem'Hadar Dreadnought (playable version as the Carrier). That may as well be a nail in the coffin for a playable Dominion faction.

    Going back to the Cardassians, I feel that they can do what they did for the Romulans when they added them to the game as a playable species: Create a new designs that are based on the kind of designs that existed already. For the record:
    • T'Liss Light Warbird (TOS design)
    • T'Varo Light Warbird (Enterprise design)
    • Mogai Heavy Warbird & Valdore Heavy Warbird (Nemesis designed)
    • D'deridex Warbird battlecruiser (TNG design)
    • Scimitar Dreadnought Warbird (Reman design from Nemesis)
    • Scorpion Fighter (Nemesis design)
    • Commander's Gig (TNG & Voyager designs)
    • Kestral Runabout (Romulan shuttle)

    Anything not on this list is a cryptic based design. Cryptic is perfectly capable of expanding on the roster of a ship. For a Cardassian faction (not a Cardassian-Dominion faction), they'd have to get very creative since there's only been a few onscreen appearances.
    • Hideki class Frigate/Shuttle (model was used for both, so they could make two versions)
    • Galor-Class Cruiser (They'd have to do something to distinguish it from the one available to the other three factions via lock box)
    • Keldon-Class (This is technically a modified Galor model, but it's apparent if a model works, modify it).

    I know this is off topic to the discussion, but needed to be said.

  • tragamitestragamites Member Posts: 424 Arc User
    This thread is about the Borg group known as the Cooperative. It is not requesting it as a faction but that tidbits be offered to players. If you want to talk cardi Jem Hadar hopes make a thread to discuss there and I'll happily add my input.

    Talking ships though there are plenty of odd ships out there. The fact that they added iconians before co-operative ships is a joke. They need something Borg for captains to fly
  • quiiliitiilaquiiliitiila Member Posts: 309 Arc User
    Gah, the interwebs seem to have eaten my post... It was long and rambling, but suffice it to say I don't think a lockbox or two would ever do the Cooperative justice. We'd need new mechanics and abilities if we wanted something a little deeper than just a reskin.
  • thay8472thay8472 Member Posts: 6,148 Arc User
    Co-oP Rep? w a ship reward? :D

    Go back to the Delta Quadrant and help Hugh and his liberate more drones from the collective only for them all to be killed by either the players or the Undine?
    Typhoon Class please!
  • tragamitestragamites Member Posts: 424 Arc User
    Type 6

  • tragamitestragamites Member Posts: 424 Arc User
    Ah, I see. Just as long as that thing attached to the bottom isn't a nacelle. :p 'cause that would be weird.

    Secondary Deflector
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    Cute Operative mini-sphere, I would sooooo buy that! :)
  • tragamitestragamites Member Posts: 424 Arc User
    Type 4 escort or Type 8 Destroyer

  • salazarrazesalazarraze Member Posts: 3,794 Arc User
    Cryptic probably figured that since there's already so much Borg content, that the Cooperative wouldn't be as "exciting" to much of the player base.
    When you see "TRIBBLE" in my posts, it's because I manually typed "TRIBBLE" and censored myself.
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