I can switch to some ships and some ships I cannot. The one I was in before the patch was the lockbox Tal Shiar Adapted Destroyer (if that matters).
It does not matter, the only thing is you can not do what others can. Which is simply discharge the ship and claim another. My ship that is permanently stuck is a Baltim Heavy Raider. Unfortunately it is my only DPS heavy ship. So I am left now floating around in useless science ships.... The game is unplayable for me at this point. And it appears that there will be no fix this time, not enough people are affected, so I guess I am just doomed to lose my ship... Not even one Dev has said anything about this...
My romulan character that is stuck in the shuttle can not even be logged into now. The loading screen just goes on and on, none of my other characters are affected.
I got a response from support, this is not something they can help us with. We are pwned, might as well poney up the money to buy more things... I am not spending another dime on this game until I get my ship back. Its not worth spending money on keys or new ships if I do not get to use them... what is this Star Citizen???
In case you are wondering, they genuinely believe they fixed the bug already, little do they know, they just made it so much worse... There is no way they ever tested this last patch... QA dropped the ball big time. So bad that some of us are not even able to play the game in any enjoyable manner. I would hope if they ever fix this, they will compensate us by extending the events and such. Because it is genuinely not my fault that I am unable to use my shuttle as effectively as my primary Starship...
I got a response from support, this is not something they can help us with.
Seriously? Can't help us with it? Its their game. This apparently is deeper than the bug they fixed the other day.
Here's a video (for any devs watching this) of the problem from another perspective. I discharged my shuttles before recording this. I imagine that if it happens again, I'll just have a crash on that character since there's no shuttle it can force me into.
"This is not something they can help us with" is not an acceptable response from any technical department when responding to a technical issue that is directly in their department. I have to wonder if the reply was really from someone in Support and not just someone sending out a response to try to quiet things down. Especially since a response like this is something that will get any competent technician fired from their company, as it is effectively stating they cannot correct a problem that they caused and are responsible for ensuring did not happen, and are supposed to have the minimum skills necessary to correct.
On the other hand, I've received no reply at all from my ticket, so I'm going to wait another 24 hours before proceeding to the next stage.
what is the next stage, as I would like to do it too. is it uninstalling the game and not wasting any more time/money in a game you cant use things you paid for even after the last release note describe it as fixed?
Well it is going into the weekend now. No Fix and I am unable to enjoy the game without the ship I just invested everything into making good. So now, the ship I PAID FOR, I can not use due to a bug. I do not want compensation in the form of zen or something tacky, but I have been made unable to play with my ship, I should be given something to make it as if this had not happened. What I think is fair, is an extension on the current events equal to the amount of time I will lose waiting for this to be fixed. That sounds fair, but again... I doubt they ever fix it, let alone compensate players wronged by their negligence.
Same issue effecting me . I have zero confidence that the next patch will fix it. I plan on loading into my NX class ship on Wednesday, that way I'm only locked out of a useless T1 ship instead of my last remaining Fleet T6 ship. I'm currently locked out of 5/6 of my T6 vessels and unable to delete them as they are either fleet or locked box prizes.
It's astounding that a Dev hasn't even popped in and said something about this. No response to the 5 separate tickets I've dropped or the forum thread I started last week on the matter.
So I have been experiencing this problem on and off. Problem description: Unable to select t6 fleet tactical escort. Originally, I logged in and when I went to space I was forced into my shuttle, I thought okay wired. I looked at my ship inventory and noticed that my ship was missing from the character inventory screen. Then I tried while in space to click the "change active star ship" button, the game just hung on loading. I then tried to select the ship at the ship selector, the ship is never identified as selected. I tried to dry dock the ship nothing happened. I am able to select another ship just not my FLEET t6 tactical escort. I do not want to discharge this ship because it will cost fleet marks, dilithium and a zen module to reclaim, not to mention that I have it at T5 mastery current.
I have submitted an in game ticket, a few tickets actually. Now I'm reaching out here. I would like to not have to relevel a ship and resort to personal cost to fix a bug that only will happen again.
Thank you for your time.
I'm the original @Gurga, accept no substitute. I would have used my handle but, that would have been too much to ask. Seeing as I use it for every other forum I visit.
LTS subscriber and member since 2009.
So I have been experiencing this problem on and off. Problem description: Unable to select t6 fleet tactical escort. Originally, I logged in and when I went to space I was forced into my shuttle, I thought okay wired. I looked at my ship inventory and noticed that my ship was missing from the character inventory screen. Then I tried while in space to click the "change active star ship" button, the game just hung on loading. I then tried to select the ship at the ship selector, the ship is never identified as selected. I tried to dry dock the ship nothing happened. I am able to select another ship just not my FLEET t6 tactical escort. I do not want to discharge this ship because it will cost fleet marks, dilithium and a zen module to reclaim, not to mention that I have it at T5 mastery current.
I have submitted an in game ticket, a few tickets actually. Now I'm reaching out here. I would like to not have to relevel a ship and resort to personal cost to fix a bug that only will happen again.
Thank you for your time.
I'm the original @Gurga, accept no substitute. I would have used my handle but, that would have been too much to ask. Seeing as I use it for every other forum I visit.
LTS subscriber and member since 2009.
Coming up on Monday, I hope we get a Developer to at the least respond here. This is a hot button issue, but we need somebody at this point to tell us we are not out our ships. Please fix this bug, please give me back my ship. I miss being able to play the game, and not being able to play due to a bug is making it worse. If no developers respond or they don't fix it on this patch then we will know that they really don't care... I hope that is not the case.... Just fix the bug, let us know its gonna be fixed.... ANYTHING....
I am also locked out of one of my ships T6 Fleet Defiant. I have not tried to change ships after i was able to equip my fleet carrier so i cant say ho many are locked out. But i do have 1 blank space in my dry dock as other have reported. unlike many people i was not in space when i logged in i was on esd but only had my shuttle in my character screen
Coming up on Monday, I hope we get a Developer to at the least respond here. This is a hot button issue, but we need somebody at this point to tell us we are not out our ships. Please fix this bug, please give me back my ship. I miss being able to play the game, and not being able to play due to a bug is making it worse. If no developers respond or they don't fix it on this patch then we will know that they really don't care... I hope that is not the case.... Just fix the bug, let us know its gonna be fixed.... ANYTHING....
Issue was reported directly after the patch on Thursday. Not only on this forum, or through support tickets, but also on external means like the Reddit forum. It's sad that none of the devs or even forum moderator has aknowledged this issue and that they are going to look in this matter. After all, this is their official forum "dash" Gameplay Bugs Report section.
If the bug affected a players ablity to buy a ship I bet it would get fixed a lot faster.
I'm the original @Gurga, accept no substitute. I would have used my handle but, that would have been too much to ask. Seeing as I use it for every other forum I visit.
LTS subscriber and member since 2009.
If the bug affected a players ablity to buy a ship I bet it would get fixed a lot faster.
It is a bug that is affecting the ability to buy new ships atm. The alt on my account that is been affected with it is holding only T6 Fleet ships and lockbox/lobi ships. None of them I can't dismiss and reclaim like that, without expenses. I can't dry dock them coz 4 event ships are slotted there and one black slot that is blocking the situation. Do you really think that I will buy the upcoming new T6 ships if the shipyard/dry dock is such a mess ? If Cryptic does believe that, it's time to stop dreaming then.
Same problem here. First i got this on my fed tactical toon. I did nothing, just wrote a bug report and asked for GM help. Next day, the problem was gone. Could be a patch, but i don't remember to have patched the game. Two days later my klingon toon had the same problem. This time, i wanted to try some workaround. I deleted and reclaimed a zen ship. Now i could switch between ships again and get out of my shuttle, but the ship i was originally in is still affected and unchoosable. It's also a fleet ship, so i can't reclaim it. Futhermore there is this mysterious empty drydock slot that can't be filled. Even if i have more drydock space, i can't dock this one fleet Qib battlecruiser, but all of the other ships (except to the one mysterious empty slot).
My advice: if you have this bug, don't try to repair it yourself. Leave that char alone till you can choose a ship at the shipyard again. From this time forward a lot of players are practically banned from playing. Since you can't fight with a shuttle and you shouldn't use the reclaim button to not make things worse, there is nothing we can do. I'm not mad at Cryptic, i really love this game, but i don't think they realize how urgent this is. STO is completely broken for those players. WE SIT IN SHUTTLES Oo
Thanks for letting me finish my exploration accolades!
The bug I am sure does not directly prevent me from buying new ships. But it does prevent me from doing so, since I have absolutely no guarantee that I will ever be allowed to play with any ship I do buy. Which is an absolute shame, because yes, Cryptic was soon going to sell me another Scimitar Dreadnought set. I was eyeballing those so hard. But I WILL NOT buy them if Cryptic is unwilling to fix a bug that prevents me from using them. That would be a complete waste of my money. I am getting very irritated with this bug, I am now going on a solid week of being prevented from using ships. This is just... wrong.
While I understand that game content is the property of the licence holder, paying for the use of the content and not being able to use the content is theft in some courts of law.
I'm the original @Gurga, accept no substitute. I would have used my handle but, that would have been too much to ask. Seeing as I use it for every other forum I visit.
LTS subscriber and member since 2009.
Well, I can say that I have never drydocked my affected ship. I do have a t5-u version of the ship with a similar name currently in dry dock. If I remove all of my shuttle craft, I can not beam up. When ever I try to select my affected ship using the change active star ship button in space while I was in my shuttle craft. The game would hang on loading about 95% some times a little higher. Hope this helps
I'm the original @Gurga, accept no substitute. I would have used my handle but, that would have been too much to ask. Seeing as I use it for every other forum I visit.
LTS subscriber and member since 2009.
Well, keep in mind that this is a recent bug, that nobody entirely understands how to reproduce. That's one of those things that's tough to fix. If you could somehow provide steps for how to CAUSE the problem...
I mean, what's the common element here that afflicts people? Did you all use the drydock regularly? What would happen if you didn't have a shuttle? Has the affected ship ever been in the drydock?
There are no steps to reproduce it, you just find yourself in a shuttle at the login!
To reproduce it Devs can simply do the following:
- take the files of a character from one of the people here, these files should came from their backups before the patch of Feb 4 (I HOPE they have them)
- use this character on the new version and look at what's going on after the login
I'm sure there's a logging system. At the very least I'm sure an error is being generated somewhere. I run a few servers, I know that some configs are set to generate very low amount of logs. They would only need to change the logging level. This error is likely a failed query to the database. A dedicated dev could just flag an account notify the user and watch what error shows up.
I'm the original @Gurga, accept no substitute. I would have used my handle but, that would have been too much to ask. Seeing as I use it for every other forum I visit.
LTS subscriber and member since 2009.
Patch Notes are up, if you are interested guys. Says they are fixing the problem again. I really hope this fixes it, been hard to play without my ships. Good Luck everybody, see you after the patch and what not.... Come on Cryptic... Make my ship real again...
I really, really, really want this to work. Then I can go back to business as usual. Which entails possibly buying one of the T6 Scimitars... We will see, can't splurge till I have some assurance I will be able to use it.
As of 02-11-2016 @ 8:25 PM CST., I checked the issue with being unable to switch ships and it seems to have been fixed. I am once again able to select any ship and equip it. I also checked Dry Dock and was able to Dry Dock a ship and bring it out. The "missing" first slot in Dry Dock is there and ships can go into it now. I believe the issues I had with the inability to switch and equip ships has been resolved. Thank you, dev team!
It does not matter, the only thing is you can not do what others can. Which is simply discharge the ship and claim another. My ship that is permanently stuck is a Baltim Heavy Raider. Unfortunately it is my only DPS heavy ship. So I am left now floating around in useless science ships.... The game is unplayable for me at this point. And it appears that there will be no fix this time, not enough people are affected, so I guess I am just doomed to lose my ship... Not even one Dev has said anything about this...
In case you are wondering, they genuinely believe they fixed the bug already, little do they know, they just made it so much worse... There is no way they ever tested this last patch... QA dropped the ball big time. So bad that some of us are not even able to play the game in any enjoyable manner. I would hope if they ever fix this, they will compensate us by extending the events and such. Because it is genuinely not my fault that I am unable to use my shuttle as effectively as my primary Starship...
Seriously? Can't help us with it? Its their game. This apparently is deeper than the bug they fixed the other day.
Here's a video (for any devs watching this) of the problem from another perspective. I discharged my shuttles before recording this. I imagine that if it happens again, I'll just have a crash on that character since there's no shuttle it can force me into.
On the other hand, I've received no reply at all from my ticket, so I'm going to wait another 24 hours before proceeding to the next stage.
Ticket ID #3,908,159.
It's astounding that a Dev hasn't even popped in and said something about this. No response to the 5 separate tickets I've dropped or the forum thread I started last week on the matter.
Message me in-game (@tm706) for help
1st Alpha Quadrant Fleet
Problem description:
Unable to select t6 fleet tactical escort.
Originally, I logged in and when I went to space I was forced into my shuttle, I thought okay wired. I looked at my ship inventory and noticed that my ship was missing from the character inventory screen. Then I tried while in space to click the "change active star ship" button, the game just hung on loading. I then tried to select the ship at the ship selector, the ship is never identified as selected. I tried to dry dock the ship nothing happened. I am able to select another ship just not my FLEET t6 tactical escort. I do not want to discharge this ship because it will cost fleet marks, dilithium and a zen module to reclaim, not to mention that I have it at T5 mastery current.
I have submitted an in game ticket, a few tickets actually. Now I'm reaching out here.
I would like to not have to relevel a ship and resort to personal cost to fix a bug that only will happen again.
Thank you for your time.
LTS subscriber and member since 2009.
Problem description:
Unable to select t6 fleet tactical escort.
Originally, I logged in and when I went to space I was forced into my shuttle, I thought okay wired. I looked at my ship inventory and noticed that my ship was missing from the character inventory screen. Then I tried while in space to click the "change active star ship" button, the game just hung on loading. I then tried to select the ship at the ship selector, the ship is never identified as selected. I tried to dry dock the ship nothing happened. I am able to select another ship just not my FLEET t6 tactical escort. I do not want to discharge this ship because it will cost fleet marks, dilithium and a zen module to reclaim, not to mention that I have it at T5 mastery current.
I have submitted an in game ticket, a few tickets actually. Now I'm reaching out here.
I would like to not have to relevel a ship and resort to personal cost to fix a bug that only will happen again.
Thank you for your time.
LTS subscriber and member since 2009.
Issue was reported directly after the patch on Thursday. Not only on this forum, or through support tickets, but also on external means like the Reddit forum. It's sad that none of the devs or even forum moderator has aknowledged this issue and that they are going to look in this matter. After all, this is their official forum "dash" Gameplay Bugs Report section.
LTS subscriber and member since 2009.
It is a bug that is affecting the ability to buy new ships atm. The alt on my account that is been affected with it is holding only T6 Fleet ships and lockbox/lobi ships. None of them I can't dismiss and reclaim like that, without expenses. I can't dry dock them coz 4 event ships are slotted there and one black slot that is blocking the situation. Do you really think that I will buy the upcoming new T6 ships if the shipyard/dry dock is such a mess ? If Cryptic does believe that, it's time to stop dreaming then.
My advice: if you have this bug, don't try to repair it yourself. Leave that char alone till you can choose a ship at the shipyard again. From this time forward a lot of players are practically banned from playing. Since you can't fight with a shuttle and you shouldn't use the reclaim button to not make things worse, there is nothing we can do. I'm not mad at Cryptic, i really love this game, but i don't think they realize how urgent this is. STO is completely broken for those players. WE SIT IN SHUTTLES Oo
LTS subscriber and member since 2009.
LTS subscriber and member since 2009.
There are no steps to reproduce it, you just find yourself in a shuttle at the login!
To reproduce it Devs can simply do the following:
- take the files of a character from one of the people here, these files should came from their backups before the patch of Feb 4 (I HOPE they have them)
- use this character on the new version and look at what's going on after the login
LTS subscriber and member since 2009.
I really, really, really want this to work. Then I can go back to business as usual. Which entails possibly buying one of the T6 Scimitars... We will see, can't splurge till I have some assurance I will be able to use it.