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PartGen ship is a threat magnet!

platewearingbirdplatewearingbird Member Posts: 455 Arc User
Whenever or wherever I pop up a Gravity Well, I'm enemy #1 for every NPC in it.

Is there a way to reduce the threat or should I just never use GW in Pugs anymore?


  • maddscottmaddscott Member Posts: 149 Arc User
    Grav Well (GW), with a high enough PartG skill, is no different than BFAW.. It's an agro magnet, just hope:

    (1) You can deal with the added attention;
    (2) Have enough DPS to blast what your GW is slowly sucking the life out of;
    (3) Have enough "smart" players in the PUG to realize the GW has a captive audience and are able to ..."Let Loose the Dogs of War".. on said audience.
  • lordsteve1lordsteve1 Member Posts: 3,492 Arc User
    The Romulan embassy science consoles with -threat mods on them will help out a bit but basically throwing a grav well is like kicking a hornets nest.
    You need to be ready for that angry mob of npcs to come looking for you!
  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    If you're a SCI Captain doing these PartGen attacks, you want all that incoming fire to keep "Conservation of Energy" up and running at full stacks. If the attacks are all going your way, that's good. Your Science Vessel running on high Aux should be able to take the fire as good as the biggest hulled Cruiser.

    If you're a TAC Captain doing these same attacks you don't necessarily need the extra attention, then take up -Threat dumping techniques. For example, Rom Embassy SCI Consoles have them. There's also a standard space trait with -Threat but I can't recall the name.
  • platewearingbirdplatewearingbird Member Posts: 455 Arc User
    If you're a SCI Captain doing these PartGen attacks, you want all that incoming fire to keep "Conservation of Energy" up and running at full stacks. If the attacks are all going your way, that's good. Your Science Vessel running on high Aux should be able to take the fire as good as the biggest hulled Cruiser.

    If you're a TAC Captain doing these same attacks you don't necessarily need the extra attention, then take up -Threat dumping techniques. For example, Rom Embassy SCI Consoles have them. There's also a standard space trait with -Threat but I can't recall the name.

    Hold up, I'm running high Aux and I'm getting chewed through. Since when does it boost survival?

  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited January 2016
    If you're a SCI Captain doing these PartGen attacks, you want all that incoming fire to keep "Conservation of Energy" up and running at full stacks. If the attacks are all going your way, that's good. Your Science Vessel running on high Aux should be able to take the fire as good as the biggest hulled Cruiser.

    If you're a TAC Captain doing these same attacks you don't necessarily need the extra attention, then take up -Threat dumping techniques. For example, Rom Embassy SCI Consoles have them. There's also a standard space trait with -Threat but I can't recall the name.

    Hold up, I'm running high Aux and I'm getting chewed through. Since when does it boost survival?

    Because you should be slotting abilities that make your ship tougher. There are a slew of abilities that increase ship resists.
    Nukara Rep Trait (defense; Shield and Hull Resist improvement)
    SCI - Polarize Hull (very high resist bonus; tractor immunity)
    SCI - Hazard Emitters (resists with the hull repair over time component)
    ENG - Auxiliary to Structural Integrity Field (resists with moderate, instant hull repair component)
    SCI - Transfer Shield Strength (shield repair over time and resists for it)

    Etc., on top of your other hull/shield repairs. The thing to remember is the stuff I listed is heavily tied to Aux Power and their performance improves. PH is excellent when you know you're about to get slammed with lots of attacks. It also makes you laugh away Tractor Beams and TBRs when you are in range of those certain NPCs that do them, i.e. Terran Command Cruisers.

    Now, I'm not saying you need to slot all I listed above. But throwing some of them in will help protect your Science Vessel and you'll be surprised how well they stand up. How much you can slot depends of course on the ship. The Dauntless will barely be able to squeeze anything in because it sacrifices so much ENG & SCI to have that high TAC capability. But the Intrepid, Scryer, Nebula for example, are pretty heavy in the SCI or SCI+ENG department and should be damn tough.
  • platewearingbirdplatewearingbird Member Posts: 455 Arc User
    If you're a SCI Captain doing these PartGen attacks, you want all that incoming fire to keep "Conservation of Energy" up and running at full stacks. If the attacks are all going your way, that's good. Your Science Vessel running on high Aux should be able to take the fire as good as the biggest hulled Cruiser.

    If you're a TAC Captain doing these same attacks you don't necessarily need the extra attention, then take up -Threat dumping techniques. For example, Rom Embassy SCI Consoles have them. There's also a standard space trait with -Threat but I can't recall the name.

    Hold up, I'm running high Aux and I'm getting chewed through. Since when does it boost survival?

    Because you should be slotting abilities that make your ship tougher. There are a slew of abilities that increase ship resists.
    Nukara Rep Trait (defense; Shield and Hull Resist improvement)
    SCI - Polarize Hull (very high resist bonus; tractor immunity)
    SCI - Hazard Emitters (resists with the hull repair over time component)
    ENG - Auxiliary to Structural Integrity Field (resists with moderate, instant hull repair component)
    SCI - Transfer Shield Strength (shield repair over time and resists for it)

    Etc., on top of your other hull/shield repairs. The thing to remember is the stuff I listed is heavily tied to Aux Power and their performance improves. PH is excellent when you know you're about to get slammed with lots of attacks. It also makes you laugh away Tractor Beams and TBRs when you are in range of those certain NPCs that do them, i.e. Terran Command Cruisers.

    Now, I'm not saying you need to slot all I listed above. But throwing some of them in will help protect your Science Vessel and you'll be surprised how well they stand up. How much you can slot depends of course on the ship. The Dauntless will barely be able to squeeze anything in because it sacrifices so much ENG & SCI to have that high TAC capability. But the Intrepid, Scryer, Nebula for example, are pretty heavy in the SCI or SCI+ENG department and should be damn tough.

    Yeah I have a dauntless, but I avoided most of these skills because they were laughed at and penned as being "terrible". I think I can muscle in a couple.

  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    If you're a SCI Captain doing these PartGen attacks, you want all that incoming fire to keep "Conservation of Energy" up and running at full stacks. If the attacks are all going your way, that's good. Your Science Vessel running on high Aux should be able to take the fire as good as the biggest hulled Cruiser.

    If you're a TAC Captain doing these same attacks you don't necessarily need the extra attention, then take up -Threat dumping techniques. For example, Rom Embassy SCI Consoles have them. There's also a standard space trait with -Threat but I can't recall the name.

    Hold up, I'm running high Aux and I'm getting chewed through. Since when does it boost survival?

    Because you should be slotting abilities that make your ship tougher. There are a slew of abilities that increase ship resists.
    Nukara Rep Trait (defense; Shield and Hull Resist improvement)
    SCI - Polarize Hull (very high resist bonus; tractor immunity)
    SCI - Hazard Emitters (resists with the hull repair over time component)
    ENG - Auxiliary to Structural Integrity Field (resists with moderate, instant hull repair component)
    SCI - Transfer Shield Strength (shield repair over time and resists for it)

    Etc., on top of your other hull/shield repairs. The thing to remember is the stuff I listed is heavily tied to Aux Power and their performance improves. PH is excellent when you know you're about to get slammed with lots of attacks. It also makes you laugh away Tractor Beams and TBRs when you are in range of those certain NPCs that do them, i.e. Terran Command Cruisers.

    Now, I'm not saying you need to slot all I listed above. But throwing some of them in will help protect your Science Vessel and you'll be surprised how well they stand up. How much you can slot depends of course on the ship. The Dauntless will barely be able to squeeze anything in because it sacrifices so much ENG & SCI to have that high TAC capability. But the Intrepid, Scryer, Nebula for example, are pretty heavy in the SCI or SCI+ENG department and should be damn tough.

    Yeah I have a dauntless, but I avoided most of these skills because they were laughed at and penned as being "terrible". I think I can muscle in a couple.

    My Fed SCI was in a Dauntless until recently. I got her switching around ships for masteries as well as a change of pace.

    The Dauntless like I said is a tricky ship to make tough. You want the ship to hit hard but finding space for survivability skills is a big question of Give & Take. I've said before in a different thread that it's one of the flimsiest Science Vessels in the game but play it right, and she'll be a monster.

    Anyways, go into ESD space or whatever and look at those resists on those abilities, traits I mentioned. PH in particular is very high in resists if you are running a high Aux Power build. Even PH1 at Ensign is quite nice in that regard. The key is mitigating the damage. You're still going to be busy in repairs, but mitigating it with these abilities will slow the bleeding. Not to mention stuff like HE will be granting you extra resists on top of the repairs.

    If you regularly run with a high end DPS crowd, you won't need the extra defenses if everything dies in a handful of seconds. But if you regularly PUG, play with random players, a Science Vessel that's good in its build is going to take a lot of fire and the instance will take longer. Performing CC + AOE attacks is a sure way to get aggro in a PUG, unless someone is actually running a high +Threat build in that group. If such is your case, you need to make the ship a bit tougher.
  • innuwarriorinnuwarrior Member Posts: 305 Arc User
    edited January 2016
    I fly a dauntless with a torp/part gen built. What has been said to make your ship stronger is all well and work good. I use aux2damp doffed instead of aux2sif. I get great resist, the power last longer and I get enough speed to get out if need be. Shield heals are a must too, science ship have lots of shields, if you keep them up you'll get less damage to the hull and be able to last longer. To achieve that I use tss, st, eps and shield distribution doffs that regenerate shield as you get hit by energy weapon when using brace for impact, great when you have agro.

    By the way, if you think gw get a lot of agro, try tractor beam repulsor with the reversing doff, that'll get the attention of everything it touches ;)

    Hope that helps
    Jamal : Tactical space specialist. USS Bug Warrior and many others
    E'Mc2 : Science Reman torp T'Varo, deadly annoyance :P
    Kunmal: Tactical fed Klingon, ground specialist, USS Kanewaga
    Ka -tet Tier 5 fleet fully completed Starbase and fleet property
  • tousseautousseau Member Posts: 1,484 Arc User
    Running a Dauntless here too... yes it may be squishy, but for me that is also a part of the fun too... down to 2% hull when the shields pop up to full.
  • yakodymyakodym Member Posts: 363 Arc User
    Also, there's this new space trait that reduces your threat by 25% (innocuous?)
  • lordsteve1lordsteve1 Member Posts: 3,492 Arc User
    One thing to maybe consider for any true science captains (not just other professions flying sci boats) is you actually want to get shot to "power up" the conservation of energy trait you have access to. It gives you a decent boost to exotic damage. So totally stacking -threat items can have some negative impact.

    Although I get shot to pieces in my Scryer I have to admit it's a super tanky ship and nothing feels better than taking on a tac cube single handed and holding it's attention the whole time whilst the rest of the team is busy respawning after being swatted like flies! What many people see as puny science ships can play as serious tanks with the right boff powers and items.
  • e30erneste30ernest Member Posts: 1,794 Arc User
    Whenever or wherever I pop up a Gravity Well, I'm enemy #1 for every NPC in it.

    Is there a way to reduce the threat or should I just never use GW in Pugs anymore?

    There's a DOff that gives a chance to reduce threat when you cast an exotic damaging ability. IIRC it's one of the few UR DOffs (I'm away from the game right now so I can't recall his name or profession. I do use him once in a while to help with high threat runs.

    You might also want Ablative Shell and Failsafe Scrambler traits. Those help a lot when in a pinch. Both are available at the exchange.
  • pulserazorpulserazor Member Posts: 590 Arc User
    edited January 2016
    If you are using a partigen build you are hopefully using high-max aux power, you would have a lot of science boff powers and probably a ship with 4-5 science consoles suggesting a science-type ship with a higher base shield. You are built to take the heat. Instead of trying to reduce your threat, consider trying to cycle your defensive powers better and hold that agro so your teammates are free to clear the board.

    As to the threat generated by a grav well, you also have the benefit of taking the firepower from a single, predictable vector. Tac Team 1 with a 1.3x shield mod should mitigate a lot of damage.
  • lordsteve1lordsteve1 Member Posts: 3,492 Arc User
    pulserazor wrote: »
    As to the threat generated by a grav well, you also have the benefit of taking the firepower from a single, predictable vector. Tac Team 1 with a 1.3x shield mod should mitigate a lot of damage.

    This is a very good point for Grav Well. It does cause a lot of aggro but that is held in one location allowing you freedom to escape or turn your ship to restore shield facings. So surviving mobs or angry enemies is much easier than if they were scattered to the wind and all around you.

  • chipg7chipg7 Member Posts: 1,577 Arc User
    Yeah I have a dauntless, but I avoided most of these skills because they were laughed at and penned as being "terrible". I think I can muscle in a couple.

    A lot of the traits and abilities players have mentioned here will get you laughed at, but only by players who aren't running a full-out sci build. Most of these abilities, yeah they can be terrible for the BFAW meta. But sci almost demands more min-maxing than a pure-tac DPS build does, although the min-maxing is in completely different categories.

    I fly a Vesta with my sci toon, and as far as I'm concerned my actual beam weapons are totally my secondary - if not tertiary - source of damage dealing. A few things I do:

    - pump up the part gen and aux power and trap enemies in a grav well, while dealing massive damage from it
    - fire tachyon beams with high flow caps and the Nandi / Breen TB trait
    - spam sci team to keep my shields up while having the photonic fleet CD be reduced
    - benefit from the Nukara aux power traits, boosting offensive and defensive capacity
    - use the Quantum Phase set's part gen beam (and in the case of the Vesta/Aventine, I also use the part gen phaser console)
    - have consoles that boost exotic damage, which increase the output of almost all of my sci-based damage sources
    - spam high yield or spread torps at everything ones they're stuck in the Grav Well (ideally torps that have AoE damage or debuff procs, but since I'm using the Quantum Phase set I already have a solid great torp for that)
    - stack grav well boosting doffs (such as the ones that generate a post-well explosion or an entirely new well)

    With all that, I'm likely to survive the aggro, and the enemies are either dead or dying by the time the grav well expires.
  • lordsteve1lordsteve1 Member Posts: 3,492 Arc User
    In my Fleet Scryer the only enemy I really have issues with on a regular basis are the Borg, because they strip away the major strength of the science ship - your high shield capacity.
    Having nearly 30K per facing is meaningless when facing a horde of upset spheres you just grav well'd.

    Anything else should be easy to handle if you keep an eye on your shield heals and healing cooldowns.

    Something I don't think anyone has mentioned yet either, there are two traits I find really useful.
    • Psychological Warfare, which adds to the hold power of the grav well.
    • Intimidating Strikes, which stuns/confuses enemies hit by your torps. This can give you a few seconds of time to escape or move to show a new shield facing.
  • coruunascoruunas Member Posts: 127 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    One of the builds I have is a hybrid PartGen/CMS, I find that using Psych Warfare helps a lot for improving the pull of the GW and the duration of of scramble. With the right doffs and timing I usually don't have any issues as I can slip away during the confusion to patch up or align for another run.

    Edit: The new trait Invasive Control Programming seems usefull but I'm not sure if its just you main target or more.
  • g2g#3372 g2g Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    thanks for sharing :)
  • postinggumpostinggum Member Posts: 1,117 Arc User
    Grav Well + TS + DRB is great but leaves you having to sit there directing the DRB, how about:
    1. Use confuse and disable, scramble sensors for example is boosted by aux and the control skill that you've probably already boosted, then the dopes will shoot each other, do that after the phase torp and they'll have less shields to get through.
    2. Get a steath clicky like Intel Team, or some threat reduction doodad. Be great if a single ensign power can solve the issue. There are traits and starship traits that reset threat to 0.
    3. Swap DRB for a fire and forget power like Ionic Turbulence or subspace vortex, then run away
    4. Stack everything you possibly can into the grav well and simply out dps the fiends, accepting that this may not always work and triggers lots of cooldowns making your ship very spikey in its damage output. Rememeber that rep ability with the cloak boost you're sci abilities by 100, and the exotic particle 20% battery
    5. Have a cycle of damage resistance boosting powers: for example HE to brace for impact(with doff) to A2S to A2D( with boff), to PH back to HE, its like have an extra neutronium console or two or three, remembering that damage resistance scales with each step doing less for you, perhaps even making an armour console a wasted slot.
  • odinforever20000odinforever20000 Member Posts: 1,849 Arc User
    postinggum wrote: »
    Grav Well + TS + DRB is great but leaves you having to sit there directing the DRB, how about:
    1. Use confuse and disable, scramble sensors for example is boosted by aux and the control skill that you've probably already boosted, then the dopes will shoot each other, do that after the phase torp and they'll have less shields to get through.
    2. Get a steath clicky like Intel Team, or some threat reduction doodad. Be great if a single ensign power can solve the issue. There are traits and starship traits that reset threat to 0.
    3. Swap DRB for a fire and forget power like Ionic Turbulence or subspace vortex, then run away
    4. Stack everything you possibly can into the grav well and simply out dps the fiends, accepting that this may not always work and triggers lots of cooldowns making your ship very spikey in its damage output. Rememeber that rep ability with the cloak boost you're sci abilities by 100, and the exotic particle 20% battery
    5. Have a cycle of damage resistance boosting powers: for example HE to brace for impact(with doff) to A2S to A2D( with boff), to PH back to HE, its like have an extra neutronium console or two or three, remembering that damage resistance scales with each step doing less for you, perhaps even making an armour console a wasted slot.

    I agree with most of this...Some simply depends on how you fly.
    Personally I dont use GW...I use a doffed Tykens on top of someone elses GW (Im helpful like that).. Or I Use a Doffed TBR to pull ships into a GW..Once in, I swing around I DRB2 the Mob (I have very high Turn)..Thats how I survive without access to Intel abilities (..waits patiently for T6 Wells)...

    But Yea..I run 4 -TH consoles, Energy Refrequencer space trait (iconian Rep) HE and PH (sometimes A2D doffed) and I can safely take 30-40% of the map DPS in ISA, higher than that (usually in a Team with a cumulative DPS of 10k or less..) and I pop.


    Rouge Sto Wiki Editor.

  • lordsteve1lordsteve1 Member Posts: 3,492 Arc User
    If you want you could alway pole everything you've got into a massive particle gen alpha strike then leg it to safety and wait to mop up survivors.
    Get GW3 then use Ep2A, the T5 rommie rep clicks, a particle flood battery, combined with a max EPG skill (i.e. Over 400) that will make a grav well do serious damage. Throw in ionic turbulence and hit em with a torp spread of particle emission torps to finish. That cause a real s@£t storm but does a lot of damage!
  • questeriusquesterius Member Posts: 8,618 Arc User
    lordsteve1 wrote: »
    If you want you could alway pole everything you've got into a massive particle gen alpha strike then leg it to safety and wait to mop up survivors.
    Get GW3 then use Ep2A, the T5 rommie rep clicks, a particle flood battery, combined with a max EPG skill (i.e. Over 400) that will make a grav well do serious damage. Throw in ionic turbulence and hit em with a torp spread of particle emission torps to finish. That cause a real s@£t storm but does a lot of damage!

    Getting out of dodge? I fly into the fire with my science vessels to get as much aggro as possible.
    High PG, aggro and FBP+ EPS corruption eat though enemies like there's no tomorrow.

    This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
  • postinggumpostinggum Member Posts: 1,117 Arc User
    Theres an old uni console Subspace Integration Circuit, cd 2m, but when active gives 10 sec of targets not being able to see anything and hardly move, upon collapse does partgen boosted kinetic damage. Its debateable if its worth a console slot, but would cover 1 in 4 of your grav wells. On release this was so OP it had to be be nerfed for pvp. Current cost 1m. Im not sure if the collapse explosion gets boosted by part gen R&D trait, if it does you could be looking at an average hit of 60k+ for each ship in the black splodge.

    The 3 piece bonus for the Honour Guard space set is an area effect stealth clicky, that set is good for torping and space magic.

    The intel ability EMP Probe can work really well for bunched enemies and bosses, it can be targetted but mobs don't seem to do that very often.

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