dil has ALWAYS BEEN the reason I created a new pvp toon, I would get to a point where a character has so much dil that it will take months and months and months of logging in for a second, click refine, then log off before it would all be gone, SO I would then create a new toon, level them up, gear them out (it was a lot cheaper to gear out a new toon to max years back) and ya, hit the cues in a new pvp toon/build--
MIND YOU, back then changing ships SUCKED, oh god did it suck, SO for many of us pvpers it only made SENSE to make alts with a different build (cannon build one toon, torp boat another toon, heal boat another toon, etc, etc, etc) CAUSE the hassle of moving all that gear, swaping the ship, changing the skills (the cost) and so on made running a pile of toons appealing
today? flick of a switch to change your character's build, my god, to think if they would have had this years ago? I honestly can say I wouldn't have made 5 of my toons right there:)
Yup. I remember all that stuff. I was even semi managing with a single character. Just had lots of boffs. Heck I even named some of my boffs "taccannon" or "tacalpha" or "survivengie" and other corny names I'd remember so I can switch between couple of builds inbetween PvP queues and between PvP and PvE. That said, I was just a vaper (and was just simple cannon 'scort before vape years) so that part (PvP) wasn't too difficult or too colourfull, build-wise. Would probably go bonkers pretty badly if I wanted a different setup with a different ship.
Ten Million Unrefined. Some guy started a Thread a few weeks ago asking for it to be raised. He was po-poed as 10 Million would take between 1,111 and 1,250 days.
Oh, I'm feeling half-away bad for that guy. Half-away.
Ten Million Unrefined. Some guy started a Thread a few weeks ago asking for it to be raised. He was po-poed as 10 Million would take between 1,111 and 1,250 days to refine.
Are you telling me someone has 4 years on Dil to refine? They should let him spend unrefined dil to zen.
I like the Space Battlezones, they award pretty good.
The Undine one is faster then the Badlands, but the Badlands is more fun. If you don't need the Elite Marks they award, you can also turn them in for an extra 1k per pop (for 3.)
Everyone says Dyson Ground.. that's the one thing about this game that in all my years of playing I just don't get. I have tried the Dyson Ground Zone several times, didn't get squat. Apparently though, there is some way to get Dilithium out of it. I absolutely hate that zone.
You can also run Red Alerts, they give ok Dilithium for such a small time investment. Just bring up your map and just keep switching instances and hopping from Alert to Alert. Once you have them all on cool down, go to the Alpha Quadrant and do it.
The other method that really works for me is Admiralty. Some of the Admiralty missions pay out pretty handsomely in Dilithium and/or Crafting Materials.
you get dil from the commander's missions. 120-750 for killing voth, 1440 for capturing 3 points forget teh others
Capping your daily refine limit is super easy now. I find just by doing one each of the stf that rewards different marks will give you the daily bonus. Then change that to dil and you'll have nearly 8000 already without counting the actual dil you'll get from the stfs themselves.
Admiralty (in particular the KDF chain) is a good way to get 30,000 every 10 days and even the basic missions can reward several thousand dil each as well a slot of other goodies.
The Voth zone used to be good and probably the best but now the stuff is so easy to come by you probably do t need to ever go there. To be honest any of the 3 big battle zones are good payers as you get at least enough elite baubles from each run to make over 1000 dil plus other marks.
The refine cap slows it all down but that's not likely to change. I'd say unless you really want to turn the game into a full time farming job or desperately need a tonne of the stuff simply running doffs, admiralty and the odd stf with the 3 free toons you get will bet you more than enough dil to keep you going.
That's exactly the truth of it, it's a game after all and you're supposed to play it for fun. If you turn it into a full on grind/job where's the fun, unless you like running the same endless stf runs with 10, 20 or even more alts just to farm every penny. It's like some people at my job, they work all the hours under the sun and have heaps of money but never have a life to spend it on because they are too busy devoting all their time to grinding out yet more money!
Ten Million Unrefined. Some guy started a Thread a few weeks ago asking for it to be raised. He was po-poed as 10 Million would take between 1,111 and 1,250 days to refine.
Here's a hint: when you reach the daily 8k then logout from that toon. No reason to play it anymore on that day. Cryptic gave you 3 more toon slots for free of charge.
Ten Million Unrefined. Some guy started a Thread a few weeks ago asking for it to be raised. He was po-poed as 10 Million would take between 1,111 and 1,250 days to refine.
Here's a hint: when you reach the daily 8k then logout from that toon. No reason to play it anymore on that day. Cryptic gave you 3 more toon slots for free of charge.
No more reason other then I may like playing with that toon.
Yep, that's Crpytic's business model. You nailed it.
Admiralty, Doffing & having fun in queued PvE contend with fleet mates currently have me reach the daily refinement cap in less than 15 minutes on a character. I have nine.
Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
ok, so im sure for a lot of new players they don't know about the prisoners for dil,
so security officer you turn contraband into, you can (AWSOME IF YOUR KLINK, klinks get prisoners like crazy:) ), TURN IN the prisoners for what is it? 1k? 2k?
The Forced Labor missions rewards 500 Dil or 1,500 Dil with a critical success. There is always a base chance of a mission failure; it think it is 4%, and I think Critical Success chance is never higher than 9%.... I don't really pay much attention to those percentages. I simply assign 4 prisoners and hope they enjoy their "holiday stay".
Ferengies and Andorians increases chance of mission failure and probably decreases chances for critical success. Assuming no missions failures, a brig full of 20 prisoners can net you anywhere between 2.5k to 7.5k Dil. I think the most I ever got at any one time was 5.5k which was from 3 critical success and 2 normal success.
However, finding the the Force Labor missions can sometimes be a pain.... Last night on one particular KDF toon it took me about 15 minutes to find "all" the Forced Labor mission in the sector they randomly appear in. I was only able to find 3 such missions so I had 8 prisoners doing nothing in the brig.
You cap zones on the ground. When the big meter fills up. Each zone has one Vrex(Trex) that you have to kill. When you and the other people kill all 3 Vrexs you get 5Voth Implants and about 3kdil. Plus a few thousand more Dil from The Dailies you can do while capping zones. On Average I get 12kDil in about 30 minutes from Dyson Ground. Well worth the time and frustration. I recommened you figure it out. I was wondering if there were similar ways to get lots of Dil that I was not aware of.
IMO if you have the time the VOTH ground is the best and fastest way to get DIL as stated above. Enjoy
Yup. I remember all that stuff. I was even semi managing with a single character. Just had lots of boffs. Heck I even named some of my boffs "taccannon" or "tacalpha" or "survivengie" and other corny names I'd remember so I can switch between couple of builds inbetween PvP queues and between PvP and PvE. That said, I was just a vaper (and was just simple cannon 'scort before vape years) so that part (PvP) wasn't too difficult or too colourfull, build-wise. Would probably go bonkers pretty badly if I wanted a different setup with a different ship.
Oh, I'm feeling half-away bad for that guy. Half-away.
Are you telling me someone has 4 years on Dil to refine? They should let him spend unrefined dil to zen.
you get dil from the commander's missions. 120-750 for killing voth, 1440 for capturing 3 points forget teh others
I find just by doing one each of the stf that rewards different marks will give you the daily bonus. Then change that to dil and you'll have nearly 8000 already without counting the actual dil you'll get from the stfs themselves.
Admiralty (in particular the KDF chain) is a good way to get 30,000 every 10 days and even the basic missions can reward several thousand dil each as well a slot of other goodies.
The Voth zone used to be good and probably the best but now the stuff is so easy to come by you probably do t need to ever go there.
To be honest any of the 3 big battle zones are good payers as you get at least enough elite baubles from each run to make over 1000 dil plus other marks.
The refine cap slows it all down but that's not likely to change. I'd say unless you really want to turn the game into a full time farming job or desperately need a tonne of the stuff simply running doffs, admiralty and the odd stf with the 3 free toons you get will bet you more than enough dil to keep you going.
That's exactly the truth of it, it's a game after all and you're supposed to play it for fun. If you turn it into a full on grind/job where's the fun, unless you like running the same endless stf runs with 10, 20 or even more alts just to farm every penny.
It's like some people at my job, they work all the hours under the sun and have heaps of money but never have a life to spend it on because they are too busy devoting all their time to grinding out yet more money!
Here's a hint: when you reach the daily 8k then logout from that toon. No reason to play it anymore on that day. Cryptic gave you 3 more toon slots for free of charge.
Yep, that's Crpytic's business model. You nailed it.
Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
The Forced Labor missions rewards 500 Dil or 1,500 Dil with a critical success. There is always a base chance of a mission failure; it think it is 4%, and I think Critical Success chance is never higher than 9%.... I don't really pay much attention to those percentages. I simply assign 4 prisoners and hope they enjoy their "holiday stay".
Ferengies and Andorians increases chance of mission failure and probably decreases chances for critical success. Assuming no missions failures, a brig full of 20 prisoners can net you anywhere between 2.5k to 7.5k Dil. I think the most I ever got at any one time was 5.5k which was from 3 critical success and 2 normal success.
However, finding the the Force Labor missions can sometimes be a pain.... Last night on one particular KDF toon it took me about 15 minutes to find "all" the Forced Labor mission in the sector they randomly appear in. I was only able to find 3 such missions so I had 8 prisoners doing nothing in the brig.
Gives you from 8 to 10K in just a few minutes to and hour.
Easy and fast.