Just wondering what are good ways to get DIL, especially this weekend. Yes I know Rich Dil Mining claims. And Dyson Ground. What else is worth grinding?
Captain Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, it's all ancient history. Then - before you can blink an eye - suddenly it threatens to start all over again."
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
They have pretty much answered it for you. Between grinding the reputation systems and doffing (5 contraband gets you 2,000), you should get to the cap fairly easily. The daily cap is the limiting factor.
My alt army: K'ymara, Orion Engineer. Caedera of Borg, Liberated Borg Tactical, Elyza Vix, Joined Trill Scientist. Christina Bellona, Augmented Human Tactical. T'Lana, Vulcan Scientist. Arbol, Martian Tactical. Ayzer Bryn, Joined Trill Engineer. Hawke, Betazoid Scientist. Karna Valkras, Klingon Engineer. Beth Parker, Human Tactical Sarel, Romulan Engineer (Federation). Yazuri, Reman Scientist (KDF)
KDF raiding DOFF missions can net you quite a lot of contraband too. Then you can stuff it in the acct bank (or mail to yourself if you have no acct bank. Then have several toons turn it in.
Now a LTS and loving it.
Just because you spend money on this game, it does not entitle you to be a jerk if things don't go your way.
I have come to the conclusion that I have a memory like Etch-A-Sketch. I shake my head and forget everything.
You got help. IMO, @coldnapalm gave the best answer. Just play what you enjoy playing the most in the game and you'll have piles of dilithium before you even know it. I know that sounds trite, but it's true.
My Foundry Mission--Name: Falling Star | Mission ID: HQIH36HAW | Faction: FED
well, you answered your own question in your opening post. The dyson ground each day plus about 1 minute of doffing will get you 8000. I would say that is your fastest method at <30 min for 8000.
Logging in and turning in contraband 4 times would of course take less time, even if you are gathering it yourself, but it does require 4 logins divided by 4 hours between each.
Captain Jean-Luc Picard: "We think we've come so far. Torture of heretics, burning of witches, it's all ancient history. Then - before you can blink an eye - suddenly it threatens to start all over again."
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
Wow. So little help. How about you be specific? Maybe certain patrol missions? The game is big, could be something I don't know.
People answer you, and you complain about it still. So here's my bit of 'help:' play the game, discover for yourself. Hint: it is not hard, but beware of grinding yourself out of the game bypassing the refining limit across multiple toons while the dil ex does its creeping to max.
As the others have said... basically anything you do in game generates Dil for you... just sit back, relax, and play the game (pve, doffing, admiralty, burn up excess reputation marks). You will certainly get your daily needs met.
Treating the game like a min/maxed job will just lead you to burnout.
If you look carefully you will see plenty of Doff missions that provide more than the obligatory 5 dilithium reward; they usually require a little investment in replicatable materials, but nothing outrageous. Sending settlers out to colonies is worth a nice pile of dilithium as well.
I'm not aware that one particular patrol mission rewards more dilithium than others, but there's always the Traelus daily repair mission, and 60 dil every time someone rescues folks on Nimbus III.
I like the Space Battlezones, they award pretty good.
The Undine one is faster then the Badlands, but the Badlands is more fun. If you don't need the Elite Marks they award, you can also turn them in for an extra 1k per pop (for 3.)
Everyone says Dyson Ground.. that's the one thing about this game that in all my years of playing I just don't get. I have tried the Dyson Ground Zone several times, didn't get squat. Apparently though, there is some way to get Dilithium out of it. I absolutely hate that zone.
You can also run Red Alerts, they give ok Dilithium for such a small time investment. Just bring up your map and just keep switching instances and hopping from Alert to Alert. Once you have them all on cool down, go to the Alpha Quadrant and do it.
The other method that really works for me is Admiralty. Some of the Admiralty missions pay out pretty handsomely in Dilithium and/or Crafting Materials.
I like the Space Battlezones, they award pretty good.
The Undine one is faster then the Badlands, but the Badlands is more fun. If you don't need the Elite Marks they award, you can also turn them in for an extra 1k per pop (for 3.)
Everyone says Dyson Ground.. that's the one thing about this game that in all my years of playing I just don't get. I have tried the Dyson Ground Zone several times, didn't get squat. Apparently though, there is some way to get Dilithium out of it. I absolutely hate that zone.
You can also run Red Alerts, they give ok Dilithium for such a small time investment. Just bring up your map and just keep switching instances and hopping from Alert to Alert. Once you have them all on cool down, go to the Alpha Quadrant and do it.
The other method that really works for me is Admiralty. Some of the Admiralty missions pay out pretty handsomely in Dilithium and/or Crafting Materials.
You cap zones on the ground. When the big meter fills up. Each zone has one Vrex(Trex) that you have to kill. When you and the other people kill all 3 Vrexs you get 5Voth Implants and about 3kdil. Plus a few thousand more Dil from The Dailies you can do while capping zones. On Average I get 12kDil in about 30 minutes from Dyson Ground. Well worth the time and frustration. I recommened you figure it out. I was wondering if there were similar ways to get lots of Dil that I was not aware of.
I just farm contraband on my kdf characters by doing marauding missions then I transfer it to some fed characters and turn it in for 2k dilithium. With minimal effort I make between 100 and 200k dilithium a week. Can make significantly more, but I don't really put much effort into it. It also depends on how much contraband you can farm and turn in. It's by far the easiest method to earn dilithium.
I just farm contraband on my kdf characters by doing marauding missions then I transfer it to some fed characters and turn it in for 2k dilithium. With minimal effort I make between 100 and 200k dilithium a week. Can make significantly more, but I don't really put much effort into it. It also depends on how much contraband you can farm and turn in. It's by far the easiest method to earn dilithium.
This is my current best method as well. I farm Contraband with my KDF and pass it along to my Fed alts. Between that, Doff missions, and Admiralty I can usually hit the daily cap without even really playing.
Thanks for th Dyson video, I generally prefer space combat in STO, but I might give the Dyson Zone another shot.
I have over 800k unrefined dill on my main, if you do pretty much anything and play the game for couple of hours each day, you'll end up with much more then what the cap allows you to refine.
Fastest? Dyson ground zone, as already said, admiralty if you have loads of ships (I have 40ish which isn't a lot but if I pick the right projects and bump up the crit on it, I can easily get 6-7k dill in one batch), daily contraband also send prisoners (cause they're cheap as crackers) and if you are decently patient person (it takes 15 mins even less but it's tedious) and have access to high level fleet, fleet mine, easy 3k+.
If you have a decently build ship, advanced/elite queues can give nice dill rewards as well.
Ten Million Unrefined. Some guy started a Thread a few weeks ago asking for it to be raised. He was po-poed as 10 Million would take between 1,111 and 1,250 days to refine.
'But to be logical is not to be right', and 'nothing' on God's earth could ever 'make it' right!'
Judge Dan Haywood
'As l speak now, the words are forming in my head.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Yeah... I'm approaching 700k now... and I don't even feel like I'm trying to bring it in... so I was just curious.
I will say though, having that buffer does make it appealing to work more on my alts more. I just find my Sci toon to be to much fun with all of the different ships I fly with him.
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
K'ymara, Orion Engineer. Caedera of Borg, Liberated Borg Tactical, Elyza Vix, Joined Trill Scientist. Christina Bellona, Augmented Human Tactical.
T'Lana, Vulcan Scientist. Arbol, Martian Tactical. Ayzer Bryn, Joined Trill Engineer. Hawke, Betazoid Scientist. Karna Valkras, Klingon Engineer. Beth Parker, Human Tactical
Sarel, Romulan Engineer (Federation). Yazuri, Reman Scientist (KDF)
You got help. IMO, @coldnapalm gave the best answer. Just play what you enjoy playing the most in the game and you'll have piles of dilithium before you even know it. I know that sounds trite, but it's true.
Logging in and turning in contraband 4 times would of course take less time, even if you are gathering it yourself, but it does require 4 logins divided by 4 hours between each.
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
People answer you, and you complain about it still. So here's my bit of 'help:' play the game, discover for yourself. Hint: it is not hard, but beware of grinding yourself out of the game bypassing the refining limit across multiple toons while the dil ex does its creeping to max.
Treating the game like a min/maxed job will just lead you to burnout.
I'm not aware that one particular patrol mission rewards more dilithium than others, but there's always the Traelus daily repair mission, and 60 dil every time someone rescues folks on Nimbus III.
The Undine one is faster then the Badlands, but the Badlands is more fun. If you don't need the Elite Marks they award, you can also turn them in for an extra 1k per pop (for 3.)
Everyone says Dyson Ground.. that's the one thing about this game that in all my years of playing I just don't get. I have tried the Dyson Ground Zone several times, didn't get squat. Apparently though, there is some way to get Dilithium out of it. I absolutely hate that zone.
You can also run Red Alerts, they give ok Dilithium for such a small time investment. Just bring up your map and just keep switching instances and hopping from Alert to Alert. Once you have them all on cool down, go to the Alpha Quadrant and do it.
The other method that really works for me is Admiralty. Some of the Admiralty missions pay out pretty handsomely in Dilithium and/or Crafting Materials.
You cap zones on the ground. When the big meter fills up. Each zone has one Vrex(Trex) that you have to kill. When you and the other people kill all 3 Vrexs you get 5Voth Implants and about 3kdil. Plus a few thousand more Dil from The Dailies you can do while capping zones. On Average I get 12kDil in about 30 minutes from Dyson Ground. Well worth the time and frustration. I recommened you figure it out. I was wondering if there were similar ways to get lots of Dil that I was not aware of.
This is my current best method as well. I farm Contraband with my KDF and pass it along to my Fed alts. Between that, Doff missions, and Admiralty I can usually hit the daily cap without even really playing.
Thanks for th Dyson video, I generally prefer space combat in STO, but I might give the Dyson Zone another shot.
Fastest? Dyson ground zone, as already said, admiralty if you have loads of ships (I have 40ish which isn't a lot but if I pick the right projects and bump up the crit on it, I can easily get 6-7k dill in one batch), daily contraband also send prisoners (cause they're cheap as crackers) and if you are decently patient person (it takes 15 mins even less but it's tedious) and have access to high level fleet, fleet mine, easy 3k+.
If you have a decently build ship, advanced/elite queues can give nice dill rewards as well.
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
I will say though, having that buffer does make it appealing to work more on my alts more. I just find my Sci toon to be to much fun with all of the different ships I fly with him.