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Where to find info on building a strong dps ship and captain?

I was playing last night with some fleet mates, and we were doing endless elite missions when one of them started posting dps meters, and I started to realize how horrible my dps was. It was about a tenth of the person above me. I mean HORRIBLE. And I thought before it was pretty good. So obviously I learned from the wrong people, so I am looking for good, solid information on how to build a really decent dps boat. I know some of you are practically experts at this, so please add some info, or at least point to some of the better places to get this type of information.

What I am not looking for is a "go here and you can build your own boat and compare" sites. Those suck if you don't know what you're doing to begin with (which apparently seems to be the case with me). That would lead me to do exactly what I've been doing before, which is really not been enough.
Fleet Admiral Duane Gundrum, U.S.S. Merrimack
Fleet Admiral Ventaxa Proxmire, U.S.S. Shaka Walls Fell
Blog: http://www.sarbonn.com/?page_id=1990
Foundry series: Bob From Accounting & For the Sake of the Empire


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    vetteguy904vetteguy904 Member Posts: 3,886 Arc User
    edited December 2015
    well, those sites ARE the place to start. first thing i do is decide on the ship. now that I have that i look at the abilities. from there I decide on the weapons loadout. although the superDPSers will poo poo me i LIKE having torpedoes fore and aft. now you have to decide your energy type and the consoles that will enhance that build. hard to go wrong with an AP build. actually you can get respectable power output with any energy type, but it takes work. also, only two energy types allow for two 360 turrets, AP and Tetryon. I did some rough number crunching a while back, and came up with this:

    it does not have some newer equipment, and does not have any fleet equipment. but it's a start, for example, the tet numbers do not reflect the nukara rep equipment bonuses and the disruptor/phaser numbers do not reflect consoles given out as mission rewards

    from there it's gathering consoles to do one of 2 things, boost your DPS or keep you alive.
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    edipssedipss Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited December 2015
    hi, this webside is okisch to start with, u can look for certain ships and then u can look over builds others recommend on them, downside of this is that there are always people that have no clue what the are doing and still wanna post their *garbage* builds ^^ but luckily some builds here are rated so u can at least imagine if their are good or not.


    u can add me ingame or message me here if u have any questions and i would be glad o help,

    greets and gn8

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    theillusivenmantheillusivenman Member Posts: 438 Arc User
    edited December 2015
    I usually refer to >this< guide when people ask about DPS, but you really have to read it from line to line. It tells you anything from what actually DPS means, power levels, gears, skills, traits, boffs, doffs, and it even touches down some more advanced things. It is updated every so often, and if you do follow it, while you may not end up with the greatest and most comfortable build for you, you'll definitely end up with pretty high DPS. It does involves time, extra effort and bunch of resources, so it's not a super quick fix.

    As for your actual build, it would help immensively if you'd actually showed us your build, your ship, your captain skills, we could tinker with what you have to optimize it to its maximum.

    Without the info though, I can give you some basic stuffs that'll work for sure, despite you probably know these things yourself (just look at them as a reminder).
    • Always use just one type of energy weapon. While mixing DBB with DHC seems cool for a nicer burst, it hurts the DPS because it takes your BOFF (bridge officer) abbilities from something else. So if you're using Beam Arrays, stick to Beam Arrays, if you like Dual Beam Banks front stick with those etc.
    • Always use one type of energy weapons, if you like Plasma, then use all Plasma, if you like it red and you roll with antiproton, use antiproton on all weapons, if you keep it canon and use phasers then use phasers on all. Exclusive to this is Borg Kinetic Cutting Beam, you can (and usually want) to use that with any of your weapon loadout.
    • Use only energy weapon tact consoles, and only for a specific weapon type you're using (plasma boosting ones for plasma weapons etc), try to get in a fleet, if you already aren't in one, and try getting spire tactical locator (and embassy plasma damage consoles) - for a specific weapon type you're using - besides the same amount of damage boost as regular tac consoles, these also provide a lovely boost to crit chance.
    • Always keep the enemy in your arc, it's a huge DPS loss if you are turning and not battering the enemy with your weapons. Likewise, dead captain does zero damage, so always try to have enough survivability to atleast barely survive.
    • Generally in PvE you want to have AoE attacks as they simply do more damage since very rarely in the end game are you fighting just one target at the time. BFAW (Beam Fire at Will) is currently in a really good shape and if you're running beams, there's no reason not to have it, in fact if you have the boff tact space, slot two of these. For cannons its CSV (Cannon Scatter Volley) and torpedoes are Torpedo Spread (TS). Likewise, try to have Tactical Team up as much as possible because besides rearranging the shields to the side currently attacked, they also provide a DPS boost.
    • Always try to have (or try your best) maximum uptime of Attack Patterns. This is where most of your DPS comes from, and you want to have it on your ship, if you have enough tactical BOFF slots, you want to slot more then one, and cycle them. For DPS boats, Omega and Beta are both nice choices, and if you have access to Commander Tactical, I'd slot Omega3 and Beta1 or 2, depending on how much more of tactical boffs slots you have, and run them one after another together with main AoE weapon ability (BFAW/CSV). If you have two attack patterns, two beam fire at wills, and two tactical teams, you can simply run first 3 in one batch, second three in another, rinse and repeat. There are ways to shorten attack pattern cooldowns, but for now lets keep this simple.
    • Manage your powers - it's real simple, energy weapons need energy to produce damage. Always have weapon energy on full when in combat and using energy weapons. This is given but I still see some people flying their tacticals with all energies at 50.
    • Always have enough energy for all your weapons - it's nice seeing all those 8 beams firing at the same time, but they wont melt the shields or hull fast if they ran out of juice. There are ways in game to get more of that juice, from tactical skills you undoubtedly have, through basic stuffs such as engineering power emergency power to weapons (which if you have the space for, should definitely run atleast one copy), to items boosting these such as warp cores with bonus weapon power damage or with clickable powers (batteries) boosting weapons. There's also universal consoles made to help with these, to keep this short, I'll tell the easiest one to incorporate into any build, Plasmonic Leech. If you currently don't have enough juice to run all the weapons at the same time, then don't! Incorporate torpedoes instead of one or two of those weapons and see if after engaging the targets your energy suffers.
    • If you use cannons, try to keep the target in a tight arc infront and very close to you (try to go for 5 km, as this is when they produce good damage, when you get more comfy try moving closer for more damage).
    • Use Captain space ship skills for boosting damage. This one's easy really, read them up, if you don't yet have any additional lockbox ones, stick to the ones you know will work, anything giving you armor pen, crit, crit severity, accuracy, damage to beams/cannons/torps (weapon type you use). Do the same with Reputations powers, once you tell us more about your build we can probably find you the best choices between, for now just takes all boosting crit, crit severity, damage...

    Doing all these basics while using decent equipment can probably yield you acceptable DPS alone, without even dabbling into specific builds, dragon/drake a2b reci or any other expensive builds. If you need a good equipment and don't have access to rep gear, and are in a fleet, save up for fleet gear, while they might not be BiS in game, they provide very good ultra rare gear at acceptable price.

    If you give more information about your ship, your build, your equipment, your captain skill tree etc, you'll definitely get more answers from people offering advices.

    Happy huntin'
    Post edited by theillusivenman on
    "Reality is a thing of the past."
    Proud supporter of equality for all human beings.
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    tempusmagustempusmagus Member Posts: 107 Arc User
    I usually refer to >this< guide when people ask about DPS, but you really have to read it from line to line. It tells you anything from what actually DPS means, power levels, gears, skills, traits, boffs, doffs, and it even touches down some more advanced things. It is updated every so often, and if you do follow it, while you may not end up with the greatest and most comfortable build for you, you'll definitely end up with pretty high DPS. It does involves time, extra effort and bunch of resources, so it's not a super quick fix.

    That guide seems to be outdated and has some incorrect information. For current information and why it works, check here. You can also post your build and get some good advice. The points @theillusiveman makes are very good.
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    risian4risian4 Member Posts: 3,711 Arc User
    I'm not an expert on builds or anything, but @theillusivenman 's advice seems solid. And it's general enough to make your own choices, OP.

    One thing you'll have to ask yourself is whether you want other people dictating (or advicing) how to build your ship. Personally, I'd do the things that make sense, @theillusivenman has summarised the most important ones, and work from there according to your own preferences.
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    risian4risian4 Member Posts: 3,711 Arc User
    Just want to add:

    There's a lot of different builds possible. Sure, some will make it easier to achieve high DPS, but almost anything can work if you do it right.

    A lot of people say FAW combined with Attack patterns are the way to go, but I've always found it difficult to work with that. Cannons are much easier for me to achieve high DPS, if I have to use beams on my Regent for example, I use overload and torpedo spread.

    No matter how good something works in theory, if it doesn't work for you then the theory isn't very helpful. Besides, almost all builds require some degree of skill and knowing what you're doing. Anyone can copy-paste someone else's build, but if you try to find out yourself, while following some basic rules as explained above, I think it will be much more satisfying and it'll be a lot easier to find something that works for you.
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    jslynjslyn Member Posts: 1,785 Arc User
    edited December 2015
    If you want to try something different, consider speccing for Torpedoes. Torpedo Boats are a different playstyle and not everyone likes them, but I do. It does require a different set-up then using beams, and it is less DPS oriented than it is spike oriented, but it is not necessarily weaker.

    If you want to skip the thought process for a Torpedo Boat, you can do something really simple with an array of Tricobalts, Torpedo Spread 3, and a Gravity Well. That, alone, will regularly hit for 200,000+, and some times double. That is not dealing with things like Kemocite either, which I have never touched. It is a big boom ship. But make no mistake: it can kill you just as easily if you are not careful. It is also weak to Fire At Will. But everything has its drawbacks, right?
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    kriss257kriss257 Member Posts: 116 Arc User
    edited December 2015
    I recomend you to watch Valikin youtube and twitch stream:
    10Chars and I play them ALL.

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    littlesarbonnlittlesarbonn Member Posts: 486 Arc User
    Thanks all for the advice given so far. I'm looking it over and starting to make some gradual changes.
    Fleet Admiral Duane Gundrum, U.S.S. Merrimack
    Fleet Admiral Ventaxa Proxmire, U.S.S. Shaka Walls Fell
    Blog: http://www.sarbonn.com/?page_id=1990
    Foundry series: Bob From Accounting & For the Sake of the Empire
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    jaymclaughlinjaymclaughlin Member Posts: 630 Arc User
    Check here for ship builds...


    If there's a specific build you'd like to see, just ask
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    samt1996samt1996 Member Posts: 2,856 Arc User
    Incidentally those tactical consoles come from the fleet spire not the Embassy.
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    lopequillopequil Member Posts: 1,226 Arc User
    Perhaps the parent was referring to those with the plasma explosion proc that were vogue a while back. I notice that AP Omega was suggested, but I see a lot of people using Beta, which would you prefer?
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    jaymclaughlinjaymclaughlin Member Posts: 630 Arc User
    Embassy consoles are currently the way to go. Also a combination of APB1 and APO3 is standard on most tac based DPS builds.
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    ajalenajalen Member Posts: 113 Arc User
    edited December 2015

    i plan this , yes basically its a TRIBBLE , but its cheap .....mostly rep based

    its simple - beam boat torkath with one wide cannon + terran set + set from Sunrise ( good shield-killer) , 2pc HG for torp dmg boost + solanae deflector

    later some fleet stuff

    its my all-round half-tank beamboat

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    lianthelialianthelia Member Posts: 7,834 Arc User
    I usually refer to >this< guide '

    Not saying it's a bad guide, wrong, or anything...but a little out of date...talks about plasma damage from the embassy consoles and plasma doping and treat dual cannons like they're completely useless...which isn't exactly the case anymore.
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    jarvisandalfredjarvisandalfred Member Posts: 1,549 Bug Hunter
    edited December 2015
    Check here for ship builds...


    If there's a specific build you'd like to see, just ask

    Yeah... or you could go to https://reddit.com/r/stobuilds.
    <Unnecessary personal jab removed>
    Post edited by jodarkrider on
    SCM - Crystal C. (S) - [00:12] DMG(DPS) - @jarvisandalfred: 8.63M(713.16K) - Fed Sci

    SCM - Hive (S) - [02:31] DMG(DPS) - @jarvisandalfred: 30.62M(204.66K) - Fed Sci

    Tacs are overrated.

    Game's best wiki

    Build questions? Look here!
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    cookiecupcakescookiecupcakes Member Posts: 91 Arc User
    Check here for ship builds...


    If there's a specific build you'd like to see, just ask

    Yeah... or you could go to https://reddit.com/r/stobuilds and see up-to-date, high performance builds and get help with them, instead of referring to a group of people months behind the meta and who still can't do the math as to what weapons to use.

    But... they are at the top of the leaderboard... & more importantly they aren't generally unpleasant.
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    tempusmagustempusmagus Member Posts: 107 Arc User
    Check here for ship builds...


    If there's a specific build you'd like to see, just ask

    Yeah... or you could go to https://reddit.com/r/stobuilds and see up-to-date, high performance builds and get help with them, instead of referring to a group of people months behind the meta and who still can't do the math as to what weapons to use.

    But... they are at the top of the leaderboard... & more importantly they aren't generally unpleasant.

    They are at the top of the leaderboard for ONE parser and those builds are outdated due to changes to different components of builds. And they aren't at the top of all their own leaderboards, look at both HSE leaderboards and you will see Aggronauts beating out broken mechanics that no longer exist.
  • Options
    jarvisandalfredjarvisandalfred Member Posts: 1,549 Bug Hunter
    Check here for ship builds...


    If there's a specific build you'd like to see, just ask

    Yeah... or you could go to https://reddit.com/r/stobuilds and see up-to-date, high performance builds and get help with them, instead of referring to a group of people months behind the meta and who still can't do the math as to what weapons to use.

    But... they are at the top of the leaderboard... & more importantly they aren't generally unpleasant.

    They are at the top of the leaderboard for ONE parser and those builds are outdated due to changes to different components of builds. And they aren't at the top of all their own leaderboards, look at both HSE leaderboards and you will see Aggronauts beating out broken mechanics that no longer exist.

    Or you'll see me at the top of the Eng leaderboard. But that's not my point; I'm not hear to talk channels, I'm here to talk advice. And hands down, Reddit Stobuilds has the most up-to-date information, the most up-to-date builds, and the most helpful people at a variety of build types. Not only do the commenters there stay at the bleeding edge of the meta, we also have experts in non-traditional builds such as cannon builds, exotic damage builds, control builds, torpedo builds, drain builds, canon (aka phasers and photorps) builds, budget builds, and more, in addition to the wiki that will explain game mechanics, build types, gear choices, weapon modifiers, and more to you.
    SCM - Crystal C. (S) - [00:12] DMG(DPS) - @jarvisandalfred: 8.63M(713.16K) - Fed Sci

    SCM - Hive (S) - [02:31] DMG(DPS) - @jarvisandalfred: 30.62M(204.66K) - Fed Sci

    Tacs are overrated.

    Game's best wiki

    Build questions? Look here!
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    questeriusquesterius Member Posts: 8,382 Arc User
    ajalen wrote: »

    i plan this , yes basically its a TRIBBLE , but its cheap .....mostly rep based

    its simple - beam boat torkath with one wide cannon + terran set + set from Sunrise ( good shield-killer) , 2pc HG for torp dmg boost + solanae deflector

    later some fleet stuff

    its my all-round half-tank beamboat

    That build is really all over the place and not in a good way.​​
    This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
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    darkknightucfdarkknightucf Member Posts: 1,546 Media Corps
    I was playing last night with some fleet mates, and we were doing endless elite missions when one of them started posting dps meters, and I started to realize how horrible my dps was. It was about a tenth of the person above me. I mean HORRIBLE. And I thought before it was pretty good. So obviously I learned from the wrong people, so I am looking for good, solid information on how to build a really decent dps boat. I know some of you are practically experts at this, so please add some info, or at least point to some of the better places to get this type of information.

    What I am not looking for is a "go here and you can build your own boat and compare" sites. Those suck if you don't know what you're doing to begin with (which apparently seems to be the case with me). That would lead me to do exactly what I've been doing before, which is really not been enough.

    Hi. Can I introduce you to the Kinetic Kommunity? ;) We specialize in Torpedo Power & some occasional mine here and there ;)

    Seriously, though, there's plenty of information out there, between Reddit's /r/stobuilds, a group of very helpful people that congregate in a nightly group called DPS After Dark, some episodes of The SHOW, The Pilot Review Show, and even a bunch of folks within the various DPS channels.

    Big question is; what do YOU want to fly, and what weapons do YOU want to use?
    @Odenknight | U.S.S. Challenger | "Remember The Seven"
    Fleet Defiant Kinetic Heavy Fire Support | Fleet Manticore Kinetic Strike Ship | Tactical Command Kinetic Siege Refit | Fleet Defiant Quantum Phase Escort | Fleet Valiant Kinetic Heavy Fire Support
    Turning the Galaxy-X into a Torpedo Dreadnought & torpedo tutorial, with written torpedo guide.
    "A good weapon and a great strategy will win you many battles." - Marshall
    I knew using Kinetics would be playing the game on hard mode, but what I didn't realize was how bad the deck is stacked against Kinetics.
  • Options
    tempusmagustempusmagus Member Posts: 107 Arc User
    Check here for ship builds...


    If there's a specific build you'd like to see, just ask

    Yeah... or you could go to https://reddit.com/r/stobuilds and see up-to-date, high performance builds and get help with them, instead of referring to a group of people months behind the meta and who still can't do the math as to what weapons to use.

    But... they are at the top of the leaderboard... & more importantly they aren't generally unpleasant.

    They are at the top of the leaderboard for ONE parser and those builds are outdated due to changes to different components of builds. And they aren't at the top of all their own leaderboards, look at both HSE leaderboards and you will see Aggronauts beating out broken mechanics that no longer exist.

    Or you'll see me at the top of the Eng leaderboard. But that's not my point; I'm not hear to talk channels, I'm here to talk advice. And hands down, Reddit Stobuilds has the most up-to-date information, the most up-to-date builds, and the most helpful people at a variety of build types. Not only do the commenters there stay at the bleeding edge of the meta, we also have experts in non-traditional builds such as cannon builds, exotic damage builds, control builds, torpedo builds, drain builds, canon (aka phasers and photorps) builds, budget builds, and more, in addition to the wiki that will explain game mechanics, build types, gear choices, weapon modifiers, and more to you.

    This and so much more. They don't throw you a cookie-cutter build and say "use this", you get advice on how to synergize abilities within the build YOU want to use. I do thank @jarvisandalfred being one of the theorycrafters there who have helped me understand the background mechanics and work towards my goals in my builds.
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    markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,231 Arc User
    I was playing last night with some fleet mates, and we were doing endless elite missions when one of them started posting dps meters, and I started to realize how horrible my dps was. It was about a tenth of the person above me. I mean HORRIBLE. And I thought before it was pretty good. So obviously I learned from the wrong people, so I am looking for good, solid information on how to build a really decent dps boat. I know some of you are practically experts at this, so please add some info, or at least point to some of the better places to get this type of information.

    What I am not looking for is a "go here and you can build your own boat and compare" sites. Those suck if you don't know what you're doing to begin with (which apparently seems to be the case with me). That would lead me to do exactly what I've been doing before, which is really not been enough.
    Hi. Can I introduce you to the Kinetic Kommunity? ;) We specialize in Torpedo Power & some occasional mine here and there ;)

    Seriously, though, there's plenty of information out there, between Reddit's /r/stobuilds, a group of very helpful people that congregate in a nightly group called DPS After Dark, some episodes of The SHOW, The Pilot Review Show, and even a bunch of folks within the various DPS channels.

    Big question is; what do YOU want to fly, and what weapons do YOU want to use?
    I love introducing noobs to the power of Tricobalt bombing. :D I really need to name a ship "U.S.S. Tricobalt Dispenser".... Maybe the new escort? hmm....
    My character Tsin'xing
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    darkknightucfdarkknightucf Member Posts: 1,546 Media Corps
    I was playing last night with some fleet mates, and we were doing endless elite missions when one of them started posting dps meters, and I started to realize how horrible my dps was. It was about a tenth of the person above me. I mean HORRIBLE. And I thought before it was pretty good. So obviously I learned from the wrong people, so I am looking for good, solid information on how to build a really decent dps boat. I know some of you are practically experts at this, so please add some info, or at least point to some of the better places to get this type of information.

    What I am not looking for is a "go here and you can build your own boat and compare" sites. Those suck if you don't know what you're doing to begin with (which apparently seems to be the case with me). That would lead me to do exactly what I've been doing before, which is really not been enough.
    Hi. Can I introduce you to the Kinetic Kommunity? ;) We specialize in Torpedo Power & some occasional mine here and there ;)

    Seriously, though, there's plenty of information out there, between Reddit's /r/stobuilds, a group of very helpful people that congregate in a nightly group called DPS After Dark, some episodes of The SHOW, The Pilot Review Show, and even a bunch of folks within the various DPS channels.

    Big question is; what do YOU want to fly, and what weapons do YOU want to use?
    I love introducing noobs to the power of Tricobalt bombing. :D I really need to name a ship "U.S.S. Tricobalt Dispenser".... Maybe the new escort? hmm....

    Hello Minister of Boom ;)

    @Odenknight | U.S.S. Challenger | "Remember The Seven"
    Fleet Defiant Kinetic Heavy Fire Support | Fleet Manticore Kinetic Strike Ship | Tactical Command Kinetic Siege Refit | Fleet Defiant Quantum Phase Escort | Fleet Valiant Kinetic Heavy Fire Support
    Turning the Galaxy-X into a Torpedo Dreadnought & torpedo tutorial, with written torpedo guide.
    "A good weapon and a great strategy will win you many battles." - Marshall
    I knew using Kinetics would be playing the game on hard mode, but what I didn't realize was how bad the deck is stacked against Kinetics.
  • Options
    questeriusquesterius Member Posts: 8,382 Arc User
    edited December 2015
    coldnapalm wrote: »
    ajalen wrote: »

    i plan this , yes basically its a TRIBBLE , but its cheap .....mostly rep based

    its simple - beam boat torkath with one wide cannon + terran set + set from Sunrise ( good shield-killer) , 2pc HG for torp dmg boost + solanae deflector

    later some fleet stuff

    its my all-round half-tank beamboat

    Why did you get acc? It's like the worst mod there is. Mixing cannons and beams are a bad idea. If you had all beams, you could have two copies of BFAW. Only 1 EPW? If you are going for forward fire ship, your front should be all DBB or heavy dual cannons instead of mixing beam arrays and DBB and cannons. If you are going to broad side, you should have beam array all around. Also if you are planning on fighting forward, you should have at least 1 RCS on that ship to keep the point forward time (aka DPS time) up. And for rear, kinetic cutting beams + the borg console will do more DPS then any turret...even for cannon builds. 3 ship hull heals and 2 shield heals? Isn't that a bit excessive? My main ship has one hull heal and zero shield heals...course that is probably a bit extreme on the other scale.

    [Acc] is actually decent on cannon builds with CSV and mixing cannons and beams can be pulled off and made into a solid build. Having said that, the way that build is set up is not the way to go about it.

    CSV can be used for the "area effect", DBB in front to use with BO. However @ajalen has started to throw stuff together with no clear picture on where he wanted to end up. One of the most important things in a build is that there is synergy between the various components. The sum has to be equal or better greater than the individual parts.​​
    Post edited by questerius on
    This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
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    warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    I was playing last night with some fleet mates, and we were doing endless elite missions when one of them started posting dps meters, and I started to realize how horrible my dps was. It was about a tenth of the person above me. I mean HORRIBLE. And I thought before it was pretty good. So obviously I learned from the wrong people, so I am looking for good, solid information on how to build a really decent dps boat. I know some of you are practically experts at this, so please add some info, or at least point to some of the better places to get this type of information.

    What I am not looking for is a "go here and you can build your own boat and compare" sites. Those suck if you don't know what you're doing to begin with (which apparently seems to be the case with me). That would lead me to do exactly what I've been doing before, which is really not been enough.
    Hi. Can I introduce you to the Kinetic Kommunity? ;) We specialize in Torpedo Power & some occasional mine here and there ;)

    Seriously, though, there's plenty of information out there, between Reddit's /r/stobuilds, a group of very helpful people that congregate in a nightly group called DPS After Dark, some episodes of The SHOW, The Pilot Review Show, and even a bunch of folks within the various DPS channels.

    Big question is; what do YOU want to fly, and what weapons do YOU want to use?
    I love introducing noobs to the power of Tricobalt bombing. :D I really need to name a ship "U.S.S. Tricobalt Dispenser".... Maybe the new escort? hmm....

    Hello Minister of Boom ;)

    "If you're a Torp Boat captain and have never destroyed yourself with your own projectiles, then you weren't Torp Boatin' hard enough."

  • Options
    questeriusquesterius Member Posts: 8,382 Arc User
    I was playing last night with some fleet mates, and we were doing endless elite missions when one of them started posting dps meters, and I started to realize how horrible my dps was. It was about a tenth of the person above me. I mean HORRIBLE. And I thought before it was pretty good. So obviously I learned from the wrong people, so I am looking for good, solid information on how to build a really decent dps boat. I know some of you are practically experts at this, so please add some info, or at least point to some of the better places to get this type of information.

    What I am not looking for is a "go here and you can build your own boat and compare" sites. Those suck if you don't know what you're doing to begin with (which apparently seems to be the case with me). That would lead me to do exactly what I've been doing before, which is really not been enough.
    Hi. Can I introduce you to the Kinetic Kommunity? ;) We specialize in Torpedo Power & some occasional mine here and there ;)

    Seriously, though, there's plenty of information out there, between Reddit's /r/stobuilds, a group of very helpful people that congregate in a nightly group called DPS After Dark, some episodes of The SHOW, The Pilot Review Show, and even a bunch of folks within the various DPS channels.

    Big question is; what do YOU want to fly, and what weapons do YOU want to use?
    I love introducing noobs to the power of Tricobalt bombing. :D I really need to name a ship "U.S.S. Tricobalt Dispenser".... Maybe the new escort? hmm....

    Hello Minister of Boom ;)

    "If you're a Torp Boat captain and have never destroyed yourself with your own projectiles, then you weren't Torp Boatin' hard enough."


    Had that experience multiple times when i was experimenting with full trico build on a Hegh'ta :persevere:

    Got some of my most rewarding trico bombing runs with science vessels though.​​
    This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
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    warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    questerius wrote: »
    I was playing last night with some fleet mates, and we were doing endless elite missions when one of them started posting dps meters, and I started to realize how horrible my dps was. It was about a tenth of the person above me. I mean HORRIBLE. And I thought before it was pretty good. So obviously I learned from the wrong people, so I am looking for good, solid information on how to build a really decent dps boat. I know some of you are practically experts at this, so please add some info, or at least point to some of the better places to get this type of information.

    What I am not looking for is a "go here and you can build your own boat and compare" sites. Those suck if you don't know what you're doing to begin with (which apparently seems to be the case with me). That would lead me to do exactly what I've been doing before, which is really not been enough.
    Hi. Can I introduce you to the Kinetic Kommunity? ;) We specialize in Torpedo Power & some occasional mine here and there ;)

    Seriously, though, there's plenty of information out there, between Reddit's /r/stobuilds, a group of very helpful people that congregate in a nightly group called DPS After Dark, some episodes of The SHOW, The Pilot Review Show, and even a bunch of folks within the various DPS channels.

    Big question is; what do YOU want to fly, and what weapons do YOU want to use?
    I love introducing noobs to the power of Tricobalt bombing. :D I really need to name a ship "U.S.S. Tricobalt Dispenser".... Maybe the new escort? hmm....

    Hello Minister of Boom ;)

    "If you're a Torp Boat captain and have never destroyed yourself with your own projectiles, then you weren't Torp Boatin' hard enough."


    Had that experience multiple times when i was experimenting with full trico build on a Hegh'ta :persevere:

    Got some of my most rewarding trico bombing runs with science vessels though.​​

    Plasma Torpedoes are fun, too. Good fun getting zapped by the blast radius of your own Omega Plasma Torpedo in HYTIII+APO3 fire! Flying the T'Varo and getting caught in the blast of the Red Ball of Death has happened enough times to me. At least the screen goes into a nice shade of red-orange.
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