let me list the most slowest and fewest xp ever rewarded ever.
Diplomat, Recruiter, and Trader, these 3 are awfully so far behind, and i am been on for 5 years, not as hardcore player, sometimes i took a break.
most of others are maxed, but others are almost done are Colonalist, Explorers, and medical.
problem are, i only see recruiting bridge officers only 2-3 times a week, and entertain diplomats once a day if not using expanse clusters.
i rarely see any trade missions, since i cant afford spending 50k EC for consumable turrets.
devs, this really blew my mind as i have been with STO for 5 years since launched.
what i would like to see...
to have few new "episodes" that deals with tradings, diplomats (remember one episode with a deaf man) "As loud as the Whisper" in ST:TNG series, and some way to trade in unwanted or extra bridge officers. i am still trying to get a purple grade doctor from Delta cluster, i was so close to getting it just you devs took out and retired cluster mission and never got replace or returned some existing left-over missions.
i dont like waiting whole year for academy scan event to get a purple sciencist, that not a doctor i wanted, last time very recently, i was scanning, it was very buggy and unplayable, and that weekend was a total wipe out.
officer exchanges? never seen it, seem that i never get those and i double checked what mission task available before i selected.
Most unexpectedly, this turned into a flame-fest! Closed it goes!. /sigh What flamefestery is this? pwlaughingtrendy
Diplomacy: go to your bridge, then ready room, then talk to departments. Also, there are usually Sol system missions as well as the sector space missions.
Recruitment: do the get-free-doffs missions at the academy. Resettle colonists. Send colonists off for 500 dil. Do the nebula / cluster chains. Go to your bridge and do operations missions.
Trade: do the 2 trade route missions. Turn in contraband.
Medical: go to your bridge, talk to medical department.
Delta Volanis cluster right next to Sol also gives you unlimited purple Doctors on critical after you've finished the chain through "support Delta Volanis" mssion
l don't know.
l really don't know what l'm about to say, except l have a feeling about it.
That l must repeat the words that come without my knowledge.'
Here's where I stopped reading: Diplomacy was, by far, the easiest (I long-since finished them all, of course; and back in the day you didn't get standard 600+ CXP per misssion).
Doff mission/school progress general issue is:
If you are usually parked at one place in space/ground you get offered more Doff missions of certain category (e.g. military) and less offers of some other school missions (e.g. recruitment) ergo the progress in certain categories is slower.
Unless you are not lazy and actually go to different locations to progress in different Doff areas at an equal rate there will always be big difference between category/school progress rates.
The game offers more misssions of one type than the other.
Player has to be more proactive if wants to make equal progress.
"Everything is fine" or attitude of agreeing and accepting the current state is not very good.
Constructive criticism and elaborate complaints (hopefully) will help make things better. Eventually.
I'd also recommend buying the green quality doff's off the exchange and breaking them down into white then selling these on. If done at the right time not only do you rank up your recruitment but you make a profit in the process. It does mean that you need to invest time and ec in the first place, and an increase in roster size might be a good idea.
As for claiming there are flaws with the doff system, you aren't wrong, but I wouldn't call them flaws mearly bugs, that will hopefully get resolved sooner rather than later.
sure I had a few Specializations that are always last to finish but not enough to get in a snit about.
and whats the big deal anyway its not like they give you the brass ring or anything, in fact its a pain in the proverbial because you have to keep going to your fleet starbase to turn in excess points all the more.
When I think about everything we've been through together,
maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,
and if that journey takes a little longer,
so we can do something we all believe in,
I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.
How do you convert the surplus into fleet marks?
Most unexpectedly, this turned into a flame-fest! Closed it goes!. /sigh What flamefestery is this? pwlaughingtrendy
Doffing needs a quality pass.
My character Tsin'xing
Has any of my fellow bug hunters can confirm this issue has been raised with Operational Support Team and on STO's reddit sub forum for a while. But I feel it might be easier to redo the doff system than trying to fix it in it's current state, but that's just my opinion. The Dev's are the ones who know just how broken this thing actually is and so far we've not heard anything from them concerning the subject.
so, i would like to ask for recommended for each catagory and best locations, so i can look up and get these done, i may have focus on one thing and in few months then i forget.
is there a way to save this post so i can look up as the guide? busy holidays, i am just doing Q's winterland currently, not much time to find things i need.
i am not aware of fleet for duty missions, so i have to look up sometime later.