Hey folks!
We’ll be temporarily taking down the ability to delete mail from the exchange. We noticed that there was an issue with exchange mail that was contributing to server latency problems. As a temporary measure, we’ll be taking it down the ability to delete mail from the exchange. We will be working to resolve this issue with our next update on next Thursday. I’ll keep ya’ll informed. In the mean time, see you in the gingerbread village!
There also seems to be another bug with the System! Can you pass this along to the team?
I do believe I saw a fix on the way for that in our system. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for the Fast Response Sparty!
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Seeing as I barely use the exchange, this shouldn't be a problem for me, but for those in the game that are more fanatical about this aspect, they are gonna have a bad time.
May I suggest making an announcement on the news section? Not every player checks the forums and they might become frustrated and show it all around.
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This would be one of the most awesome QoL improvements ever. Both the exchange and the mail system have terrible functionality.
Good idea. There's already half a dozen posts about this in the gameplay bugs section because people don't read the main forum.
Oh hell yeah! Would love to have the ability to turn off exchange mail. More importantly, make them so it doesn't give the name of who bought your items. Gets annoying when the seller sends unsolicited messages to you trying to sell you more.
Most unexpectedly, this turned into a flame-fest! Closed it goes!. /sigh What flamefestery is this? pwlaughingtrendy
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Enlightenment please?
Most unexpectedly, this turned into a flame-fest! Closed it goes!. /sigh What flamefestery is this? pwlaughingtrendy
Awoken Dead
Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
Indeed. My box is already filled with several dozen exchange emails. >_> Seems very inefficient to wait a whole week to fix this.
Vice Admiral Volmack ISS Thundermole
Brigadier General Jokag IKS Gorkan
Centurion Kares RRW Tomalak
I am one that seldom checks the forums, it would be nice to have it posted in the game too, and I doubt you will see me in the gingerbread village, nothing in there I want except the frosted boots, which I already picked up.
Also in the Alpha quadrant some of my toons can't move in space to go read the 'notes from another universe', the audio is running but not the ship. Finished Stormbound and was going to travel to DS9 but no ship movement. So I had to transwarp to Qo'noS.
Yup, all of my old "normal" mails sent by other players are gone. Really annoying, considering some of them were pretty important for me.
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