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My Honest Feelings about STO



  • belisariusdbelisariusd Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    While I don't think STO would make a good direct translation to a Star Trek series, I do think that there's promise in terms of what stories could be told in a new TV series.

    My inclination would be to set a series before/during/after the destruction of Romulus. Keep in mind, the Romulan Neutral Zone was (at least) potentially massive, and starships weren't permitted to travel through it from its founding (e.g. after Enterprise, before TOS) until the collapse of the Romulan Empire.

    So, not only do you have a ton of political intrigue and neat stories surrounding the Romulan Empire and the destruction of Romulus and the aftermath, but you also have the potentiality of exploring a new region of space that is pretty close to home.
  • icsairgunsicsairguns Member Posts: 1,504 Arc User
    unless you play as a Klingon then the story blows.
    Trophies for killing FEDS ahh those were the days. Ch'ar%20POST%20LoR.JPG

  • tinkerstormtinkerstorm Member Posts: 853 Arc User
    strathkin wrote: »
    And yet the list of cast and crew for Star Trek Renegades continues to grow... Tuvok, the Doctor, Chekov, Echeb and yes now Nog, including some other very talented people.

    http://startrekrenegades.com/home/aron-eisenberg-comes-to-star-trek-renegades/ (Nog)
    http://startrekrenegades.com/home/renegades-welcomes-trek-alum-melinda-snodgrass/ (Star Trek Writer)
    http://startrekrenegades.com/home/cirroc-lofton-is-coming-to-star-trek-renegades/ (Jake)
    http://startrekrenegades.com/home/renegades-welcomes-robert-beltran/ (Chakotay)

    Perhaps not Roddenberry's final vision for a different economic model (crowd funding or F2P) but it's allowing it to grow and continue to develop! Perhaps an important first step... ...as many story's grow as teams & support is expanded, no different than what Cochrane demonstrated in First Contact!
    And they are making the very same mistake that every iteration of Star Trek after the original has made: they cannot let go of the past. Everyone is obsessed with reusing the same characters, and not every character in every show can go on to become an admiral. Admiral Chekov? No. Just no.

    If someone is going to do something new with Star Trek, then




    That doesn't have to mean go off to the Andromeda galaxy, but if that's the only way to get away from rehashing the same old same old, then I'm all for it.

  • strathkinstrathkin Member Posts: 2,716 Bug Hunter
    edited November 2015
    Well I'm certainly very glad to see returning actors, also many new faces whom we still know very little.

    There are a lot of new series or reworked productions that initially receive mixed, or even a few bad reviews that later go on to be a huge success. Game of Throne's had a co-creator's wife thinking it was a terrible idea, yet now seeing the vision come to life over many episodes she was wrong. I think when anyone does something new or in a different way, it almost always faces challengers before adoption or love follows. Star Trek was cancelled after a third season, and it wasn't until fans uniting at various conventions, the studio realized the unpolished diamond in the rough.

    http://www.instyle.com/news/amanda-peet-admits-she-initially-thought-game-thrones-was-bad-idea (hated it)

    While we have seen a few Star Fleet officers work their way up to Admiral, Kirk was the first yet everyone realized his passion was as a Starship Captain. Picard turned down an offer to be promoted to Admiral of Star Fleet Academy. Riker eventually made Admiral as shown in a future time, yet turned down multiple opportunities to be Captain, despite being his long time Career ambition. Janeway made Admiral in one of the TNG movies, only after getting the vast majority of the crew home safe.

    If as a young man of russian heritage, Pavel Andreievich Chekov wanted to grow to be an Admiral, who am I or is anyone to not want to support such a bright individual. According to Roddenberry we learn Chekov, he is "an extraordinarily capable young man—almost Spock's equal in some areas. An honor graduate of the Space Academy."

    Post edited by strathkin on
  • catoblepasbetacatoblepasbeta Member Posts: 1,532 Arc User
    Couldn't disagree more. The STO story is awful-where STO excels is when you ignore the story and just fly off in your customizable ship with your customizable captain and bridge crew and insert your own headcanon for whatever is going on.
  • tinkerstormtinkerstorm Member Posts: 853 Arc User
    Couldn't disagree more. The STO story is awful-where STO excels is when you ignore the story and just fly off in your customizable ship with your customizable captain and bridge crew and insert your own headcanon for whatever is going on.
    Parts of it are okay. Of course, you can't really enjoy those parts because they force a cut-scene on you in the middle of combat so that when the cut-scene ends you get to click Respawn.

  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    Couldn't disagree more. The STO story is awful-where STO excels is when you ignore the story and just fly off in your customizable ship with your customizable captain and bridge crew and insert your own headcanon for whatever is going on.
    Parts of it are okay. Of course, you can't really enjoy those parts because they force a cut-scene on you in the middle of combat so that when the cut-scene ends you get to click Respawn.
    When does that happen? I can't remember ever seeing that.... except in Hive ground, but that's an STF, not a story mission.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • norobladnoroblad Member Posts: 2,624 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    When does that happen? I can't remember ever seeing that.... except in Hive ground, but that's an STF, not a story mission.

    The borg queen/ voth megaship / tethis dreadnought mission where you are freeing the borg cooperative (?) from being recapture has cutscene after cutscene and is the worst of the space ones and WILL get you blown up if you are not in a very powerful ship or on easy mode. There are a couple of others where it can happen, usually just one cutscene per event for most of the rest.

    It happens a bunch in story too. One of the romulan ones you fight like 1000 ships and it puts you right there in range of them with a cutscene of death to go with it -- might be the one where the scimitar is captured? The rom arc has multiple cases of these.

  • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
    noroblad wrote: »
    When does that happen? I can't remember ever seeing that.... except in Hive ground, but that's an STF, not a story mission.
    The borg queen/ voth megaship / tethis dreadnought mission where you are freeing the borg cooperative (?) from being recapture has cutscene after cutscene and is the worst of the space ones and WILL get you blown up if you are not in a very powerful ship or on easy mode. There are a couple of others where it can happen, usually just one cutscene per event for most of the rest.

    It happens a bunch in story too. One of the romulan ones you fight like 1000 ships and it puts you right there in range of them with a cutscene of death to go with it -- might be the one where the scimitar is captured? The rom arc has multiple cases of these.
    I've never died in a cutscene in Disco, not even on Advanced. Perhaps it's possible if you're nearly dead when the cutscene triggers, but... I don't see how it could be common.
    My character Tsin'xing
  • shrimphead2015shrimphead2015 Member Posts: 536 Arc User
    I always believed that if they would make a new series it would be along the lines of exploring other galaxies. I saw the Enterprise J as something of a teaser of what was to come when it was first introduced briefly in the series "Enterprise".
    "There is iron in your words of death for all Comanche to see, and so there is iron in your words of life. No signed paper can hold the iron. It must come from men. The words of Ten Bears carries the same iron of life and death. It is good that warriors such as we meet in the struggle of life... or death. It shall be life." - Ten Bears (Will Sampson)
  • tigercatgirltigercatgirl Member Posts: 108 Arc User
    I'n my opinion the stories of STO and the series are very similar. Some are very good while others are just bad, and you wonder about the universe. This was seen in the TV series as well. As to your point of making a series based on the game...I highly doubt it. The arcs are way too small for TV, the Iconian arc is not even a full TV season...which means you would have tons of filler episodes of fluff.
  • strathkinstrathkin Member Posts: 2,716 Bug Hunter
    edited November 2015
    Although I think it's really just a matter of perspective, two people look at the same thing and see it differently. Some story's are designed to evoke passion and interest... others foreshadow possible upcoming events... others have a lot of action and suspence... others perhaps raise moral or ethical challenges (Midnight) to overcome... and some challenge us to look at things things in a new light. None of us our perfect yet we all have different strengths, hopefully most of us challenge ourselves to expand our minds.

    Realize what looks good or perhaps great is different to a vast many people.

    Kagran despite the bitter challenges we'd all faced forced into a war we never wanted reminded us to not set aside our core values to take the easier way out. We later found out it was Sela's actions we hadn't supported that associated us to her betrayal--hopefully she learns that leason even if it was too late to save Romulus once she fired her weapon at the Iconians.

    I did also want to pass along another person having joined the cast of Star Trek Renegades.
    Post edited by strathkin on
  • antzudanantzudan Member Posts: 231 Arc User
    The plotting and overall arcs are good but the writing is often terrible and full of contradictions. There's also huge gaps in the story telling (especially in the iconian war although I'm aware a lot of those were papered over by the tales of war blogs which I didn't read).

    Also there's no sense of space and location in the stories (particularly in the last couple of series). Like the episode where you're having the peace conference and then suddenly loads of undine start swarming through the dyson sphere. But instead of fighting them there or having them breaking through your lines they're just suddenly attacking earth even though it's light years away. It makes a little bit more sense with the Iconians given that their modus operandi is teleporting but wasn't played well at all as you'd just press f to warp wherever they are in the galaxy, even if it's in a different quadrant and you'd get there at the same time as them.

    It's something the first few arcs did much better (and DR to an extent) where it would have you moving from the different locations of the mission through sector space. It gave more of a sense of urgency and the feeling that when you arrived at the next area it could be too late.
  • ukuleleworld#7961 ukuleleworld Banned Users Posts: 9 Arc User
    strathkin wrote: »
    And yet the list of cast and crew for Star Trek Renegades continues to grow... Tuvok, the Doctor, Chekov, Echeb and yes now Nog, Jake and a man who has represented African American's on Screen in a very positive way Chakotay. The team continues to grow along with many new talents to the Star Trek universe. I'm also very excited to see Jazdia Dax (everyones favorite Trill) now announced possibly member of Section 31?

    http://startrekrenegades.com/home/aron-eisenberg-comes-to-star-trek-renegades/ (Nog)
    http://startrekrenegades.com/home/renegades-welcomes-trek-alum-melinda-snodgrass/ (Star Trek Writer)
    http://startrekrenegades.com/home/cirroc-lofton-is-coming-to-star-trek-renegades/ (Jake)
    http://startrekrenegades.com/home/renegades-welcomes-robert-beltran/ (Chakotay)
    http://startrekrenegades.com/home/terry-farrell-joins-renegades/ (Jazdia Dax)

    Perhaps not Roddenberry's final vision for a different economic model (crowd funding or F2P) but it's allows fans a new way to be a part of a wonderful movement and vision for humanity. I wish them tremendous success as they continue to continue grow and develop more support for their creative teams and artists! Sometimes small things lead to big changes... ...no different than what Cochrane demonstrated in First Contact!

    Yes!! Make it so! :smiley: I was ecstatic to find out that Jadzia Dax is returning in Star Trek Renegades! I have always wanted to see her return to the Star Trek universe, and kept up hope that she would come back to life - finally it's actually happening!! I still strongly support "Captain Worf" (despite the disappointment that the new CBS series is unrelated), because "Captain Worf" plans to bring her back as well!! :smiley:
    "You know what, Kang? I think you Klingons embrace death too easily. You treat death like a lover. I think living is a lot more attractive." -Jadzia Dax <3
    DaHjaj QaQ jaj yInmoHqa'!!! / TODAY IS A GOOD DAY TO REVIVE!
    #WeWantWorf https://www.gofundme.com/dhkmzn9q
  • starcruiser#3423 starcruiser Member Posts: 1,285 Arc User
    Couldn't disagree more. The STO story is awful-where STO excels is when you ignore the story and just fly off in your customizable ship with your customizable captain and bridge crew and insert your own headcanon for whatever is going on.
    Agreed...so much PEW>>>PEW >>>PEW monkey-35.gif​​
  • juanvenkatjuanvenkat Member Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited November 2015
    For it to be in space, it would have to be in 3D...

    So forgetting piloting from the bridge, where all the shows took place, it's not just NOT star trek, it's not even in space.

    Many, many design problems from day 1 they rushing the game out, ship models, size of planets I mean there isn't anything in the whole game that is good design or star trek.

    Mainly though, I'd say the writing's maturity level and complexity level is a joke here compared to actual star trek. Yes TOS was semi space western but it was also about classic themes and all that shakespeare lingo tango.

    Just like 2D space is the watered down budget version of what should have been, I feel pretty much everything in the game tries to lower the bar as much as possible.

    Personally I am much more in favour of way more intelligent games, not just actual 3D space for a space game, but just as much as the demand it puts on the players.

    And another thing that's been a huge problem from the get go, star trek was always about a group of people on 1 ship, on the bridge.
    I am not saying it would be easy to create meaningful gameplay for an alternate co-op ship experience on the bridge - rather anything that wasn't super low budget to the max was given up on.


    The payment model I thought was really interesting though, that I have to hand it to them
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