Some fleeties and I were looking at the rewards right after the patch from Mirror Incursion Normal and Mirror Incursion Advanced. A perfect round of MIN gives 58 mark, and a terrible round of MIA (missed all the optionals, I think) gives 92 marks.
MIA also gives more dil, more XP, and more RnD materials. Both give an event token whether you succeed or fail. The only advantages that MIN has are less lag (not for me, but some of my teammates noticed a difference), more fun (again, for others, not me), and time to get coffee when the mirror ships stop spawning. Again, this is comparing a terrible MIA to a great MIN.
It seems that turning advanced into normal+ has gotten rid of any purpose for normal.
And if I DO feel like a challenge I'd prefer a good HGE. Ground is so much more fun.
"He shall be my finest warrior, this generic man who was forced upon me.
Like a badass I shall make him look, and in the furnace of war I shall forge him.
he shall be of iron will and steely sinew.
In great armour I shall clad him and with the mightiest weapons he shall be armed.
He will be untouched by plague or disease; no sickness shall blight him.
He shall have such tactics, strategies and machines that no foe will best him in battle.
He is my answer to cryptic logic, he is the Defender of my Romulan Crew.
He is Tovan Khev... and he shall know no fear."
This^^ I have 14 toons I run these events with. The faster I can get through it the better. The reward for me is the dilly at the end not the daily marks. those are just icing on the cake.
The challenge in MIA is literally shooting enough to avoid the AFK penalty. In MIN you have to close a bunch of rifts to get 2/3 the reward of doing almost nothing in MIA. If you're avoiding a challenge, go to MIA.
The mission is timed. It takes exactly the same amount of time to do MIA and MIN. (And advanced gives more dil than normal.)
The reason bad players are in advanced, I'm guessing, is because being terrible in advanced gives much more rewards than being terrible or good in normal.
But from what I'm seeing here there's something deeper than rewards. Funny, after one or two of the devs threw a little fit this week about how all the players are obsessed with rewards, it seems not to be the case!
"With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!
ignore those people and play whatever stf's you want
I often have a parser open and, well, usually the person screaming about how everyone is a n00b who's doing it all wrong is the person with the lowest DPS. My guess is that they're usually the people who are the most frustrated at losing all the time but also the most egotistical and unable to accept that the only player all their pug teams have in common is them.
Whatever the reason may be, I have shared johnwatson's experience: in normal you usually get a group, play, and win. In case of MI if you're lucky the group is not that strong because then it's less downtime. In advanced you regularily get some guy who once read a posting in some thread about a different queue and now knows it all and lets everybody partake in his wisdom. Just less fun.
About rewards: yes, a lot of players do care primarily about rewards. If I had an ec for every time somebody mentioned in a thread about a queue "Why are you even playing this, XY gives way better rewards?", I would have a Vonph on every character. But then there are a lot of players who play some stuff for fun - or at least, if they are going for rewards (like the special item in these events) for the least amount of hassle.
It ain't that bad, in my experience, in Crystalline, but heaven help you if you enter any of the Borg queues and don't do exactly what the guy with the lowest DPS per mouth ratio wants.
Also: I have multiple toons, and while the majority probably can hold their own in advanced, with some I am not so sure and don't want to be a burden.
Other than stupid HP on the MU ships there's not really any difference. And when pugging and having no cooperation it's just annoying to do Advanced. I'd rather have 10 minutes of 'success' than 10 minutes of frustration. I'm just not gonna sit out side of the game and AFK till the dread shows up, just not my style.
God bless you sir! So many people just kill stuff and fly by every unguarded portal.
-a team mate bails even though there are no failure conditions and you can just do the bare minimum you need to do to avoid the AFK penalty. The reward stays the same.
-team mates going off in all directions and having no coordination among them or no communication. Hey, you're in a science vessel? Wouldn't it be nice if you got an escort to take heat off you while you focus on closing rifts? What's that? Everybody else is 50+kms away from you doing their own TRIBBLE? That's what you get for pugging.
-everyone comes in with either escorts or cruisers and the former don't do any damage and the latter don't power the satellites.
-closing the rifts is suuuuuuuper important but everyone always chases after ships instead.
-and the whole 'tickled by enemy feather beam means you lose concentration and stop closing rifts/powering satellites'. Who the hell thought this would be a fun thing to do? It's not even challenging. You either have someone with you to draw their fire while you close something unmolested or you don't, and if you don't you can't do anything other than keep getting shot at and losing your progress everytime. It's not a challenge, it's just frustrating.
8 characters on advanced and I never got the optional for the station health staying above 0%. Not once. I mean even statistically speaking I should have gotten it once with a PUG. Nope. Nobody knows what the hell they're doing and nobody communicates.
And if too many npcs start to gang up I drop a grav well to hoover them up for the tactical guys to massacre them easier.
Normal is a cake walk when you just have to sneeze at the enemy to kill them. Plus sitting for 5 mins doing nothing once you run out of rifts is pretty dull.
Advanced is a bit more tricky, especially for my Scryer as its DPS is not huge so keeping up is harder. But I can still close more rifts and throw out lots of space magic to help the team.
Well for advanced I estimate the DPS requirements for a 100% run to be in the 20-30k reach per player. For Normal a 100% run likely requires half of that.
Glad to see so many peeps adjusted to the game over the past year. Last time Normal mode seemed to be run by most while this time advanced seems to be filled better.
At least that corresponds with my experience. Last year I found advanced only to be doable by my best chars while this year Advanced feels Normal for basically all toons of mine.
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As soon as their plans to nerf Advanced were released, that was immediately the obvious and inevitable result.
That's why we started calling it Normal+ in the first place.
We got what we came for anyway, Mission drop.
I've still yet to run into any of these rager's everyone seems to encounter.
And yet OP there is still no AFK penalty. People still sit there and do nothing for the first round and only join when the dread appears and still get the rewards after, and it's distasteful behaviour. It needs a failure condition in all levels, then people won't AFK on purpose.
Fed phasers quants and photons, Roma plasma, KDF disrupt or and photons in faction specific ships, he'll sometimes well run Starbase 24 in tier 2s just for the hell of it.
Need to do some stfs but don't want the BS? Come to the Star Trek Battles channel. You won't regret it. I promise.
Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!