Well, the force awakens airs this december and Star Trek sometime in july 2016. Not really a vs. since Wars has probably already left the big srceen before Trek even starts.
As for commercial success, my bets are on Wars. It's just way more popular than Trek on a global scale.
Especially if you also consider all the merchandise of which Star Wars is the undisputed king.
Look on the other hand tho. Star Wars will become a guaranteed boxoffice smasher, money maker, pocket filler, and so on. And I don't mean that negative.
Star Trek, however, has a lot to look forward to in 2016. A new movie, that although probably not as succesfull as The Force Awakens, will still be a pretty strong movie when it comes to making money. Its also the 50th Anniversary of Trek, which is guaranteed to generate hype all over the internet and the world. We got a huge amount of professional fan-made Trek rolling out, which I personally find is spearheaded by Axanar and Continues. Give Star Trek a little more time, and the hype will be there. Trust me on that.
Wars, on the other hand, has just a single movie, and the new Battlefront which is EA made. And thats basically it. Look at the amount of Wars fans that are still pissed off at the axing of the EU as permanent non-canon. Star Wars will have its great moment in the spotlights, but as soon as Awakens starts to leave the theaters, the hype will cool down a lot, and generate the room for the Trek hype.
Personally, I am looking forward to an excellent 12 months of two of my favourite movies/series/fandoms/whatevers. I will enjoy Wars, see it in theaters, spend an unholy amount of money acquiring new stuff for my collection (the merchandising there got hold of me, I admit ). Then comes the Star Trek period, which I will enjoy, see in theaters, get products downloaded as soon as its available (downloading to Axanar has its perks), then spend a little holier amount of money acquiring new stuff for my collection. Points is: I am thrilled and goosebumbed for both fandoms.
As for people who are still wondering if I prefer Trek to Wars, look at the @handle. Google it if you must. And then realize I'm a STO player. That should basically give you a good picture.
It makes you wonder. If the people that initiated the Rebellion had any idea they would engulf the galaxy into a civil war that would last so long that the fighting would be handed off to their children and their grandchildren to die in. Maybe even their great-grandchildren to be a part of also?
The Rebellion achieved a great victory at Endor. Yet here the galaxy still is, mired in unending civil war.
A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"
"It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch." "We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. Curiosity...is bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more importantly...it makes you poor!"
Passion and Serenity are one.
I gain power by understanding both.
In the chaos of their battle, I bring order.
I am a shadow, darkness born from light.
The Force is united within me.
@warmaker001b : One of the better parts of the old EU was when the Empire and New Republic buried the hatchet in the Hand of Thrawn duology. Empire finally got a decent, sensible leader in Pellaeon.
And then Legacy of the Force had to go and f*ck everything up.
"Great War! / And I cannot take more! / Great tour! / I keep on marching on / I play the great score / There will be no encore / Great War! / The War to End All Wars"
— Sabaton, "Great War"
Wars, on the other hand, has just a single movie, and the new Battlefront which is EA made. And thats basically it. Look at the amount of Wars fans that are still pissed off at the axing of the EU as permanent non-canon. Star Wars will have its great moment in the spotlights, but as soon as Awakens starts to leave the theaters, the hype will cool down a lot, and generate the room for the Trek hype.
Oh boy.... So I take it you haven't heard of their plans to to make an incredible marvel-esque movie franchise out of Star Wars?
Rouge One - a full movie of how the rebels got the plans for the first death star will supposedly roll out in 2016. I expect it about a year after ep 7.
2017 is the palnned release for episode 8 and from what it looks like is followed by another spin off. Likely with Solo as the main character. And guess what is scheduled after that one....
The mouse has plans with the franchise and they will come into fruition.
Something something something DARK SIDE, something something something COMPLETE.
So can't wait for this. Will have to wear my Vader costume that night like I did when Revenge came out.
Will say that the thing that makes me happy about Disney taking over, is that they've retconed the entire EU.
So can't wait for this. Will have to wear my Vader costume that night like I did when Revenge came out.
Will say that the thing that makes me happy about Disney taking over, is that they've retconed the entire EU.
Wow, take an advice and don't say that out loud when you're in the theater. Might save you from ending up like Vader.
So can't wait for this. Will have to wear my Vader costume that night like I did when Revenge came out.
Will say that the thing that makes me happy about Disney taking over, is that they've retconed the entire EU.
Wow, take an advice and don't say that out loud when you're in the theater. Might save you from ending up like Vader.
Have said that quite a few times to friends who kept up with the EU and customers who would come in to the store. Majority of just whom I've talked to agree. Get a few who don't, but see why it needed to be done. The EU was a giant mess of conflicting stories on all sides. It needed fixed. Disney doing the retcon may have been a bit harsh on some, but far less of a headache than the amount of time it would take to pick what they want for canon. Of course I've heard rumors that they may have people doing just that. But don't know for sure.
So can't wait for this. Will have to wear my Vader costume that night like I did when Revenge came out.
Will say that the thing that makes me happy about Disney taking over, is that they've retconed the entire EU.
Wow, take an advice and don't say that out loud when you're in the theater. Might save you from ending up like Vader.
Have said that quite a few times to friends who kept up with the EU and customers who would come in to the store. Majority of just whom I've talked to agree. Get a few who don't, but see why it needed to be done. The EU was a giant mess of conflicting stories on all sides. It needed fixed. Disney doing the retcon may have been a bit harsh on some, but far less of a headache than the amount of time it would take to pick what they want for canon. Of course I've heard rumors that they may have people doing just that. But don't know for sure.
The easy fix to the EU was to delete everything after the original Zahn trilogy and start anew.
Okay, the X-Wing novels had some fun stuff in it. But god, please forget the dumb Emperor-Clone plot and the Vong and what not.
Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
I almost forgot the Vong, they alone are enough reason for me to remain silent about the EU's purge, just seemed way too far removed from the Star Wars I know. I did like a lot of other EU stuff, but I can definitely understand the reason for dropping the EU, it truly is like that box of tangled Christmas lights in the attic. You can't go ripping out aspects you dislike selectively from the EU without tugging on other vital parts of it and create massive plot holes.
Wars, on the other hand, has just a single movie, and the new Battlefront which is EA made. And thats basically it. Look at the amount of Wars fans that are still pissed off at the axing of the EU as permanent non-canon. Star Wars will have its great moment in the spotlights, but as soon as Awakens starts to leave the theaters, the hype will cool down a lot, and generate the room for the Trek hype.
Oh boy.... So I take it you haven't heard of their plans to to make an incredible marvel-esque movie franchise out of Star Wars?
Rouge One - a full movie of how the rebels got the plans for the first death star will supposedly roll out in 2016. I expect it about a year after ep 7.
2017 is the palnned release for episode 8 and from what it looks like is followed by another spin off. Likely with Solo as the main character. And guess what is scheduled after that one....
The mouse has plans with the franchise and they will come into fruition.
Something something something DARK SIDE, something something something COMPLETE.
I have. I had no idea that Rogue One was planned for 16 tho.
The rest does not invalidate my point tho. In the ongoing battle of next year, Star Wars will have its period of cooled down hype, with Trek shining all over the internet. I do take into account that VIII is scheduled for 2017, but that isn't in the next 12 months.
Well, the force awakens airs this december and Star Trek sometime in july 2016. Not really a vs. since Wars has probably already left the big srceen before Trek even starts.
As for commercial success, my bets are on Wars. It's just way more popular than Trek on a global scale.
Especially if you also consider all the merchandise of which Star Wars is the undisputed king.
Well theres no doubt that Star Wars will win, it's a commerical giant. But Star Trek wins with the inspriational vote. After all, how many things was insprired from Star Wars other than people trying to make a lightsaber or droids?
It makes you wonder. If the people that initiated the Rebellion had any idea they would engulf the galaxy into a civil war that would last so long that the fighting would be handed off to their children and their grandchildren to die in. Maybe even their great-grandchildren to be a part of also?
The Rebellion achieved a great victory at Endor. Yet here the galaxy still is, mired in unending civil war.
I'm sure that will be explained. But just wonder how much control the Empire retained after the Battle of Endor? And how many of those people on Coruscant got arrested for partying?
So can't wait for this. Will have to wear my Vader costume that night like I did when Revenge came out.
Will say that the thing that makes me happy about Disney taking over, is that they've retconed the entire EU.
Wow, take an advice and don't say that out loud when you're in the theater. Might save you from ending up like Vader.
Have said that quite a few times to friends who kept up with the EU and customers who would come in to the store. Majority of just whom I've talked to agree. Get a few who don't, but see why it needed to be done. The EU was a giant mess of conflicting stories on all sides. It needed fixed. Disney doing the retcon may have been a bit harsh on some, but far less of a headache than the amount of time it would take to pick what they want for canon. Of course I've heard rumors that they may have people doing just that. But don't know for sure.
The easy fix to the EU was to delete everything after the original Zahn trilogy and start anew.
Okay, the X-Wing novels had some fun stuff in it. But god, please forget the dumb Emperor-Clone plot and the Vong and what not.
There were a couple good books with Star Wars EU but so much of it is just garbage. Timothy Zahn's books, "Heir to the Empire" were the best I read and felt like a natural extension after Return of the Jedi.
As soon as it was made know the new movie was going to be set Post-ROTJ, the EU purge was guaranteed to happen. There was no way in hell Disney, JJ Abrams and their writers were going to have their hands tied by the tangled web of garbage that was Star Wars EU.
So can't wait for this. Will have to wear my Vader costume that night like I did when Revenge came out.
Will say that the thing that makes me happy about Disney taking over, is that they've retconed the entire EU.
Wow, take an advice and don't say that out loud when you're in the theater. Might save you from ending up like Vader.
Have said that quite a few times to friends who kept up with the EU and customers who would come in to the store. Majority of just whom I've talked to agree. Get a few who don't, but see why it needed to be done. The EU was a giant mess of conflicting stories on all sides. It needed fixed. Disney doing the retcon may have been a bit harsh on some, but far less of a headache than the amount of time it would take to pick what they want for canon. Of course I've heard rumors that they may have people doing just that. But don't know for sure.
The easy fix to the EU was to delete everything after the original Zahn trilogy and start anew.
Okay, the X-Wing novels had some fun stuff in it. But god, please forget the dumb Emperor-Clone plot and the Vong and what not.
There were a couple good books with Star Wars EU but so much of it is just garbage. Timothy Zahn's books, "Heir to the Empire" were the best I read and felt like a natural extension after Return of the Jedi.
As soon as it was made know the new movie was going to be set Post-ROTJ, the EU purge was guaranteed to happen. There was no way in hell Disney, JJ Abrams and their writers were going to have their hands tied by the tangled web of garbage that was Star Wars EU.
The X-Wing series of novels was always a favorite of mine.
Wraith Squadron and the Heir to the Empire trilogy are about the only good post-ROTJ EU books out there. And notwithstanding the whole 'wipe the slate clean' thing, nobody can take those books away from you.
Wraith Squadron and the Heir to the Empire trilogy are about the only good post-ROTJ EU books out there. And notwithstanding the whole 'wipe the slate clean' thing, nobody can take those books away from you.
It's also pretty impressive how influential the Zahn trilogy was. MAybe not a big surprise, considering that it was basically the first SW novel (at least the first not retelling a movie, I think). But I think it also has a lot to do with it managing to create interesting characters like Karrde or Mara Jade. I still hate Fey'lya, though...
Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"
"It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch." "We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. Curiosity...is bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more importantly...it makes you poor!"
Passion and Serenity are one.
I gain power by understanding both.
In the chaos of their battle, I bring order.
I am a shadow, darkness born from light.
The Force is united within me.
Indeed - I thought the same thing, and it makes me wonder:
If the Tri-blade Lightsabre weilding Sith might actually be Luke Skywalker. Let's look at the evidence. He's not in any of the teaser trailers. He isn't in the new offical trailer. He isn't on the new poster. Some speculate that it his him who touches R2, but that scene is barely a second long and we don't see above the torso.
So perhaps it is him behind that mask, disillusioned with how things turned out post-Endor, questioning whether the rebellion made the right choices and coming to the conclusion that maybe, just maybe, the Empire was a 'necessary evil'. Indeed - the "finish what you started" trailer scene with the Sith holding Vader's ruined helmet/mask MIGHT point toward this. And he did balance on the edge of giving into the darkside temptation in RoTJ.
When I saw the latest trailer during MNF this week, I though the exact same thing as what's in your spoiler. It does seem to fit together nicely, doesn't it?
Well, the force awakens airs this december and Star Trek sometime in july 2016. Not really a vs. since Wars has probably already left the big srceen before Trek even starts.
As for commercial success, my bets are on Wars. It's just way more popular than Trek on a global scale.
Especially if you also consider all the merchandise of which Star Wars is the undisputed king.
Star Trek, however, has a lot to look forward to in 2016. A new movie, that although probably not as succesfull as The Force Awakens, will still be a pretty strong movie when it comes to making money. Its also the 50th Anniversary of Trek, which is guaranteed to generate hype all over the internet and the world. We got a huge amount of professional fan-made Trek rolling out, which I personally find is spearheaded by Axanar and Continues. Give Star Trek a little more time, and the hype will be there. Trust me on that.
Wars, on the other hand, has just a single movie, and the new Battlefront which is EA made. And thats basically it. Look at the amount of Wars fans that are still pissed off at the axing of the EU as permanent non-canon. Star Wars will have its great moment in the spotlights, but as soon as Awakens starts to leave the theaters, the hype will cool down a lot, and generate the room for the Trek hype.
Personally, I am looking forward to an excellent 12 months of two of my favourite movies/series/fandoms/whatevers. I will enjoy Wars, see it in theaters, spend an unholy amount of money acquiring new stuff for my collection (the merchandising there got hold of me, I admit
As for people who are still wondering if I prefer Trek to Wars, look at the @handle. Google it if you must. And then realize I'm a STO player. That should basically give you a good picture.
Join the Deltas today!
The Rebellion achieved a great victory at Endor. Yet here the galaxy still is, mired in unending civil war.
A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"
"It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch."
"We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. Curiosity...is bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more importantly...it makes you poor!"
And then Legacy of the Force had to go and f*ck everything up.
— Sabaton, "Great War"
Check out https://unitedfederationofpla.net/s/
Oh boy.... So I take it you haven't heard of their plans to to make an incredible marvel-esque movie franchise out of Star Wars?
Rouge One - a full movie of how the rebels got the plans for the first death star will supposedly roll out in 2016. I expect it about a year after ep 7.
2017 is the palnned release for episode 8 and from what it looks like is followed by another spin off. Likely with Solo as the main character. And guess what is scheduled after that one....
The mouse has plans with the franchise and they will come into fruition.
Something something something DARK SIDE, something something something COMPLETE.
Will say that the thing that makes me happy about Disney taking over, is that they've retconed the entire EU.
Wow, take an advice and don't say that out loud when you're in the theater. Might save you from ending up like Vader.
Have said that quite a few times to friends who kept up with the EU and customers who would come in to the store. Majority of just whom I've talked to agree. Get a few who don't, but see why it needed to be done. The EU was a giant mess of conflicting stories on all sides. It needed fixed. Disney doing the retcon may have been a bit harsh on some, but far less of a headache than the amount of time it would take to pick what they want for canon. Of course I've heard rumors that they may have people doing just that. But don't know for sure.
Okay, the X-Wing novels had some fun stuff in it. But god, please forget the dumb Emperor-Clone plot and the Vong and what not.
I have. I had no idea that Rogue One was planned for 16 tho.
The rest does not invalidate my point tho. In the ongoing battle of next year, Star Wars will have its period of cooled down hype, with Trek shining all over the internet. I do take into account that VIII is scheduled for 2017, but that isn't in the next 12 months.
Join the Deltas today!
Well theres no doubt that Star Wars will win, it's a commerical giant. But Star Trek wins with the inspriational vote. After all, how many things was insprired from Star Wars other than people trying to make a lightsaber or droids?
I'm sure that will be explained. But just wonder how much control the Empire retained after the Battle of Endor? And how many of those people on Coruscant got arrested for partying?
There were a couple good books with Star Wars EU but so much of it is just garbage. Timothy Zahn's books, "Heir to the Empire" were the best I read and felt like a natural extension after Return of the Jedi.
As soon as it was made know the new movie was going to be set Post-ROTJ, the EU purge was guaranteed to happen. There was no way in hell Disney, JJ Abrams and their writers were going to have their hands tied by the tangled web of garbage that was Star Wars EU.
The X-Wing series of novels was always a favorite of mine.
It's also pretty impressive how influential the Zahn trilogy was. MAybe not a big surprise, considering that it was basically the first SW novel (at least the first not retelling a movie, I think). But I think it also has a lot to do with it managing to create interesting characters like Karrde or Mara Jade. I still hate Fey'lya, though...
A normie goes "Oh, what's this?"
An otaku goes "UwU, what's this?"
A furry goes "OwO, what's this?"
A werewolf goes "Awoo, what's this?"
"It's nothing personal, I just don't feel like I've gotten to know a person until I've sniffed their crotch."
"We said 'no' to Mr. Curiosity. We're not home. Curiosity is not welcome, it is not to be invited in. Curiosity...is bad. It gets you in trouble, it gets you killed, and more importantly...it makes you poor!"
Awoken Dead
Now shaddup about the queues, it's a BUG
When I saw the latest trailer during MNF this week, I though the exact same thing as what's in your spoiler. It does seem to fit together nicely, doesn't it?
Co-Founder of TOS Veterans and TOS Qan Mang