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Design Your Ship Round 1 [Alpha VS Beta]



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    highlandrisehighlandrise Member Posts: 354 Arc User
    hravik wrote: »

    Just my opinion.

    than vote for THIS


    with THIS as a New Frigatte Pet (and eventuelly a Standalone Escort later)


    You do realize that there are legal hurdles that Cryptic would have to clear with CBS in order to even get the ship into the game, so it's very unlikely. Please stop suggesting this.

    Nothing is unlikely, the Vesta, Odyssey, Chimera, and i dont know how many other Ships are all Private Designs of People who participated in Ship Design Contests, so how is this Different? Cryptic only has to get in contact with the Designers of those Ships and ask them for their OK regarding this, and i cant see why they should not, i allready contacted both Designers and told them about my Idea to bring their Ships (maybe) into the Game with this Contest?
    Waiting for their Answer, maybe they will be even contact Cryptic Directly? maybe sharing their Designs themself here in this Thread? So only thing left to do would be get the Green Light from CBS and TADA! its done, worked before so no reason why it shouldnt now.

    The Vesta needed CBS approval in order to be put into the game, as it was from the book series. I believe the Luna-class was also apart of this but because it was designed to be the ship that Riker was commanding, I think they got the okay to include it as part of the initial ships for the game. As for the Odyssey and Chimera, they were ship designs from the Design the next Enterprise contest, which CBS approved of. Cryptic liked the Chimera design so much that they decided to make it the Federation Veteran ship. What do all these have in common? CBS approval, mostly because they came outside of the tv and film canon.

    Please understand that this thread is designed for people to vote on which CRYPTIC designs they like between the Alpha and Beta design. If you want to have people talk about alternative designs, take it to the general discussion forum instead of siderailing the thread.

    look i dont want to be a troublemaker, only sharing an idea that - what i think - is fitting here, there will be not many chances to get that ship into the Game, since as i mentioned before i dont think they will throw one fed carrier after another into the game now, so i only use this opportunity to share what maybe both players AND cryptic may like, iam not forcing my oppinion onto anyone, one may like it the other may not, BUT if enough People would like those Designs, than why not consider it as an alternative? will that hurt anyone?

    The Vesta from a book Series or not, was Created by a Private Artist "Mark Rademaker", and the Chimera and Odysey, from a Contest or not are also non Cryptic Designs, so yea they have to get CBS to approve this, and also ask the Designer for their YES, but its Perfectly Possible, i allready contacted both Designer asking them for their Oppinion and if they like the idea to contact Cryptic and possibly share their Ships here in this Forum, also postred the Pics and the Idea on Trendys Profile.

    if i was not such a big Star Trek Fan and would not Love this Game (even with all its Flaws) i would not give a DAMN about this, but i DO, therefore iam trying so hard to achives "things" for this Game, to bring in ideas, help making things better? and so on?

    i dont try to troll anyone here, nor do i want to cause trouble, only want to be Part of the Community, and share ideas......but anyway i contacted trendy and the Designers and will just wait what happens, cheers all.
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    zigadeiczigadeic Member Posts: 113 Arc User
    maolan wrote: »
    Beta looks less like a conventional ship and more of a practical design for a vessel made to haul fighters. I'm going with Beta.

    To me, Alpha looked too similar to the Prometheus and Intrepid designs - time for something different.

    Have to agree with this guy beta looks more like something to haul fighters

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    smallyoda3456789smallyoda3456789 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    Beta is the way to go. I like the large round saucer. It reminds me of classic starship cruiser designs. Alpha looks to much like an escort and since we just got a tier 6 prometheus, we don't need to reincarnate it as a carrier. could the Beta ship be the tier 6 version of the galaxy x that some of us have been clambering for?
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    jexsamxjexsamx Member Posts: 2,802 Arc User
    edited September 2015

    You have my sword.

    If you clowns get the only good design voted out in round one, you're only proving to the devs that the fans have no idea what's actually good for us. Please. Vote Beta.
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    maxvitormaxvitor Member Posts: 2,213 Arc User
    Too many of the designs look more like escorts or almost copies of a low level cruiser and I just don't get what this fixation is with monohull quad warps.
    If something is not broken, don't fix it, if it is broken, don't leave it broken.
    Oh Hell NO to ARC
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    overkilltbpoverkilltbp Member Posts: 68 Arc User
    Can't wait to vote for Omega !
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    pwlaughingtrendypwlaughingtrendy Member Posts: 2,966 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    To answer concerns, the intention of the thread is for discussion between the two designs presented. I welcome the idea of those ships being presented more in General Discussion, please. They will not be added into this design a ship campaign (campaigns like these require a lot of lead time, such as weeks to months of planning). :)
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    highlandrisehighlandrise Member Posts: 354 Arc User
    maxvitor wrote: »
    Too many of the designs look more like escorts or almost copies of a low level cruiser and I just don't get what this fixation is with monohull quad warps.

    i know right....all of them look like a allready existing ship, that was another reason why i brought the idea with those Private / Alternative Designs...we need Fresh Ideas, truely new Designs, thats why i think that they should make more "Design the Next Ship" contests where People can actually send them their ideas, Designs, that again the Playerbase can than choose from / vote, instead of letting us just pick one from a bunch of Premades......some people may argue...but we still know better what we like and what we dont.....
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    rajarastamanrajarastaman Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    Beta looks way more like a carrier than Alpha does.

    Beta FTW
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    monkeybone13monkeybone13 Member Posts: 4,640 Arc User
    I wish more of the choices would have had rounded saucers. :(
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    tomek75tomek75 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    Beta is win, whay? Its more classic star trek look what this game need and big massive saucer is more suitable for carrier then arrow shaped for smaller escort class ships. Long carrier is like you put aircraft carrier in space, shape is good for fighters who need long roadrun in space you don't need long roadruns, fighters are launched from place and game has too mouch arrow shaped ships.
    Sorry for bad english.
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    vonhellstingvonhellsting Member Posts: 543 Arc User
    Wonder if there's going to be ship customization options or everyone is going to look the same.
    The Lobi Crystals are Faaaakkkkee!
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    monkeybone13monkeybone13 Member Posts: 4,640 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    Any chance my vote could be changed to the one with the rounded saucer? I'm having second thoughts on my vote. :s

    Edit: Then again, it doesn't look like Beta will win anyway. :cry:
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    potasssiumpotasssium Member Posts: 1,226 Arc User
    Beta reminds me a lot of the Nebula & New Orleans, but maybe with the Andromeda Saucer. #TeamBeta
    Thanks for the Advanced Light Cruiser, Allied Escort Bundles, Jem-Hadar Light Battlecruiser, and Mek'leth
    New Content Wishlist
    T6 updates for the Kamarag & Vor'Cha
    Heavy Cruiser & a Movie Era Style AoY Utility Cruiser
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    sentinel64sentinel64 Member Posts: 900 Arc User
    I went with Alpha this round, but the real design I like is Gamma in next round
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    blastenblaster1blastenblaster1 Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    is it just me or should they just go crazy with 6 or 8 naccels. Or ever 2 supersized ones
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    takeshi6takeshi6 Member Posts: 752 Arc User
    Went with Alpha in this round, but honestly, I like the Epsilon and Sigma designs - though Delta and Theta look like they could work, too. :smiley:
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    ikonn#1068 ikonn Member Posts: 1,450 Arc User
    Out of these two, I like Alpha, but wish the ship designers would stop with the nacelles being of different sizes. To me at least, the mis-matched nacelles don't look as good as those of, let's say... The Heavy Cruiser. This alone has turned me off of the Fed Command ships.
    -AoP- Warrior's Blood (KDF Armada) / -AoP- Qu' raD qulbo'Degh / -AoP- Project Phoenix
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    dariusturaldariustural Member Posts: 94 Arc User
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    wakeoflovewakeoflove Member Posts: 103 Arc User
    wakeoflove wrote: »
    hravik wrote: »

    Just my opinion.

    than vote for THIS


    with THIS as a New Frigatte Pet (and eventuelly a Standalone Escort later)


    Those are not the ships we are voting for.

    And those Premade Schematics are not the Ships I will Vote for, so you are free to do whatever you want, only thing i do is showing People Including Cryptic an alternative that the Playerbase might like.

    It doesn't matter. Those ships are not part of the contest nor are they owned by you or Cryptic/PWE. You have posted those images several times in this thread encouraging people to vote for them and the thread is being derailed.

    This is NOT the place to post "alternative ship designs". If you don't like what is offered then don't vote.

    Making suggestions about someone else's ships would be better off in general discussion. You could also PM @pwlaughingtrendy and ask how you can get Cryptic/PWE in touch with whoever created the concept art for those ships in case it's something they'd be interested in.

    my last answer for you, if you are not a Cryptic member, stop telling me what to do and mind your own business?
    you dont have to like or support my idea, nor do you have to comment them, your oppinion is your oppinion, and mine is mine, and everyone here has his own mind / oppinion to choose whether they like that idea or not, again not your business, you are not the one to decide for others.

    Also, i dont think that Cryptic will now throw in one new Fed Carrier after another, so this might be the ONLY Chance to bring in this Idea, hoping that someone maybe will like it and consider taking it as another Option and let People Vote for it, as long as Cryptic does not Strictly say NO to alternatives, it is not yours to make that decision.

    So go on please and dont bother me anymore.

    At the very least there is hope that if we don't like these base designs as presented, the final product might be more to our liking. The "contest"/brawl or whatever this is claims that these are just the "intro" followed by a "design" phase where I am guessing we will get to vote on variations of different parts of the overall concept, then "build" might be the functional layout of the ship like boff stations, then the ship will be modeled and launched, so there's still hope even if people don't like any of these base concepts.

    I don't think the naysayers of your suggestion are trying to crush your hopes and dreams just for the sake of the crushing, I think they know that there's all kinds of legal BS involved in cryptic taking designs that are not in-house which involves all sorts of expense and red tape that they aren't likely to undertake, especially considering cryptic has designers for a reason.

    Not only does cryptic have to get permission from the creator, they have to try to track down whether or not the design is derivative of someone else's work, i.e. close enough that it could cause future legal trouble, or outright ripped off, they have to make sure it doesn't look too much like some other franchise's IP, they have to secure rights, and of course all of this has expenses attached, legal fees, copyright submissions, blah blah. They have to weigh the value of all that expense and effort against simply using their own designs (which will also have to go through much of this gauntlet anyway) and where that money could be going instead, like getting original cast to lend their voices to their in game characters. Not to mention it would render much of their design team redundant to stop using them.

    There may have already been a post about this, but trendy might actually want to make that a blog post: "Why we don't routinely use fan designs" detailing all the TRIBBLE they have to go through compared to using in house designs and then pin that to the top of the forums so people can just be referred to it as to why their favorite fan-concept ships will likely never see life in this game.

    But that aside, carrier or not, a nebula class configuration based on the ody, lets make this happen./end tangent :P

    If we're going to be able to vote on bridge officer stations, I'm calling it right now: Pilot will win by a landslide. The last couple or so ships they released had Command seating, 1 of which was the T6 Excelsior, and players were complaining that the T6 Excelsior should have had pilot seating. And the new Multi-Vector Assault Escort they just released, players complained about yet another ship having Command seating. :D

    I doubt pilot will even be on the menu for a carrier, lol. If they give us a choice on the hybrid seating, it will probably be intel or command or a new spec that will undoubtedly come out with the next season. I think they may give us a few pre-chosen layouts and the one with the most votes gets it or something.
    The Nebula-configured Odyssey needs to be a thing.
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    maxfive00maxfive00 Member Posts: 48 Arc User
    Looks like a command carrier.
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    kodachikunokodachikuno Member Posts: 6,020 Arc User1
    saucer and nacelle of alpha are much better but the lack of a secondary hull(something of a federation trademark) is undesirable imo.
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    spikeguyverspikeguyver Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    Beta looks more Trek to me.
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    daveynydaveyny Member Posts: 8,227 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    Looks like Alpha is going to win this one.
    Which means what little interest I had in this 'camel race' is completely gone now.
    STO Member since February 2009.
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    karsten1987karsten1987 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    Beta Rules
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    captaincelestialcaptaincelestial Member Posts: 1,925 Arc User
    The Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Manual (pages 63, 65, and 66) states that the experiments with single and more than two nacelle designs, conducted in 2269, proved that having two nacelles was the optimal configuration for vessel control and power generation.

    Gonna have to go with the Beta.

    The saucer section of Beta reminds me of one of the possible designs of the replacement of the Enterprise-D in the original ST:TNG Technical Manual, which came out just before the 5th Season, if I recall. Someday, I'll have to see if I still have it somewhere.
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    darthnevermoredarthnevermore Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    Going with #TeamBeta
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    p4hajujup4hajuju Member Posts: 214 Arc User
    Neither was really good, but Beta was better.

    "Use Temporal Skills to NERF EVERYTHING before it happened!" -Unknown source.
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