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Tales of the war 20/Leeta has future weapons!



  • thomaselkinsthomaselkins Member Posts: 575 Arc User
    If that's Mirror Terok Nor, then does this mean they discovered the Wormhole? Mirror Terok Nor was always in orbit of Bajor on the show and there was no indication the Mirror Wormhole had been discovered. They mentioned the Wormhole in "Crossover" but the Klingons had no idea what they were talking about. I suppose it's been a number of years since that episode and if they know of our Wormhole then they must have searched for their own and moved Terok Nor to it. This then begs the question: have they encountered the Mirror Dominion?
  • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,051 Arc User
    O' Brien is dead by the sounds of it, we may have given Leeta the empire without even realising it when we destroyed his flagship

    I suspect the mirror storyline we're familiar with will be cut out of the Cardassian arc altogether with S11, and Leeta's invasion will take its place, only set after the Iconian War.

    I'll look for her on the battlefield, my toon is a mirror Section 31 operative
      "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
      -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
    • hartzillahartzilla Member Posts: 1,177 Arc User
      orangeitis wrote: »
      lianthelia wrote: »
      Lets be honest...just like questerius asked...how is the terran empire going to beat the iconians when they can't even beat us...and we're getting spanked by the iconians?
      Starships "borrowed" from the 29th century.
      hartzilla wrote: »
      But the Sphere Builders aren't more technologically advanced than the federation, the whole reason they went with the time travel retgone scheme was that the federation kicked their asses when the Sphere Builders tried to invade.

      Not true as it stands.

      The Sphere Builders were repelled and forced back into their dimension in the 26th Century (sometime between 2501 and 2600) by a larger Federation with more member worlds which we don't have yet, using advanced technology we don't have yet.

      It's currently 2410. We're at minimum 91 years behind the point where the Sphere Builders are repelled, and possibly 190. That's around one-to-two centuries of advances we're lacking.

      Keep in mind, Shon is flying the Enterprise 1701-F, the Builders were repelled by the 1701-J... that means there still has to be an Enterprise-G, an Enterprise-H, and an Enterprise-I before we even reach the J. Assuming that Starfleet is refitting between major advances instead of just tossing out new Enterprises for ****s and giggles that means the galaxy is still several major technological leaps behind where it was when it faced the Builders.
      This. Right here.

      Except if the Terrans are using 29th century tech, it kind of implies the Sphere Builders aren't behind it seeing as they only have 26 th century tech.

      Not to mention again it ignores the whole can't invade a relm that will start killing them the moment they enter it, or the fact that they apparently CAN't bring their full force to bear before the 26th century or they would have done that instead of conning the Xindi or that the Xindi probably have a nice understanding of the tech the Sphere Builders gave them what with using it so the Federation has had one or two centuries to study it depending on when the Xindi started diplomatic relations.

      The point being they're not on the same threat level as the Iconians. They don't have legions of slave mooks to throw at us, they can't send their fleets where ever, they don't have massive solar system sized bases in at least 2 galaxies. I also doubt Cryptic is going to rehash a storyline they just did with the names changed. Especially with the hoops they would have to jump through in regard to onscreen stuff.
    • happyhappyj0yj0yhappyhappyj0yj0y Member Posts: 699 Arc User
      hartzilla wrote: »
      Except season 11 is supposed to be in 2411 not 2410 so again 190 years comes out to 2501 aka the 27th century.


      Firstly. I said, "It's currently 2410. We're at minimum 91 years behind the point where the Sphere Builders are repelled, and possibly 190. That's around one-to-two centuries of advances we're lacking." I wasn't speaking from a future date, but the current (in-game) time.

      Notice the words "currently" and "we're" (as in, "we ARE").

      And even taking what you're saying into account it would mean moving things to 90-189 years. So my estimate accounts for 98% of that century even using your start point. And the 2% is missed merely because you're moving the start date which I used to fudge the data.

      Your response stated:
      hartzilla wrote: »
      1) Its one century STO = 25 century, Enterprise-J time = 26th century, that around 90 years not 190 which would make it the 27th century.

      Which means your time frame for the 26th century of "90 years and not 190" essentially, you know, accounts for 1% of that century and ignores the other 99% because... you do.

      So using your start point my figures are still 98% right, 2% wrong and yours is 1% right, 98% wrong. So using your choice of starting point I am still 97% more right than you, and you are still 96% more wrong than me.

      Beyond that, 2411 wasn't mentioned in the promo blog, and I haven't heard it in any of the interviews or associated material. If information exists that Season 11 will actually move the timeline along another year then by all means please provide it, I however haven't seen it.

      Unless of course you're assuming that it will be 2411 simply because it's an advance in the plot line, or because it's been 2410 since 2014. If that's the case, well... to say the timeline in STO advances sporadically would be an understatement.

      The vast majority of STO occurred in 2409. In fact, 2410 didn't happen until "Surface Tension" in 2014. Which means from February 2, 2010 until April 22, 2014 it was 2409. Which means 2409 lasted 4 years, 2 months, and 20 days. As of today 2410 has only lasted 1 year, 6 months, 10 days... so following the "STO schedule" 2411 would be a little ahead of schedule unless it's delayed, like, two and a half years...
      hartzilla wrote: »
      And yet they needed the Spheres to be working the region over for over 1000 years to get space they could survive in which was when they were finally able to directly invade.

      Yeah, they did need that for that particular plan.

      And they had to wait for the Xindi to build the Death Star wannabe in order to annihilate Earth and stop the Federation. Except, you know, they also had something going on in 2004 with a bioweapon.

      Contingency plans.

      The spheres may well have only been one in play. They also, existing trans-dimensionally, could have had something going in, say, the Mirror Universe that Archer didn't mess up for them... and it could have been an entirely different plan (like giant laser vs. bioweapon) with an entirely different timetable... or perhaps one they could advance their timetable thanks to having their pets being the dominant force in the galaxy, as opposed to a fractured nothing like the Xindi and Suliban. It becomes a lot easier to implement your plans when the entirely of the galaxy's resources are at your disposal thanks to having the reigning power under your thumb.

      Alternately, again, deus ex machina. It's not exactly like Cryptic cares about canon, they have Starfleet officers flying Bioships and the Temporal Weapon didn't work the way is should have.

      For all we know Cryptic will just say that this occurs 700 years after the attempted invasion of the prime universe for the Tuterians and they've developed Tetrionic Transdimenional Syncing Devices to temporarily stabilize their ships in our dimension which would have to works because (1) Cryptic isn't going to introduce a new enemy we don't get to fight (2) People like to pew pew, so Cryptic needs us to blow up new enemies and (3) Because it's Star Trek, and canonically technobabble solves all problems.
    • hartzillahartzilla Member Posts: 1,177 Arc User
      Except, you know, they also had something going on in 2004 with a bioweapon.

      Which was largely done and set up by the Xindi using stuff they bright back with them and a warehouse not exactly something too hard to do.
      say, the Mirror Universe that Archer didn't mess up for them... and it could have been an entirely different plan (like giant laser vs. bioweapon) with an entirely different timetable... or perhaps one they could advance their timetable thanks to having their pets being the dominant force in the galaxy, as opposed to a fractured nothing like the Xindi and Suliban. It becomes a lot easier to implement your plans when the entirely of the galaxy's resources are at your disposal thanks to having the reigning power under your thumb.

      or the connection between the Mirror Universe and the Sphere Builders doesn't actually exist and the Terrans just stole the 29th century tech from the Tholians seeing as the Tholians are 1) In the Trailer, 2) spawn Mirror Universe ships, 3) were where all the 29th century starships running around in game came from.

      I mean it's not like it would be he first time something like this happened.
    • happyhappyj0yj0yhappyhappyj0yj0y Member Posts: 699 Arc User
      hartzilla wrote: »
      Which was largely done and set up by the Xindi using stuff they bright back with them and a warehouse not exactly something too hard to do.

      It was done against the Xindi councils wishes by the Reptillians and the Sphere Builders. We see the Builders actually involved. Not any different from the other weapon, just that a smaller subsection of Xindi were willing to do it.
      hartzilla wrote: »
      or the connection between the Mirror Universe and the Sphere Builders doesn't actually exist and the Terrans just stole the 29th century tech from the Tholians...

      Uh huh...

      "The future reached back as we in the present stretched forth our hands to receive the instruments of our dominance."

      The future reaches back, and they reach forward to receive.

      Does that sound like, "Hey, we ripped off the Tholians." No, it sounds like someone from the future reaching back and the Terrans receiving a gift. Which, you know, is exactly what the Builders have done before in canon. It's their MO. And of course, we just saw the Sphere Builders introduced in Butterfly... but hey, I'm sure Cryptic introduced them and used their MO for no particular reason. I'm sure they just randomly showed up the way the Iconians did previously, and of course we've never had any run-ins with them since...
    • lordinsanelordinsane Member Posts: 274 Arc User
      edited September 2015
      hartzilla wrote: »
      Beyond that, 2411 wasn't mentioned in the promo blog, and I haven't heard it in any of the interviews or associated material. If information exists that Season 11 will actually move the timeline along another year then by all means please provide it, I however haven't seen it.

      Unless of course you're assuming that it will be 2411 simply because it's an advance in the plot line, or because it's been 2410 since 2014. If that's the case, well... to say the timeline in STO advances sporadically would be an understatement.

      The vast majority of STO occurred in 2409. In fact, 2410 didn't happen until "Surface Tension" in 2014. Which means from February 2, 2010 until April 22, 2014 it was 2409. Which means 2409 lasted 4 years, 2 months, and 20 days. As of today 2410 has only lasted 1 year, 6 months, 10 days... so following the "STO schedule" 2411 would be a little ahead of schedule unless it's delayed, like, two and a half years...
      Actually, the timeline advancement is more complicated than that. We didn't find out we were in 2410 until Surface Tension in 2014, but according to this year's Delta Recruit thing we were actually in 2410 all the way since Cold Storage (retcon or taking too long to actually mention the timeline advancement in the course of episodes, your pick). Given the 18 months later figure given, meaning we were already a fair bit into 2410, it's not a stretch to think that 2410 will probably end soon for the purposes of featured episodes given how much has happened since then, in-universe... but yeah, I haven't seen any mention of 2411 in the Cryptic New Dawn information yet.
    • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
      edited September 2015
      mrspidey2 wrote: »
      lianthelia wrote: »

      Lets be honest...just like questerius asked...how is the terran empire going to beat the iconians when they can't even beat us...and we're getting spanked by the iconians?
      To be fair, we have no idea what mirror Iconians are like. They're probably quite fluffy and peaceful and posed no threat at all.

      TotW #20 is very intriguing, though. Why the special interest in Romulans, indeed?
      The Mirror Universe tends to either make people worse, or not change them much - someone turning good doesn't seem to happen at all.

      But who knows, maybe the Iconians were different, and the Mirror Iconians seemed to be differently organized (Iconian Conclave). Maybe they were somewhat good and considered the Terran Empire a den of evil, and decided to clean up the Milky Way... That could fit the Mirror theme, particulary as it works in STO - things almost seem to turn for the better (TOS: Mirror-Spock is convinced that the Empire needs reforms, DS9: O'Brien leads the resistance to victory over the opressive alliance) but ultimately turn sour (DS9: Mirror-Spock reforms turn useless as the Alliance overpoweres the weakened Empire; STO: O'Brien gets killed by his son and the kid recreates the Terran Empire).​​
      Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
    • starswordcstarswordc Member Posts: 10,966 Arc User
      edited September 2015
      Post edited by starswordc on
      "Great War! / And I cannot take more! / Great tour! / I keep on marching on / I play the great score / There will be no encore / Great War! / The War to End All Wars"
      — Sabaton, "Great War"

      Check out https://unitedfederationofpla.net/s/
    • mustrumridcully0mustrumridcully0 Member Posts: 12,963 Arc User
      starswordc wrote: »
      Star Trek Online Advancement: You start with lowbie gear, you end with Lobi gear.
    • happyhappyj0yj0yhappyhappyj0yj0y Member Posts: 699 Arc User
      lordinsane wrote: »
      \\We didn't find out we were in 2410 until Surface Tension in 2014, but according to this year's Delta Recruit thing we were actually in 2410 all the way since Cold Storage (retcon or taking too long to actually mention the timeline advancement in the course of episodes, your pick).

      It's a retcon.

      It was a pretty significant event. There was some talk dev-side about the timeline advancing in Surface Tension because despite the player base wanting it they'd refused to advance the timeline beforehand, presumably for the same reason they refused to end the UFP/KDF war despite having no future hostilities, identical content on both sides, and the factions allied through Omega. Basically it seems they wouldn't do it because it created a discrepancy with coexisting characters. So you'd have ESD full of people who were existing in 2409 and others who were in 2410... there at the same time. You'd have people on Drozana both at full war with each other, and not.

      I imagine they finally changed their minds because of how ludicrous things were getting.

      And of course, that still means that all content from February 2, 2010 until April 22, 2014 it was developed for 2409. And if you want to use the Delta Recruit retconning as the new data that... makes less sense, but would move the starting of 2410 content back to April 2nd, 2015.

      There certainly could be an update to the year with New Dawn, but I wouldn't bet on it either way since STO hasn't exactly been very... consistent with time. They probably should have just used Stardates and never nailed down a year.
    • orangeitisorangeitis Member Posts: 5,222 Arc User
      hartzilla wrote: »
      Except if the Terrans are using 29th century tech, it kind of implies the Sphere Builders aren't behind it seeing as they only have 26 th century tech.
      Only before they were drove off. Who's to say they didn't resurface hundreds of years later with scaled-up tech?

      To be fair, I don't believe that the Sphere Builders are behind it. But I gotta give credit where it's due. They're a possibility here. A pretty contrived possibility, but a possibility nonetheless.
    • hartzillahartzilla Member Posts: 1,177 Arc User
      orangeitis wrote: »
      hartzilla wrote: »
      Except if the Terrans are using 29th century tech, it kind of implies the Sphere Builders aren't behind it seeing as they only have 26 th century tech.
      Only before they were drove off. Who's to say they didn't resurface hundreds of years later with scaled-up tech?

      The fact that it was only the 26th century Sphere Builders that ever showed up, I honestly got the feeling that their invasion in the 26th century was pretty much the only direct action they could take which is why they focused on changing things to sure they win instead of just biding their time and trying again.

      It also kind of implies their time travel tech might be rather limited in what they can take back.
    • questeriusquesterius Member Posts: 8,612 Arc User
      O' Brien is dead by the sounds of it, we may have given Leeta the empire without even realising it when we destroyed his flagship

      I suspect the mirror storyline we're familiar with will be cut out of the Cardassian arc altogether with S11, and Leeta's invasion will take its place, only set after the Iconian War.

      I'll look for her on the battlefield, my toon is a mirror Section 31 operative

      I have heard that her private vessel is called "The Love Shack"​​
      This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
    • medalionemissarymedalionemissary Member Posts: 612 Arc User
      Mirror Leeta has certainly come a LONG way from hooking up with Mirror Ezri... congrats!
      Deep Space Nine in HD, make it so!
    • theraven2378theraven2378 Member Posts: 6,051 Arc User
      questerius wrote: »
      O' Brien is dead by the sounds of it, we may have given Leeta the empire without even realising it when we destroyed his flagship

      I suspect the mirror storyline we're familiar with will be cut out of the Cardassian arc altogether with S11, and Leeta's invasion will take its place, only set after the Iconian War.

      I'll look for her on the battlefield, my toon is a mirror Section 31 operative

      I have heard that her private vessel is called "The Love Shack"​​

      dabo should be funny
        "The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
        -Lord Commander Solar Macharius
      • szimszim Member Posts: 2,503 Arc User
        questerius wrote: »
        How did that wimpy terran empire, which got slaughtered every time it tried to enter our universe, defeat the iconians?​​

        They managed to rebuild the Defiant without proper industrial facilities, spacedocks and starship engineers, just by stealing the blueprints (which was absolutely ridiculous). The mirror universe is a magical place, they can do anything imaginable.
      • bioixibioixi Member Posts: 764 Arc User
        questerius wrote: »
        How did that wimpy terran empire, which got slaughtered every time it tried to enter our universe, defeat the iconians?​​

        Deus ex timetravel.
      • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
        szim wrote: »
        questerius wrote: »
        How did that wimpy terran empire, which got slaughtered every time it tried to enter our universe, defeat the iconians?​​
        They managed to rebuild the Defiant without proper industrial facilities, spacedocks and starship engineers, just by stealing the blueprints (which was absolutely ridiculous). The mirror universe is a magical place, they can do anything imaginable.
        I thought the Sisko was the overseer of the project?
        My character Tsin'xing
      • szimszim Member Posts: 2,503 Arc User
        szim wrote: »
        questerius wrote: »
        How did that wimpy terran empire, which got slaughtered every time it tried to enter our universe, defeat the iconians?​​
        They managed to rebuild the Defiant without proper industrial facilities, spacedocks and starship engineers, just by stealing the blueprints (which was absolutely ridiculous). The mirror universe is a magical place, they can do anything imaginable.
        I thought the Sisko was the overseer of the project?

        If I recall correctly the ship was built already when Sisko was lured into the Mirror universe. But it wasn't fully functional yet so he helped them with that. But even if they had abducted 100 engineers from the Prime universe they still wouldn't have the proper facilities for crafting the materials and constructing the ship. And it gets even better. Not only did they defeat the Alliance and throw them off Earth they also managed to keep the entire Alliance fleet in check with only the Defiant and a few Terran raiders. As I said. The Mirror universe is a Magic Kingdom.
      • markhawkmanmarkhawkman Member Posts: 35,236 Arc User
        It has the power of plot. :p
        My character Tsin'xing
      • koraheaglecrykoraheaglecry Member Posts: 250 Arc User
        hartzilla wrote: »
        Which was largely done and set up by the Xindi using stuff they bright back with them and a warehouse not exactly something too hard to do.

        It was done against the Xindi councils wishes by the Reptillians and the Sphere Builders. We see the Builders actually involved. Not any different from the other weapon, just that a smaller subsection of Xindi were willing to do it.
        hartzilla wrote: »
        or the connection between the Mirror Universe and the Sphere Builders doesn't actually exist and the Terrans just stole the 29th century tech from the Tholians...

        Uh huh...

        "The future reached back as we in the present stretched forth our hands to receive the instruments of our dominance."

        The future reaches back, and they reach forward to receive.

        Does that sound like, "Hey, we ripped off the Tholians." No, it sounds like someone from the future reaching back and the Terrans receiving a gift. Which, you know, is exactly what the Builders have done before in canon. It's their MO. And of course, we just saw the Sphere Builders introduced in Butterfly... but hey, I'm sure Cryptic introduced them and used their MO for no particular reason. I'm sure they just randomly showed up the way the Iconians did previously, and of course we've never had any run-ins with them since...

        Its evil Leeta, not really a stretch to assume shes not being completely honest with us or herself as to how she came to receive the tech. Not really a shock that a meglomaniac would convince themselves that their actions and luck were a result of the universe and fate siding with them. It wouldnt be the first time a nutjob on that side of the veil stole future tech from the Tholians and decided to use it for their own interests (Evil Archer?) and tried to convince themselves that it was fate.
      • joc#8855 joc Member Posts: 39 New User
        Geez, one thing you learn with the team that makes STO, Cryptic, is to stop dreaming.
      • perpetualgmperpetualgm Member Posts: 3 Arc User
        Well I'm looking forward to it. The whole thing with Mirror Leeta being an Admiral has great potential for the sort of humor that ST was good for.

        Mirror Leeta and Mirror Ezri with a guard escort are walking through the ruins of a captured station. Mirror Leeta walks up to the Dabo table and frowns...

        Holo-Leeta: Spin the wheel! You might get...lucky!
        Mirror Leeta: I hate this universe! Here I'm just some airheaded Dabo girl that's popular enough to have her own hologram.
        Mirror Ezri: Hey, it's not that bad. You're the wife of the Grand Nagus.
        Mirror Leeta: <gives Mirror Ezri a withering look> So, I'm the mate of a Ferengi and an idiot? Would you care to explain how that's supposed to make me feel better?
        Mirror Ezri: I see you point. Well, I guess on the bright side it means that everyone on this side of the mirror will underestimate you, maybe...?
        Mirror Leeta: <brow furrowed in thought> I hadn't thought of it like that, we could use that to our...
        Holo-Leeta: I miss Rom...
        <snickers from the guard escort>
        <Mirror Leeta turns to look at him incredulously before drawing her phaser and disintegrating him. She turns to Mirror Ezri>

        Mirror Leeta: I want every one of these things taken off-line, right now!
        Mirror Ezri: Yes, ma'am!
      • questeriusquesterius Member Posts: 8,612 Arc User
        Well I'm looking forward to it. The whole thing with Mirror Leeta being an Admiral has great potential for the sort of humor that ST was good for.

        Mirror Leeta and Mirror Ezri with a guard escort are walking through the ruins of a captured station. Mirror Leeta walks up to the Dabo table and frowns...

        Holo-Leeta: Spin the wheel! You might get...lucky!
        Mirror Leeta: I hate this universe! Here I'm just some airheaded Dabo girl that's popular enough to have her own hologram.
        Mirror Ezri: Hey, it's not that bad. You're the wife of the Grand Nagus.
        Mirror Leeta: <gives Mirror Ezri a withering look> So, I'm the mate of a Ferengi and an idiot? Would you care to explain how that's supposed to make me feel better?
        Mirror Ezri: I see you point. Well, I guess on the bright side it means that everyone on this side of the mirror will underestimate you, maybe...?
        Mirror Leeta: <brow furrowed in thought> I hadn't thought of it like that, we could use that to our...
        Holo-Leeta: I miss Rom...
        <snickers from the guard escort>
        <Mirror Leeta turns to look at him incredulously before drawing her phaser and disintegrating him. She turns to Mirror Ezri>

        Mirror Leeta: I want every one of these things taken off-line, right now!
        Mirror Ezri: Yes, ma'am!

        I really hope the devs include this.​​
        This program, though reasonably normal at times, seems to have a strong affinity to classes belonging to the Cat 2.0 program. Questerius 2.7 will break down on occasion, resulting in garbage and nonsense messages whenever it occurs. Usually a hard reboot or pulling the plug solves the problem when that happens.
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