See this in another startrek game would be nice to see it in this one

Unity One Starbase was a massive Federation Alliance space station in the Gateway system, dubbed by Jean-Luc Picard as "The Most Advanced Starbase In The Galaxy". Following initial completion of the station in 2379, it was destroyed in a rogue Romulan attack. Rebuilt over the next five years, it soon became the center of Federation and allied trade and commerce in the Triangle and was critically involved in the Rakelli, Iccobar and Borg incidents of the late 2380s under the legendary joint-command of Captain TRIBBLE and Captain Lewis. (Star Trek: Unity (fan film series))
The Unity Project began in the late 2370s when Federation and Klingon engineers made plans to construct a large base of operations in the Federation/Klingon/Romulan Triangle. During the construction of the starbase, Adeptus IV served as a major checkpoint of construction supplies. The first structure of the station was completed in 2378, however it was destroyed soon after by Romulan renegades led by Admiral Arai. (TNG video game: Starfleet Command III)
The main spaceframe was able to be salvaged from debris and engineers began to rebuild the starbase and improving it. The station was completed in mid-2384. The young Captain TRIBBLE and Captain Lewis were assigned command.
Similar in size to a Spacedock-style starbase, Unity's function was to serve as a trading outpost, defence platform and base of Federation Alliance operations in the Beta Quadrant. Developed by Klingon engineers, Unity is equipped with a long range sensor array that can detect cloaked ships within several sectors, a feature that led to the initial Romulan attacks. Advanced races, such as the Iccobar have managed to not be detected by the sensor array.
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For example, the Fek'lhr class.
This ship, while well designed, is the property of Activision. While mods exist to add it to games like Star Trek Legacy, a Bethesda game, that was done as a fan project. For it to officially appear in STO, Cryptic would have to negotiate with Activision for the rights to use the Fek'lhr class, and probably pay lots of money as well. Money that could be used in developing original designs or other elements in the game.
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Actually, I think there are a couple more instances. Luna and Vesta classes, which only appeared in books. Although the Luna class was in game since launch I think.
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And that was when everyone was interested in the deal...
I have no idea which character from New Frontier you are referring to, but I suspect it was someone the book borrowed from a show or movie, thus making it easy to use. That, or the character was officially generic, but had enough details similar that readers of the books drew the connections. Lt Joe Smith, for example, of the USS Enterprise, who was in Engineering and liked to spend time on Risa.
That would leave us with the Vesta, which IIRC was a bit of a pain to do at the time.
Basically, unless it really advances the story line, or they can monetize it, I wouldn't hold out hope for anything not belonging to CBS or Cryptic to show up ingame.
Actually he ONLY showed up in the New Frontier books.
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Tal'Shiar/Reman Resistance/Romulan Nemesis uniform, pls.
If Cryptic had to reply to every ill-conceived idea from newcomers, to bring something from other games into the games, they'd never get any work done.
Want evidence? Go look for it... It's all over the forums... if you don't want to, please just don't bother making threads such as these.
well anazonda i'll make the thread if i please that what the forums are for