Today I got the new catalyst driver (15.7.1) for my AMD R9 200 and now everytime I start STO I get in and crash in 30 secs. I get graphics glitches like grey models and lock ups , then my whole rig freezes and either bluescreens or I have to force restart. I can play other games, like witcher 3 with max graphics without issue (tested it by running around killing things for 30 minutes). Anyone else having a problem like this? It just started this afternoon after updating my drivers.
you can get around it by loading the game in safe mode, a hassle yes but it works 90% of the time.
If your one of the 10% who can't even load in safe mode roll back.
But! it solely depends on if you play other games other than sto as updates may be to your advantage elsewhere.
have you tried what i said above?
So here's the thing. I tried your advice about safe mode before I reverted my windows 10 back to my old windows 7 ult and it didn't work. game kept crashing soon as I tried to make the window bigger, so now what do I do? I'm back to running windows 7 with even older video card drivers yet the game is still not working.
There is only one driver for win10, so you cant roll back. And did you try to play the game in safe mode? It not a solution, at least for me.
What is the error you are getting?!?
Can you load in safe mode then when in game ramp up the settings?!?
have you tried to delete the driver off and then let win Update find the right one from Win 10?!?
(mainly due to the fact Win Update now has to handle all updates to avoid conflict, coz hey Microsoft!!
I'm one of the returning players who got lured by that free promo to 60 and the free Andromeda. Was going to drop some coin to get a T6 battlecruiser, but there's no point if the game can't go 5 minutes without crashing.