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Romulan factions



  • kodachikunokodachikuno Member Posts: 6,020 Arc User1
    yeah was gonna say we have a few rom centered fleets

    tacofangs wrote: »
    STO isn't canon, and neither are any of the books.
  • bltrrnbltrrn Member Posts: 1,322 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    ..and the allies of the Republic. B)
    R E M A I N

    Tal'Shiar/Reman Resistance/Romulan Nemesis uniform, pls.

  • nickcastletonnickcastleton Member Posts: 1,212 Arc User
    i think its very easy to see how the RSE fell.


    From what we know in game the Hobus supernova traveled through subspace meaning that it moved much faster than anyone predicted and according to path to 2409 they did began to evacuate Romulas but they may have believed that they had ampel time to do so and were caught off guard.
    Also the loss of the capital possibally the leadership any fleetyard in robit the mines of Remus would cause chaos.

    Tal shiar

    As we see from uneasy allies Taris didn't know what there messing around at Hobus would do and she wanted to undo it, Hakeeve and the rest of the tal shiar i can see sticking with the people who blew up there home world, in fact i always saw hakeeve as more of a Seren type character from Mass effect, he saw the power of the Iconions and felt that the only way for romulans to survive was to join them, he felt that they couldn't be stopped by us and the only way to survive was to make themselves useful, is it a predictable character type yes but it works much better than im evil because im evil. it also makes sence why he despises the republic so much as there actions jeopardize a chance for romulans to survive the coming storm.

    RSE Manpower

    We know from the path to 2409 that before Hobus the Klingons were harassing the empire and even took a few planets back from them, we also know that after ships were lost in petty power struggles for control of the empire, and lets not forget the fed campaign where Sela wastes ships attacking the Federation. When Sela vanishes i can see the Tal shiar taking what ships they can for the reason i stated above to make it look like the majority of the romulan people support the Iconions so when the war is over they hope the Iconions will let them live. As for Sela i do see her as having to work with the Tal'shiar because she has no choice and i also see her as actually working against the Iconions, she isnt one to be slave to anyone else so i doubt she would go along with hakeeeve and i dont even think she knew he was responsible for Hobus.

    "It appears we have lost our sex appeal, captain."- Tuvok
  • nero#6673 nero Member Posts: 49 Arc User
    If you look here - you can see a completely astounding read out of the events leading up to the Hobus incident - and it is inclusive of much more than what is placed within STO - which leaves more to the imagination. The three posts I wish to point out are about half way down the page, written by @protogoth -

    It was a long process that killed the Empire - and it was obviously a mixture of things - however it did not go quietly - nor do I think it will be gone forever.

    protogoth wrote:
    Picard and his gang of misfits (Commander Quagmire, his sometime-girlfriend Counselor State-the-Obvious, Pinocchio aspiring to be a real boy, a blind helmsman, and Microbrain, not to mention Doctor I'm-here-as-a-thinly-veiled-love-interest-for-the-captain-and-otherwise-have-no-real-purpose and her son Annoying Boy Geekwiz)

    I am no ones minion - I will do what is right
  • nero#6673 nero Member Posts: 49 Arc User
    But the point of this hair pulling thread it seems has been lost - the Romulans are not truly treated as an independent faction within STO - even if the Death of the Empire is set in stone - they are merely added to either Starfleet or the KDF as back up - when they have so much more potential -

    protogoth wrote:
    Picard and his gang of misfits (Commander Quagmire, his sometime-girlfriend Counselor State-the-Obvious, Pinocchio aspiring to be a real boy, a blind helmsman, and Microbrain, not to mention Doctor I'm-here-as-a-thinly-veiled-love-interest-for-the-captain-and-otherwise-have-no-real-purpose and her son Annoying Boy Geekwiz)

    I am no ones minion - I will do what is right
  • shineshadowshineshadow Member Posts: 34 Arc User
    I would argue that the recent storylines, since the opening of the Delta Gateway, have done an excellent job of portraying the Republic as an equal entity to the others. I can't think of a single point since "Sphere of Influence," the first mission in the Iconian arc, where my character was ever treated as a Fed and not specifically as a Romulan.

    The only content which does treat characters that way is content that existed earlier (The Dominion Arc, for instance) or content which is inextricably tied to the faction system (PvP and Fleets.) The former will be fixed, slowly, as those episodes receive updates. The latter is, in my view, unsolvable without radically changing the shape of the game.
  • kodachikunokodachikuno Member Posts: 6,020 Arc User1
    recent storylines treat everyone like they're federation and, if you are lucky, you get 1 sentence or so that reflects you aren't.
    tacofangs wrote: »
    STO isn't canon, and neither are any of the books.
  • nero#6673 nero Member Posts: 49 Arc User
    Indeed - we cannot lie to ourselves and pretend that Star Trek has not always centered around the Federation - however the rich culture and persona of the Romulans is being ignored almost completely - save for a few mentions during the Survey of New Romulus before it was colonized -

    Even the opening of the Iconian gate on New Romulus was implied as a stupid act by the Romulans-

    protogoth wrote:
    Picard and his gang of misfits (Commander Quagmire, his sometime-girlfriend Counselor State-the-Obvious, Pinocchio aspiring to be a real boy, a blind helmsman, and Microbrain, not to mention Doctor I'm-here-as-a-thinly-veiled-love-interest-for-the-captain-and-otherwise-have-no-real-purpose and her son Annoying Boy Geekwiz)

    I am no ones minion - I will do what is right
  • icerose20icerose20 Member Posts: 18,379 Arc User
    That is more a function of money and limited resources then intent. A certian other MMO game had 8 calss storylines till they hit elder game, then its all the same storyline no matter what class. Just faction differences. If you want the KDF ro Romualns to have more storylines tilted thier way, pay the piper.
    Ancient Griffon insult

    That one is so stupid, he lost a Rock/Paper/Scissors game to a Pony.
  • kodachikunokodachikuno Member Posts: 6,020 Arc User1
    we need a piper first... not a gecko that thinks that no one will buy anything except fed dung
    tacofangs wrote: »
    STO isn't canon, and neither are any of the books.
  • nero#6673 nero Member Posts: 49 Arc User
    The problem is that the Lloann'mhrahel loyalists are the ones who pay Cryptic's bills - we are relegated to place holders. They give us our ships but that is about it - we get no Starbases - our home world is simple - and our allegiance forced... WE know what we could accomplish but we are not allowed this ability.. The Klingons are allowed to be different then the Federation - however we are simply added as a nod to our very existence.

    Example? The mission where Hakeev is finally killed and Sela taken by the Iconians? Temek the Klingon describes how the ROMULANS are a threat - when I am a Romulan... This left me utterly bataereri...

    I would say we could faicol against this idiocy - however Cryptic gets enough money from the Feds and KDF that our desires our ignored apparently.

    protogoth wrote:
    Picard and his gang of misfits (Commander Quagmire, his sometime-girlfriend Counselor State-the-Obvious, Pinocchio aspiring to be a real boy, a blind helmsman, and Microbrain, not to mention Doctor I'm-here-as-a-thinly-veiled-love-interest-for-the-captain-and-otherwise-have-no-real-purpose and her son Annoying Boy Geekwiz)

    I am no ones minion - I will do what is right
  • kodachikunokodachikuno Member Posts: 6,020 Arc User1
    the issue imo, is more to do with certain developer staff members and their opinions on anything not fed.
    tacofangs wrote: »
    STO isn't canon, and neither are any of the books.
  • nero#6673 nero Member Posts: 49 Arc User
    Agreed - They make a RPG but expect people to choose the path that they prefer, not the path that the player wishes to follow.

    protogoth wrote:
    Picard and his gang of misfits (Commander Quagmire, his sometime-girlfriend Counselor State-the-Obvious, Pinocchio aspiring to be a real boy, a blind helmsman, and Microbrain, not to mention Doctor I'm-here-as-a-thinly-veiled-love-interest-for-the-captain-and-otherwise-have-no-real-purpose and her son Annoying Boy Geekwiz)

    I am no ones minion - I will do what is right
  • angrytargangrytarg Member Posts: 11,016 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    Agreed - They make a RPG but expect people to choose the path that they prefer, not the path that the player wishes to follow.

    That's a bit unfair. In a CRPG as well as MMORPGs, if it's even declared as such and not just as an MMO I don't know what STO is, the "role" in role playing game in the majority of cases means "warrior", "mage", "Rogue" etc. - games which offer you in-depths characterization of your character and then even possibilities to reflect those in-game are very rare if any were released in the last 20 years. I don't think this is something you can accuse Cryptic of. Even games that allow for superficially very dynamic character development in terms of game mechanics (bioware "rpgs") leave your actual character almost completely blank and your choices, although numerous, have basically no influence on the game world at all. So usually you just define your role in terms of gameplay, not in terms of characterization.​​
    ^ Memory Alpha.org is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
    "No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
    "A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
    "That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
  • nero#6673 nero Member Posts: 49 Arc User
    I cannot speak for other RPG... As this is the only one I have actually played.. However the main issue is not necessarily character customization - but rather the characterization of an entire group of people within the game - one of the 3 major powers in the quadrant is treated instead as a minor entity... Everything is ran through the KDF or UFP -

    Everything revolves around what the Federation OR Klingons are doing for their respective people - whereas the sparse setting for the Romulans involves basically fighting the Tal'Shiar a few times, and then doing the bidding of either Klingons or Federation - ( depending on which side you choose - speaking of which there is no option to not ally with either of them... I am surprised their are any Republic starships, seeing as all of the 'officers' are forced to go to work for Starfleet or the KDF...)

    protogoth wrote:
    Picard and his gang of misfits (Commander Quagmire, his sometime-girlfriend Counselor State-the-Obvious, Pinocchio aspiring to be a real boy, a blind helmsman, and Microbrain, not to mention Doctor I'm-here-as-a-thinly-veiled-love-interest-for-the-captain-and-otherwise-have-no-real-purpose and her son Annoying Boy Geekwiz)

    I am no ones minion - I will do what is right
  • tolmariustolmarius Member Posts: 400 Arc User
    The desire is not to have decisions that influence the game outcome (thought tat would be cool). What we want is to be our own faction, with everything available to the other one. To have just Romulans instead of Federation or Klingon allies. To do a mission, and have my boffs offer pragmatic solutions, rather than have Hiven yell about honor and glory,or Satra whine about the Prime Directive. I'm unlike the majority, it seems, in actually likeing "Badlands" for one simple reason. Joshua Riker seems to understand, unlike many Romulans even, that I'm a Romulan, not a bloody "Warrior of the Empire", or a " Starfleet officer". It's bad when even my own faction npcs think I'm a member of some silly Federation, rather than a Republic citizen.
  • angrytargangrytarg Member Posts: 11,016 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    I understand that and I fully support that. From no possible angle anyone can prefer the cross-faction character choice Romulans to a fully functioning faction. I may not fully support the "Republic" direction Cryptic took but I always have supported an independent Romulan faction. Sadly, Cryptic made clear that this will never happen as STO should always stay a two faction game (this statement is however two years old at this point).

    Ironically, the game even does a poor job at portraying two factions. This is something primarily or exclusive Romulan players mustn't forget - Orions, Gorn, Nausicaans and Letheans recieve no recognition at all in STO. The red side is treated in dialogue and every instance as the Klingon Empire, but the Empire itself was modeled to be some sort of weird "red federation" with everyone sharing everything, Gorn spouting about Klingon honour and Orions saluting "Qa'Pla!" - the state of the KDF faction is unsatisfying from a Klingon AND Gorn, Orion, whatever standpoint. The Romulan pseudo faction and it's complete lack of exclusive social zones, fleets etc. is not all that different.

    And then, to complete the full circle, even though the Federation fation in STO gets all the toys and presumably takes the lead in storytelling it also falls short in terms of providing a statisfying canon accurate representation. Just because most of the game is painted in blue doesn't mean cryptic i more careful in portraying that faction.​​
    ^ Memory Alpha.org is not canon. It's a open wiki with arbitrary rules. Only what can be cited from an episode is. ^
    "No. Men do not roar. Women roar. Then they hurl heavy objects... and claw at you." -Worf, son of Mogh
    "A filthy, mangy beast, but in its bony breast beat the heart of a warrior" - "faithful" (...) "but ever-ready to follow the call of the wild." - Martok, about a Targ
    "That pig smelled horrid. A sweet-sour, extremely pungent odor. I showered and showered, and it took me a week to get rid of it!" - Robert Justman, appreciating Emmy-Lou
  • nero#6673 nero Member Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    It really irked me when my Romulan science officer exclaimed "By the name of Kahless" when examining a Cardassian body - I thought... Really? Last I checked you were Romulan - not Klingon...

    So I tend to agree that unless your sitting on your own ship, you are surrounded by Starfleet or Klingons - and the Romulans just are 'there'...

    Just like the statue of Spock in front of the Gate in New Romulus - What is that? I could understand it being on Vulcan or Earth - BUT the idea that it is representing a Romulan belief is nuts... Not all Romulans have such love or Adoration for the Vulcans, and especially seeing as the VSC was lax in their efforts to warn Romulus about Hobus when they had early indications that there was a potential problem... Wonder why? Maybe because - as usual - the Vulcan Command was looking at the threat as just one more way that the RSE would be destabilized? (Edit - Just to clarify I do not have any ill will to the Vulcans - they are our cousins... I am merely pointing out that the adoration of Vulcans is not a widespread Romulan ideology... Many see the Vulcans as aodt -)

    Temek was quite nice enough to explain how the RSE will be looking for a new leader after the Iconians took Sela - etc etc... YET in the same token we are to believe that the Empire is gone and the Republic is the new Romulan power..

    But I digress - it seems to be fully clear that Cryptic seems to have solidly chosen the Federation as the heroes, Klingons as the obstinate sidekick - and the Romulans as the enemy... Unless they are in the Republic, then they are added muscle to be used at the discretion of the player chosen allegiance.

    protogoth wrote:
    Picard and his gang of misfits (Commander Quagmire, his sometime-girlfriend Counselor State-the-Obvious, Pinocchio aspiring to be a real boy, a blind helmsman, and Microbrain, not to mention Doctor I'm-here-as-a-thinly-veiled-love-interest-for-the-captain-and-otherwise-have-no-real-purpose and her son Annoying Boy Geekwiz)

    I am no ones minion - I will do what is right
  • themightythor00themightythor00 Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    It really irked me when my Romulan science officer exclaimed "By the name of Kahless" when examining a Cardassian body - I thought... Really? Last I checked you were Romulan - not Klingon...

    So I tend to agree that unless your sitting on your own ship, you are surrounded by Starfleet or Klingons - and the Romulans just are 'there'...

    Just like the statue of Spock in front of the Gate in New Romulus - What is that? I could understand it being on Vulcan or Earth - BUT the idea that it is representing a Romulan belief is nuts... Not all Romulans have such love or Adoration for the Vulcans, and especially seeing as the VSC was lax in their efforts to warn Romulus about Hobus when they had early indications that there was a potential problem... Wonder why? Maybe because - as usual - the Vulcan Command was looking at the threat as just one more way that the RSE would be destabilized? (Edit - Just to clarify I do not have any ill will to the Vulcans - they are our cousins... I am merely pointing out that the adoration of Vulcans is not a widespread Romulan ideology... Many see the Vulcans as aodt -)

    Temek was quite nice enough to explain how the RSE will be looking for a new leader after the Iconians took Sela - etc etc... YET in the same token we are to believe that the Empire is gone and the Republic is the new Romulan power..

    But I digress - it seems to be fully clear that Cryptic seems to have solidly chosen the Federation as the heroes, Klingons as the obstinate sidekick - and the Romulans as the enemy... Unless they are in the Republic, then they are added muscle to be used at the discretion of the player chosen allegiance.

    Spock was a big influence in D'Tan's life and with D'Tan being the leader of the Republic it makes sense that the statue would be there.
  • kodachikunokodachikuno Member Posts: 6,020 Arc User1
    Not only that but Spock is indirectly the reason the Republic even exists, he died trying to save Romulus and Remus, and many other things... His memorial on Mol'Rihan was a damned nice touch by Cryptic... one of the few things I whole-heartedly defend.
    tacofangs wrote: »
    STO isn't canon, and neither are any of the books.
  • bltrrnbltrrn Member Posts: 1,322 Arc User
    Not only that but Spock is indirectly the reason the Republic even exists, he died trying to save Romulus and Remus, and many other things... His memorial on Mol'Rihan was a damned nice touch by Cryptic... one of the few things I whole-heartedly defend.

    The fancy entrance is complete, now we wait for them to give the citadel some love. ;)
    R E M A I N

    Tal'Shiar/Reman Resistance/Romulan Nemesis uniform, pls.

  • protogothprotogoth Member Posts: 2,369 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    Not only that, but Spock also gave his life (as far as anyone in this universe knows) to save the lives of the Romulans and Remans who were not in the Eisn system when it got wiped out by the Hobus supernova.

    And yes, Hachae s'Temer (the Capitol City) needs to be opened up for RRF personnel. (Don't worry, Geko, that would still leave the Feds with more social zones than we would have; even the KDF would still have at least one more than we would.)
  • nero#6673 nero Member Posts: 49 Arc User
    That is true - much like when he went to see Senator Pardek in 2368... Spock had much more positive ideals with regards to Romulans than did the Vulcan people at large... Perhaps there are those within the Republic who did not like Spock however... Nero could not have been the sole Romulan who blamed Spock - and the Federation for the destruction of Romulus - after all -
    A third explanation appears in the backstory of Star Trek Online, which states that the shockwave propagated through subspace at faster-than-light speeds. Also in the game's backstory, a scandal occurred several years later involving rumors that the Vulcan Science Academy knew about the instability of the star but did nothing until Spock attempted to save Romulus with the Jellyfish. The scandal resulted in several resignations and sowed seeds of distrust towards the Vulcans.

    This would contrast to the love of Spock and Vulcans - which I must say is held from the heavily sugar coated Federation/Starfleet role in the quadrant.

    protogoth wrote:
    Picard and his gang of misfits (Commander Quagmire, his sometime-girlfriend Counselor State-the-Obvious, Pinocchio aspiring to be a real boy, a blind helmsman, and Microbrain, not to mention Doctor I'm-here-as-a-thinly-veiled-love-interest-for-the-captain-and-otherwise-have-no-real-purpose and her son Annoying Boy Geekwiz)

    I am no ones minion - I will do what is right
  • tolmariustolmarius Member Posts: 400 Arc User
    It's also been proven now that the "instability of Hobus" is a red herring. The real culprits were the badly deluded Taris and the nuttier-than-a-jar-of-Planters Hakeev, and ultimately their Iconian buddies. Considering that it's in the Republic's best interest to have everyone committed and ANGRY, I would tend to doubt that anyone with access to whatever the 25th cenury equivalent of the internet is would still think that the VSA was responsible in any way for Hobus, barring those who want to believe that, for whatever reason.
  • nero#6673 nero Member Posts: 49 Arc User
    tolmarius wrote: »
    It's also been proven now that the "instability of Hobus" is a red herring. The real culprits were the badly deluded Taris and the nuttier-than-a-jar-of-Planters Hakeev, and ultimately their Iconian buddies. Considering that it's in the Republic's best interest to have everyone committed and ANGRY, I would tend to doubt that anyone with access to whatever the 25th cenury equivalent of the internet is would still think that the VSA was responsible in any way for Hobus, barring those who want to believe that, for whatever reason.

    Very True - even though there is a group of people within the Republic who do believe that the VSA did not do all that it could - they would be a fringe... Merely pointing out however that there is still that sentiment... even if it is 'conspiracy theorist' in nature.

    protogoth wrote:
    Picard and his gang of misfits (Commander Quagmire, his sometime-girlfriend Counselor State-the-Obvious, Pinocchio aspiring to be a real boy, a blind helmsman, and Microbrain, not to mention Doctor I'm-here-as-a-thinly-veiled-love-interest-for-the-captain-and-otherwise-have-no-real-purpose and her son Annoying Boy Geekwiz)

    I am no ones minion - I will do what is right
  • skylarcometskylarcomet Member Posts: 182 Arc User
    Maybe, hopefully, some of these tings get fixed in Season 11, or at least in the near future. Isn't it about rebuilding, and exploring? I would love to see a city on New Romulus, with a Romulan and Remen recruiter, and then a Fed and a KDF for those aligned with whichever they chose, to make it in alignment with the KDF and Fed's. I would still love to see the console either replaced with an actually Romulan, or changed to give Romulan and Remen doffs only, and ffs just give us some resolve doffs.
    >:)ruff, meow, moo, whatever.... *shrug*
    [ Still Waiting for a Shiny New T6 Romulan Science Ship to Command ]
  • kodachikunokodachikuno Member Posts: 6,020 Arc User1
    Temporal Incursion point... IRW Ha'pax about 30hrs out from Iconia.... someone call up the holodeck sims plz
    tacofangs wrote: »
    STO isn't canon, and neither are any of the books.
  • bltrrnbltrrn Member Posts: 1,322 Arc User
    The ch'R Haakona, yeah. :D
    R E M A I N

    Tal'Shiar/Reman Resistance/Romulan Nemesis uniform, pls.

  • nero#6673 nero Member Posts: 49 Arc User
    How about expanding the building of the Republic, bringing more of the old Empire folding into the Republic, and the Romulan people reuniting...

    And just for good measure, either the KDF or UFP are exposed as having a hidden agenda to control or benefit from the Romulans... Make them their own Faction - for real... As they deserve... They lost ch'Rihan - billions dead - it is the LEAST they deserve.

    protogoth wrote:
    Picard and his gang of misfits (Commander Quagmire, his sometime-girlfriend Counselor State-the-Obvious, Pinocchio aspiring to be a real boy, a blind helmsman, and Microbrain, not to mention Doctor I'm-here-as-a-thinly-veiled-love-interest-for-the-captain-and-otherwise-have-no-real-purpose and her son Annoying Boy Geekwiz)

    I am no ones minion - I will do what is right
  • skylarcometskylarcomet Member Posts: 182 Arc User
    How about expanding the building of the Republic, bringing more of the old Empire folding into the Republic, and the Romulan people reuniting...

    And just for good measure, either the KDF or UFP are exposed as having a hidden agenda to control or benefit from the Romulans... Make them their own Faction - for real... As they deserve... They lost ch'Rihan - billions dead - it is the LEAST they deserve.

    People could even keep the faction choice made, and if a Romulan fleet is made instead of having an Embassy on their own planet, the fleet creators can either pick which they have an Embassy on, Qo'Nos or Earth, or majority rules, whichever faction is more abundant out of the people creating it, makes it just go that direction.
    >:)ruff, meow, moo, whatever.... *shrug*
    [ Still Waiting for a Shiny New T6 Romulan Science Ship to Command ]
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