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Elite Rewards for Veterans like You!



  • quickie72quickie72 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    I can confirm, I play both STO and Neverwinter. I got the email for STO yesterday, and an email for Neverwinter today. It was exactly the same code. Some moron sent out the wrong codes or used the same code for both games. I submitted a ticket with screencaps of the emails but I seriously doubt they will bother giving me my ship.
  • devincaedwyndevincaedwyn Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    quickie72 wrote: »
    I can confirm, I play both STO and Neverwinter. I got the email for STO yesterday, and an email for Neverwinter today. It was exactly the same code. Some moron sent out the wrong codes or used the same code for both games. I submitted a ticket with screencaps of the emails but I seriously doubt they will bother giving me my ship.

    Let's just say I'm glad I held off buying anything else until I see how they resolve this situation...

  • quackfooquackfoo Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    Yeah I got the same run around. I don't even play Neverwinter, never have and never will. I've decided if they are that incompetent I can't ever give them money. Star trek is mildly entertaining, but it's nothing special. If they can't get it resolved by tomorrow I'm just uninstalling and going back to playing my other games.
  • drachenhaut#3266 drachenhaut Member Posts: 48 Arc User
    I want one, so if anyone gets one they arent going to use, could you throw it my way. Thx
  • devincaedwyndevincaedwyn Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    Bad news, people. Here's a copy/paste of the response I got from support, looks like we're getting screwed:


    Thank you for the screenshot and reporting this concern. We checked our records and confirmed that the code is for Neverwinter. We are sorry about the confusion. If you choose to, you would still be able to use the rewards you've redeemed in the game it was sent to. Should there be a different code provided for STO in the future, we recommend watching for updates from our official channels below.


    Again, we'd like to apologize for the confusion. We truly appreciate your continued patience and support.

    Game Master
    Perfect World Entertainment
  • quackfooquackfoo Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    Yeah I got the same bs, then told them to delete my account and I'll never be back. Just sent them the info they requested to delete it. I don't reward incompetence, I have tons of other games I can spend money on.
  • quickie72quickie72 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    I got a different response myself:


    Thank you for getting back to us and for your feedback.

    We understand how feel; however, as much as we would like to have the item added to your account, we are still investigating on what has happened with the code distribution.

    Please rest assured that we will have this corrected in the soonest possible time.

    Game Master
    Perfect World Entertainment
  • devincaedwyndevincaedwyn Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    quickie72 wrote: »
    I got a different response myself:


    Thank you for getting back to us and for your feedback.

    We understand how feel; however, as much as we would like to have the item added to your account, we are still investigating on what has happened with the code distribution.

    Please rest assured that we will have this corrected in the soonest possible time.

    Game Master
    Perfect World Entertainment

    Let's just hope their idea of 'corrected' isn't what happened to myself and quackfoo - "Oh, you never should have got that email, let's just sweep this under the rug and pretend it never happened, but HEY, Neverwinter, right, right? Go play Neverwinter and enjoy your items!"
  • quickie72quickie72 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    I did also remind them that advertising something for one product but making it apply to another is the very definition of a bait and switch, which is highly illegal.
  • devincaedwyndevincaedwyn Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    Hmm, good point.
  • nikolaipeipernikolaipeiper Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    Here's my question and the answer I sent to support:

    Hello, there's be a good deal of debate and consternation among my friends in the game. Some of us have received a free Andromeda Class Exploration Cruiser - I copied and pasted the email one of them received . Some of us have not. The free starship appears to be given to the people who haven't played in awhile, along with a free level 60 boost for a toon. Now, I know I've dumped hundreds of dollars into the game, and some of my other friends are paying players too. However, this doesn't seem to be the case with some of the people who have received the free ship. Some of them claim to have never dropped a dime into the game, AND aren't even playing the game. So, what gives? You are rewarding non-loyal, non-paying customers and TRIBBLE the rest of us? My friends and I want to know, and the forum thread on it is also being ignored by those who can provide answers. http://www.arcgames.com/en/forums#/discussion/1201096/elite-rewards-for-veterans-like-you

    Getting sick of trying to answer the questions from my fellow players, many of whom are pissed off, and I have no answers. Thank you.

    (signed, my name)

    Free Andromeda Cruiser

    Discussion Thread
    Response Via Email (Liuna) 08/23/2015 02:17 PM

    Thank you for contactin us about the Elite Rewards. Please have this claim on the email it was assigned to. This code is intentionally sent to only one player.

    Unfortunately, we are unable to divulge the specifications of the promotion at this time.

    Thank you for your understanding.

    Game Master
    Perfect World Entertainment
  • quackfooquackfoo Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    They're trying to get people who haven't played in a while to come back, it's common practice. You're already paying so they don't care about you, they want me to come back and spend money so they dangle a carrot in front of me. I've spent a couple hundred on this game over the years. I was thinking of resubscribing since a couple of my friends are playing again... now i'm just killing time to see how long it takes them to delete my account.
  • akorashinakorashin Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    So I received the email ... put the code in and logged into STO. I clicked on the C-Store and the tab contents flash by in like .5 seconds and then the tab is blank. I've been going back and forth with support on this. Then they ask me for the code I received. I sent it. Oh this code they say is for Neverwinter ... so sorry for the confusion. So I sent a copy of the email back to support still waiting on an answer. Pretty shady if you ask me.
  • devincaedwyndevincaedwyn Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    akorashin wrote: »
    So I received the email ... put the code in and logged into STO. I clicked on the C-Store and the tab contents flash by in like .5 seconds and then the tab is blank. I've been going back and forth with support on this. Then they ask me for the code I received. I sent it. Oh this code they say is for Neverwinter ... so sorry for the confusion. So I sent a copy of the email back to support still waiting on an answer. Pretty shady if you ask me.

    That's where a lot of us stand right now. After I questioned them further, they gave me the usual "we can't reveal specifications of the promotion" but then went on to say the issue has been forwarded to the appropriate teams.

  • quackfooquackfoo Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited August 2015
    I just asked them to delete my account, it's easier than dealing with them. They're dragging their feet about it though, keep sending me new TRIBBLE to fill out.
  • quackfooquackfoo Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    Just as an FYI, I got the correct code out of them. If you're willing to risk account deletion they'll give the you code over losing a customer... But I filled out everything they asked for to get my account deleted before they caved. You might not be as lucky. I was perfectly fine with losing my account.
  • quickie72quickie72 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    Update on my end as too I got a code supplied to me as well after I said I would be reporting a bait and switch to consumer reports.
  • devincaedwyndevincaedwyn Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    I received one as well, I think they're taking care of everyone who had the issue.
  • kjbiedermankjbiederman Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    My Code in invalid. Will not work.
  • devincaedwyndevincaedwyn Member Posts: 16 Arc User
    My Code in invalid. Will not work.

    Make a ticket, they'll take care of you, just remember to take a screenshot of your email displaying the code in a JPG format to send them with the ticket.

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