I was just looking at some of my mothballed ships and the zen I wasted. At the top of my list would definitely be the three pack Dyson Science Destroyers. I hate the tactical mode mechanic cd that doesn't allow for fluid combat. Next up would be the T6 Scryer, not terrible but still not as good as my T5U Vestas or T6 Dauntless.
What ship(s) do you regret buying?
I like the Ha'apax, my T5U Fleet Version performs quite well, but I purchased the Haakona thinking that dual vector mode would be awesome, and it's the exact opposite. All it gave me was the power to split into either the weakest Escort ever or the most worthless cruiser. Whatever half I don't choose to pilot either flies off the map completely, or just blows up. I ended up getting nothing from this purchase except a few visual options for my Ha'apax.
The other ship I wish I could take back is the Guardian Cruiser. I was looking for a T6 evolution of my T5U Fleet Assault Cruiser, and while the Guardian did a good job, it just never felt like the logical next evolution of my ship. I eventually acquired a Presidio and now the Guardian is permanently mothballed. That one was on me for jumping the gun, I should have waited for the right ship before I purchased.. live and learn.
Which results in me never regretting my purchases.
It's just one of those advantages that time-based currencies have over real money.
There is no impulse-buying.
I upgraded one with a free token I got but all the others will never be used as I will not spend zen to upgrade them at that price.
it would not have been so bad if they had made it so if you upgraded 1 ship from the 9 say a fed one it would give a free upgrade to the similar ship from the kdf and rom set, then it would have only been 1500 zen to upgrade them all and though I would have still been slightly annoyed it would have not been so unfair but to have to upgrade all of the 9 ships individually is bang out of order in my opinion.
its a shame because I used to use these ships a lot but theres just no point in using T5 ships when I have so many T5U`s and T6 ships in my armadas.
When I think about everything we've been through together,
maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,
and if that journey takes a little longer,
so we can do something we all believe in,
I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.
At least I sold the other Sheshar.
Similar, the Xindi Tier 5 Escort - I did kinda acquire it because it had a 5/2 weapon loadout and I wanted an endgame escort if I ever got back into PvP... But then Tier 6 hit the game, and I didn't actually go back to PvP.
I would have never bought the Dauntless if it hadn't been part of the Intel pack anyway, however. I just don't like it looks, and it has not enough customziation options for my desires. (A problem most lockbox ships also have.)
I prefer using a thematic approach to gear. With the Orb Weaver that's nukara all the way. Heavy on science, but sometimes it just seems to slow down and almost impossible to maneuver.
2. Dyson pack
3. Atrox
4. Odyssey pack
I got bamboozled by the T5Us too. I henceforth dub them the T5FU, as in "Tier 5 **** you" upgrades.
I consider my ship my "space character", so the few moments of weakness I've had were generally stupid.
I have however come to accept, that my space character will, overtime with T7 and T8 ships, become obsolete, and my gaming activity will be reduced to pretty much chatting.
So as a rule: My akria-spinoffs, My Galaxy, My intrepid, my Patrol escorts... All regrets.
I've been flying the fleet scryer for some time now but that nova-itch just doesn't go away. Heck, i got the adapted battlecruiser on that character but i never use it because while switching ships i always see that t5u nova in the dock and end up taking it for a spin instead. Halp!
Ah! so YOU'RE the one that bought the Oberth
No, I think the two ships I regret buying are the Tactical Odyssey and the Regent-class. Mostly because, despite my best intentions, I can't pull away from my T6 Galaxy.
...ohhhhh.... such beauty.
I regret buying the Varanus, the KDF needs a better science ship, if only 1.
I also regret buying the Scimitar pack. Those ships just aren't for me and I rarely use them.
I use the Rom and KDF DSDs but I'm glad I passed on the fed versions because I know I wouldn't be using them since the Feds have way better science ships.
At one time I hated the Atrox but now with elite scorpions and all the exotic damage abilities, it's fun to fly. It went from, OMG how do I get DPS out of this thing, to an easy 20k.
Also have the Oberth in my inventory. Don't remember if it was a purchase or free giveaway though.
Cause at the time I really wanted them, and I always take at least a day to think about what I want a particular ship for, before I actually buy it.
I have ten toons I play the game with and have used every ship I bought on at least two of them.
So I figure I have earned my money's worth with each purchase.
I was on a game hiatus when the Dyson Ships came out, so I didn't get suckered into getting those.
I had been buying every ship that came out, up to the addition of the Fleet System to the game.
At that point I stopped. (have my own fleet for my toons and knew there was no way I was going to get those ships)
I also became very picky when They raised the price to $30 dollars.
That's just to damn expensive for something that will probably be obsolete within six or seven months!
I Was A Trekkie Before It Was Cool ... Sept. 8th, 1966 ... Not To Mention Before Most Folks Around Here Were Born!
Forever a STO Veteran-Minion
Savik - Vulcan Fed Temporal Sci
Dahar Masters Fleet: Alphal'Fa - Alien KDF Engineer Qun'pau - Rom/KDF Engineer D'nesh - Orion KDF Scientist Ghen'khan - Liberated KDF Tac
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STO player since November 2013
Sheshar?! OMG it's the best ship ever.
My regret is the Bortasq pack and maybe the Odyssey pack. Bortasq has the best bridge, but the Odyssey, omg it's just lame...
I hate the fact too I bought it as Geko was then trying to guilt trip us with the 'no bort sales, no more kdf' ships routine (yeah, I got suckered)
I'm an Arc user? Yeah, right..I'd rather eat a chainsaw, blade first
Live Long And Suck It. - Wil Weaton
The Avenger
some way behind is the scimitar pack. just ships i didn't enjoy so i've never used them again since a few days after buying them. some of the of delta pack ships was really wasted on me as well. but the many other ships i've bought throughout years since launch i have no regrets over.