I guarantee this post will be removed by some moderator trying to cover up the evidence, but I will make a copy of it.
I'm going to go on a rant here because this has not been fixed when it should have been.
Neverwinter and Star Trek Online's Shards are on the same sever. Whenever Neverwinter gets a surge of players it impacts STO because it's having to pull resources (Bandwidth) from STO's allocation. There were more people on 2 years ago and we did not have these problems. Hell, they were using older servers computers 2 years ago and it was 10 times better! You have 2 of PWE most popular game on one server, they are quite resource intensive it's not a good idea! You guys said you did server upgrades not to long ago, did those not include upgrading STO's server?, I think you might have just brought the shards down and had a field day. PVE queues a year ago filled up quick and were almost instantly queued now they are mostly empty, except for the shuttle events. I think what we need to get your attention is a boycott... Maybe if we take away your source of income, you will have to do something. FYI layoffs will not help the situation...
/End rant
I fully agree with you CCS46 There is no call for 2 games to be hosted on 1 server and cause these rubberbanding issues. It gets so bad that everything just springs backwards and having good connection speeds and a high end gaming rig there is no call for this. I don't get this in any other games I play that are very resource hogs and very interactive with many players. Over my time of playing Star Trek Online I have also noticed many people quitting because of CRYPTIC ILLOGIC and failing to back their supporters on the game issues but rather focus on on the glamor and eye candy when back end issues are whats causes most to leave. I refuse to spend any money in this game because of this RubberBanding and I suggest every player do this as a boycott to Cryptic/perfectworld/CBS until all issues are fixed and Cryptic/perfectworld/CBS get off the butts and take care of the real issues.
I my self am going to print page and will facebook this if it gets deleted. I demand action like so many of the players do. I enjoy playing but not under this headaches and grief & nor does any of my friends or people I talk to.
Thats what they keep telling us
so i doupt this server lag is ever gonna get fixed, i posted soo many posts of my nettrace and stuff that is still being ignored, so like me, you should just give up and play a different game when the server gets really bad
They are rebuilding powers to lessen the server burden (check out salamis previous tweets to see the mega list of items to be rebuilt), trendy is also putting together something on the forums to help us!! report issues in more detail to enable fixes faster they are replacing server parts etc etc to help the servers cope and stated at Stlv that server stability isn't something then are ignoring they are activity trying to fix things.
also there have been many of threads talking about this subject with Trendy and devs talking about this issue and how it's being delt with so you really need to look for it before you start another thread as you would have seen the answers to this topic there.
I used to love PvP - but getting killed because the skills you clicked didn't activate, or because of lag spikes was just sooo frustrating. And apparently not just for me. Our hardcore PvPers have not logged on for ages. And also other - formerly very active - fleet members have disappeared.
There was one ISA where I had 500 dps or so - due to rubberband (my highest is 25k dps or more). I felt sorry for my team and ashamed of my contribution
Now I only do dailies and chat with fleet members. Everything else has come to halt. On the plus: I have money and time to spend on games THAT ACTUALLY WORK!!!
KDF: 2 tacs, 2 engs, 3 scis
KDF Roms: 3 tacs, 1 eng, 1 scis
FED: 2 tacs, 1 eng, 2 scis
TOS: 1 tac
all on T5 rep (up to temporal)
all have mastered Intel tree (and some more specs Points)
highest DPS: 60.982
The restructuring of powers does indeed have an impact on server load. Have a read of posts in that thread made by Borticus (The lead dev).
Some people do have poor internet, but thats not going to be the issue with download speeds of 100 and 50 upload that most people have. PWE has become cheap and makes the shards share bandwidth. The server can handle the games, but the bandwidth is whats limiting it.
the game has changed almost totally in 2 years so yes there is a excuse for it, the more added with complex skills etc etc it's added to the burden and like it's been said in other posts threads etc they are looking in to it and how to take the burden off the servers.
if it can help, I'm also geting tired of them lying on everything blaming us for their own misstakes... that I'm starting to suspect them to use selective low priority on some players...as a computer/lan tech I know it's doable so...