Well yes or no with a why not option
"Coffee: the finest organic suspension ever devised. It's got me through the worst of the last three years. I beat the Borg with it."
Is STO the MMORPG for you ?? 55 votes
I love STO all the way true nothing will change it !!! Why ??
I hate STO and I would advice everyone not to play it !!Why ??
I love STO as a game but I won't spend a dime on it !!! Why ??
I play STO from day 1 and will keep playing it as long as I live !!! Why ??
I play STO because it's the only MMO that I understand !!! Why ??
"Coffee: the finest organic suspension ever devised. It's got me through the worst of the last three years. I beat the Borg with it."
Norway and Yeager dammit... I still want my Typhoon and Jupiter though.
JJ Trek The Kelvin Timeline is just Trek and it's fully canon... get over it. But I still prefer TAR.
'...I can tell you that we're not in the military and that we intend no harm to the whales.' Kirk: The Voyage Home
'Starfleet is not a military organisation. Its purpose is exploration.' Picard: Peak Performance
'This is clearly a military operation. Is that what we are now? Because I thought we were explorers!' Scotty: Into Darkness
'...The Federation. Starfleet. We're not a military agency.' Scotty: Beyond
'I'm not a soldier anymore. I'm an engineer.' Miles O'Brien: Empok Nor
'...Starfleet could use you... It's a peacekeeping and humanitarian armada...' Admiral Pike: Star Trek
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I won't however, spend another dime until they get a real development team that will actually fix bugs instead of taking lazy and half hearted short cuts to everything.
I won't give money to a company without integrity, and Cryptic has proven to be that. I'll log in from time to time and play the little content I enjoy. One day soon, when the doors finally close, I'll hold on to the fond memories, but I'm not going to be standing on the deck of a sinking ship with a hull breach trying to bail out water with a shot glass.
The line must be drawn here.. no further.
no vote, sorry.
The Devs flat out insulting the PvP community (Geko calling us '14 year old min/maxers'), the outright lies and falsehoods regarding "PvP content coming soon! With the next release, we promise!" for over 5 years - until they eventually just stopped saying anything at all, combined with their shady business practices/terrible mechanics/no foresight?
I can't say I recommend STO for anyone who isn't just looking for a casual or Space Barbie game. Actually, I'd recommend STO be taken in the same regard as a browser game.
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Join Date: Tuesday, February 2, 2010
This is very close to how I feel. There is a core that I think is good, and some of the staff--but they are given nowhere near the resources in terms of time or sufficient staffing to actually do their jobs right. I paid in the past but putting any more resources in is IMO a dangerous gamble and I have advised any new players not to pay.
For me I take it further and aside from one grind to get me DOFF slots for my Delta Recruit, I no longer even put my dilithium into the Exchange to ensure that I do not fund anyone else's habit.
Christian Gaming Community Fleets--Faith, Fun, and Fellowship! See the website and PM for more. :-)
Proudly F2P. Signature image by gulberat. Avatar image by balsavor.deviantart.com.
If one does appear, I'm leaving this game and never coming back. PWE and Cryptic have no idea what they're doing to this game.
Ive put some money in the game...and I will probably put a little more in there at some point but imo $60 for a set of 3 pixel outfits is beyond absurd. I won't even spend that on a full retail game unless it comes with a physical copy.
I keep hoping every expansion that they get back to more fun and less grind. I know that it's an subjective opinion, but I also feel that I am not alone in this opinion.
KDF: Dahar Master Kan (Borg Klingon Tactical)::Dahar Master Torc (Alien Science)::Dahar Master Sisteric (Gorn Engineer)
RR-Fed: Citizen Sirroc (Romulan Science)::Fleet Admiral Grell (Alien Engineer)
RR-KDF: Fleet Admiral Zemo (Reman Tactical)::Fleet Admiral Xinatek (Reman Science)::Fleet Admiral Bel (Alien Engineer)
TOS-Fed: Fleet Admiral Katem (Andorian Tactical)::Lieutenant Commander Straad (Vulcan Engineer)
Dom-Fed: Dan'Tar (Jem'Hadar Science)
Dom-KDF: Kamtana'Solan (Jem'Hadar Science)
CoHost of Tribbles in Ecstasy (Zombee)
I like flying starships. STO lets me fly starships. As the game sits currently, there isn't really any point to flying starships in STO, so I only login for a few minutes in the morning, run whatever episode missions come up, then go play some other games. I hope one day there will be a reason to flying starships in STO again.
I enjoy STO... but really, just filling time before another MMO is further along. Only reason I came back from a hiatus is that I was already a LTS. So cost me nothing, and had a nice chunk o Zen waiting for me.
There is so much room between Love and Hate for this game... but for what its worth;
These are my opinions only...
What I love about the game;
What I dislike about the game;
Star Trek Online, Now with out the Trek....
I play STO because I like it as a game. There is of course always room for improvement, but generally its a good game and has undoubtedly the best implementation of F2P that I've come across.
My character Tsin'xing
It was only a few months later I actually discovered STO and I have not played another game since.
I have at times been frustrated with bugs/crashes/lag etc, but my love of the game, the franchise, and the people I have come to know in it has kept me faithful and true through the tough times.
Life being the meandering river that it is I have never had the reliable cashflow to go for a sub or lifer, so I am FTP, but like to think I have put more than enough on this game to build my own starship lol!
But im happy to pay when I can, and grind when I cant, this game has a very satisfactory model for grinding in the sparser times. My time with fleetmates, and friends in game really helps the grindy days fly by.
Many things have improved, and for me at least for every pain in the TRIBBLE introduced into the game there has also been something better to make up for it, and often the pains in the TRIBBLE are fixed or being at least looked at for fixing.
My personal dealings with the Cryptic team have only improved in my time playing too in terms of communication and wotnot.
To sum up, I do have the odd moan,dont we all, but I wouldnt play if the game didnt give me pleasure, for now at least and for the very forseeable future STO is the only game for me.
"If this will be our end, then I will have them make SUCH an end as to be worthy of rememberance! Out of torpedos you say?! Find me the ferengi!".
Like he said but I vote yes
Original STO beta tester.
- this game has a huge potential: boffs, story, franchise, space and ground areas
but now my wallet will stay close, because this game is a nonsense, all its potential is wasted by the levelling (after lvl 50), the power creep, the upgrade system, the lock boxes etc.
+ the DPS race is totally senseless, ridiculous, and has killed the fun in this game.
the gameplay is not interesting, grind, grind and when you have reached level 60, the game is over; we have nothing to do, except all these ridiculous stfs. (foundry missions are sometimes interesting)
this game needs exploration. And it should be rethinking: a system for adding new stuff on my ships like in WOT; this could be more interesting, Or i would like to be the captain of 1 ship which evolves with me. in my opinion, that there are enough ships in this game; why i would like to buy ships only for doing these crappy stfs!!!!!, we need more interestig things. (the new fleet holding, lol just more grind for nothing)
the star trek franchise is not a franchise about ships. Star trek is based about exploration, diplomacy, intrigues, but none of these things are in STO.
in 1 word: EXPLORATION
i'm going to keep playing at this game, but i'm interested by 3 other games (my choice is not done yet, because 2 of them are not released). when my choice will be done, my money will be for this game. STO was a little bit interesting before DR, for me now STO is dead. I hope that the commercial system in sto will be changed, because like i wrote, STO has a huge potential.
I enjoy STO have since pre-launch. Is it Star Trek? Yes, when I look around, if I bothered to think about it, no it's not. Then again a Star Trek game would not make any money. The IP can't do a MMORPG.
I've done my fair share of games in the past, I've owned (and still do) most console systems. "Disposable income" is a $30 ship (I don't have to have all of them), that could have been spent on a $50+ console game, that I bought already. For the price of one ship in this game, I could buy a 2nd tier game non-used game for my current console system. I could also get all 4 endindings, spend 60 hours enjoying myself, and then set the game down because I'm done, but my ship still is going (or my uber power) 100+ hours later, I choose to do both.
STO has bugs, every game has bugs. STO has some bad missions and some real let downs on writing, so do all the games rated better than it.
Very few games I've play'd generated a community discussion of philosophy and theoretical physics as the Time-ship has, but like all the rest of the games out there it ended in trash talking epeen and uneducated,biased rhetoric. I'm really not surprised that "gamers" get a bad rap socially.
Back to the OP's question, it's a game, not the first, not the last and not the only one I play.
As a game, it definitely has it's merits, but it's getting harder and harder for me to appreciate them as time goes on.
I'm a big Romulan fan, so when it was announced that Romulans would be playable, I was ecstatic. Then it was revealed that we weren't getting the Romulan Star Empire, but rather a generic rebel alliance faction in order to appeal to a wider audience, then there was the bizarre aesthetic choices of the uniforms and ships of the Republic, and the ridiculous faction alliance system. The whole Legacy of Romulus thing really drained my confidence in Cryptic as devs with integrity.
Ever since then it's been much harder to look at new additions and changes in a positive light... the T6/T5u mess... the massive crafting time sink and the upgrade system with its ridiculous dilithium sinks. The XP nerf, doffing nerf, queue nerf, re-releasing the Jem'Hadar attack ship as T6 with no way for those with the T5.5 version to upgrade to it...the changes to how the summer/winter rewards work, the increadibly grindy nature of the DR storyline, etc etc. It's all becoming very, very tiring. If I knew what a chore STO was going to be years down the road for me, I doubt I would have gotten into it.
If there was another Elite Force, Klingon Academy, Star Trek Armada etc out there right now, I'd definitely be playing that instead.
STO is the second best game for me, and I love it, especially as a trek fan. The best game for me is dying on maintenance mode and has been for years, and the community there has decayed with the content. I invite people who think the situation really IS so bad in STO to take a good long look at CO.
"He shall be my finest warrior, this generic man who was forced upon me.
Like a badass I shall make him look, and in the furnace of war I shall forge him.
he shall be of iron will and steely sinew.
In great armour I shall clad him and with the mightiest weapons he shall be armed.
He will be untouched by plague or disease; no sickness shall blight him.
He shall have such tactics, strategies and machines that no foe will best him in battle.
He is my answer to cryptic logic, he is the Defender of my Romulan Crew.
He is Tovan Khev... and he shall know no fear."
And Devs put an bug team in that is only busy with finding bugs and put a solid solution on it !!!
"Coffee: the finest organic suspension ever devised. It's got me through the worst of the last three years. I beat the Borg with it."
I recommended the game to someone i really hated a couple of months ago, and i did it on purpose xD. I wil never ever recommend this game to my friends or people i care about. I am not that bad person. I prefer to recommend em a decent mmorpg.