I was in a match with some of these people the other day, if I had not been in my speed demon Rom pilot wardbird and able to get there before the big hitters single shot BFAW'd everything in range to oblivion.... I would have likely ended up with an AFK myself.
In any case, seeing what it did, I have to say they need to fix this. Slamming people with 2hr timers because one guy can BFAW one shot everything within 10km in a single salvo is not going to bode well.
I wonder if the consoles will go from "totally IMBA-ÜBER-SUPER-MEGA-OP" to "oh, that one is a joke". Its been happened many times before. Interestingly the plasma embassy consoles are an exception of this trope.
Probably something to do with their crit-association with everone's favorite crutch known as BFAW.
I guess, that people, who use this exploit want to afk other people.
At least Cryptic should ban them permanently.
Why if they're still selling the console?
Because the people, who do that, are doing it with the intention to afk other ones. They are stacking that bull**it before they enter a Queue. That's the reason, why they should get a ban.
"We are the Borg your..." BOOM! ...silence... ... ...
Fleet Admiral Thomas Winston James a.k.a. The Grayfox Fleet Leader of:
Liberty Task Force/Liberty Honor Guard
Pride of the Federation/Pride of the Empire
Liberty Guardians U.S.S. Liberty, NX-42813-L, T-6 Legendary Odyssey Class
I think you guys should know that it was the DPS admins and moderators who found this bug initially and we reported it immediately, emailing Borticus directly, at midnight(PST) Sunday. We were all concerned so much that we felt it important to get into this week's patch..... can you imagine if this hung around for a week?
I think you guys should know that it was the DPS admins and moderators who found this bug initially and we reported it immediately, emailing Borticus directly, at midnight(PST) Sunday. We were all concerned so much that we felt it important to get into this week's patch..... can you imagine if this hung around for a week?
Original DPS Channels
Do you think this new bug makes a difference? Take a look at the game - it's entirely broken anyway.
Nice to see that someone is still having hopes, but I'm sure you will quit STO in a couple of months aswell.
I think you guys should know that it was the DPS admins and moderators who found this bug initially and we reported it immediately, emailing Borticus directly, at midnight(PST) Sunday. We were all concerned so much that we felt it important to get into this week's patch..... can you imagine if this hung around for a week?
Original DPS Channels
is that why u thought it a good idea to use these TRIBBLE broken consoles in the pvp match we just had?
Thanks for your comment but yeah it was a lot of fun. Thank god this is being fixed in a couple of days, right? :-) But in all honesty, in the last month the most fun I have had in this game is the T5-U match that had strict restrictions and the fun I've been having in Private PVE queues and the 3 PVP public queues I have been in using the new science consoles. Giving people AFK penalties in the PUG queues is something I do not agree with.
LOL so many people crying over something that's only gonna be gone in 48hrs. Just ride out the wave, it's funny watching everything go nuts once in a while.
Bort says it's fixed for next patch, whether it is or not is to be seen, but let's see what happens Thursday before the pitchforks are used on those who found this out and reported it immediately
Chris Robert's on SC:
"You don't have to do something again and again and again repetitive that doesn't have much challange, that's just a general good gameplay thing."
LOL so many people crying over something that's only gonna be gone in 48hrs. Just ride out the wave, it's funny watching everything go nuts once in a while.
Bort says it's fixed for next patch, whether it is or not is to be seen, but let's see what happens Thursday before the pitchforks are used on those who found this out and reported it immediately
LOL so many people crying over something that's only gonna be gone in 48hrs. Just ride out the wave, it's funny watching everything go nuts once in a while.
Bort says it's fixed for next patch, whether it is or not is to be seen, but let's see what happens Thursday before the pitchforks are used on those who found this out and reported it immediately
Everyone knows it's getting fixed. The real shame is that stuff like this finds its way into the game every couple of weeks. I'm dead serious, how on earth is this possible? The only explanation is, that noone ever tested that stuff. And that's how they work at cryptic. They do not think, they do not test! They just come up with random ideas in their meetings and say: That's awesome, it's good to go, the players are gonna love it, no testing required.
There is no other explanation for bullsh*t like S9.5, or Delta Rising, or LOR, or...well almost anything since S1.2.
Even if they come up with a good idea, they somehow manage to TRIBBLE it up. Take a look at the loadouts. They knew they were broken and still cryptic decides to release them and on top of that they were even selling slots for a broken feature! That's scamming the customers. But scamming is what the love most: free T6 capabilities upgrade for bug owners anyone???
Why if they're still selling the console?
In any case, seeing what it did, I have to say they need to fix this. Slamming people with 2hr timers because one guy can BFAW one shot everything within 10km in a single salvo is not going to bode well.
Because the people, who do that, are doing it with the intention to afk other ones. They are stacking that bull**it before they enter a Queue. That's the reason, why they should get a ban.
"We are the Borg your..." BOOM! ...silence... ... ...
Fleet Leader of:
Liberty Task Force/Liberty Honor Guard
Pride of the Federation/Pride of the Empire
Liberty Guardians
U.S.S. Liberty, NX-42813-L, T-6 Legendary Odyssey Class
Game Handle: Grayfox@GrayfoxJames
Website: https://www.libertytaskforce.com
Armada (STOFA Member Fleet): https://www.libertytaskforce.com/stofa
Discord: https://discord.gg/bGp9N7z
Twitter: STOFA@LTFGrayfox
Email: CSDynamix@Hotmail.com
Original DPS Channels
About time we caught up to the Undine.
Nice to see that someone is still having hopes, but I'm sure you will quit STO in a couple of months aswell.
You seriously think they get to make it to "are"?
Thanks for your comment but yeah it was a lot of fun. Thank god this is being fixed in a couple of days, right? :-) But in all honesty, in the last month the most fun I have had in this game is the T5-U match that had strict restrictions and the fun I've been having in Private PVE queues and the 3 PVP public queues I have been in using the new science consoles. Giving people AFK penalties in the PUG queues is something I do not agree with.
Bort says it's fixed for next patch, whether it is or not is to be seen, but let's see what happens Thursday before the pitchforks are used on those who found this out and reported it immediately
"You don't have to do something again and again and again repetitive that doesn't have much challange, that's just a general good gameplay thing."
I totally agree.
Everyone knows it's getting fixed. The real shame is that stuff like this finds its way into the game every couple of weeks. I'm dead serious, how on earth is this possible? The only explanation is, that noone ever tested that stuff. And that's how they work at cryptic. They do not think, they do not test! They just come up with random ideas in their meetings and say: That's awesome, it's good to go, the players are gonna love it, no testing required.
There is no other explanation for bullsh*t like S9.5, or Delta Rising, or LOR, or...well almost anything since S1.2.
Even if they come up with a good idea, they somehow manage to TRIBBLE it up. Take a look at the loadouts. They knew they were broken and still cryptic decides to release them and on top of that they were even selling slots for a broken feature! That's scamming the customers. But scamming is what the love most: free T6 capabilities upgrade for bug owners anyone???