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Unplayable Tonight!

10pm EST - Slow load. Lag. Crash.
Started around 9:30pm EST - Lots of lag and rubberbanding.
I thought you guys fixed this?

You do a ton of stuff to get more people to join and play then can't accommodate them? You also hold events and sales with time limits and people can't get online to bring in sales?

After weeks of this happening does anyone think some new minds need to be on the job? A new direction needs to be found? Something that actually works? Could be people, hardware, software, etc. But somethings gotta give, right?

"The higher the fewer."


  • khenaliankhenalian Member Posts: 59 Arc User
    They've already cut 20% of the dev team. They aren't going to get "new" minds on anything. We'll be lucky if we get any attention to this at all.
  • noxteregnoxtereg Member Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    Booted and unable to log in.
    The website is experiencing technical difficulties. Normal game play is not affected.

    Normal game play IS AFFECTED.
  • majiemaomajiemao Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    Half the time you can't even login to the account server these days and they want people to buy lifetime memberships....I think not.
  • uobowfireuobowfire Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    Are you getting loading please wait on the login screen? Thats all I get.
  • subzer0d1videsubzer0d1vide Member Posts: 144 Arc User
    khenalian wrote: »
    They've already cut 20% of the dev team. They aren't going to get "new" minds on anything. We'll be lucky if we get any attention to this at all.

    They cut the wrong 20% then.


    "The higher the fewer."
  • steveofborgsteveofborg Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    Loading please wait, here.

    Tried running STO from gameclient.exe and get game not responding then the Cryptic error reporter pops up after a long wait.

    Game is down from what I can see over here.
  • cowdoc0077cowdoc0077 Member Posts: 48 Arc User
    I have been having horrible problems since the "server stability" patch a few days ago. Tonight, it is unplayable. Server not responding until I get kicked from the game. There needs to be a Dev response to this. I'm a Lifetime subscriber and love this game, but the bugs and server issues are getting to the point where this game is unplayable.
  • noxteregnoxtereg Member Posts: 111 Arc User
    uobowfire wrote: »
    Are you getting loading please wait on the login screen? Thats all I get.

    I was but let it sit a long time now I got the patch button greyed out and no news in the news box and where it was saying loading is just blank.
  • noxteregnoxtereg Member Posts: 111 Arc User
    Got an Engage button now but doing same thing. Get to char selection screen and chars wont load. After 6-7 minutes they load but crashed out shortly after trying to get in on one of the chars.
  • zaalbarzaalbar Member Posts: 35 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    I had some massive rubber banding in Azure Nebula Rescue and the connection completely locked up in Bug Hunt to the point where I was frozen in one spot about halfway through the mission while my teammates completed it without me. After a friend told me through out of game chat that the match was over I force closed my game. I have been unable to get back into the game since. When I attempt to start the client it's just a blank window that says "Loading. Please wait." Oddly the lag was gone between missions, I even ran around on Kobali Prime for a few minutes before bug hunt and it was fine.
  • noxteregnoxtereg Member Posts: 111 Arc User
    Wonder if I connect with a VPN it would work.
    Is it ok to use VPN or against any rules?
    Don't want to get in trouble.
  • noxteregnoxtereg Member Posts: 111 Arc User
    I'M IN I'M IN (Kinda stuck)

    Wait.... nevermind..
  • noxteregnoxtereg Member Posts: 111 Arc User
    Ok I'm really in this time finally. Im on and seems to be ok for me.
    Haven't try to switch chars or anything but no lag or issues anymore that I can tell.
  • ovrkylovrkyl Member Posts: 309 Arc User
    khenalian wrote: »
    They've already cut 20% of the dev team. They aren't going to get "new" minds on anything. We'll be lucky if we get any attention to this at all.
    They were probably the 20% that agreed with the players, that the game server is FUBAR and needs a major overhaul.

    My pings and tracerts are just fine. My computer is the same as it was before Thursday. The only change is that PoS 10.5 patch on Thursday, dumped on top of the heaping pile of ...

    And some yahoo dingleberry in chat had the cojones to say maybe I should just go buy another computer to play the game. (Do Cryptic white knights get kickbacks or perks or some TRIBBLE for being just absolute morons and trolls?)


    Lag, SERVER NOT RESPONDING, rubberbanding, sluggish response, all so very much worse now that they dumped an entire new patch onto an unstable support structure that already had unresolved issues they don't care to fix. All they want is the $$$ but what $$$ are they going to get with their oh-so-fancy new s*** if players can't play the game.

    And that's why the players come here: not to spend $$$, but to play the game. (I can spend $$$ many places other than here.) So here's your sign...

    The new FE is so ridiculously poorly-designed and nearly unplayable, UNENJOYABLE (that means NOT FUN), it's like another House petaQ all over again. I'm in the mission right now and yet I'm here typing in this forum, 'cause after my "allies" don't bother to help and I die repeatedly (it's not like my ship is made of tissue paper), I plain just got f***ing tired of it and Alt-Tabbed to b**** about it here.

    I've got a great idea for a Krenim Temporal Weapon Incursion target: Cryptic HQ.

    Yes, I'm p***ed, and I don't care who doesn't like it. Don't like me complaining in your s***ty little Vanilla forums? Ban me. I really just don't f***ing care anymore.

    This is my signature. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
  • kittyflofykittyflofy Member Posts: 1,004 Arc User
    khenalian wrote: »
    They've already cut 20% of the dev team. They aren't going to get "new" minds on anything. We'll be lucky if we get any attention to this at all.

    LOL, what is it matter if they cut 20% of the dev team?? this has nothing to do with the devs, this is a hardware problem, a server problem. Replacing servers, or splitting all their games into different serves or watever has nothing to do with the ammount of workers they have... lol. -money-.

  • kittyflofykittyflofy Member Posts: 1,004 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    After weeks of this happening

    You gotta be kiddin me. This is happening since MONTHS ago now, not weeks ago. Some of you are really lost, arent you? lol. What, when the problem is not so critical nobody notices it, right? but when it comes critical, finally some players "need" to rant... we are having big lag issues since season 9, i cant even remember when that was. But players only start to "cry" when the problem is so obvious that makes the game unplayable. Always the same story.. sigh.
  • subzer0d1videsubzer0d1vide Member Posts: 144 Arc User
    kittyflofy wrote: »
    After weeks of this happening

    You gotta be kiddin me. This is happening since MONTHS ago now, not weeks ago. Some of you are really lost, arent you? lol. What, when the problem is not so critical nobody notices it, right? but when it comes critical, finally some players "need" to rant... we are having big lag issues since season 9, i cant even remember when that was. But players only start to "cry" when the problem is so obvious that makes the game unplayable. Always the same story.. sigh.

    Keeps from being a constant complainer.

    "The higher the fewer."
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