I started a new General a bit back, and I've made numerous and I've always played through all the missions on everybody. I'm just curious if there are any missions in particular that people find just tedious or hard to beat it through second by second. Not ragging on STO or the staff just wondering. Personally I got to Coliseum and was like nooooooo not again
If I had to say which ones frustrate me, its probably the Shuttle Story Missions, I 100% of the Time have to take at least one Teammate if I wish to complete them. This is cause I feel the Shuttle Gameplay needs a revamp.
I thought I had a hard enough time actually getting through the Romulan colony shuttle mission having completed it after a half dozen respawns each run through. Other than that, It stretches my tolerance too
But my personal favorite is the Cardassian arc, at least the tedious Fed additions. On Klingon or Romulan, I don't have much of a problem at all. They can afford to remove the Federation-only half of it as I've seen a few posts about how long and/or boring it is.
3 - "Of Bajor"
Yes, that one where you run around a massive map doing errands.
2 - "Boldly they rode"
Yes, that one where you spend 90% of your time going "clunk, clunk, clunk" in a space suit, practically crawling towards your target, interspersed with the occasional (read, "near constant") "KURLAND HERE!" from that particular npc.
I should note, that while I utterly hate most of the (mercifully brief) 2800 arc, it does have one of my favourite missions in the game; "Facility 4028".
In 1st place however, is the single most aggravating piece of content I have ever come across in any video game I have ever played. I don't recall the name of the episode, but it's a fairly recent one featuring old Harry Kim, dead Harry Kim and dead Harry Kim's dead girlfriend "Jineedahatlaya" (or something).
I only think it's utterly terrible simply because of how annoying two particular segments in that mission are. One involves the tired old "timed electrical death-trap" trope and the equally tired "Timed-floor-segments-over-bottomless-pit death-trap" trope. Replace those with something not quite so rage inducing and that ep would drop down the hate rankings massively.
> Any mission that is exclusively "defeat X waves of the same enemy", so lots of Delta Quadrant and that horrible mission from the Romulan arc with Elachi. I really like space combat, but flying like a drunk mosquito from one system to another to destroy dozens of same ships in endless "waves" stretches my love and turns it into an annoyance.
The "Trash Mob" missions have been an annoyance since the game started back in 2010. It would not be so bad were it not for the horrible balance issues.
And that balance is exactly the problem. I like Red Alerts, I like Deep Space Encouters, and many patrols. I like going into Expanses on the KDF side. But some take just too long or doing the same thing over and over. Fighting two waves of Vaadwaur is a challenge, fighting five of them followed by another system of the same, and then another are hours of boredom.
> admiralbarrett wrote: »
> And that balance is exactly the problem. I like Red Alerts, I like Deep Space Encouters, and many patrols. I like going into Expanses on the KDF side. But some take just too long or doing the same thing over and over. Fighting two waves of Vaadwaur is a challenge, fighting five of them followed by another system of the same, and then another are hours of boredom.
That's how I felt too. For me, there were those missions that made you patrol Delta Quadrant systems. It's basically like, "Hey, Voyager made a terrible impression when they were here. Fix it." And then you have about a dozen waves of Vaadwaur ships to deal with. All in all, it kinda ruined Voyager for me...
> admiralbarrett wrote: »
> And that balance is exactly the problem. I like Red Alerts, I like Deep Space Encouters, and many patrols. I like going into Expanses on the KDF side. But some take just too long or doing the same thing over and over. Fighting two waves of Vaadwaur is a challenge, fighting five of them followed by another system of the same, and then another are hours of boredom.
The Vaadwaur are a perfect example of how badly balanced the game is. Fighting them is a combination of avoiding their shield-rip attacks and cherry-tapping them to death because of how uber-tanked all AI ships are now. It is ridiculous.
My unfavorite missions (I'll still play them, as the OP I don't skip):
(Dis)Honorable Mention: Operation Gamma (Cardassian Struggle Arc, universal)
Flying a small craft ain't that bad, but you miss your abilities of course. And I never could get the worker bees killed in time for the first part before traveling the wormhole. The mission I probably ragequit and failed the most of all, but I think I've gotten better so I kind of calmed down.
(Dis)Honorable Mention: Divide et Impera (Romulan Mystery Arc, Fed only, discontinued)
The last word is key here, otherwise it would be vying for the number one spot. But it doesn't exist anymore, thanks to the relaunch of said arc, so I'll drop my crying over Saturday's Child having disappeared, too (which was also one of my favorites because it felt a lot like original trek - meet new people, deal with them, don't let them turn Klingon), and am thankful for this piece of writing having gone. Because let's face it: you're running around a station, killing Romulans, without any evidence that there is something they did except for the absolutely contrived explanations of your superior, killing more Romulans without having any option to question what's going on, until the absolutely shocking twist that your superior was a spy all along which you had figured out yourself 3 sentences into reading the first dialog box. The basic idea - doing wrong things thanks to false intel - is okay and can be done. The execution was bad, though.
3rd: The Best Defence (Vengeance Arc, Rom only)
Again a small craft mission. You're just fighting wave after wave after wave after wave of the same Elachi, while your assigned helpers keep blowing up. Takes too long, completely unimaginative. The scenery is nice, which improves it as seen from the point of view of
2nd: Last Stand (Vengeance Arc, Rom only)
NOT a small craft mission, but you have to defeat a couple of waves of Elachi ships. Each of these waves consists of multiple "sub waves" which appear at the same time but in different spots. And you get 5 fightercraft to help you which last on average 1.3 seconds, then you're on your own. Winning this isn't so extremely hard but you really should take an evening off if you want to stomach this in one sitting.
1st: Second Star to the Right, Straight on 'til Morning (Warzone Arc, KDF only)
My absolute pet peeve. While the gameplay in this mission isn't as much of a problem as in most of the others, although the Mars part does feature maybe one or two groups of easily dismissible, not warning their buddies shuttlecraft too many, the storyline irks me a lot in two points. First the torture of Captain Hollingsworth and subsequent blowing up of the USS DeWitt. I know this is what we do all the time, but making it more obvious doesn't improve enjoyment, to say the least. This episode seems to take a lot of pleasure in that part. And the second half, the attack on Sol Shipyards, is just completely out of proportion - beam in into freaking Sol with a small ship and some support by a rogue band of misfits and kill half the fleet of the Fed and more or less destroy also freaking Utopia Planitia? Already too huge in scale. And then it comes way too early in your career if played in order, you don't even have a decent ship. If you wanted to include the storyline at all, wait until you get a really good ship and give a decent opposition.
And that's exactly the lack of balance we're talking about, you just said you didn't see, and then named the episode I meant (but didn't remember the name) as example No, they are not difficult to defeat. But it takes so long *I* - a space combat lover - get bored with it.
Beyond that, I'd put most of the 4800 on the could be better list, except for Boldly They Rode, I know the comm chatter is annoying, but I like all the spacewalking.
And the kill patrol missions in the Delta Quadrant. I wish there had been some like the early patrol missions where there were talking puzzles or more interactions beyond phaser point.
Nouveau riche LTS member
2. of bajor
3. coliseum
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Most of the Nimbus missions are a drag to repeat with alts.
Oh, and that time travel one where you have to slingshot around a sun. You fail four times and your FO says "we can just switch on the autopilot"... seriously? why didn't you do that in the beginning? gahahsfhhf #ragequit
In that case I misunderstood your point, my bad. To me it read like there are enemies you can't defeat because of stuff, and I haven't encountered them yet, thus my reply.
Apart from that I agree with Coliseum being too long (and while I never was annoyed by Kurland, our Reman sunshine gets on my nerves with his lines really quick. Roughly a decikhovan mut that's around 100 kurlands) and the arena fight sometimes kinda bugs out, though these days I bring better melee weapons to begin with. Nimbus I actually like though and Of Bajor, while not the one episode I'm looking forward to on every playthrough, still is a somewhat welcome change of pace.
That was supposed to be Scottish? Sounded more Irish to me.
Ah, so the mystery's solved
Yeah, what I meant was that it just takes waaaay to long to complete those missions. Those enemies weren't invincible, just endless waves of them take endless time. And usually rewards are not worth that time!
Hmm, so many people don't like Coliseum. I do. Especially the Arena part.
What really makes this nasty is that the cooldown timer on the waves is shorter than the time it takes to kill the prior wave...meaning that you WILL be mobbed by OP NPC ships and you will be spamming the Nimbus call to avoid a frag fest.
I had a problem with the Mugato only once: when I went to the arena too eagerly, and Slamek didn't follow me fast enough. The door closed before he entered, I was alone, and totally doomed. But with Slamek? Piece of cake
Now if we only could implement a 15 minute cooldown on all spammers...
Me too, as a matter of fact it's one of my favorites. The whole mood of the mission is awesome.
The only thing that I dislike about it is the crazy amount of puzzles that get thrown at you right off the bat. I mean seriously why do we have to solve one math problem after another after another after another...? Why not just to one to unlock the system and then punch buttons on the consoles to free your ship? It's not like they needed time filler on this mission.
If I had my druthers, your transport beam would have been interrupted on the way OVER to the station, not on the way BACK. (cutting out the station part entirely )
I stopped with my Delta alt when I reached Nimbus, just couldn't do it again...
The only part of "Of Bajor" that I loathe is Commander Achebe. Realistically, she would be in the stockade or court martialed for speaking to an Admiral like he's a cadet. If she was respectful and properly deferential (like the Lt. in the same mission), I wouldn't have a problem with the mission.
A tip for those hating the clunk-clunk-clunk spacewalk in "Boldly They Road": The only times you really have to walk outside are at the very start, and when doing the sensor part. The rest of the time you should just be jetting from post to post. The whole thing doesn't take long at all. The TAB key is your friend. :-)
And a tip for those having trouble with the Slingshot maneuver in "Night of the Comet": ONLY use Full Impulse to reach the first accelerator gateway, then immediately drop your speed to normal maximum impulse. It gets LOTS easier that way. I know, because I play that mission at least 5 times on most of my toons, to equip my away teams with TOS weapons (KDF and Roms with disruptors, FED BOFFs with phaser 2's and FED captains with phaser rifles).