When upgraded, the Elite Fleet Adaptive Resilient Shield Array Mk XII [Cap]x2 [ResB] [Adapt] no longer adapts to incoming damage. The adapt function is not triggered by incoming damage and the relevant icon (and animation) no longer appears.
[Adapt] is a key feature of what are (or at least were) very popular shields.
After breaking mine with the upgrade, I had to buy new MkXII (without upgrading them until the eventual bug fix). I know this has happened to many other people. If fact, I don't know if anyone even managed to successfully upgrade these without breaking them?
A fix would be greatly appreciated. I would love to upgrade them without breaking them as I am big fan of these shields.
Thank you in advance to whomever this may concern.
Just to be clear, the bug only occurs after upgrading to Mk XII +.
The shields work fine if not upgraded.
Any dev response would be immensely appreciated. I know others have written of this bug, but is the development team aware? Are there any hopes for a fix in the foreseeable future?
I have a set that is epic and they seem like they are working but I will look for the icon to see if its true. I am getting the visuals of the shields working....hmmmm
The shields work fine if not upgraded.
Any dev response would be immensely appreciated. I know others have written of this bug, but is the development team aware? Are there any hopes for a fix in the foreseeable future?
Thank you in advance.
That was a post from December 2014...