Admittedly, many of these are overlapping, confounding, or tend to play against each other. But overall, what (at the moment) is your most significant barrier to enjoying the game more.
NOTE: If you are going to add follow-up comments, please don't just complain; take the time to explain what the problem is and how it might be fixed.
What is your chief concern about the current state of STO? 270 votes
Bugs - Items/powers not WAI; art/costume clipping/visual errors; etc.
Lag/FPS - rubberbanding, disconnects, or graphics slowing down FPS
Power Creep - new powers/traits/specializations/items/ships significantly more powerful
Grind - EC/XP/Dilithium/Marks requiring multiple replays of single missions
Content - regularity, gameplay, or overall direction of episodes/arcs/holdings/reputation
Foundry - these or other issues, specifically how they relate to the Foundry
PVP - these or other issues, specifically how they relate to PVP
Balance - ships/careers/powers being OP or UP, lacking counters, or being viable at all
Other - If you aren't having as much fun, but the reason has nothing to do with what is listed
lol? im happy with what i have, thats the reason i keep playing lol. That doesnt mean things could be 500% better or the game should have 3 months (probably much more) in a row of bug fixing.
Story missions? Sorry, no spec points for you.
Battle Zones? Sorry, no spec points for you.
Queues? Sorry, no spec points for you.
Events? Sorry, no spec points for you.
At least they are handing out a weekly spec point as with the featured episode. Which is great as long as there's a FE to replay. If they would have a weekly story arc to replay to get that account level reward when there isn't a Featured Episode that'd let people who don't grind Argala get more than one spec point a month.
My only real minor gripe at the moment is the levelling not being a smooth ride from 1 to 60. And that everything just falls on top of you at level 50 when some reputations could be made available earlier.
I am mostly curious what is the single biggest factor limiting players' ability to have fun at the moment.
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Really, the lack of maintenance to core game systems is the root cause, cryptic doesn't perform normal maintenance to the game, resulting in far fewer bugs fixed than created, to power creep, to grind, they just keep focusing on the next payday.
Completed Starbase, Embassy, Mine, Spire and No Win Scenario
Nothing to do anymore.
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But if there's one that's been persistent and has irritated me more than any, it's been %*(_)(%^&& console lag. Nothing results in more failures on both ground and space and wanting to just Alt-F4'it all when the abilities simply do not enable after a million clicks.
This has been a severe problem since day 1 of joining this game. I've complained, wrote posts, and it's still as bad if not worse than ever.
One time I saw a marked improvement. I was real happy. Wanted to spend cash again in the game. That was short-lived. Now it's back to dying cause hypos don't work, staring at boff or space powers to make sure they enable instead of enjoying the action. Horrible.
Cryptic, FFS, FIX iT.
I would say balance and power creep are basically the same problem, and they are huge problems right now. Cryptic clearly has no interest in controlling it at all, and with enemy designs like the heralds show they really only want you to chase the power creep so you can survive the nonsense attacks they do. It also feeds back into grind, because you're expected to grind more for more power. It is only going to get worse.
I also have a very big pet peeve in the UI clunkiness. It only seems to get worse the more they do. Whether it is expecting us to manually target Herald portals or the constant resizing of my inventory and bank windows or the way you can't close half the windows with the escape key, it is becoming increasingly frustrating to just try to play STO.
Obviously fixing PvP means they would need to remove the power creep and the grind, fix the lag and balance the abilities.
So pretty much half the list.
This is the number one thing that disappoints me every time I log in.
KDF: Dahar Master Kan (Borg Klingon Tactical)::Dahar Master Torc (Alien Science)::Dahar Master Sisteric (Gorn Engineer)
RR-Fed: Citizen Sirroc (Romulan Science)::Fleet Admiral Grell (Alien Engineer)
RR-KDF: Fleet Admiral Zemo (Reman Tactical)::Fleet Admiral Xinatek (Reman Science)::Fleet Admiral Bel (Alien Engineer)
TOS-Fed: Fleet Admiral Katem (Andorian Tactical)::Lieutenant Commander Straad (Vulcan Engineer)
Dom-Fed: Dan'Tar (Jem'Hadar Science)
Dom-KDF: Kamtana'Solan (Jem'Hadar Science)
CoHost of Tribbles in Ecstasy (Zombee)
Making rewarding gameplay styles (healing, support, etc.) on par with DPS would help reign it in, imo.
I would like to see more balance in factions. Romulans and KDF really need some Dev attention. I also think that the crafting system needs a little work to make it easier to make the items you want.
Performance of the game is my main concern right now. What i mean by that? Well, thanks to certain bugs with the fx some parts of the games are literally not accessible to a portion of the player base. Take a look in the bug forums and see what is happening to people on risa or new romulus - FPS goes into single digit mode while the GPUs basically switch themselfs off out of boredom.
On top of it there are the lag issues. At certain hours every day the game is barely accessible and even if you manage to log in (which lately works better) you get rubberbanding, disconnects etc.
So my main concern is, that no matter the content/grind/etc. the game is becoming less and less accessible. Even if i wanted to play, i couldn't because it is technically not really feasible.
1) The upgrade system as a means for fully optimizing current content gear. It's a great tool for boosting old favorites, but having it required to boost current gear to Mk XIV as well is absolutely terrible.
2) The specialization system. I get that the idea is to reward people over time as they play, but that's really just a roundabout way of saying "grind." The bonuses are too good to pass up, and the difference between someone with finished specializations vs someone who has none is staggering.
These two things were enough to completely deter me from ever making another alt, and even from playing the ones I have. I had fun with my delta recruit, but she's been demoted to "hold this TRIBBLE in your bank" because the amount of grind required is just too much. STO has effectively become a game where I have only 1 character, even though my account has 10 character slots (9 of which have characters, 3 of which are 50-59, and 3 of which are 60)
Would really choose "Other" frankly, but the wording is unnecessarily negative... "Other - If you aren't having as much fun, but the reason has nothing to do with what is listed". I'm having fun. To me this choice just forces the poll data to be skewed as "everyone is unhappy in some way" and that is not truly respective of everyone's experience.
I almost hate to admit...I have no FPS, lag, balance issues, or content woes. I'll just be dismissed in some way (fanboy, lucky, liar, whatever...)
But this is why I don't log in anymore canceled subs and just troll through here to watch it all burn like the blazing train wreck that it is in the hopes that one day I will pass through and see a post saying ZOMG LAG FIXED!!!. Wishful thinking.
The grind is annoying. Admittedly, as a casual player I don't need to upgrade everything to rank XIV, but seriously?
The storyline direction. Everything, and everything, is now tied into the Great Iconian Plot. This is now worse than The Coming Storm was back on CoH. Space is big, ther can be issues that have nothing to do with everyone else's Menace To The Quadrant.
Bugs. Why is it that I still can't convince my bridge officers to remember their skills between play sessions?
BatRon 11 ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ Millennium Triumphant ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ Emerald Armada
This!, good work, but now I have a lot of DC's... not terrible, but kind of annoying..