i hatebeeing punished for other peoples playstily I CANNOT CHANGE OR IMPACT ON.
if someone doesnt fly to safe distance in crystalline advanced : i cannot do anything about him dying, cause i have to fly safe distance.
i cant heal or buff him/her.
i cannot pull him with me
so please stop ruining MY EFFORD and REWARD for sth i didnt do wrong or do better. other peoples deaths in cca are ievitable for me: i cannot change it.
i can yell at them but i cannot take control of their ship.
i cannot make people play better i just cannot.
stop ruining my reward for other ppls stupidity.
if 3/10 die in cca, take THEIR REWARD AWAY. the reward of THOSE THREE (or more) THAT DIES.
its no need for cancelling the stf at all. take their reward, THEY DIED, not me.
MMO does mean: combined efford NOT combined general punishment.
if you define MMO the latter way, you are ruining the social aspect of the game. cause it leads to frustration from player towards players. (like me now, i really hate 99% of my teammates because they ruin MY LOOT I DID EARN BECAUSE I DIDNT DIE)
mmo means combined efford, not general punishment.
CCA is not a combined efford when it comes to the fail condition: i cannot do any efford to stop a dumb player dying.
its not effordable for me to help him not die (without risking to die as well)
move those to elite, and reduce overall reward in adv by 10%. no fail conditions (especially if they dont reflect a combined efford)
(ps: combined efford is not the same as "additive single efford" my friends: CCA fail condition is a "single efford, added up to a team" everyone has to not die - for himself - then its added up, if 7 or more were able to do this, its not combined efford, its single efford added up)
Suck it up, move on, do the next one... You're carrying on as if this happens constantly - it does not...
I regularly pug CCA and will encounter a failed 'optional' at most once or twice a week, yet will often run it at least once a day, even multiple times across multiple characters...
Yes, it's frustrating when it happens but it's not worth completely losing your **** over like this...
I also agree on removing a lot of the fail criteria in advanced maps. Especially those which are not challenging at all for a single individual and where the mistakes of others can not even be corrected by talented people of a team to conclude the mission.
On some of the newer advanced maps cryptic did a solid job with the fails. BOSA for example. The only fail left there is when a team is not able to deactivate the devises within a set time frame. Since anybody should be able to deactivate centre and one secondary leaving only 33% for FOUR other players to do this works and is fine. Others like the questioning part in UIA works not. No matter how fast I am there to get them right somebody always manages to get at least one of the ten wrong wasting my time
my way works, your way works, mine works better for me than yours. If you really feel that you just can't tolerate alternative approaches to 'stand off and faw" then you should be doing private matches with the DPS guys, and leave the dangrous PUGging to us lunatics, fools, and madmen.
Salute! Fun part the OP mentions CCA as bad to pug. In my personal experience success rate there is currently a lot whole better in pugs than during last event with DPS 10k. Helps when not everybody tries to score high on some third party dps charts while popping in embarrassment in underestimation of the mission objectives and/or overestimation of their builds.
Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
i hatebeeing punished for other peoples playstily I CANNOT CHANGE OR IMPACT ON.
if someone doesnt fly to safe distance in crystalline advanced : i cannot do anything about him dying, cause i have to fly safe distance.
i cant heal or buff him/her.
i cannot pull him with me
so please stop ruining MY EFFORD and REWARD for sth i didnt do wrong or do better. other peoples deaths in cca are ievitable for me: i cannot change it.
i can yell at them but i cannot take control of their ship.
i cannot make people play better i just cannot.
stop ruining my reward for other ppls stupidity.
if 3/10 die in cca, take THEIR REWARD AWAY. the reward of THOSE THREE (or more) THAT DIES.
its no need for cancelling the stf at all. take their reward, THEY DIED, not me.
MMO does mean: combined efford NOT combined general punishment.
if you define MMO the latter way, you are ruining the social aspect of the game. cause it leads to frustration from player towards players. (like me now, i really hate 99% of my teammates because they ruin MY LOOT I DID EARN BECAUSE I DIDNT DIE)
mmo means combined efford, not general punishment.
CCA is not a combined efford when it comes to the fail condition: i cannot do any efford to stop a dumb player dying.
its not effordable for me to help him not die (without risking to die as well)
move those to elite, and reduce overall reward in adv by 10%. no fail conditions (especially if they dont reflect a combined efford)
(ps: combined efford is not the same as "additive single efford" my friends: CCA fail condition is a "single efford, added up to a team" everyone has to not die - for himself - then its added up, if 7 or more were able to do this, its not combined efford, its single efford added up)
If you can't suck it up and say "o well" in a pug, you shouldn't be there.
Indeed. I somtimes PUG csa. And sometimes I'm really positively surprised; at other times it's just fail-city from the get-go. And then I just SHAKE IT OFF, simply smiling, saying to myself: "Yup, you knew what you were getting yourself into, pugging and all." No one to blame but yourself, OP.
it can be frustrating when players do the wrong thing and you loose out as a consequence but that's the nature of a team effort either the team succeeds or it does not.
also it can be very easy sometimes to get caught unaware if you happen to be concentrating on something and don't happen to notice something else in all the hubbub that's going on.
it just bad luck sometimes but you just have to take the good with the bad.
as far as I am concerned loosing sometimes is a very important part of the game and it just would not be any fun without it, the thrill of the game is not knowing what the outcome will be.
if you were guaranteed to win every time there would just be no point it playing but when we loose hopefully the players who have made the mistake will learn from it and try not to get caught like that again.
also when you end up loosing every now and then it makes it all the more elatious when you end up winning.
When I think about everything we've been through together,
maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,
and if that journey takes a little longer,
so we can do something we all believe in,
I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.
i will do EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING in my power to TRIBBLE up the STF.
Now you can judge me all you want
And yea players who manage to bring themselves position to somehow justify sabotaging an entire match on purpose at the expanse of others are also a huge problem given by a few of the fail criteria.
Good that CCA is not such a map and your contribution to its failure only partial surface when peeps decide to ignore you in a 10 player PvE action zone chat when you suddently feel like chatting how they are doing today.
Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
I will probably get flamed for this but beh who cares.
So here it goes:
I will fail on PURPOSE one or all STFs if:
-I say hi or hello folks,how is everyone today? in chat and no one has the decency to respond.
-Ask in chat,:are we doing the optional?, and no one responds.
-I say in chat *what a talkative bunch,thanks for the warm welcome* or something like that...depending on my mood that day you will get a semi sarcastic comment or maybe a full blown sarcasm Pulitzeer award winner phrase that would make Stephen King proud,and in response i get some lip from you or derogative remarks towards my persona.
You are out,i will do EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING in my power to TRIBBLE up the STF.
Now you can judge me all you want but this is an mmo and if you cant even muster effort to spare 3 seconds to type the word "Hi" or "Hello" you shouldnt really be here in the first place.
Wow, strong stuff tbh.
Just because some people are simply not talkative, or occupied makes you deliberately sabotage a STF?
Heck maybe you have just bad luck and there's no one in your team speaking english in the first place (yeah, i know that a bit far streched). Maybe they are just there to do the job, instead of doing small talk?
To deliberately sabotage a STF is way too unnecessary, why not just leave the STF, instead of punishing everyone just because no one was in the mood to caress your ego? lol.
"...'With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured...the first thought forbidden...the first freedom denied--chains us all irrevocably.' ... The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged. I fear that today--"
- (TNG) Picard, quoting Judge Aaron Satie
I will probably get flamed for this but beh who cares.
So here it goes:
I will fail on PURPOSE one or all STFs if:
-I say hi or hello folks,how is everyone today? in chat and no one has the decency to respond.
-Ask in chat,:are we doing the optional?, and no one responds.
-I say in chat *what a talkative bunch,thanks for the warm welcome* or something like that...depending on my mood that day you will get a semi sarcastic comment or maybe a full blown sarcasm Pulitzeer award winner phrase that would make Stephen King proud,and in response i get some lip from you or derogative remarks towards my persona.
You are out,i will do EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING in my power to TRIBBLE up the STF.
Now you can judge me all you want but this is an mmo and if you cant even muster effort to spare 3 seconds to type the word "Hi" or "Hello" you shouldnt really be here in the first place.
Yeah because it takes 500.000 ec,2.000 Zen and Mk XV gear to just type hi or hello,such an effort to type 2 letters...yeah whatever spare me the speech.
If you dont have the common decency to reply to a hi or hello you deserve anything and everything that comes your way.
1. Some people just don't like to talk. What makes you right and them wrong?
2. Maybe they're playing using a controller and can't type a reply.
3. Maybe they don't speak the same language you do.
4. Maybe they just know you're a judgmental, self righteous, assclown and they just don't want to talk to you.
Yeah because it takes 500.000 ec,2.000 Zen and Mk XV gear to just type hi or hello,such an effort to type 2 letters...yeah whatever spare me the speech.
If you dont have the common decency to reply to a hi or hello you deserve anything and everything that comes your way.
Team mates are not your personal chat club. Would be nice if they said hi, or whatever, but they're not beholden to entertain you in any manner whatsoever.
And often there simply isn't time. Like in csa or something: I just take a quick right/left turn , buff up, and am already at the target. I have no time to chat you up in the meantime. At other times, like Fleet Alert, gga, etc., there is some time to chat. Even then, ppl not chatting is no reason for you and your massive ego to purposely sabotage the game.
The very best attitude, when going into a pug, is to expect nothing, and to contribute everything.
I find sabotaging an entire STF just because someone didn't say ''hi'' to be rather excessive, almost like you're actively looking for a reason to behave like a griefer.
I do on the other hand understand that some people desire a bit of communication and social contact from others in an MMO, it takes all of 2 or 3 seconds to quickly type ''Hi'' or something, and while I am usually silent, I will respond with a simple greeting if someone else says hi or hello.
And let's be honest here, aside from the classic STF's, most of the space queue missions nowadays have like a 30 second countdown timer before the mission even starts.
I find sabotaging an entire STF just because someone didn't say ''hi'' to be rather excessive, almost like you're actively looking for a reason to behave like a griefer.
I wonder how many people actively avoid the public queues and perhaps even Stf's in general because of the the actions of a few of these kinds of people. To be honest if I'm in something like cca then as soon as I'm in the map. Im off on my way to the target preparing the first lot of bridge officer powers for the opening volley on the target. Something like BHE I might take a few seconds to say hi. But if I'm honest if I want to be social then I'll either talk to my fleet mates and friends or visit on of the social zones and chime in if I have something relevant to contribute. On the other hand there certain people that I'll just plainly ignore. Because I really don't like them.
If you dont have the common decency to reply to a hi or hello you deserve anything and everything that comes your way.
Heh, I didnt even say that I wouldnt reply to a hi in chat. Thats seems to be your problem.
I was just trying to state that trolling a public queue is an unnecessary pain with the current fail criteria in place and was surprised how very little it takes for some to become a troll.
I mean if I could justify trolling others for not replying to me when and the way I see fit I could probably justify anything.
Grats on that, it must have taken some doing to get there.
Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
If people would stop flying past the trash to shoot the crystal so they can get first place, newer players who cant do normal because the Q never, ever fills up would stop dying as much. My new toon is doing crystal once every 3 days or whatever it is for marks, and what kills me is FAW and missile spam from 50 untouched tholians. I would rather do it on normal so as not to subject others to my level 53 green geared noob ship but sitting for 2 hours to get 10 people is not gonna happen.
Whenever anyone enters a teamplay environment, they are practically looking for one of three things:
1. To contribute to a team effort and complete the mission.
2. To be carried through said effort for the payout.
3. To troll the effort and intentionally blow it.
Now, for better or worse, STO seems to have a very high proportion of type 2s and 3s (heck, we've had one openly admit his tendencies to do #3 in this very thread) compared to the type 1s.
Don't know whether the proliferation of type 2s is a direct result of the proliferation of DPS xK channels and their ships capable of carrying a borderline fail team with 100% success, if the semi-casual nature of STO combined with just enough hardcore players to create illusions of success with little effort from those who haven't had to put in effort, the massive amount of "zerg rush it" mentality from the SP missions, or any number of other reasons that I just can't envision on a moment's notice.
All I know is that for ISA I fly the patterns I learned many moons ago, and pray it works (ie, no BFaW on the cubes over the transformers so that I don't inadvertently pop a generator) unless someone says otherwise - and even then, they usually don't actually chat it, I gather it from in-mission actions (pop the back generators with their own BFaW or melt squadrons in seconds...) Or, in Borg Disconnected and/or GtG, I intentionally fly "weak-side" to focus on objectives instead of DPS-lording... (which could be an unintentional side effect creating even more type 2s, as the general perception is that DPS > all and everyone focuses on DPS...)
Detecting big-time "anti-old-school" bias here. NX? Lobi. TOS/TMP Connie? Super-promotion-box. (aka the two hardest ways to get ships) Excelsior & all 3 TNG "big hero" ships? C-Store. Please Equalize...
To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
Yes this is a problem with poorly thought out fail conditions. It is rare to be a problem with CCA, but the fact that it can happen is part of bad design. One person's (or three in CCA) singular stupid move shouldn't fail an STF.
That some people put no effort into things is another, separate problem and has nothing to do with this topic.
I will probably get flamed for this but beh who cares.
So here it goes:
I will fail on PURPOSE one or all STFs if:
-I say hi or hello folks,how is everyone today? in chat and no one has the decency to respond.
-Ask in chat,:are we doing the optional?, and no one responds.
-I say in chat *what a talkative bunch,thanks for the warm welcome* or something like that...depending on my mood that day you will get a semi sarcastic comment or maybe a full blown sarcasm Pulitzeer award winner phrase that would make Stephen King proud,and in response i get some lip from you or derogative remarks towards my persona.
You are out,i will do EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING in my power to TRIBBLE up the STF.
Now you can judge me all you want but this is an mmo and if you cant even muster effort to spare 3 seconds to type the word "Hi" or "Hello" you shouldnt really be here in the first place.
Why does the attitude of this guy not surprise me. Admitting and intentionally doing this, Prime example of someone who if caught should be hit hard with a ban hammer.
That type of behaviour doesn't even belong on a pre-school playground
Honestly that is when people will start trolling with the delta doffs to get your reward. All they need is one attack pattern delta and one agro transferring doff. They target you and call it a day. Yes I have had that happened to me in the past. I even had a fleet officer do this in an STF just because he didn't like my damage output and lack of agro. Although some of us agree with the idea of your post there is always a way around things in this game to cause grief.
Suck it up, move on, do the next one... You're carrying on as if this happens constantly - it does not...
I regularly pug CCA and will encounter a failed 'optional' at most once or twice a week, yet will often run it at least once a day, even multiple times across multiple characters...
Yes, it's frustrating when it happens but it's not worth completely losing your **** over like this...
I also agree on removing a lot of the fail criteria in advanced maps. Especially those which are not challenging at all for a single individual and where the mistakes of others can not even be corrected by talented people of a team to conclude the mission.
On some of the newer advanced maps cryptic did a solid job with the fails. BOSA for example. The only fail left there is when a team is not able to deactivate the devises within a set time frame. Since anybody should be able to deactivate centre and one secondary leaving only 33% for FOUR other players to do this works and is fine. Others like the questioning part in UIA works not. No matter how fast I am there to get them right somebody always manages to get at least one of the ten wrong wasting my time
Salute! Fun part the OP mentions CCA as bad to pug. In my personal experience success rate there is currently a lot whole better in pugs than during last event with DPS 10k. Helps when not everybody tries to score high on some third party dps charts while popping in embarrassment in underestimation of the mission objectives and/or overestimation of their builds.
Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
It was me..I died and ruined your reward.
and if you still fail with a group from the Channels, well then your out of luck. Never seen a CCA fail in 10k.
If you pug, the blame is with you for expecting a completely random group to be perfect every time. In many cases it is hit or miss at best.
If it was a channel pre-made, then simply go with a different team next time. No one is forcing you to always go with the same people.
What I am getting at here, is your experience is entirely your own choice, so stop blaming others for your own bad decisions...
Indeed. I somtimes PUG csa. And sometimes I'm really positively surprised; at other times it's just fail-city from the get-go. And then I just SHAKE IT OFF, simply smiling, saying to myself: "Yup, you knew what you were getting yourself into, pugging and all."
also it can be very easy sometimes to get caught unaware if you happen to be concentrating on something and don't happen to notice something else in all the hubbub that's going on.
it just bad luck sometimes but you just have to take the good with the bad.
as far as I am concerned loosing sometimes is a very important part of the game and it just would not be any fun without it, the thrill of the game is not knowing what the outcome will be.
if you were guaranteed to win every time there would just be no point it playing but when we loose hopefully the players who have made the mistake will learn from it and try not to get caught like that again.
also when you end up loosing every now and then it makes it all the more elatious when you end up winning.
When I think about everything we've been through together,
maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,
and if that journey takes a little longer,
so we can do something we all believe in,
I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.
And yea players who manage to bring themselves position to somehow justify sabotaging an entire match on purpose at the expanse of others are also a huge problem given by a few of the fail criteria.
Good that CCA is not such a map and your contribution to its failure only partial surface when peeps decide to ignore you in a 10 player PvE action zone chat when you suddently feel like chatting how they are doing today.
Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
Just because some people are simply not talkative, or occupied makes you deliberately sabotage a STF?
Heck maybe you have just bad luck and there's no one in your team speaking english in the first place (yeah, i know that a bit far streched). Maybe they are just there to do the job, instead of doing small talk?
To deliberately sabotage a STF is way too unnecessary, why not just leave the STF, instead of punishing everyone just because no one was in the mood to caress your ego? lol.
People like you should be banned from the game.
Purposely sabotage a STF because whatever?
1. Some people just don't like to talk. What makes you right and them wrong?
2. Maybe they're playing using a controller and can't type a reply.
3. Maybe they don't speak the same language you do.
4. Maybe they just know you're a judgmental, self righteous, assclown and they just don't want to talk to you.
I would bet that #4 is the most common cause.
Team mates are not your personal chat club. Would be nice if they said hi, or whatever, but they're not beholden to entertain you in any manner whatsoever.
And often there simply isn't time. Like in csa or something: I just take a quick right/left turn , buff up, and am already at the target. I have no time to chat you up in the meantime. At other times, like Fleet Alert, gga, etc., there is some time to chat. Even then, ppl not chatting is no reason for you and your massive ego to purposely sabotage the game.
The very best attitude, when going into a pug, is to expect nothing, and to contribute everything.
Nuff said :P
I do on the other hand understand that some people desire a bit of communication and social contact from others in an MMO, it takes all of 2 or 3 seconds to quickly type ''Hi'' or something, and while I am usually silent, I will respond with a simple greeting if someone else says hi or hello.
And let's be honest here, aside from the classic STF's, most of the space queue missions nowadays have like a 30 second countdown timer before the mission even starts.
Same as it ever was, man. Rants treating other players as NPCs and baitposts? Must be a day ending in 'y'.
I wonder how many people actively avoid the public queues and perhaps even Stf's in general because of the the actions of a few of these kinds of people. To be honest if I'm in something like cca then as soon as I'm in the map. Im off on my way to the target preparing the first lot of bridge officer powers for the opening volley on the target. Something like BHE I might take a few seconds to say hi. But if I'm honest if I want to be social then I'll either talk to my fleet mates and friends or visit on of the social zones and chime in if I have something relevant to contribute. On the other hand there certain people that I'll just plainly ignore. Because I really don't like them.
Heh, I didnt even say that I wouldnt reply to a hi in chat. Thats seems to be your problem.
I was just trying to state that trolling a public queue is an unnecessary pain with the current fail criteria in place and was surprised how very little it takes for some to become a troll.
I mean if I could justify trolling others for not replying to me when and the way I see fit I could probably justify anything.
Grats on that, it must have taken some doing to get there.
Looking for a fun PvE fleet? Join us at Omega Combat Division today.
The explosion never touches me though...
Whenever anyone enters a teamplay environment, they are practically looking for one of three things:
1. To contribute to a team effort and complete the mission.
2. To be carried through said effort for the payout.
3. To troll the effort and intentionally blow it.
Now, for better or worse, STO seems to have a very high proportion of type 2s and 3s (heck, we've had one openly admit his tendencies to do #3 in this very thread) compared to the type 1s.
Don't know whether the proliferation of type 2s is a direct result of the proliferation of DPS xK channels and their ships capable of carrying a borderline fail team with 100% success, if the semi-casual nature of STO combined with just enough hardcore players to create illusions of success with little effort from those who haven't had to put in effort, the massive amount of "zerg rush it" mentality from the SP missions, or any number of other reasons that I just can't envision on a moment's notice.
All I know is that for ISA I fly the patterns I learned many moons ago, and pray it works (ie, no BFaW on the cubes over the transformers so that I don't inadvertently pop a generator) unless someone says otherwise - and even then, they usually don't actually chat it, I gather it from in-mission actions (pop the back generators with their own BFaW or melt squadrons in seconds...) Or, in Borg Disconnected and/or GtG, I intentionally fly "weak-side" to focus on objectives instead of DPS-lording... (which could be an unintentional side effect creating even more type 2s, as the general perception is that DPS > all and everyone focuses on DPS...)
To rob a line: [quote: Mariemaia Kushrenada] Forum Posting is much like an endless waltz. The three beats of war, peace and revolution continue on forever. However, opinions will change upon the reading of my post.[/quote]
That some people put no effort into things is another, separate problem and has nothing to do with this topic.
Why does the attitude of this guy not surprise me. Admitting and intentionally doing this, Prime example of someone who if caught should be hit hard with a ban hammer.
That type of behaviour doesn't even belong on a pre-school playground
Honestly that is when people will start trolling with the delta doffs to get your reward. All they need is one attack pattern delta and one agro transferring doff. They target you and call it a day. Yes I have had that happened to me in the past. I even had a fleet officer do this in an STF just because he didn't like my damage output and lack of agro. Although some of us agree with the idea of your post there is always a way around things in this game to cause grief.
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