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Is THAT the Klingon idea of "STEALTH"???



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    reginamala78reginamala78 Member Posts: 4,593 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    but yea the moment my character doesn't swing into instant violence against an obviously insubordinate junior officer that iss having an issues keeping her mission face on

    Could certainly agree with that, and would have been a really good 'flavor text' emote to just smack her for that line. If you're playing as a Klingon character, and FE aside its a lvl60 mission, she's a mid-grade talking that way to a decorated Dahar Master and such a response would be expected (it'd be wrong not to hit her). And even if playing a Starfleet or Romulan Admiral, in that situation the back of the fist is the appropriate diplomatic response. Missed opportunity.
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    saurializardsaurializard Member Posts: 4,401 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Could certainly agree with that, and would have been a really good 'flavor text' emote to just smack her for that line. If you're playing as a Klingon character, and FE aside its a lvl60 mission, she's a mid-grade talking that way to a decorated Dahar Master and such a response would be expected (it'd be wrong not to hit her). And even if playing a Starfleet or Romulan Admiral, in that situation the back of the fist is the appropriate diplomatic response. Missed opportunity.

    Well, considering what Trevana and B'Eler caused just by their orientation, could you imagine what would have happened if they allowed us to punch a woman in the face?

    That would have made sense considering Klingon culture, but that would have angered some people and caused Tumblr War III. So I can understand why they wanted to avoid another "controversy" (though, they could have avoided this by having Trevana being less insulting).
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    abaddon653abaddon653 Member Posts: 1,144 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Hey they used stealth, the made it past the enemy lines under cloak and got where they needed to be. Then once they where there the got loud, made a mess and wrecked everything! That does count as stealth and is a tactic used in real life.

    Stealth is not always what you see in movies and video games where you are never seen or heard at all. Sometimes all you need is to just be a little sneaky to get where you need to be. Most Klingons would be mortified to learn that they didn't drop out of warp and try to fight their way through the enemy fleet to get to the omega refineries.

    You know, just my thoughts on the original topic, and not the way it's gone regarding LGBT.
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    nyniknynik Member Posts: 1,626 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Cloaked going in and guns blazing once we were spotted by patrols. It sat perfectly fine with my head-canon notion of Klingon stealth. Stealth to a point (a pointy blade that is).

    And Kahless clearly had other motives. That poor character finally got a good send off.

    I just don't understand why my character jumped for joy when he severed the arm.
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    takegurutakeguru Member Posts: 94 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I liked the stealth aspect of the mission.

    It's not often you get to see a Vo'Quv cloak, after all.

    So, if a dinky little intel ship can cloak my vo'quv while maintaining it's own cloak, innate cloaking for the Vo'Quv when?
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    jonsillsjonsills Member Posts: 10,389 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Oh true enough. But still that plays into the Planet of Hats tropes. Why does everything have to be about war, in one form or another? The performers who go on stage at Klingon Operas, are they "at war" with the audience's boredom? Or the baker who makes blood pies? Is he "at war" with hunger? What about the Klingons who DON'T want to go to war? The ones who would rather farm, or write books, or study plants? I get that when doing alien cultures it helps to have a common theme to unite them and make them different from humans, but we are diverse in our goals and dreams. Why can't they?
    Because they're not allowed to be. I'd love some good, in-depth alien societies, straight out of Niven or Clement, where non-human biology and evolution can be taken into account (heck, if some of the descriptions of Qo'noS can be taken as canon, that could even account for the whole "warrior culture" thing - the environment is depicted as being even more lethal than other Klingons, the reason they had to start banding together in the first place for protection against stormwalkers and the storms they walk). I want a good explanation as to why the Remans have such a strong variance in appearance from Vulcanoid standard, after a gap of only five thousand years. I want to know what kind of planet breeds creatures like the Hirogen, and whether it's still there (or is it like the batarians in Mass Effect, where we've only ever met their outcast criminal class?).

    But sadly, that kind of writing would be decried by a substantial portion of the fanbase as "boring" and "pointless" (keep in mind, these are the same people who can't be bothered to read those little popups that tell you how to stay alive in combat; they're not going to read anything that tells you about the history or evolution of various alien races, even when it's both important and weird, like the Kobali). I wish it could be otherwise, but there you go.
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    rattler2rattler2 Member, Star Trek Online Moderator Posts: 58,115 Community Moderator
    edited May 2015
    jtoney3448 wrote: »
    Why would they make a omega facility to power their gates when the spheres already do it. Plot hole number 1.

    Technically we control two of their spheres. Solanae and Jenolan. They've only got the one known sphere, and they never said that it was the sphere's powering the gates. The Spheres used Omega for their jump drives. Not gateways.
    Why would the head of the klingons personally go on a mission with such a low chance of survival? Plot hole 2.

    Well... honestly the position of Emperor was more of a figurehead position. The real power was in the Council. Kinda like how the Queen of England doesn't actually rule over England these days. She doesn't sign things into law.
    The Klingons aren't adverse to stealth tactics they use cloaking tech to ambush and launch raid missions like in DS9, they could have nuked the facility from orbit or just beamed in a bunch of explosives. Plot hole 3.

    I believe it was covered in the mission itself why they didn't do that. A: There was interference preventing pinpoint beaming. B: They only had a general idea on where it was. No idea on how extensive the facility was. They could have bombed the wrong end.
    They want to kill the iconian as a symbol, k, throw a bomb at the generator and beam out and blow it up, why rush into a room full of enemies with no tactical terrain advantage just to get murdered. Remember the motto of house peg was one well aimed blade > an army. So they arent about facing their enemy face to face for honor but about getting the job done, which they failed at massively. Plot hole 4.

    It could have worked, or it would have done nothing. Bomb n Beam kinda rules out confirming the kill. As is... they now know the Iconians themselves aren't invincible as they make themselves out to be.
    The all powerful all important sword worth more than any klingons life is just left behind on the ground abandoned to save their own lives. Worf would have a fit. Plot hole 5.

    Kahless himself said that the weapon itself wasn't anything special. It was a symbol. Yes its the Klingon equivelent of Excalibur, but its still just a hunk of metal. And would you want to go down there in front of a pissed off Iconian to pick it up while getting surrounded by Heralds? Better to get out with new intell, and knowing that the Iconians can bleed, than not get out at all.

    No plan survives contact with the enemy.
    I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
    The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
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