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This Whole 'Iconian Invasion' is a Farce!

dabelgravedabelgrave Member Posts: 979 Arc User
At first glance, it seems the Iconians attempted to use the 'divide and conquer' strategy to weaken the different factions prior to their invasion. However, we all know how well that works. The Dominion attempted to divide and conquer, and failed. The Undine attempted to divide and conquer, and failed. It's not so much that the strategy is flawed, its just that when the divided factions realize who the true enemy is, they're already mobilized with significant resources diverted into their war effort. The newly allied factions are then often better prepared for a vicious war than the real enemy.

Now the Iconians are attempting the same thing?

I think not. The Iconians have stirred the hornets' nest before. They angered enough worlds that an alliance formed, and led to the destruction of Iconia. They know that enough angry 'insects' can overwhelm their superior godlike abilities. Why would they risk doing so again?

I think the events leading up to the invasion are a calculated attempt to FORCE an alliance. There are fairly obvious clues for us to find, quite often expressing how foolish it would be for them to attack an alliance, so they must attack each faction separately. One of the Iconians even shows up at a meeting to explicitly warn against forming an alliance. These clues and their guest appearance seem designed to goad us into forming the alliance. It is also an overt warning that war with the Iconians is coming, and nothing we do can prevent it.

Now we have the invasion, a swift onslaught of Iconian minions that initially overwhelms our allied forces. However, we still have significant resources diverted into our war efforts after the recent Undine invasion. This makes us more resilient, and quicker to bounce back from the initial defeats. We can beat them, and we will, but the Iconians are sure to have realized this long before launching their invasion.

Why would the Iconians coax us into a major alliance, and risk the destruction of their Herald forces? The answer is peace. After our victory against the Heralds, all will be calm. There will be celebrations, the forgiving of old grievances, and increased cooperation between the factions in the knowledge that together we did what separately we could not. The great challenge of the Herald attacks will bring greater stability to the Milky Way than anytime in the past few centuries, and as time moves on, resources will flow away from military commitments, and back into reconstruction and civilian matters. When this happens, our increased sense of security will leave us even more vulnerable than ever before.

So there you have it. The Iconian Invasion is a farce designed to leave our great factions in an alliance of peace. When we start to forget the threat they pose, the Iconians will return with their real invasion force, and unlike the Heralds, there will be no stopping them a second time.

<holds up sign: The End is Near!>
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • thecosmic1thecosmic1 Member Posts: 9,365 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    It is 5.5 years. I am sick of Iconians and secret plots and war with Borg, Undine, KDF, Tal Shiar, etc. It is time for me to take my ship into the Gamma Quadrant and just do some exploring - to seek out new life and new civilizations. :)
    STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
  • jackal1701apwjackal1701apw Member Posts: 669 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    thecosmic1 wrote: »
    It is 5.5 years. I am sick of Iconians and secret plots and war with Borg, Undine, KDF, Tal Shiar, etc. It is time for me to take my ship into the Gamma Quadrant and just do some exploring - to seek out new life and new civilizations. :)

    hear hear

    /10 char

  • coupaholiccoupaholic Member Posts: 2,188 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    thecosmic1 wrote: »
    It is 5.5 years. I am sick of Iconians and secret plots and war with Borg, Undine, KDF, Tal Shiar, etc. It is time for me to take my ship into the Gamma Quadrant and just do some exploring - to seek out new life and new civilizations. :)
    hear hear

    /10 char

    Exploring? Ah...I wouldn't hold your breath guys.
  • shaanithegreenshaanithegreen Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    dabelgrave wrote: »
    <holds up sign: The End is Near!>

    Iconian gateways can't melt phaser beams.

    Wake up, sheeple.
  • lucianazetalucianazeta Member Posts: 741 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    thecosmic1 wrote: »
    It is 5.5 years. I am sick of Iconians and secret plots and war with Borg, Undine, KDF, Tal Shiar, etc. It is time for me to take my ship into the Gamma Quadrant and just do some exploring - to seek out new life and new civilizations. :)

    Never going to happen.
  • sunseahlsunseahl Member Posts: 827 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Ehh... I'd state my thought... but there isn't enough Spoiler tag for a 3k word essay of possibility and causality.
    Member of the "Disenchanted"
    We don't want what the Feds have. We want the equivalent. We want fairer treatment. Concern, desire, greed to some extent, and passionate belief that the enough people would buy KDF items to make it worth Cryptic's while.
  • thecosmic1thecosmic1 Member Posts: 9,365 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Never going to happen.
    I am not saying that STO will stop being a pew-pew combat-based MMO. I am simply saying that I feel it is time that I stop worrying about grand schemes, hidden agendas, and whatnot and get back to the basics. I do not want every mission to tie back into some secret Iconian, Borg, or Undine plot. I simply want to go off and meet some new species, shoot some badguys to save someone, have some diplomacy options, throw in some subdue options rather then just disintegrate, etc.
    STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
  • lunastolunasto Member Posts: 774 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    What if they are building up for Iconian party poppers, maybe even an Iconian tribble? hehe

    Not to mention, this latest mission allowed me to have a good laugh! A fat Kayless!!! Rofl! I see he's been putting away the Gagh during his time in retirement!

    I can understand Trekkies wanting to live up to the old Star Fleet tradition of being explorers, Picard even complained about it in one of those movies. But If they go back to peace and diplomacy, what would a trigger happy conqueror like me do in the mean time? I would have to slap a Klingon and motion to a Romulan, in order to get things going again! :rolleyes:

    Lightningdealwithit.gifNew Lunar Republic
    "Where monsters rampage, I'm there to take them down! Where treasure glitters, I'm there to claim it! Where an enemy rises to face me, victory will be mine!" -Lina Inverse
  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Considering how badly any of the major conflicts depicted in STO were done, should one be surprised how the Iconian War is going? Even the "Federation-Klingon War" that was the starting premise for STO when it launched was handled with a spectacular level of "Dropping The Ball."
  • vengefuldjinnvengefuldjinn Member Posts: 1,521 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    dabelgrave wrote: »
    The Iconian Invasion is a farce designed to leave our great factions in an alliance of peace. When we start to forget the threat they pose, the Iconians will return with their real invasion force, and unlike the Heralds, there will be no stopping them a second time.

    <holds up sign: The End is Near!>

    Yeah, after a few years of peace, the Federation will start building big bloated starships with families on board and horrifically bad turn-rates... again. :rolleyes:

    Then we'll stumble along,... exploring,... and wind up accidentally kicking some new hornets nest and get in to a tussle with the next new baddie after venturing where angels fear to tread.

    Maybe after a few years The Borg will turn their full attention back to us and transwarp a few shinny new Begers into our homeworld systems and the whole military buildup brouhaha will start up again.

    Factions will quarrel about how to handle this or that, allegiances will be tested, some may dissolve..... again.

    You know the saying:
    The more things change....

  • seaofsorrowsseaofsorrows Member Posts: 10,919 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I actually don't even acknowledge a 'war' with the Iconians.

    There just isn't enough in game to make me feel like I'm fighting a war. Maybe if the Red Alerts were Iconians or something like that? But outside of the story line missions, the Iconians are surprisingly invisible in other aspects of the game.

    I still feel like the biggest 'threats' are the Borg and maybe Tholians. It would be nice if red alerts or random sector encounters contained Iconian Forces to make it feel more like they're right 'on our doorstep.'

    So far the only experience I have had with Iconians is them attacking me in story missions and me wiping the floor with them. The closest I have come to that war like feeling is the STF mssions which are actually pretty descent. I just need more to make it feel like a real 'war.'
    Insert witty signature line here.
  • nightkennightken Member Posts: 2,824 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Cryptic I keep telling you, crazy homeless guy robes and end is neigh signs. It would be huge.

    if I stop posting it doesn't make you right it. just means I don't have enough rum to continue interacting with you.
  • edited May 2015
    This content has been removed.
  • ssbn655ssbn655 Member Posts: 1,894 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    Yet another whiner thread. Yawn.....
    Just be glad you have a game that has at least some of real Trek in it and JJ TRIBBLE. Ever see the game laughinly called Star Trek based in JJ verse? Go on scurry off to you tube...
  • farmallmfarmallm Member Posts: 4,630 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    To me there hasn't been a war. Its just a minor skirmish about like the Breen story line. Nothing more.

    USS Casinghead NCC 92047 launched 2350
    Fleet Admiral Stowe - Dominion War Vet.
  • giliongilion Member Posts: 686 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    I think you're giving Cryptic's writers too much credit. Theirs no way they would ever come up with any kind of complex story like that :P
    Anyone want to give me a Temporal Heavy Dreadnought pack? I'll be your friend :D
  • thay8472thay8472 Member Posts: 6,273 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    thecosmic1 wrote: »
    It is 5.5 years. I am sick of Iconians and secret plots and war with Borg, Undine, KDF, Tal Shiar, etc. It is time for me to take my ship into the Gamma Quadrant and just do some exploring - to seek out new life and new civilizations. :)

    To boldy conquer where no man has conqured before!
    Thank you for the Typhoon!
  • talonxvtalonxv Member Posts: 4,257 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    A war? More like a police action.
    Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!

  • erei1erei1 Member Posts: 4,081 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    You know the farce ? Their plan worked. But they waited until we learned about them, and joined our forces to attack. And by that, I mean, they even waited after we started the offensive before going to war.

    They are working against us for a while, at the very least 30years (Hobus supernova), perhaps more (Solanae in TNG). If they attacked at the beginning of STO, when fed and KDF were fighting, Borgs invading here and there, no "friendly" contact with the Dominion, no Delta quadrants allies, no New Romulus and powerful Tial Shiar allied, Undine undercover in every faction.... they would have completely annihilated any defenses real quick.

    But no, they waited. Why bother doing decades of plot and lies, to not to use it ?
  • meimeitoomeimeitoo Member Posts: 12,594 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    dabelgrave wrote: »
    At first glance, it seems the Iconians attempted to use the 'divide and conquer' strategy to weaken the different factions prior to their invasion. However, we all know how well that works. The Dominion attempted to divide and conquer, and failed. The Undine attempted to divide and conquer, and failed. It's not so much that the strategy is flawed, its just that when the divided factions realize who the true enemy is, they're already mobilized with significant resources diverted into their war effort. The newly allied factions are then often better prepared for a vicious war than the real enemy.

    Now the Iconians are attempting the same thing?

    You *do* realize all these other races only failed because otherwise the series/game would be over, right?! :P In reality, divide and conquer is a valid, and often successful strategy.
  • edited May 2015
    This content has been removed.
  • hyefatherhyefather Member Posts: 1,286 Arc User
    edited May 2015
    thecosmic1 wrote: »
    It is 5.5 years. I am sick of Iconians and secret plots and war with Borg, Undine, KDF, Tal Shiar, etc. It is time for me to take my ship into the Gamma Quadrant and just do some exploring - to seek out new life and new civilizations. :)

    I couldn't have said it better myself. I'm tired of fighting. I want to tour the galaxy and make peace treaties with new races. I want to discover new planets and minerals. Maybe find a new element to build Transdimensional warp drives or a new food that could feed a starving race of ppl on a newly discovered planet. I'm almost to the point if the iconians want to take over earth, they can have it. I'm going rouge and 3rd star to the right and straight on till morning. Engage.
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