More than a year ago i was searching for a trade channel on Star Trek Online, and i joined the basic mmo style "/trade" channel. Since then i can see a trade channel but its from another game, Champions Online and i cant leave the channel, i can even speak with the players. The problem is that does not appear in the chat option and if i try to leave it i leave the other channels i have. I made a ticket , i was pointed to a bug report, i made one..mode than a year ago , and i can still see that channel. this is the original ticket i made with screenshots.
These are some screens taken this year: . I even reinstalled the game to see if i can get rid of it and does not so it's an account bound problem i guess.
leaving certain chat channels has been a known issue for ages if I remember correctly.
However seeing chat from other cryptic games is perfectly normal as they all share the same chat server so this is normal.
Yeah i read somewhere about that, but it was available for subscribers or veterans and i'm neither, and i just cant get rid of it, it does not appear on the chat options either where you set the color for chat.
Oh wow, 2013 nice ) . Its getting old trying to trade quantum torpedoes to Chamions Online ppl ...
To solve, download and install Champions Online (it's free), make a character, and then leave the channel from within that game.
It's a pain, but this will work. You can uninstall CO afterward if you like.
Holodeck ticket #2,581,777: Unable to leave "Team" channel
Unlike the "trade" channel, you cannot leave the "Team" channel from Champions Online; I already tried that.
The STO wiki also notes a similar problem with the "Global" channel.
Here are similar threads about the "trade" channel on the Neverwinter forums.
Cant leave custom channel
[Chat] can't leave [trade] channel (custom)
Non-Neverwinter Custom Channel trade Unable to Leave
Trade Chat. Trying again