It would seem that sto is doing the same thing neverwinter is doing which is crashing at load screen due to directx 11 being active at the same time directx 9 is. safe mode doesn't fix it and i've deleted the gameprefs file from the local data folder but it gets put back in on clickng engage and i don't know how to fix it or get the game to run properly. why does perfect world or even cryptic allow this kind of thing to happen because it is really annoying for those of us whose graphics cards don't support directx 11
tried that command lline thing game still crashes at the load screen some kind of gpu error and my vid card drivers are all up to date. i give up as this is really frustrating me because at the present time i can't even play sto at all. i wouldn't even know if perfect world support could help me fix the issue, guess i will just for now till i know what the hell is going on uninstall sto
it works but now all i get is a black screen with music i don't know maybe cryptic just upped the system specs so that the game is no longer compatible with an ati radeon 4200 graphics card anymore. i wish i knew what to do to now get past this black screen with music but i have no clue. i don't know that amd display driver just stops responding. maybe its due to windows 10 technical preview or maybe its something else but i know i have my vid card drivers updated and i'm using the d3d11 command line so if this is something brought on due to a patch i would really like to know or hear directly from perfect world or cryptic as to what is causing this whole load screen black screen with music issue. maybe someone could upload their working dx9 with no dx11 gamepref.pref file and i can give that a try and see if i get any kind of graphics or character screen showing other then a black screen and music 1680x1050 screen res
I used to not be able to go past load screen but that issue doesn't happen anymore for me. The way I fixed it was I made a new character, then after the cut scenes I logged off and log pack into my main. Loaded in no problem.
The issue I have been having and its frustrating is the whole going into combat and crashes to desktop.Even in safe mode this happen. Ive gone ahead and rolled back my AMD drivers to 12.1.1 and it's still crashing during massive fights. I have no more ideas to resolve this and it sucks coz I really want to get back into this game.
found the fix for me here
hope it helps...
this is what the command line should be
-d3d11Enable 0
anyway, if this is happening for NW as well then its dead to rights a cryptic issue. You would think PWE has a lot of angry customers...
The issue I have been having and its frustrating is the whole going into combat and crashes to desktop.Even in safe mode this happen. Ive gone ahead and rolled back my AMD drivers to 12.1.1 and it's still crashing during massive fights. I have no more ideas to resolve this and it sucks coz I really want to get back into this game.