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game crash not fixed with patch

zzzspina01zzzspina01 Member Posts: 313 Arc User
edited May 2015 in PC Gameplay Bug Reports
I had the problem with the (breen invation) (deferi dilithium) mission crashing, and I only started after the season 10 expansion. I stoped playing and wated for the patch. but just tried the mission again. and it crashed at the same point in the mission. this didn't happen with my 1st delta recruit.

Klingon-gorn-tac delta recruit

I am in the mines and just gotten to the 2nd transport inhibiter. game freezers then crasher,

then a report the problem window pops up. tried to type in a few words then the windows gone.

my 1st DR was
fed-borg-tac DR
I got all the way to cold storage. without any freezing/crashing of the game.
I cant brain I have the dumb
Post edited by zzzspina01 on


  • gamming4life1gamming4life1 Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    i can log in but when i get to laucher it crashes
  • rbearcatlightrbearcatlight Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I'm experiencing a similar issue with this mission, although I'm able to get in-game long enough to aggro some of the mobs (which my BOFFs eventually kill). Still very aggravating.

    I did finally clear the mission, but I crashed out six times during the ground section. That was bloody annoying.
  • axmeaxme Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I'm experiencing a similar issue with this mission, although I'm able to get in-game long enough to aggro some of the mobs (which my BOFFs eventually kill). Still very aggravating.

    I did finally clear the mission, but I crashed out six times during the ground section. That was bloody annoying.

    Any news on when the are going to fix Login Crash. I get past the cryptic part and crash at the Iconian logo part. I have notice at the left hand bottom corner it reads material reloaded on the I conian logo page.
  • gamming4life1gamming4life1 Member Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    do u know a way to fix it
  • rjay1985rjay1985 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Launch the game in Safe Mode.
  • vilecalamitousvilecalamitous Member Posts: 143 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    rjay1985 wrote: »
    Launch the game in Safe Mode.

    Safe mode doesn't work for everyone.
  • rjay1985rjay1985 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Safe mode doesn't work for everyone.

    OK. It works for me so I thought I would share.
  • rikwesselsrikwessels Member Posts: 367 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    and to think this is the final bit in the DR-event thingy .... I have another DR who has to start the borg missions and that one couldn't join batllegroup Omega yesterday ,lol

    I'm not logging in now as a result ( even if BGO works now, I still know Breen map will crash the client so why bother ?)

    It's true though : the client crashes at the same point on the map every time ( think it's after just having deactivated the second transport inhibitor ) ..you want to turn the corner and pooof> CTD !!
  • fataiityx3fataiityx3 Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Still getting the crash here, safe mode does not work. Today is the 2nd day I haven't even been able to load into character selection.
  • elliesspb1elliesspb1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    zzzspina01 wrote: »
    I had the problem with the (breen invation) (deferi dilithium) mission crashing, and I only started after the season 10 expansion.

    same situation here! :mad: cant complete this episode
  • rikwesselsrikwessels Member Posts: 367 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    ok, just took a screenshot at the EXACT time when the client crashes during that bit ( it's right after disabling the second transport inhibitor and happens every single time )

  • virgofiredragonvirgofiredragon Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    yep im getting the same point on breen mission crash too so what now
  • moloth26moloth26 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Same here!

    I tried it in Safe Mode and it still crashed.

    Annoying, but only because my Delta Recruit is SO CLOSE to finishing up all the main Story Arcs!

    Guess i'll play my Main and do the new content for S10. :)
  • hurricanezerohurricanezero Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I did a few things and was able to get in on mine to load (was crashing on iconian logo before select character.)

    Go into your star trek online_en folder and go all the way down to localdata folder (the one i found was in star trek online subfolder and then yet another folder called live.)

    You're looking for Gameprefs.pref file for star trek online.

    I deleted this then loaded the GAMES launcher

    Switch to safe mode and force it to check that the files are all downloaded correctly (this should be under options on the launcher for the GAME not for arcmap.) Check the options to force the check on the files and the safe mode, let it run through to check for errors then engage.

    If safe mode lets you in go immediately into the graphics tab in the options menu.

    In order select:

    reset to defaults (bottom left corner)

    video card: direct3d 9ex (should have a pound sign and a number after it)

    display: windowed mode.

    Close the game and relaunch let it run through the check on the files again. launcher should have set back to regular mode. Should load but the logo will take a bit longer to load. Note: for me the STO icon on the taskbar for windows is now blank but game is running for me. Hope this helps SOME of you.
  • rikwesselsrikwessels Member Posts: 367 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    this annoys me so much because it's ancient content ( it's not even new or revised ,it's the same old ..) and because I love STO and the delta-recruit event was meant to entice folks to start or return playing the game . To have that bug out is as bad as having the tutorial crash on a new player checking things out ...
  • rikwesselsrikwessels Member Posts: 367 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I did a few things and was able to get in on mine to load (was crashing on iconian logo before select character.)

    Go into your star trek online_en folder and go all the way down to localdata folder (the one i found was in star trek online subfolder and then yet another folder called live.)

    You're looking for Gameprefs.pref file for star trek online.

    I deleted this then loaded the GAMES launcher

    Switch to safe mode and force it to check that the files are all downloaded correctly (this should be under options on the launcher for the GAME not for arcmap.) Check the options to force the check on the files and the safe mode, let it run through to check for errors then engage.

    If safe mode lets you in go immediately into the graphics tab in the options menu.

    In order select:

    reset to defaults (bottom left corner)

    video card: direct3d 9ex (should have a pound sign and a number after it)

    display: windowed mode.

    Close the game and relaunch let it run through the check on the files again. launcher should have set back to regular mode. Should load but the logo will take a bit longer to load. Note: for me the STO icon on the taskbar for windows is now blank but game is running for me. Hope this helps SOME of you.

    tried this and now the map doesn't even load anymore ( at all) .It crashes prior to that ( after loading the map is seemingly complete ) . I will now completely remove ARC/STO after today's maintenance and re-install from scratch ..see if that works .I doubt it though , the code is simply flawed . That will also be final attempt to get it to work . After that it will be on the shelf for indefinite time .

    So much for getting you "back to playing STO ! With our fantastic Delta recruitment -event ! "
  • shurkhemolightshurkhemolight Member Posts: 399 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Vid card settings, force verify, safe mode, GPU core set to none, driver update confirmations, sosf, none of this is having any effect for me, and every time I get CTDed it resets my graphics settings ingame.

    They have done something that is pissing off Nvidia cards and probably others as well.

    Came back to this game last fall at my sons urging, got ran off in a month from horrid lag etc, if there is one thing that shortens my fuse with games it's games that don't work.

    I have heard the apologetic "all games have bugs" line enough.

    A. Fix dyson ships.

    B. Fix boff station clearing and power changing issues.

    C. Please quit heaping new broken content on top of old broken content.

    D. Please stop publishing statements of issues that are resolved that "are not" resolved.
  • shurkhemolightshurkhemolight Member Posts: 399 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I did a few things and was able to get in on mine to load (was crashing on iconian logo before select character.)

    Go into your star trek online_en folder and go all the way down to localdata folder (the one i found was in star trek online subfolder and then yet another folder called live.)

    You're looking for Gameprefs.pref file for star trek online.

    I deleted this then loaded the GAMES launcher

    Switch to safe mode and force it to check that the files are all downloaded correctly (this should be under options on the launcher for the GAME not for arcmap.) Check the options to force the check on the files and the safe mode, let it run through to check for errors then engage.

    If safe mode lets you in go immediately into the graphics tab in the options menu.

    In order select:

    reset to defaults (bottom left corner)

    video card: direct3d 9ex (should have a pound sign and a number after it)

    display: windowed mode.

    Close the game and relaunch let it run through the check on the files again. launcher should have set back to regular mode. Should load but the logo will take a bit longer to load. Note: for me the STO icon on the taskbar for windows is now blank but game is running for me. Hope this helps SOME of you.

    I went back and tried this to the letter, doesn't work, I do however thank you for the effort.

    To the point players should under no circumstances ever have to go get an IT degree and troubleshoot software to "play a game".

    If I have to do this I want a developers paycheck in the mail, and they wonder why people aren't buying cruiser packs.
  • phreakbeephreakbee Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I went back and tried this to the letter, doesn't work, I do however thank you for the effort.

    To the point players should under no circumstances ever have to go get an IT degree and troubleshoot software to "play a game".

    If I have to do this I want a developers paycheck in the mail, and they wonder why people aren't buying cruiser packs.

    The sad part is that if a publisher like EA or Lucas Arts was putting out this game, everything would be far more smoother, plus we'd pay a simple/straight subscription and wouldn't have to deal with the lock box lottery, fleet modules and upgrade tokens. Craptic pew "season 10 is the best ever and all the players love it".
  • shurkhemolightshurkhemolight Member Posts: 399 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    phreakbee wrote: »
    The sad part is that if a publisher like EA or Lucas Arts was putting out this game, everything would be far more smoother, plus we'd pay a simple/straight subscription and wouldn't have to deal with the lock box lottery, fleet modules and upgrade tokens. Craptic pew "season 10 is the best ever and all the players love it".

    Ehh i harbor no ill will toward Lucas Arts, EA however is an entirely different story, never played a game of theirs that didn't make me not want to go get my farriers anvil hammer.

    Guess i never played the right EA title.^^
  • starmanjstarmanj Member Posts: 721 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Running Game in Safe mode because of 3d Fatal error, but game Crashes half way doing a mission. and I have no Clue as to why.

    First Issue that need to be fixed is the 3d Fatal error. FYI Safe mode will not stay check after Save and play game. You Have to save it every time you log in. LOL I am guessing this is another bug.
  • alcyoneserenealcyoneserene Member Posts: 2,414 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Was playing my 2nd Delta Recruit just now, Fed Tac Joined Trill, a character you pay Zen for, and I'm effectively locked out of playing them due to crashes immediately upon loading them, both after force verify game and in safe mode, and with new gpu drivers.

    Was in the mission ___(was meaning to find the mission name but game crashed so not bothering to. It's the one right after Sela (spoilers) attacks vulcan, at the point where you beam onto the station)_ and immediately after beaming down onto station screen showed big box white artifacts everywhere, crashing my gpu drivers, rebooting my system. OS had while line artifacts everywhere, nVidia Drivers were disabled and dead.

    Reinstalled drivers, this time to 347.52, on win7x64 system with eVGA GTX470 & eVGA GTX8800 physx, consistent crashes on that character. I'm hop (game crashed my PC here, thankfully this text was still here on successive reboots, somehow..)

    It seems the game itself even when left on character loading screen causes white box artifacts, then causes nVidia drivers to be disabled, monitor running main screen and game (GTX470) cuts off, windows restarts with lined artifacts everywhere in 16 bit color mode.

    Something is severely wrong since the emergency patch after season 10 introduction. Before apologists swarm in saying it's my system's fault, I've been real fortunate to barely ever have a game crash for exactly 1 year of playing this game now. I'm hoping this next patch addresses this NVIDIA-related issue, and allows me to have access to my characters.
  • rikwesselsrikwessels Member Posts: 367 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    quite frankly : I think folks suggesting it's the "gamers' fault "are full of it . Nothing changed with regard to Nvidia drivers ( nor to AMD drivers , for all I know ) in recent weeks . The only thing that changed was STO itself . Nevertheless all of a sudden folks are getting directx errors left,right and center . If it walks like a duck, looks like a duck and sounds like a duck , chance it actuallyis a duck is very big.

    M laptop has no issue whatsoever runnng far more recent games smoothly ( guild wars 2 , tomb raider , elite dangerous etc all running great ) without producing any directx errors . I have even seen folks suggesting to re-install windows to play STO .Then you're not "working on all thrusters " , to quote Scotty .

    This event was meant to entice folks to (re)start playing STO and the mssion right at the end bugs out , by no fault of the player .It's as simple as that
  • dogofegyptdogofegypt Member Posts: 44
    edited April 2015
    Nothing has changed after 2nd patch. I am still getting crashes when moving into ROmulan space or trying to get to the other instance/map/etc.

    At least I am able to log on to my main in case I am fed up with all these issues to transfer fleet command to a more lucky player.

    Scotty, we need warp 6, like, NOW!
  • texastrekkietexastrekkie Member Posts: 153 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    zzzspina01 wrote: »
    I had the problem with the (breen invation) (deferi dilithium) mission crashing, and I only started after the season 10 expansion. I stoped playing and wated for the patch. but just tried the mission again. and it crashed at the same point in the mission. this didn't happen with my 1st delta recruit.

    Klingon-gorn-tac delta recruit

    I am in the mines and just gotten to the 2nd transport inhibiter. game freezers then crasher,

    then a report the problem window pops up. tried to type in a few words then the windows gone.

    my 1st DR was
    fed-borg-tac DR
    I got all the way to cold storage. without any freezing/crashing of the game.

    Is the game freezing and crashing on a map move? (I can't remember this mission)
  • wayword1wayword1 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    this might help others with my hardware issue. learned it from the online discussion, adding several suggestions.

    I have a single nvidia quadro fx 880m, or “quadro cuda” and run directx 11. on windows 7 pro.

    I did a clean install on the nvidia drivers,

    then went to the nvidia control panel... on the selection window, I chose manage 3d settings/ global settings tab. /select cuda gpu,/ uncheck the device it shows. the status should now read none.

    then, I went to where my sto exe is on my computer. (computer/C:programs(x86)/arc/star trek online/sto exe) and dropped a shortcut it on my desk top.

    when logging in, choose the options tab at the top of the launcher. go to the bottom of the list, check “safe login” and chose the save button, you should log in to the character selection window.

    issue is, if you log out, or change characters, you will have to close, and re log in safe mode from the launcher exe. not full login functionality, but at least it gets you online.

    once online, I have had no gameplay or graphics issues. (except some rendering problems with the look of Breen ships, but not sure if that was on there end.)

    baked, skewered, stewed, or just pop them raw, between your jaws like popcorn, everyone knows the Gorn love tribble
    dr. Finius Jones exotic food supply
    baked, fried, skewered, in a stew, or just pop em between your jaws like popcorn, everyone knows a growing gorns breakfast starts with fresh dr Finius Jones tribble bits.
  • phoenixdude2phoenixdude2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Cryptic doesn't fix the problem and this is not the only mission or episode that has problems...
  • hatax2hatax2 Member Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Last night I had about 8-10 crashes while trying to complete 'Cold Case', it seemed like every time I fired my primary shot it would crash. Other times though I was just walking along and it dumped out. No errors, just the crash reporter comes up.

    Again today playing the dyson ground zone I am getting constant crashes, log in, load character and it crashes within moments. Same deal with no error displayed, but this time the crash reporter also closes itself while I'm entering notes (what I was doing) and I don't get a chance to submit the error.

    Switched from dx11 to dx9 (never had an issue with dx11 in the last year of playing), verified all files, other games don't have an issue, and this just started after the S10 launch. Also tried safe mode and -d3d9 as launcher options, nothing seems to make a difference.

    Not sure what's going on here, but I really hope they get this fixed soon. Game is very unplayable for me as it is now.
  • zzzspina01zzzspina01 Member Posts: 313 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Is the game freezing and crashing on a map move? (I can't remember this mission)

    no im at the 2nd transport inhib. it may be a new spawn point I don't know. but its just one big underground map. the mines. you start by scanning the prison cells. then you move around the map going down tunnels to other chambers and tunnels. just fighting small groups of breen along the way. you just go around in big circle and end up back at the cells to transport them out. then you have a boss fight. I've just started a new delat recruite romulan reman tac. and am going to see if this one also crashers at the same point. it may take a couple of days to get to that mission.

    just read in an nother post that its all across the game. dosnt matter if you a fed, rom or kli toon.

    anyway if i skiped this mission and continued on. do you still get the delta rewards. or are they void from that point on.
    I cant brain I have the dumb
  • zzzspina01zzzspina01 Member Posts: 313 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    well I read that if you turn down your graphics requermnets it might help . and it did I now can get acros the chamber to the 3rd (trans inhib) and then it crashers. YAY. this was still with the Klingon toon. but to the romulan toon.

    I've also notised that when I get to a corner my team stays back down the tunnel and im taking all the fire from the breen down the other tunnel. don't no if this is a bug or just the way it has always happened. I normaly just rush into the middle and start fireing LOL
    I cant brain I have the dumb
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