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what a delta recruit means to me....

tfomegatfomega Member Posts: 812 Arc User
what does a delta recruit mean to me after "finishing" a new toon? Well first, let me say that I absolutely detest building new toons. It is the reason why I have only 2 toons since open beta of this game. I never built a rom toon, and so I took advantage of the delta recruit event to do so.

My final thoughts?

It isn't worth it!!!!

I know that information comes a little late for some of you now that you are almost to level 60, but I am going to say it anyway for those who are still thinking about creating a delta recruit.

In my opinion, cryptic has thrown us another bone and did not tell us that it had been previously been gnawed on. Yes, it was faster to get to 60, and yes, there were more rewarding perks, but the main point of creating a delta recruit was to "close the gap between new players and veterans"

Do the rewards help? yes, but to a very infinitesimal degree compared to that of a veteran.

Are the epic devices really worth it? Not with a 5 minute cooldown. My red matter capacitor with a 3 minute countdown is more handy than these epic devices and it hasn't been touched in 5 years!

Is the extra dilithium, EC, and expertise worth it? Not really when you think about all the traits, and gear you have to buy from the exchange such as those you would have received in lock boxes.

Not to mention, there are the doffs. Many doffs were included in duty officer packs that simply are no longer available. So you will end up spending hundreds of millions in EC to get them unless they become available again. Or the doffs were awarded via special events which have not occurred in some time.

What about all your missing universal consoles? Again, they simply aren't available in the game except by purchasing through the exchange for hundreds of millions of EC.

Cryptic should have unlocked the purchase of every lockbox in the dilithium store, until further notice, to at least allow people to have a chance to get those doffs, such as quartermaster for batts cooldown. What about the RSP doff or the aux internial dampners doff? See, they just aren't available.

Don't even get me started on the rep tiers. If you split your extra marks between each of the rep tiers as I did, You will be lucky if you even clear tier 2 by the time all is said and done. That is 15K out of 100K As you know, the bulk of marks are spent in the higher tiers.

So does being a delta recruit help you a little bit? yes, but in my opinion, it will only get you 10% closer to a veteran's assets and wealth, because many of the assets and wealth simply aren't available in the game.

It just wasn't good enough to warrant building yet another toon, and I am sorry that I spent the time in grinding a toon to level 60.

Now, if cryptic had made the gap 50% towards a veteran's status, I would be praising them. Well, you got me this time, cryptic, but I'll be damned if I ever build another toon on here again!

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  • ummaxummax Member Posts: 529 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    hehe funny i enjoyed it (well still am really) I made 3 delta recruits and one is one level shy of 60 and the others are close to 50 plus my original 3 guys I had got free marks, dilithium and crud.

    The ship trait is kiinda handy as well since well i dont have all my trait slots filled yet so that was cool I have something to stuff in the slot of my original guys.

    Its worth it if you enjoy it otherwise your right its not but since all of this is just for fun and the only "worth" is whether its entertaining and passes the time that you would otherwise be spending watching tv or reading a book. Then its worth it.. if yeah you enjoy it.. (i said that though ^^)

  • thegcbaconthegcbacon Member Posts: 434 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    tfomega wrote: »
    entitlement rant

    sorry to hear you want everything handed to a new character.
  • tfomegatfomega Member Posts: 812 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    thegcbacon wrote: »
    sorry to hear you want everything handed to a new character.

    Dude.. I would pay for a fully built character instead of all this grinding. I would also like to purchase individual traits, consoles, doffs, etc.. via the z-store rather than grinding my way through this mess.

    Do not mistaken "everything handed to a new character" for hating the grind, but I would definitely pay for it.

    Grinding is not fun to me.

  • xyquarzexyquarze Member Posts: 2,117 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I don't know which consoles you desperately need that cost "hundreds of millions", but keep in mind that the mission was "making it easier", not "starting at the same level". And it was mostly intended for new players, although some nice-to-haves for veterans need to be included. But mostly it's not for us who already have a level 60+ toon.

    But speaking of us who already have a level 60+ toon: at least with the rep marks you seem to have overlooked a major thing. 250 handed out to you is 7 levels (plus claim level x plus extra) which would easily push you to tier 3. Because with the "claim sponsorship" (for 100 marks on your main) you get 5k instead of 2.5k out of each day, landing you at 35k rep, not 17.5k as you probably did (just edging T2).
    My mother was an epohh and my father smelled of tulaberries
  • hojain2020hojain2020 Member Posts: 417 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Thanks for the post. As a f2p player its was pleasant to do a DR but truth be told to get that DR to a competitive level is going to take a huge amount of time some investment of money (I have only two other characters) . Once the event gets over I'll probably stop playing the recruit. Unless cryptic manages to fashion some way to improve rewards for DR recruits in season 10.
  • taylor1701dtaylor1701d Member Posts: 3,099 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    One thing that would've made this a lot more enjoyable (at least for me) would have been if we recieved all episodes rewards on ONE playthrough. (And Delta tech rewards on all levels)
    I've repeated a bunch of episodes so far, and that has really drained me and slowed down progress.
    I just finished "Sphere of Influence" (twice in a row).
    Its especially painful when you can't skip cutscenes.

    But I was enjoying everything up until the Cardassian arc.
    Then that was a horrible slog. Sapped any enthusiam I had for the Paradox storyline.
    Just wanted to get it over with.

    Ill need another week or so to finish I figure, this was no small task to take on (if you're a completionist).
    Tbh, I'm having a hard time pushing through.
  • tfomegatfomega Member Posts: 812 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    xyquarze wrote: »
    I don't know which consoles you desperately need that cost "hundreds of millions", but keep in mind that the mission was "making it easier", not "starting at the same level". And it was mostly intended for new players, although some nice-to-haves for veterans need to be included. But mostly it's not for us who already have a level 60+ toon.

    But speaking of us who already have a level 60+ toon: at least with the rep marks you seem to have overlooked a major thing. 250 handed out to you is 7 levels (plus claim level x plus extra) which would easily push you to tier 3. Because with the "claim sponsorship" (for 100 marks on your main) you get 5k instead of 2.5k out of each day, landing you at 35k rep, not 17.5k as you probably did (just edging T2).

    Well, here is any easy one.. I bought 4 of the lockbox traits tonight on the exchange that totaled 100+ million like biotech patch, helmsman, momentum, pattern recognition, etc.. I also purchased boffs for over 20 million (rom ops and sub) Completing all the story arcs for 500K each didn't even come close to covering those costs.

    And yes you are right, I forgot about the sponsorship, because I never build other toons. I will be doing that right away...

    However, if it isn't for "us" who already have 60+ level toons, then the newcomer wouldn't be able to use the rep sponsorship either.... unless another account can sell sponsorships somehow.

    I still think a fair assessment is 10% closer to veteran status than building a non-DR toon, and like the gentlemen who posted after you stated " to a competitive level is going to take a huge amount of time some investment of money" it is going to still take a long long time to get even close to veteran status, so I do not feel as if I am far off the mark for stating that DR should have been 50% veteran status

  • cptjhuntercptjhunter Member Posts: 2,288 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I just finished "Sphere of Influence" (twice in a row).
    Its especially painful when you can't skip cutscenes.

    But I was enjoying everything up until the Cardassian arc.
    Then that was a horrible slog. Sapped any enthusiam I had for the Paradox storyline.
    Just wanted to get it over with.

    You Sir, are a TRIBBLE.

    They call it " The Cardassian struggle " for a reason.:P
  • imruinedimruined Member Posts: 1,457 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    tfomega wrote: »
    Entitled whinging...

    Who said you absolutely, positively, 100% MUST do anything with your Delta Recruit once unlocking all of the Account Unlocks - a task that takes only a few days of even casual play?

    Where did anyone force you into even leveling your Delta Recruit beyond the Breen Story Arc?

    Is the Delta Recruit event worth it, especially considering it was an event aimed primarily at new players, but would also benefit existing players?

    Absolutely given the rewards are account-wide and available to EVERY character you own/create once reaching level 10...

    Yet another entitled rant because Cryptic didn't go far enough for a few over-induldged children and apparently didn't give away enough free energy credits, free dilithium, free Fleet & Reputation marks, free R&D materials, free R&D level unlocks and free epic items...

    PS. So freaking what if they have a 5minute CD? The ground item is the same as the Omega Rep Active Trait (meaning rep Tier 5) and it's FREE! for nothing more than playing the episodes...
    tfomega wrote: »
    Well, here is any easy one.. I bought 4 of the lockbox traits tonight on the exchange that totaled 100+ million like biotech patch, helmsman, momentum, pattern recognition, etc.. I also purchased boffs for over 20 million (rom ops and sub) Completing all the story arcs for 500K each didn't even come close to covering those costs.

    And yes you are right, I forgot about the sponsorship, because I never build other toons. I will be doing that right away...

    However, if it isn't for "us" who already have 60+ level toons, then the newcomer wouldn't be able to use the rep sponsorship either.... unless another account can sell sponsorships somehow.

    I still think a fair assessment is 10% closer to veteran status than building a non-DR toon, and like the gentlemen who posted after you stated " to a competitive level is going to take a huge amount of time some investment of money" it is going to still take a long long time to get even close to veteran status, so I do not feel as if I am far off the mark for stating that DR should have been 50% veteran status

    And where did anyone force you to do any of this for your new alt?

    YOU made the decision to spend all that EC... Cryptic never made you do it...

    Take responsibility for your own damn'd actions for once...
    The entitlement is strong in these forums...

  • hyplhypl Member Posts: 3,719 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    A delta recruit is just another contraband farmer for me... :D
  • tfomegatfomega Member Posts: 812 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    imruined wrote: »
    ranting about ranting

    Correct... I probably won't use the DR toon after this, because it is so far away from being competitive, that it isn't even worth the grind.

    The point of a DR toon is "Delta Recruits are specifically designed to rapidly close the gap that exists between new characters and characters that have been in Star Trek Online for years. " http://www.arcgames.com/en/games/star-trek-online/news/detail/9080423,

    Yeah, it does a little more than a regular toon (about 10%) but not rapidly! new toons will still never likely reach veteran level. I mean c'mon.. on a skill point weekend, anyone can build a toon up to level 60. DR barely surpasses that!

    That is all I am saying. If you enjoy it, then knock yourself out, but I finished all 60 levels with all those rewards, and I can barely take out a bop from "the cure" using the same builds as my veterans. My veteran (without one pops) can take it out in 10-15 seconds using a similar build.

    That's all I am saying. i was hoping that I could finally build a rom toon, but now that I am finished with all the DR requirements, I am so far away from where I know I need to be that I am also having trouble pushing through. If you don't get that, then I can't help you.

  • imruinedimruined Member Posts: 1,457 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    So, since you've been called out on your entitled BS, you now change the entire tact of your complaint about the Delta Recruits promo... Nice work, but I'll bite...
    tfomega wrote: »
    Correct... I probably won't use the DR toon after this, because it is so far away from being competitive, that it isn't even worth the grind.

    This all comes down to what you define as 'competitive'... If you want to compete at the highest level of DPS within STO, you better be prepared to spend the money involved...

    But again, where did anyone say you absolutely, positively, 100% must do this like you implied in your first couple of posts?
    tfomega wrote: »
    The point of a DR toon is "Delta Recruits are specifically designed to rapidly close the gap that exists between new characters and characters that have been in Star Trek Online for years. " http://www.arcgames.com/en/games/star-trek-online/news/detail/9080423,

    Aiding new players bridge the gap between them and the bulk of players - that being not those players who insist on that you must do 50k+ DPS (or what ever you claim to be doing) - is entirely feasible under the Delta Recruits promotion...

    My first DR came out with around 500+ Rep marks per faction, which is almost enough to cap every rep faction without even having to obtain any more marks...

    They already have a significant sum of Fleet Credits, from the generous number of Fleet Marks and Fleet Dilithium Vouchers rewarded, allowing me to purchase a couple essential Fleet items (Fleet Warp 12+ engines, Fleet Warpcore, Fleet consoles) right from the get-go at 50 (which I hit before even finishing the Breen Arc)...

    They also earned what, 6million EC or something just from completing story arcs, which for a new player would definitely help getting them off the ground...

    And then there's the Ship Trait, just for completing around 2/3's of the existing episodes...

    Cryptic never said the Delta Recruits promo would get you pulling 50k+, but the promo has definitely gone a long way to aid new players in 'bridging the gap' with existing players...

    tfomega wrote: »
    Yeah, it does a little more than a regular toon (about 10%) but not rapidly! new toons will still never likely reach veteran level. I mean c'mon.. on a skill point weekend, anyone can build a toon up to level 60. DR barely surpasses that!

    Again, unless you wanna drop 100mil into a character, they're not going to compete at the top levels...

    I've been playing for several years, and because I refuse to spend 70+mil on a single trait (Inspirational Leader) or 50+mil on a single Doff (Marion), I will never compete with the top DPS tiers and I have no intention of ever doing so... Why should I when it's not even required to complete the existing content?

    Does the decision to not join in on what is (I personally perceive as) nothing more than **** measuring mean I'm not a 'veteran' player?

    What it does mean is that my builds are designed around being able to compete to a reasonable level, where I am not being carried by other players, which is more that attainable with a minimum of expense...

    Hell, with a bit of luck and patience, a relatively new player can build an Aux2Batt build (which would be more than adequate to undertake all existing content) by simply Doffing alone and not spending any more EC than it takes to get the required commodities...

    'Bridging the gap with' and 'performing at the same level as' Veteran players are also two very different and distinct statements...
    tfomega wrote: »
    That is all I am saying. If you enjoy it, then knock yourself out, but I finished all 60 levels with all those rewards, and I can barely take out a bop from "the cure" using the same builds as my veterans. My veteran (without one pops) can take it out in 10-15 seconds using a similar build.

    That's all I am saying. i was hoping that I could finally build a rom toon, but now that I am finished with all the DR requirements, I am so far away from where I know I need to be that I am also having trouble pushing through. If you don't get that, then I can't help you.

    That is not all that you were saying...

    You were originally implying that the Delta Recruit promotion was not worth it as you were not spoonfed everything you needed to instantly become part of the top 10% DPS group in STO and that what you did receive was simply not enough for you to be satisfied, despite receiving a significant amount of free stuff, for simply playing the game...

    As I said initially, having been called out on your entitlement, you're now trying to tone down your initial comments and change tact entirely, by now trying to distance yourself from your comments that the rewards were not enough...
    The entitlement is strong in these forums...

  • tfomegatfomega Member Posts: 812 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    imruined wrote: »
    undeserved gloating.

    My post was coming from my point of view. I never said anyone had to take my point of view. You obviously do not since you do not compete with the top DPS'ers. I have not changed my tune. I am still saying the same thing as before, that it isn't worth it... again from my point of view.

    I was under the false impression that DR would rapidly bridge the gap between a new character and one who had been playing for years based upon the propaganda from the links I shared in previous posts. Keep in mind that it takes them 6 months for new content and probably 1-3 months for us to complete it. There is a lot of dead time in between over these past 5 years.

    But one first has to define how large the gap is... For you, the gap apparently isn't that large, and for you, it works, because you can finish a DR toon and be almost at your comfort zone. So, it makes sense that you would be on here typing entitlement in every other sentence as if your gap should apply to others.

    For me and others in this game who do not practice your playstyle, it was a miniscule improvement on what people have already been doing for the last 5 years, including me, since open beta... There are methodologies and various approaches for fast tracking a toon to end game.

    As I stated before, with a normal new toon on a skill point weekend, the toon can be leveled to 60 with no problem before the weekend's end. 6 million EC out of 1 billion is not exactly generous, but if a player like you can make ends meet and almost be in your comfort zone, then it works for you.

    An additional day's worth of work can get me 500 rep marks in all rep tiers by the end of that day and be at the same point I am now having started on Friday with this DR toon. The only thing cryptic did was put a PR spin on it, throw in a few consoles, and marks before you can actually spend them.

    But what I am saying is, it could have been done anyway in the same amount of time without the whole DR promo. So again, it wasn't worth it... from my opinion.... from the OPs perspective..... in my thread

    If you want to label my impression of the gap versus your impression of the gap with the word "entitlement" then be my guest, because I am sure the promo met all of your hopes and wishes. For me, it did not. Additionally, entitlement means I should be given something without paying. A few responses back, I said I would be willing to pay for an end game toon so that I would not have to build. The term entitlement would not apply to someone who is willing to pay not to grind.

    Perhaps cryptic should have stated that the gap would have been between a new character and a character that has been in STO for years with average or moderate accomplishments. I don't know, but for me, it wasn't worth it.

  • jonsillsjonsills Member Posts: 10,433 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I am perhaps the most casual of players. I don't even understand this "competitive" thing - competitive with whom, exactly?

    And I got my Delta Recruit to 50 over this past week of double XP, hitting 50 just before being dispatched to DS9. I chose the ship gear, because I'm still using the autoleveling phasers I swiped from my T1 Connie and I upgraded the Retrofit Phasers from the time-travel mission, so I've got a lot of purple gear I've never even thought about before. And I never bothered with rep grinds, but now I've got all these marks and I just have to decide which rep I want to devote them to...

    So what I'm saying is, my experience is precisely the opposite of the OP's. The Delta Recruit thing was definitely worth it, and I've been considering deleting an old toon I don't play much any more and replacing him with a DR too. (My main stays, and the KDF Rom I have farming contraband for me.)
  • tfomegatfomega Member Posts: 812 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    jonsills wrote: »
    I am perhaps the most casual of players. I don't even understand this "competitive" thing - competitive with whom, exactly?

    And I got my Delta Recruit to 50 over this past week of double XP, hitting 50 just before being dispatched to DS9. I chose the ship gear, because I'm still using the autoleveling phasers I swiped from my T1 Connie and I upgraded the Retrofit Phasers from the time-travel mission, so I've got a lot of purple gear I've never even thought about before. And I never bothered with rep grinds, but now I've got all these marks and I just have to decide which rep I want to devote them to...

    So what I'm saying is, my experience is precisely the opposite of the OP's. The Delta Recruit thing was definitely worth it, and I've been considering deleting an old toon I don't play much any more and replacing him with a DR too. (My main stays, and the KDF Rom I have farming contraband for me.)

    I agree with you... it was worth it for you. You've never even used purple gear that you had to think about before. DR was a perfect solution for you, and I am glad that you had fun with it. By your own admission, you don't know alot of what is out there in this game because you are the most casual of players. Your gap between a new character and an average or moderate character of a couple years is not that great, and so this situation was exactly for you. For me, it was not because I have the knowledge of so many other things in this game. The competition you refer to is with other players, in fleet matches and tournies. The competition probably would not be for casual players like you, but some players just like playing against real brains instead of NPCs. Some like the excitement of not knowing what is going to be thrown at you next and doing your best to thwart the attempt. Others in the game think playing against NPCs is challenging, and that is fine, but personally, I get bored with it very quickly.

  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,612 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    This reminds me of the person who felt slighted after all the free event ships used up their ship slots. Cryptic can be cruel that way.

    DR was not promoted as "spend a weekend and get a $5,000 character with everything in the C Store, all lockbox ships, and a space pony". It's not.

    It's a way to add a new alt, see the other faction story episodes, try a different captain type, play a low level character again, and have fun with canon loadouts like phasers and a photon torpedo.

    Playing the game is supposed to be fun. If you don't enjoy creating alts, don't. If you can only stand to play a character that is level 60 with all spec points and every good lockbox trait, then good for you and stick with that.

    Luckily that viewpoint seems to be the minority, and many people here have had fun with their new recruit.

    The competition probably would not be for casual players like you, but some players just like playing against real brains instead of NPCs

    Ah, a PVPer who apparently doesn't enjoy story content. Your rant makes more sense then, though it seems you haven't found a group of people to PVP with that will just rely on skill instead of needing all the toys. PUG PVP doesn't sound fun to me at all since then it is pay to win.
  • imruinedimruined Member Posts: 1,457 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    tfomega wrote: »
    My post was coming from my point of view. I never said anyone had to take my point of view. You obviously do not since you do not compete with the top DPS'ers. I have not changed my tune. I am still saying the same thing as before, that it isn't worth it... again from my point of view.

    I was under the false impression that DR would rapidly bridge the gap between a new character and one who had been playing for years based upon the propaganda from the links I shared in previous posts. Keep in mind that it takes them 6 months for new content and probably 1-3 months for us to complete it. There is a lot of dead time in between over these past 5 years.

    But one first has to define how large the gap is... For you, the gap apparently isn't that large, and for you, it works, because you can finish a DR toon and be almost at your comfort zone. So, it makes sense that you would be on here typing entitlement in every other sentence as if your gap should apply to others.

    For me and others in this game who do not practice your playstyle, it was a miniscule improvement on what people have already been doing for the last 5 years, including me, since open beta... There are methodologies and various approaches for fast tracking a toon to end game.

    As I stated before, with a normal new toon on a skill point weekend, the toon can be leveled to 60 with no problem before the weekend's end. 6 million EC out of 1 billion is not exactly generous, but if a player like you can make ends meet and almost be in your comfort zone, then it works for you.

    But what I am saying is, it could have been done anyway in the same amount of time without the whole DR promo. So again, it wasn't worth it... from my opinion.... from the OPs perspective..... in my thread

    If you want to label my impression of the gap versus your impression of the gap with the word "entitlement" then be my guest, because I am sure the promo met all of your hopes and wishes. For me, it did not. Additionally, entitlement means I should be given something without paying. A few responses back, I said I would be willing to pay for an end game toon so that I would not have to build. The term entitlement would not apply to someone who is willing to pay not to grind.

    Perhaps cryptic should have stated that the gap would have been between a new character and a character that has been in STO for years with average or moderate accomplishments. I don't know, but for me, it wasn't worth it.

    The DR promo is only slightly better

    Ok, first of all, you completely dismiss my comments as 'undeserved gloating'...
    Undeserved : Not merited; unjustifiable or unfair.
    Gloating : To feel or express great, often malicious, pleasure or self-satisfaction.

    I don't think those terms mean what you think they do... At which point was anything I said 'undeserved' given you're whinging about NOT GETTING ENOUGH FREE STUFF - in other words, behaving in an entitled manner - which was the entire basis of my statements...

    At no point was my criticism of your entitled whinge 'undeserved' as you were given considerable bonuses on a new character, completely free of charge, before going on to complain it was not good enough because they could not instantly compete with the top echelons of STO's DPS community... Please explain to me how this assessment is 'unjustified'?

    As far as gloating, please demonstrate where I stated anything that would qualify as 'malicious pleasure or self satisfaction'?

    I was using my own situation as an example of how the term 'bridge the gap with Veteran players' is indeed more than possible (when you claimed it was not) as a result of the Delta Recruits promo, when held up against a Veteran player who does not insist on every character being able to do unnecessarily extreme levels of DPS, when it is not required to complete the content...

    You have resorted to this sort of baseless jargon in a poor attempt to just dismiss my comments as you have little other retort... It's really that simple...

    The entire basis for your statements smack of an entitlement mentality, that being because your Delta Recruit cannot immediately compete with the top echelons of the STO player base, the bonuses were simply not good enough in your mind, so are mere 'PR Spin' you claim...

    The truth is that the bonuses given do indeed go a long way to bridge the gap between new and veteran players - provided those Veteran players do not expect to be in the top DPS leagues immediately upon completing the Delta Recruit goals...
    tfomega wrote: »
    An additional day's worth of work can get me 500 rep marks in all rep tiers by the end of that day and be at the same point I am now having started on Friday with this DR toon. The only thing cryptic did was put a PR spin on it, throw in a few consoles, and marks before you can actually spend them.

    This one remark requires special mention... This is blatant nonsense, unless you are spending hours playing in a single sitting, something that again, a very large portion of players do not have the time to do...

    You also dismiss the fact that Cryptic have given out hours worth of rep marks for nothing more than playing a few episodes... One could argue that this reward saves a new player hours of time that would normally be required in order to 'bridge the gap with a Veteran', which funnily enough was a paraphrase of what was intended with the DR promo...

    Once again, you're dismissing a single, fairly generous bonus of the promotion, because it does not meet your entitled expectations, before trying to dismiss the rest of my comments with mere straw man arguments and false insinuations in your summarised quotes...
    The entitlement is strong in these forums...

  • oldkhemaraaoldkhemaraa Member Posts: 1,039 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    there obviously a feeling of mixed good and.. well, lets call it what it is... not so good.. but not actually bad about the Delta Recruit thing.

    Let me tell you what I'm seeing.

    KDF side, my old fleet has been knocking out fleet base, embassy, and spire projects like crazy.
    We've been a level 12 fleet for the longest time, though we did finish our dilithium mine top to bottom (it is a rather nice space.. highly recommend the upper level as a social space.. reminds me of some student unions). We've made tremendous headway with the aid of our delta toons.

    I'm going to call that a strong plus.

    I made one delta initially... I've now made several more. And I think you should summoned by orders back to the preserver compound and receive some boo-ya spiff award when you hit 60..
    My only complaint really is seeing myself as a Fleet Admiral/Dahar Master and I'm not..

    Maaaaaaan.... That was disappointing.

    Now I will keep my Delta toons I made.. They're all fairly uniform as far as abilities and gear.. but I'll be able to things with 'em that'll be fun. And they are far more focused then any of my existing toons were.

    I'd be surprised if that wasn't a common experience for a great many players.

    Now, as for little things like "is it a thinly disguised bit of conditioning ya-de-ya to get us to buy more stuff... etc.. (does the way I said that seem sarcastic? I did! Good!)

    Of course it is.. It all is.. This is a surprise to you.. how? Be thank full we're not paying movie theater prices.. ..close admittedly, but we have all seen worse!

    Delta is a way for more recent players to focus what they have learned about the game on a brand new character, with incentives to make that new character. And (*grins..wait for it......)

    ... for older established player that really know their STO.. to milk it for ALL ITS WORTH!

    And if its not perfectly fair to everyone.. your asking for something that cannot exist.

    SO enjoy it..

    season 10 is about to step up and all of these arguments will be dead news. And delta recruit might get repeated in a few months, or if might never be repeated. If it gets repeated, I will take advantage of it again. I suspect my fleet still won't have made level 20 yet. Thats reason sufficient for me.
    "I aim to misbehave" - Malcolm Reynolds
  • millimidgetmillimidget Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    tfomega wrote: »
    It isn't worth it!!!!
    I'm firmly committed to never playing my delta recruit more than is necessary. That is to say, 1-60, and after that only when incentivized by additional events, including those during which I'd play my fed or fed-rom alts.

    That said, I'd say it's totally worth it. Leveling isn't hard. Even 50-60 is overblown. I'm not even leveling my recruit during this bonus XP week; I'm leveling older alts. Once the bonus XP week finishes, I'll go back to leveling my recruit.

    I'm not really sure where the QQ specific to the recruits is coming from, unless you feel compelled to somehow "complete" every character you level. I can understand QQ regarding the misspent dev time, but judging by the server performance issues, it could easily be argued that time was well spent, given how much interest the whole recruit thing has clearly generated.

    I'm really curious as to what sort of investment the paying players will make into their delta recruits. Because ultimately, I think that's what Cryptic was after; sucker some suckers out of some more money.
    tfomega wrote: »
    It just wasn't good enough to warrant building yet another toon, and I am sorry that I spent the time in grinding a toon to level 60.
    Hopefully you'll find a use for that toon at some point.

    I left the game almost two years ago, with one main and three alts at the time. The first thing I did after coming back was roll six or seven more alts. Well, grind dilithium to buy zen to buy the character slots so that I could roll six or seven more alts.

    Alts are the best way around most time gating.
    "Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society." - Aristotle
  • tfomegatfomega Member Posts: 812 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    imruined wrote: »
    Ok, first of all, you completely dismiss my comments as 'undeserved gloating'...

    I don't think those terms mean what you think they do... At which point was anything I said 'undeserved' given you're whinging about NOT GETTING ENOUGH FREE STUFF - in other words, behaving in an entitled manner - which was the entire basis of my statements...

    At no point was my criticism of your entitled whinge 'undeserved' as you were given considerable bonuses on a new character, completely free of charge, before going on to complain it was not good enough because they could not instantly compete with the top echelons of STO's DPS community... Please explain to me how this assessment is 'unjustified'?

    I am not sure who is dismissing statements here. In the OP, I said "Now, if cryptic had made the gap 50% towards a veteran's status, I would be praising them. " Again, the "gap" is undefined here, but I was speaking about my DR toon's gap compared with my veteran.

    Why would I expect to be in the top 10% of STO DPS echelon if I hadn't even made it to the top 50%? That is the basis of your entire position, correct? That was your assumption and was unjustified based upon my comments that you seemed to have selectively read.

    "Considerable bonuses" is subjective. DR is not anything new to fast tracking a toon and is only about 10% more effective than what has been accomplished in the past.

    For brand brand brand new characters? sure... they won't know the difference.
    imruined wrote: »

    As far as gloating, please demonstrate where I stated anything that would qualify as 'malicious pleasure or self satisfaction'?

    I was using my own situation as an example of how the term 'bridge the gap with Veteran players' is indeed more than possible (when you claimed it was not) as a result of the Delta Recruits promo, when held up against a Veteran player who does not insist on every character being able to do unnecessarily extreme levels of DPS, when it is not required to complete the content...

    gloating was an incorrect term. I have been up since 5am this morning and it is 1am the next day my time. Perhaps self-righteousness might have been better given that you seem to be coming from some morally superior position and even throwing out some assumptions that were not even directly stated which might be considered a bit delusional too.
    You have resorted to this sort of baseless jargon in a poor attempt to just dismiss my comments as you have little other retort... It's really that simple...

    The entire basis for your statements smack of an entitlement mentality, that being because your Delta Recruit cannot immediately compete with the top echelons of the STO player base, the bonuses were simply not good enough in your mind, so are mere 'PR Spin' you claim...

    Never said it should have been able to compete at the top 10%... you did.
    The truth is that the bonuses given do indeed go a long way to bridge the gap between new and veteran players - provided those Veteran players do not expect to be in the top DPS leagues immediately upon completing the Delta Recruit goals...

    Personally, I was hoping for 50% toward my currently known veteran status. As it stands, my DR toon is probably about 20% compared to my veteran. Compared to your veteran, my DR toon probably made the 50% which is why you are OK with it.

    This one remark requires special mention... This is blatant nonsense, unless you are spending hours playing in a single sitting, something that again, a very large portion of players do not have the time to do...

    yes.. one sitting. that is what fast tracking a toon is during a weekend event is. Haven't you done it before? Did you forget that select elite marks missions can award well over 100 rep marks for a 15-20 minute mission with a 30 minute cooldown? It is very possible in one sitting, meaning, one day, as I said, to get 500 reps in all rep tiers by playing elite missions. So in about 8 hours, you can play those 100+ rep mark missions at least 4-5 times for about 500 marks. Waiting on the actual timers is what slows you down.

    You also dismiss the fact that Cryptic have given out hours worth of rep marks for nothing more than playing a few episodes... One could argue that this reward saves a new player hours of time that would normally be required in order to 'bridge the gap with a Veteran', which funnily enough was a paraphrase of what was intended with the DR promo...

    Once again, you're dismissing a single, fairly generous bonus of the promotion, because it does not meet your entitled expectations, before trying to dismiss the rest of my comments with mere straw man arguments and false insinuations in your summarised quotes...

    I gave cryptic credit for the pr, the consoles, and the marks that could be earned before they could be used. I did not dismiss it.

    You must like seeing yourself type.

  • bobbydazlersbobbydazlers Member Posts: 4,534 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    the amount of players that seem to be under the impression that a delta recruit would be at least equal to and some thought better then existing characters.

    what day dream are you living in?

    you only needed to take one look at the list of rewards to realise they would not even be close, all this event give you is a little boost of xp to help you level up and a few throw away item rewards that might help a little on your levelling.
    once you are up to level 50+ you are on your own you may have a little extra dil and EC to play with but that's about it.
    it is now up to you what you do with this character, use him and gradually get better gear for him and over time he may get close to one of your main characters, keep him for farming dil and EC with doff missions and events or transfer all you can over to your main character and delete him, the choice is yours.

    personally I have had fun with this event, I knew full well what I would get out of it in rewards would not be that great but it was still fun to take part and replay through the old missions.
    but at the end of the day you had to come into this event with your eyes wide open and not be under some kind of pumped up illusion that this would be a flash bang way to get a top level character with all the best gear in the game.

    When I think about everything we've been through together,

    maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,

     and if that journey takes a little longer,

    so we can do something we all believe in,

     I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.

  • imruinedimruined Member Posts: 1,457 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    First up, amusing how you cut entire swathes of my previous posts, almost certainly to suit your own stance...

    But I'll just consider them concessions on your part...
    tfomega wrote: »
    I am not sure who is dismissing statements here. In the OP, I said "Now, if cryptic had made the gap 50% towards a veteran's status, I would be praising them. " Again, the "gap" is undefined here, but I was speaking about my DR toon's gap compared with my veteran.

    Why would I expect to be in the top 10% of STO DPS echelon if I hadn't even made it to the top 50%? That is the basis of your entire position, correct? That was your assumption and was unjustified based upon my comments that you seemed to have selectively read.

    No, the entire basis of my position is that whinging you did not get enough rewards as part of the Delta Recruits promotion, because your brand new character does not compete to the level which you are expecting, smacks of entitlement...

    You are the one who has been basing all of this on a lack of performance from your Delta Recruit, and by your original complaints you seemed to insinuate you were almost forced into spending 100million credits on Lockbox traits, and another 20 million on Boffs, in order to try and get the character up to your standards, meant that the rewards were insufficient...

    The rewards were FREE bonuses, aimed primarily at new players, to aid them bridge the gap between new and Veteran players... Not give them an instant IWin button...

    You're the one who initially brought the performance of your Delta Recruit into question here, with you references to spending substantial amounts on Lockbox traits and Boffs because their performance was only half what you had wanted... I merely took it from there to refute your implications, because that was your decision to do that and using this as justification for more than we received was mere entitlement...

    Cryptic never said you'd be spoon fed a character that will instantly hit the ground running at 20k-30k+ DPS (around the 50% mark for what I last heard was the top DPS in STO), the entire promotion was about 'bridging the gap', which means :

    Bridge the gap :
    to make a connection where there is a great difference.

    Eg, He promises to change the tax laws to bridge the gap between the rich and poor.
    tfomega wrote: »
    "Considerable bonuses" is subjective. DR is not anything new to fast tracking a toon and is only about 10% more effective than what has been accomplished in the past.

    For brand brand brand new characters? sure... they won't know the difference.

    Again, you're looking at this from the perspective of an experienced player, where as a new player will not know the tricks that you know 5 years on - if your comment about playing since Beta is true...

    Frankly, given the rewards were available to EVERY character you own (and apparently create from now on), they were 'considerable', especially given they were free, requiring nothing more than actually playing STO with that new character...
    tfomega wrote: »
    gloating was an incorrect term. I have been up since 5am this morning and it is 1am the next day my time. Perhaps self-righteousness might have been better given that you seem to be coming from some morally superior position and even throwing out some assumptions that were not even directly stated which might be considered a bit delusional too.

    Morally superior position? In this case, damn straight I did...

    Perhaps the problem is that I was raised to appreciate being given something for nothing in return... I was taught to be grateful, no matter how small the gesture was, when I received a gift from another person...

    The fact that you have taken to the forum to whinge that it was not enough because it did not meet your standards and expectations, in my mind justifies me taking the 'morally superior position' in this regards, as your whinging smacks of sheer entitlement...

    You don't like the promotion... Fine... No issues there... But to complain that you didn't get enough of a reward, for simply playing the game, is why I'm gonna assume that 'morally superior position' and call you out as being ungratefully entitled...

    I'd love to have seen you turn around to a friend, or relative, who gave you a gift with that attitude - 'that their gift is not good enough!'- because, let's face it, Cryptic never had to give us anything, especially when it came to account-wide unlocks for our existing 'Veteran' characters...

    Simply because Cryptic are a business, that does not automatically entitle you to turn around and whinge their gesture was not enough... To do so is the very epitome of entitlement...

    From a moral perspective, I do indeed hold the high ground on this point... Your words, not mine...
    tfomega wrote: »
    Never said it should have been able to compete at the top 10%... you did.

    What I actually said here was :
    imruined wrote: »
    The entire basis for your statements smack of an entitlement mentality, that being because your Delta Recruit cannot immediately compete with the top echelons of the STO player base, the bonuses were simply not good enough in your mind, so are mere 'PR Spin' you claim...

    tfomega wrote: »
    Personally, I was hoping for 50% toward my currently known veteran status. As it stands, my DR toon is probably about 20% compared to my veteran. Compared to your veteran, my DR toon probably made the 50% which is why you are OK with it.

    50% of your what? 10k? 20k? 30k? What exactly?

    If you, as an apparent 5 year Veteran (who is apparently not the top 50% of DPSers, so presuming upto 30k DPS), cannot get somewhere around 10k-15k DPS (or even more) out of a Delta Recruit by level 60, without vast sums of money, the problem is not the rewards to be perfectly blunt...
    tfomega wrote: »
    yes.. one sitting. that is what fast tracking a toon is during a weekend event is. Haven't you done it before? Did you forget that select elite marks missions can award well over 100 rep marks for a 15-20 minute mission with a 30 minute cooldown? It is very possible in one sitting, meaning, one day, as I said, to get 500 reps in all rep tiers by playing elite missions. So in about 8 hours, you can play those 100+ rep mark missions at least 4-5 times for about 500 marks. Waiting on the actual timers is what slows you down.

    Again, how many people actually have the time to sit down for an solid and extended 8 hour sitting - grinding almost the same STFs for the entire 8 hours? You make it sound as if this is normal game play for the majority of players... I highly doubt this to be the case...

    To even suggest this is 'normal' is stretching the truth at best... Please don't even try and tell me you seriously expect the majority of players to sit there for 8 hours at a time running STFS...

    Besides, even if this were true... My initial assertion, that 8 hours worth of back-to-back STF grinding for NOTHING more than playing the story arcs stands, as it is indeed generous by normal standards...

    Let's not forget that ALL of your characters also receive Rep Mark boxes, albeit not as many, again for nothing more than completing the story arcs...

    Yet this is not enough for you?
    tfomega wrote: »
    I gave cryptic credit for the pr, the consoles, and the marks that could be earned before they could be used. I did not dismiss it.

    You must like seeing yourself type.

    Yep, kudos... But, at the same time, you're still claiming that what was given was insufficient, which was the entire basis of my assertions that you're being overly entitled in your expectations and complaints...

    To suggest I must like seeing myself type is just petty (not to mention your previous assertions as to my apparent delusional state) and suggests that you again have little to actually say in order to refute my comments (not to mention ceding me more of the 'moral high ground'), so now you (unsubtly) attack the messenger, as you cannot adequately attack the message...
    The entitlement is strong in these forums...

  • darthconnor1701darthconnor1701 Member Posts: 172 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Have to agree the rewards while decent weren't in anyway enough to come close to making a new character that much closer to a 5 year vet or well a 1 year vet that is well informed. Didn't read all the pages but frankly I agree if this was in some way designed to catch a delta recruit up to even half as good as someone that serious about this game it fell short by a large amount. It helps new players that haven't been apart of this game before and does set them up somewhat decently but if they actaully are looking to progress up to where alot of players are they have alot more grinding to do. Maybe adding in a rep bonus not only to the actually grinding of the rep system but a bonus to amount of tokens and special items needed for the rewards from the rep sysytem would help this.

    Dunno how much this is really gonna help get and keep players in the long run but it doesn't seem to have made any of the cureent players I know seriously consider having an alt as they only intend on grinding for the rewards and will then let their new recruit sit the war out on the benches so to speak. Until they make more things into a account wide system your gonna see people sticking to their mains and using their alts for doffing and for a few other things but not as another character they seriously play on. Another thread is talking about how to help that and hope the devs take a good look at it.
  • szimszim Member Posts: 2,503 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    tfomega wrote: »
    My final thoughts?

    It isn't worth it!!!!

    Let's see. By leveling up 2 Delta Recuits I've gained for each of my alts:

    845 reputation marks
    16'000 dilithium
    1'600 fleet marks
    5'000 reputation dilithium
    2 devices
    1 decent starship trait
    7 R&D packs

    which, for me, this sums up to:
    14'365 reputation marks
    272'000 dilithium
    27'200 fleet marks
    85'000 reputation dilithium
    119 R&D packs

    Seems totally worth it to me! ;)
  • bobbydazlersbobbydazlers Member Posts: 4,534 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    still some posters here were expecting to have a lot more at the end of levelling a delta recruit then what was plainly and clearly outlined in the rewards news blog here ->

    unless you thought there was some super duper hidden prize that would save you a lot of future gameplay to bring a delta even half way to having a seasoned character I just cant see where you are coming from with this entire thread.

    I had easily as much as a delta recruit within a month of rolling my first character, so this event gave me the opportunity to create a useful alt within a little over a week but when the event is over its back reality with the same three years of play it took me with my first character to get him about level with my first if I chose to play him that way.

    it also gave any new players a slightly faster way by compressing to maybe 7-10 days the month it took me to roll and level a character with a few minor extra's thrown in for good measure and one or two items that could be very useful later on.
    by having this event for 8 weeks it gives new players plenty of time to start and maybe enough time to roll 2 or 3 deltas if they choose to do so.

    if you chose not to read the news blog and imagined you would get more from this then you did, or if you read the news blog and imagined there would be more then what it says on the list of rewards you have nobody to blame but yourselves.

    personally I think this event has been great fun and I am more then happy with what I have gained from it.

    When I think about everything we've been through together,

    maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,

     and if that journey takes a little longer,

    so we can do something we all believe in,

     I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.

  • talonxvtalonxv Member Posts: 4,257 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    -grabs popcorn- who needs entertainment? Comedy gold right here.
    Star Trek Battles member. Want to roll with a good group of people regardless of fleets and not have to worry about DPS while doing STFs? Come join the channel and join in the fun!

  • spyralpegacyonspyralpegacyon Member Posts: 408 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    szim wrote: »
    Let's see. By leveling up 2 Delta Recuits I've gained for each of my alts:

    845 reputation marks
    16'000 dilithium
    1'600 fleet marks
    5'000 reputation dilithium
    2 devices
    1 decent starship trait
    7 R&D packs

    which, for me, this sums up to:
    14'365 reputation marks
    272'000 dilithium
    27'200 fleet marks
    85'000 reputation dilithium
    119 R&D packs

    Seems totally worth it to me! ;)

    Yup, the same here. Its been a godsend to my KDF alt and even helped me in dusting off my old Fed Tac from the shelf. DR's been a great event!
  • rikwesselsrikwessels Member Posts: 367 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I had been away few years and this delta recruit thingy made me check out STO again ( see what's changed etc) and absolutely don't mind starting an alt from scratch - it's in fact one of my favorite things - but immediately noticed the fact that STO is now a solid "reputation grinder " . The various reputations are no longer a means to an end , they've become the goal itself .

    So : not working on the reputations pretty much halts ALL progress at a certain point in playing the game . I always felt the reputations should have been ONE way to accomplish things , not the one and only way . In short : they have fallen into the "World of ******** trap " in the sense that the only way to obtain certain things is to grind reputations .

    The entire delta recruit- event doesn't obscure that fact ....mind you, having said that : as far as f2p titles go , STO is still one of the best ( if not THE best )
  • staq16staq16 Member Posts: 1,181 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    szim wrote: »
    Let's see. By leveling up 2 Delta Recuits I've gained for each of my alts:

    845 reputation marks
    16'000 dilithium
    1'600 fleet marks
    5'000 reputation dilithium
    2 devices
    1 decent starship trait
    7 R&D packs

    Whoa... clearly I have comically and spectacularly missed the point here!

    How do you claim those bonises for your alts?
  • taylor1701dtaylor1701d Member Posts: 3,099 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    cptjhunter wrote: »
    You Sir, are a TRIBBLE.

    They call it " The Cardassian struggle " for a reason.:P

    I'm starting to feel like it :D
    I'm about to run "A Step Between Stars" three times (for the Solanea set)
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