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Guardian class Dead?



  • evilmark444evilmark444 Member Posts: 6,950 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    Guardian still has access to OSS, Galaxy does not.
    Lifetime Subscriber since Beta
  • rattler2rattler2 Member, Star Trek Online Moderator Posts: 58,453 Community Moderator
    edited April 2015
    Problem with that is that the Guardian is not the Support Cruiser, hence why that isn't gonna happen unless they rename the Guardian.

    The Guardian actually had a BOff layout more in line with the Assault Cruiser Refit. Just tacks on the Lt. Cmdr. Sci power as well as having a hybrid Intel Lt. She's a decent ship for people who were flying Assault Cruisers IMO.

    I speak from experience, as my main ship for quite a while was, in fact, the Assault Cruiser Refit.
    I can't take it anymore! Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something CRAZY happens again?!
    The nut who actually ground out many packs. The resident forum voice of reason (I HAZ FORUM REP! YAY!)
  • lingeringsoul888lingeringsoul888 Member Posts: 509 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    rattler2 wrote: »
    The Guardian actually had a BOff layout more in line with the Assault Cruiser Refit. Just tacks on the Lt. Cmdr. Sci power as well as having a hybrid Intel Lt. She's a decent ship for people who were flying Assault Cruisers IMO.

    I speak from experience, as my main ship for quite a while was, in fact, the Assault Cruiser Refit.

    OSS is really good for people starting out with their guardian build. I find it these days, I don't even need to use that anymore only on absolute emergencies. Otherwise most of the time EPTW 2 and 3 seems to be keep up the weapons pwoer. I must be doing something right with the use of rep gear.

    It's quite therapeutic hearing the Neutronic torpedo go off.....it's even better watching the screen light up with damage numbers. Follow up with evil laugh afterwards.
  • cmdrscarletcmdrscarlet Member Posts: 5,137 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    I want to join the discussion!

    Short answer: no.

  • seaofsorrowsseaofsorrows Member Posts: 10,918 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    OSS is really good for people starting out with their guardian build. I find it these days, I don't even need to use that anymore only on absolute emergencies. Otherwise most of the time EPTW 2 and 3 seems to be keep up the weapons pwoer.

    You should use OSS with EPTW because OSS will allow your weapons power to go above the 125 cap giving you a sizable damage boost. OSS doesn't replace EPTW it works in tandem with it for a very nice damage boost. It's one of the best BoFF abilities in the game and should be used as much as possible. :cool:
    Insert witty signature line here.
  • lingeringsoul888lingeringsoul888 Member Posts: 509 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    You should use OSS with EPTW because OSS will allow your weapons power to go above the 125 cap giving you a sizable damage boost. OSS doesn't replace EPTW it works in tandem with it for a very nice damage boost. It's one of the best BoFF abilities in the game and should be used as much as possible. :cool:

    well I'll be damned.....you learn something new everyday. Thanks
  • cmdrscarletcmdrscarlet Member Posts: 5,137 Arc User
    edited April 2015

    Now, if only "Universal" BOff seats were actually that ...

    I'd still be screwed using an Exceslior :P But it would certainly make me try out other ships!
  • khan5000khan5000 Member Posts: 3,008 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    The reason Guardian currently lags behind is Cryptic refusing to release Fleet Level intel ships.

    They're making sure that every T6 that's released has a Fleet Version not available to Intel Ship users. It's their way of flipping the middle finger at those that supported DR in it's initial stages.

    Cryptic refuses to release fleet level intel ships????
    They just started coming out with fleet level T6 ships...as in there is only one for each faction. Not sure how that qualifies as them refusing to release other ships at fleet level.
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  • thegcbaconthegcbacon Member Posts: 434 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    khan5000 wrote: »
    Cryptic refuses to release fleet level intel ships????
    They just started coming out with fleet level T6 ships...as in there is only one for each faction. Not sure how that qualifies as them refusing to release other ships at fleet level.

    Fleet Intel ships would take sales away from newer less powerful ships.
  • seaofsorrowsseaofsorrows Member Posts: 10,918 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    khan5000 wrote: »
    Cryptic refuses to release fleet level intel ships????
    They just started coming out with fleet level T6 ships...as in there is only one for each faction. Not sure how that qualifies as them refusing to release other ships at fleet level.

    Yes, exactly what I said..

    They refuse to release fleet level INTEL ships.

    Intel is key..

    There have been Fleet level T6 ships for quite a while. All the Lockbox Ships going back to the Vaadwar ships are all Fleet Level. There have been Fleet T6 ships since the first lockbox promo after DR, they have been around for quite a while.

    All Lobi T6 ships are Fleet Level.

    The Command Ships are all Fleet Level.

    The new Iconic Ships have a Fleet option available the day they released.

    The Intel Ships however, have been around longer then ANY Tier 6 ships.. they're the first ones, they came out the day DR dropped.. and have no fleet Alternative. The Intel Ships are the ONLY.. read that again... the ONLY Tier 6 ships in the entire game that cannot be upgraded to Fleet Standards.

    How is this hard to understand? It's a blatant, flat out refusal to allow Intel Ships to have a Fleet Version. No doubt it's because they will eventually lock it behind a Tier 6 Fleet Holding that will take forever to unlock.

    It's a punishment for players that supported DR day 1.. simple as that. You bought your ship the day DR dropped, now you get to watch everyone else get fleet stats until they finally make T6 intel available..

    Then you get to wait for your fleet to get to T6 before you can get it.
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  • seaofsorrowsseaofsorrows Member Posts: 10,918 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    reyan01 wrote: »
    Overreaction much?

    They haven't refused to do anything of the sort - unless you can provide legitimate evidence to the contrary, this is nothing but an overreaction.

    In fact, evidence that contradicts your opinion is freely available. The consoles unique to the Intel ships openly state that they can be equipped on Fleet versions of said ships.

    First, I never said they would never release them, I said they haven't released them to this date.

    With the exception of the last part of my post where I theorize about the T6 Fleet Holding, every word of my post is a 100% indisputable fact.

    There is a Fleet Version of every T6 ship with the only exception being ships that came in the 'Delta Pack.' That's not speculation, it's fact.
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  • reynoldsxdreynoldsxd Member Posts: 977 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    The Intel ships have inbuilt abilities that trump a mere 10 percent hull and a console slot.

    - Intel gathering, which leads to a subnuke effect and massive debuff. An ability that costs nothing to use.
    - inbuilt cloak - no console needed.

    In case of the eclipse: awesome boff setup that trades high level eng for high level intel.
    Ship is not a whale.

    i do not own the others (and would only buy for traits anyway...) but the core principle is th same: these ships already are stacked with pro's.

    Not having a fleet level variant seems weird, but its not a back breaker.
  • seaofsorrowsseaofsorrows Member Posts: 10,918 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    reyan01 wrote: »
    In which case you are contradicting yourself, because you repeatedly refer to them "refusing to release fleet level T6 Intel ships", only to later say "no doubt it's because they will eventually lock it behind a Tier 6 Fleet Holding that will take forever to unlock".

    Sorry, I'm not trying to be sarcastic or harsh, but I'm really not understanding why you think I'm contradicting myself. Maybe what I wrote reads differently in my head then it does in other people's because to me what I wrote makes perfect sense.

    Allow me to try again and be more clear..

    Cryptic has.. up until this point today, refused to allow Intel Ships to Tier 6. They have released all other Tier 6 ships either at Fleet Level in the the case of the Command ships, Lobi, etc. Or they have released ships with the ability to upgrade to Fleet Stats as is the case with the Iconic ships.

    I don't believe they will never release Fleet Ships for Intel (Delta Pack) ships, but I find it extremely aggravating that up to this point they have either given Fleet Stats or provided a path to Fleet for literally every single other T6 ship in the game. I fully believe they have a plan to allow Fleet Upgrades in the future, and I have taken my guess as to what that plan is. Admittedly, this part is a guess.

    Hopefully, that's a little more clear, because I honestly don't understand your point. Maybe it was a flaw in my wording.
    Furthermore, the fact that - as you acknoweldge - they have already made at least one Fleet T6 ship (i.e ship that requires fleet module(s) to purchase) available suggests that they don't have any plan to lock these ships behind a T6 fleet holding. Seriously - Fleet facilities haven't received any attention for quite some time, and I seriously doubt that, with the emphasis on the Iconians/season 10, they're suddenly going to start farting around with Fleet stuff.

    And you could be absolutely right. Let me just pose this question though.

    If they aren't planning on using a different method to allow Intel Ships to Fleet level, then why not make them available the day they made the Iconic Fleet Ships available? Why not just add them at the same time?

    They have made what I honestly believe is a very clear attempt to avoid allowing Fleet Level Delta ships, to me the evidence is overwhelming. Perhaps it's my perspective, but you have to admit, the Intel Ships have received unique treatment in contrast to the rest of the T6 ships. They're the only ships being handled in this way.
    reyan01 wrote: »
    This. They're already pretty damned nice ships; whilst I understand why some would want Fleet level intel ships, the fact that there aren't any Y E T doesn't make the non-fleet Intel ships trash by default.

    Again, I agree.

    I love my Phantom, and I still believe that the Phantom and Eclipse are the Fed ships with the highest possible DPS. I do however, really want the increased shield modifier, hull, and yes..the console slot that I thought I would have by now.
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  • seaofsorrowsseaofsorrows Member Posts: 10,918 Arc User
    edited April 2015
    reyan01 wrote: »
    I do honestly understand where you are coming from, but my point is that the unique consoles for the Intel ships state that they can be equipped on Fleet Intel ships. There is, therefore, no question that there will be T6 Fleet Intel ships - the question is when these will appear.

    As for the iconic ships; two words: quick sale. A decent endgame Galaxy class was something that LOTS of players, including myself, had wanted for litereally years. A Galaxy class - one of the 'hero ships' from the series - was always going to be popular. Therefore, introducing a Fleet-level version of a ship that was pretty much guaranteed to sell well from the onset undoubtedly made good business sense.

    Heck, I'll admit that I went for it - purchased a Fleet module at the same time I purchased the Zen for the 'base' T6 Andromeda/Galaxy. I doubt I was the only one. Needless to say, the amount of Zen I purchased for ship + fleet module was more than it would have been if I had only purchased the ship.

    Yeah, I know they will eventually release them, I'm just aggravated by the wait.

    I went for it too man, I bought the Command ship 3 pack, and I friggn love it. I adore the Presidio, and I don't regret the purchase at all. I bought it even though I have a Guardian because of Aesthetics, more tactical options on the Presidio, and for the consoles and traits.

    If you waited that long to get your Galaxy, then there is no shame in jumping on it.. heck you would be nuts not too. For what it's worth, I'm glad you got the ship you wanted and I do hope you really like it. The wait you Galaxy Fans endured to get a descent ship makes my wait for my Phantom look petty by comparison. Hopefully, I'll get it soon, I really want my DR to use the Phantom as his main ship (and he will either way.) I hope I'm wrong about the T6 fleet holding as well. It's a great escort either way, it's just frustrating sometimes when you feel like everyone around you is getting their 'shiny' and you're not getting yours. Apparently, I'm Golem in that comparison and my Fleet Phantom is my 'Precious.' lol

    Apologies if any of my posts came off more hostile then intended. My frustration is with the way Cryptic sometimes does things, not with you.
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