All Right now they floating all new stuff about season 10 so when is that ? Is that already known to us. I hope to hear more in the next Priority One Episode ??
"Coffee: the finest organic suspension ever devised. It's got me through the worst of the last three years. I beat the Borg with it."
All Right now they floating all new stuff about season 10 so when is that ? Is that already known to us. I hope to hear more in the next Priority One Episode ??
Nodody knows ... but if previous Seasons are any indication ... if it's on Tribble it's gonna be on Holodeck SOON ... so maybe with the "Delta Recruits" or 1-2 weeks later ...
Patch Notes : Resolved an Issue, where people would accidently experience Fun.
It is possible that Season 10 will occur right after Delta Recruitment finishes which would mean a May release. Delta Recruitment is supposed to prepare for the Iconian invasion and Herald Sphere seems like it is part of the Iconian invasion.
With everything on Tribble now, I'd say most likely with the start of the delta recruit event.
I doubt it. The object of the DR event is to get people (new players or old) playing new toons. Releasing S10 at the same time completely destroys that objective in my opinion.
I doubt it. The object of the DR event is to get people (new players or old) playing new toons. Releasing S10 at the same time completely destroys that objective in my opinion.
Well since S10 probably also features "Sector Space Revamp" ... it would also destroy the "new Experience" everyone could have, if they wouldn't release it ...
Patch Notes : Resolved an Issue, where people would accidently experience Fun.
That's another ~2 months (6-8 weeks) ... even LOR wasn't on Tribble for ~2 months ...
"Delta Recruitment event, which runs from April 2nd to May 21st." - Dev Blog which is 8 DAYS.
And it actually makes a lot of sense to release the new sector space at the same time as the delta recruits, the whole point is to get you to play the old content again, the new sector space should help maintain people's interest.
They haven't put any missions up on Tribble yet but from what I've read they have no plans to, it's also worth noting all the new objectives in the old stuff for DRs which if they bundle into S10 they can pretend is S10 content which given the number of missions in game currently is potentially a lot of stuff.
If they combine the two it probably is a season worth of stuff. With all the dev blogs recently being stuff to prep us for DRs and S10 even the marketing material supports releasing both together.
If they combine the two it probably is a season worth of stuff. With all the dev blogs recently being stuff to prep us for DRs and S10 even the marketing material supports releasing both together.
Yes I was agreeing with you ... there is no way they'll keep the "new content" on Tribble for another 8 weeks (till May 21st) ...
Patch Notes : Resolved an Issue, where people would accidently experience Fun.
I highly doubt that we have everything for season 10 yet. We have three queues that I believe reward Iconian Resistance marks, but no reputation track that goes to spend them on yet. Also, since reputations were released, there has been an adventure zone that usually goes with them* (New Romulus in season 7, Solanae Dyson Sphere in season 8, Undine battle zone in season 9, Kobali adventure zone in Delta Rising), so I'm sure we have an adventure zone coming too.
*-Defera and Nukara existed prior to reputations coming out.
I highly doubt that we have everything for season 10 yet. We have three queues that I believe reward Iconian Resistance marks, but no reputation track that goes to spend them on yet. Also, since reputations were released, there has been an adventure zone that usually goes with them* (New Romulus in season 7, Solanae Dyson Sphere in season 8, Undine battle zone in season 9, Kobali adventure zone in Delta Rising), so I'm sure we have an adventure zone coming too.
*-Defera and Nukara existed prior to reputations coming out.
Well the absence of an Adventure Zone is kind of "curious" ... but we already got 3 Blogs about S10 during the last week ... I just can't see how they would stretch this out for another 8-10 weeks ("Hey look 3 fancy Blogs, see you in 2 months" ? = worst marketing ever) ... so maybe there isn't going to be one this time ... besides we're getting "Delta Recruits" & "Sector Space Revamp" instead ...
Well the absence of an Adventure Zone is kind of "curious" ... but we already got 3 Blogs about S10 during the last week ... I just can't see how they would stretch this out for another 8-10 weeks ("Hey look 3 fancy Blogs, see you in 2 months" ? = worst marketing ever) ... so maybe there isn't going to be one this time ... besides we're getting "Delta Recruits" & "Sector Space Revamp" instead ...
PS : There is probably / maybe going to be a Season 10.5 ...
Delta Recruitment event comes out April 2nd and from what I know, it's completely separate from season 10. I think it's supposed to be a lead into what "Sphere of Influence" was to season 8.
You also didn't say anything about the fact that we still don't have a reputation track yet that goes with the Iconian marks the three queues reward. Last time we had a reputation track released, it was the delta alliance track and it was on tribble for a good solid month before Delta Rising got released.
If you would rather go on a seasonal schedule, March 27th was the day the 8472 counter command reputation track was released, and season 9 was released April 22nd. That was almost a month of being on tribble for people to try out the new items.
Delta Recruitment event comes out April 2nd and from what I know, it's completely separate from season 10. I think it's supposed to be a lead into what "Sphere of Influence" was to season 8.
1. How do you know that ?
2. It's obviously not, simply because the "temporal objectives" seem to be imortant for the "Iconian War"
You also didn't say anything about the fact that we still don't have a reputation track yet that goes with the Iconian marks the three queues reward.
You already get Iconian Marks on Tribble afaik (the only things that's missing is the Rep-UI) ... and it's still 7-10 days ... so Modus Operandi when it comes to "Tribble Testing" ...
Last time we had a reputation track released, it was the delta alliance track and it was on tribble for a good solid month before Delta Rising got released.
Not how I remember it ... LoR was on Tribble for ~6 weeks ... DR for ~4 weeks ... and regular Seasons ~2 weeks ...
PS : Well you're actually "kind of" right, but DR was supposed to be an Expansion ...
If you would rather go on a seasonal schedule, March 27th was the day the 8472 counter command reputation track was released, and season 9 was released April 22nd. That was almost a month of being on tribble for people to try out the new items.
You do realize "Sector Space Revamp" i.E., is on Tribble since February 27th ... ?
Patch Notes : Resolved an Issue, where people would accidently experience Fun.
1. How do you know that ?
2. It's obviously not, simply because the "temporal objectives" seem to be imortant for the "Iconian War"
In the time I've been playing (since f2p), Cryptic has yet to launch a season at the same time as an event. If they did that, one would be overshadowed by the other.
You already get Iconian Marks on Tribble afaik (the only things that's missing is the Rep-UI) ... and it's still 7-10 days ... so Modus Operandi when it comes to "Tribble Testing" ...
Not how I remember it ... LoR was on Tribble for ~6 weeks ... DR for ~4 weeks ... and regular Seasons ~2 weeks ...
PS : Well you're actually "kind of" right, but DR was supposed to be an Expansion ...
You do realize "Sector Space Revamp" i.E., is on Tribble since February 27th ... ?
I'd like to present to you a timeline of season 9's journey from the first patch to the final version that made it to holodeck.
March 11th 2014 patch notes: Kit Revamp introduced, Undine Assault queued event, Reputations, Borg & Undine episodes disabled
In all, season 9 was on tribble for 6 weeks for full player testing before it was eventually ready for holodeck.
We're currently in week 4 of season 10 tribble testing, with numerous things that still need to be worked on. While I know that cryptic tends to release some bugs, with only 7 work days till delta recruitment event, I doubt they will release season 10 as is that day.
In all, season 9 was on tribble for 6 weeks for full player testing before it was eventually ready for holodeck.
We're currently in week 4 of season 10 tribble testing, with numerous things that still need to be worked on. While I know that cryptic tends to release some bugs, with only 7 work days till delta recruitment event, I doubt they will release season 10 as is that day.
-> I still don't see how they can drag this out for another 8-10 weeks till after the "Delta Recruitment" - Event ... especially since they already released "most" of the Blogs ... maybe it's not going to be released on April 2nd ... maybe they're just gonna release "Sector Space Revamp" on April 2nd i.E., and the other stuff 1-2 weeks later (Seasons usually launch Tuesdays anyway) ... but 3 months of Tribble Testing & releasing the Blogs, 2 months in advance seems rather silly (not saying it's impossible) ...
PS : We basically have more Info about "S10" than "Delta Recruitment" atm ...
In the time I've been playing (since f2p), Cryptic has yet to launch a season at the same time as an event. If they did that, one would be overshadowed by the other.
You probably missed the Launch of DR (Expansion), then ... ok not the exact same time, but ~1-2 weeks later ... => "Mirror Invasion Event" ...
Patch Notes : Resolved an Issue, where people would accidently experience Fun.
You probably missed the Launch of DR (Expansion), then ... ok not the exact same time, but ~1-2 weeks later ... => "Mirror Invasion Event" ...
So what's stopping them from letting it go a week or two more after that.
Anyway my guess is that yes there will be overlap... but not as much as people would like.
The Delta Recruit will go for the month of April. That'll give them 4 weeks of really good DR and most of the DR's will then be either at 60 or close to 60.
Then they'll release Season 10... so that the new players that Cryptic is hoping to get will be able to take full advantage of the new stuff.
But it's not going to be released in the next week or two. The whole purpose of the event is to bring new players into the game... then want them well ensconced in the game before releasing season 10... because season 10 is another carrot.
And don't be surprised if DR's get a bonus for season 10.
So in my estimate May is still a good guess for that reason. We may get sector space early... much how we got crafting early... but otherwise the new stuff... May... probably middle May.
I expect April 2nd in conjunction with Delta Recruitment.
With that said.. I am a little concerned about another Reputation (Iconian Resistance) being added.. and the availability of the inevitable 'elite marks'(BNPs, APCs, etc) for that reputation. I expect it will follow the new trend set by the Delta Rep where even the weapon-set gear will require them again as well. No ground or space adventure/battlezone has been announced which means Advanced queues would, presumably, be the only way to acquire that gear.
We're currently in week 4 of season 10 tribble testing, with numerous things that still need to be worked on. While I know that cryptic tends to release some bugs, with only 7 work days till delta recruitment event, I doubt they will release season 10 as is that day.
Really? I fully expect Season 10 to be released on April 2nd with all attendant bugs and problems. I expect most bug reports on Tribble to go unheeded as usual. Cryptic always releases on the scheduled date whether finished or not. As far as I can remember, every release was full of bugs and unfinished work.
Then they'll release Season 10... so that the new players that Cryptic is hoping to get will be able to take full advantage of the new stuff.
I doubt they will, imagine you're a new player, you've just got used to how sector space works and then they change it, this isn't a small change either, that's more likely to scare new players than interest them.
It's much better to do both together, apart from anything, doing both together helps keep the old content new for old players and the new content in S10 gives older players something to look forward to for their new toons which in turn should keep them playing. The content really doesn't matter to new players as they haven't played at all.
I doubt they will, imagine you're a new player, you've just got used to how sector space works and then they change it, this isn't a small change either, that's more likely to scare new players than interest them.
It's much better to do both together, apart from anything, doing both together helps keep the old content new for old players and the new content in S10 gives older players something to look forward to for their new toons which in turn should keep them playing. The content really doesn't matter to new players as they haven't played at all.
Old sector space was/is the absolute worst part of the game. It was the orignal sin of sto and was the worst reviewed part of the game (as was ground combat but it was fixed).
The new sector space is a step in the right direction.
Old sector space was/is the absolute worst part of the game. It was the orignal sin of sto and was the worst reviewed part of the game (as was ground combat but it was fixed).
The new sector space is a step in the right direction.
Yes it is, doesn't change my point that it would be a bad idea to release it after the new players have had a change to settle in.
I doubt it. The object of the DR event is to get people (new players or old) playing new toons. Releasing S10 at the same time completely destroys that objective in my opinion.
This is Cryptic mgmt we're talking about lol.
There is a huge chance this is exactly whats being planned. I'm just adding my own opinion to yours.
They do major releases on Tueasdays in order to minimize the effect of the massive number of bugs they introduce into the game.
S10 probably bug infested features:
Pilot spec abilities
Sector space
Probably some accolade or objective in the PvE queues
Iconian rep (Which hasn't been tested at all so I sincerely doubt a release next week)
Really? I fully expect Season 10 to be released on April 2nd with all attendant bugs and problems. I expect most bug reports on Tribble to go unheeded as usual. Cryptic always releases on the scheduled date whether finished or not. As far as I can remember, every release was full of bugs and unfinished work.
You have a source to share indicating April 2nd was scheduled for S10?
Nodody knows ... but if previous Seasons are any indication ... if it's on Tribble it's gonna be on Holodeck SOON ... so maybe with the "Delta Recruits" or 1-2 weeks later ...
Chances of getting info there is better than from Cryptic, that's for sure.
Wish it was sooner though. (well a guy can hope & dream)
I doubt it. The object of the DR event is to get people (new players or old) playing new toons. Releasing S10 at the same time completely destroys that objective in my opinion.
That's another ~2 months (6-8 weeks) ... even LOR wasn't on Tribble for ~2 months ...
Well since S10 probably also features "Sector Space Revamp" ... it would also destroy the "new Experience" everyone could have, if they wouldn't release it ...
"Delta Recruitment event, which runs from April 2nd to May 21st." - Dev Blog which is 8 DAYS.
And it actually makes a lot of sense to release the new sector space at the same time as the delta recruits, the whole point is to get you to play the old content again, the new sector space should help maintain people's interest.
They haven't put any missions up on Tribble yet but from what I've read they have no plans to, it's also worth noting all the new objectives in the old stuff for DRs which if they bundle into S10 they can pretend is S10 content which given the number of missions in game currently is potentially a lot of stuff.
If they combine the two it probably is a season worth of stuff. With all the dev blogs recently being stuff to prep us for DRs and S10 even the marketing material supports releasing both together.
Yes I was agreeing with you ... there is no way they'll keep the "new content" on Tribble for another 8 weeks (till May 21st) ...
Sorry, I misinterpreted your post then
Skill revamp
Sector space to be merged into three maps, representing the Alpha, Beta and Delta Quadrants
Revamp of the Episodes
Cardassian Struggle
are things to look forward to if wiki is on the ball.
When I think about everything we've been through together,
maybe it's not the destination that matters, maybe it's the journey,
and if that journey takes a little longer,
so we can do something we all believe in,
I can't think of any place I'd rather be or any people I'd rather be with.
*-Defera and Nukara existed prior to reputations coming out.
It never is ...
Well the absence of an Adventure Zone is kind of "curious" ... but we already got 3 Blogs about S10 during the last week ... I just can't see how they would stretch this out for another 8-10 weeks ("Hey look 3 fancy Blogs, see you in 2 months" ? = worst marketing ever) ... so maybe there isn't going to be one this time ... besides we're getting "Delta Recruits" & "Sector Space Revamp" instead ...
PS : There is probably / maybe going to be a Season 10.5 ...
Delta Recruitment event comes out April 2nd and from what I know, it's completely separate from season 10. I think it's supposed to be a lead into what "Sphere of Influence" was to season 8.
You also didn't say anything about the fact that we still don't have a reputation track yet that goes with the Iconian marks the three queues reward. Last time we had a reputation track released, it was the delta alliance track and it was on tribble for a good solid month before Delta Rising got released.
If you would rather go on a seasonal schedule, March 27th was the day the 8472 counter command reputation track was released, and season 9 was released April 22nd. That was almost a month of being on tribble for people to try out the new items.
1. How do you know that ?
2. It's obviously not, simply because the "temporal objectives" seem to be imortant for the "Iconian War"
You already get Iconian Marks on Tribble afaik (the only things that's missing is the Rep-UI) ... and it's still 7-10 days ... so Modus Operandi when it comes to "Tribble Testing" ...
Not how I remember it ... LoR was on Tribble for ~6 weeks ... DR for ~4 weeks ... and regular Seasons ~2 weeks ...
PS : Well you're actually "kind of" right, but DR was supposed to be an Expansion ...
You do realize "Sector Space Revamp" i.E., is on Tribble since February 27th ... ?
In the time I've been playing (since f2p), Cryptic has yet to launch a season at the same time as an event. If they did that, one would be overshadowed by the other.
I'd like to present to you a timeline of season 9's journey from the first patch to the final version that made it to holodeck.
In all, season 9 was on tribble for 6 weeks for full player testing before it was eventually ready for holodeck.
We're currently in week 4 of season 10 tribble testing, with numerous things that still need to be worked on. While I know that cryptic tends to release some bugs, with only 7 work days till delta recruitment event, I doubt they will release season 10 as is that day.
-> I still don't see how they can drag this out for another 8-10 weeks till after the "Delta Recruitment" - Event ... especially since they already released "most" of the Blogs ... maybe it's not going to be released on April 2nd ... maybe they're just gonna release "Sector Space Revamp" on April 2nd i.E., and the other stuff 1-2 weeks later (Seasons usually launch Tuesdays anyway) ... but 3 months of Tribble Testing & releasing the Blogs, 2 months in advance seems rather silly (not saying it's impossible) ...
PS : We basically have more Info about "S10" than "Delta Recruitment" atm ...
You probably missed the Launch of DR (Expansion), then ... ok not the exact same time, but ~1-2 weeks later ... => "Mirror Invasion Event" ...
So what's stopping them from letting it go a week or two more after that.
Anyway my guess is that yes there will be overlap... but not as much as people would like.
The Delta Recruit will go for the month of April. That'll give them 4 weeks of really good DR and most of the DR's will then be either at 60 or close to 60.
Then they'll release Season 10... so that the new players that Cryptic is hoping to get will be able to take full advantage of the new stuff.
But it's not going to be released in the next week or two. The whole purpose of the event is to bring new players into the game... then want them well ensconced in the game before releasing season 10... because season 10 is another carrot.
And don't be surprised if DR's get a bonus for season 10.
So in my estimate May is still a good guess for that reason. We may get sector space early... much how we got crafting early... but otherwise the new stuff... May... probably middle May.
With that said.. I am a little concerned about another Reputation (Iconian Resistance) being added.. and the availability of the inevitable 'elite marks'(BNPs, APCs, etc) for that reputation. I expect it will follow the new trend set by the Delta Rep where even the weapon-set gear will require them again as well. No ground or space adventure/battlezone has been announced which means Advanced queues would, presumably, be the only way to acquire that gear.
Really? I fully expect Season 10 to be released on April 2nd with all attendant bugs and problems. I expect most bug reports on Tribble to go unheeded as usual. Cryptic always releases on the scheduled date whether finished or not. As far as I can remember, every release was full of bugs and unfinished work.
I doubt they will, imagine you're a new player, you've just got used to how sector space works and then they change it, this isn't a small change either, that's more likely to scare new players than interest them.
It's much better to do both together, apart from anything, doing both together helps keep the old content new for old players and the new content in S10 gives older players something to look forward to for their new toons which in turn should keep them playing. The content really doesn't matter to new players as they haven't played at all.
Old sector space was/is the absolute worst part of the game. It was the orignal sin of sto and was the worst reviewed part of the game (as was ground combat but it was fixed).
The new sector space is a step in the right direction.
Yes it is, doesn't change my point that it would be a bad idea to release it after the new players have had a change to settle in.
This is Cryptic mgmt we're talking about lol.
There is a huge chance this is exactly whats being planned. I'm just adding my own opinion to yours.
I'm just stock piling Zen in anticipation for the new Pilot Seated ships and/or Fleet Versions of our current T6 ships.
S10 probably bug infested features:
Pilot spec abilities
Sector space
Probably some accolade or objective in the PvE queues
Iconian rep (Which hasn't been tested at all so I sincerely doubt a release next week)
You have a source to share indicating April 2nd was scheduled for S10?