Needs to be forced to code with an angry cat in their lap.
Srsly. It's garbage.
That is all.
It provides a more consistent experience at a lower level of damage than it did previously. The hope that it might appear worthwhile to PvE folks fell flat on its face though.
It provides a more consistent experience at a lower level of damage than it did previously. The hope that it might appear worthwhile to PvE folks fell flat on its face though.
BO will never be of any use for PVE land. Not while the current version of BFAW exists.
BO will never be of any use for PVE land. Not while the current version of BFAW exists.
What's funny, imho, is just how many issues one can trace back to FAW working the way it does...all sorts of complaints out there. I'm too lazy to type some out again or even link to the post I did recently. FAW is the Great Evil. :eek:
If Hilbert still browses the forums, he might still have the screen cap of hawk calling us all idiotic for suggesting the b/o change wasn't a good idea. Good times, you 14 year old min/max'ers, now get back to being blamed for every problem in general discussion. :rolleyes:
Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng
JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
... but they said at the time that they wanted to buff BO because nobody was using it in PVE. People said nobody would change since BFAW was still bestest for multi-target PVE, change BFAW if you want people using something else. No we are going to buff BO.
It was nerfed for the PvP guys as a PvP skill
There were a series of nerfs to it after it got the 100% crit buff and people were doing 100k instakills. After the nerfs it was still less than useful in PVE.
Interestingly it did improve some of the lance-type weapons with high base damage that used BO mechanic internally and have high CritD bonus (eg, Romulan Plasma Hyperflux set bonus with Singularity Overcharge critd buff--hits for 20k per cycle sometimes)
no single target powers will be useful in PvE as long as they keep adding more NPCs to PvE queues.
If they ever make a queue with a few strong NPCs, single target powers would instantly become useful outside of PvE.
I don't think so. Even with few targets, the way BFAW and BO work now, you'll rack up more damage with BFAW. BO does its work in one shot but BFAW? You can keep critting and critting and critting and critting, on top of whatever attack buffs you have running. Since there's less targets, that means the damage is less diffused and you'll still rack up more dmg over time with BFAW.
Personally, I liked the first revamp of BO. The spike was large and appreciable in PVE. But that has major issues in PVP, esp with the Romulans that have long broken this game since LOR. The nerfs came to the revamped BO due to the PVP issues but now it's just pointless in PVE.
It's even more pointless on Intel ships since SS will be superior than BO on single targets. Even after the SS nerf. That's how bad BO is.
I'm kind of bored of the math I've got...I want to start calculating Critical Hit Chance Overflow.
Want fun math to do? Figure out the exact numbers on threat multipliers. :P
Here, have some dev quotes on the subject:
(2:35:39 PM) FuturePastNow: Hey Bort, I have a question from Velgon, who isn't online at the moment. What is the correllation between Threat Control skill and the threat % modifiers?
(2:35:59 PM) Borticus: FPN, they're the same thing, effectively.
(2:36:09 PM) FuturePastNow: So 100 skill is 100%?
(2:36:23 PM) Borticus: Oh, value. I don't know offhand.
(2:36:51 PM) Odenknight: Will there be anything in the future that would tie threat generation to damage resistance?
(2:36:56 PM) FuturePastNow: ok
(2:37:17 PM) Borticus: Probably not, but I can't say for certain.
(2:37:26 PM) Borticus: Threat is an odd duck in STO, and some of us want to revamp it.
(2:37:42 PM) Odenknight: You will have several dozen happy campers
(2:37:43 PM) Borticus: But it's part of the Core AI code (plus local modifiers) so it'd be a big task to undertake.
(2:37:49 PM) iusasset: I'd throw money towards a threat revamp if I could.
(2:37:54 PM) ihavethatpower: Threat's always been kind of a weird thing in MMOs, IMO.
(2:38:12 PM) Borticus: Yeah, but it's wierder in STO (imho) because Proximity plays such a large role.
(2:38:25 PM) Borticus: It's a system that was made for ground combat, so that proximity tanking could be a thing.
(2:38:27 PM) FuturePastNow: Yeah, you talked about that yesterday.
(2:38:30 PM) Borticus: Like it was in CoH and Champs.
(2:38:50 PM) Borticus: When we made a space game, we didn't spend much time (or any, possibly) thinking about how that could work in 3D space.
(2:39:02 PM) Borticus: With restricted mobility.
(5:19:43 PM) RevenantActual: Hey bort, while you're working on the new fleet science consoles, could you check that -th is working properly? There have been some reports that its not
(5:20:18 PM) Borticus: Revenant: The short answer is that -Th/+Th work correctly, but our internal Aggro management ssytem doesn't work the same as many other games.
(5:20:24 PM) Borticus: We already investigated this in the past.
(5:20:36 PM) RevenantActual: Ah, okay, thanks for the info
(5:21:08 PM) Borticus: For example, the aggro modifier for firing at 0 distance, vs 10km, is the difference between a 1xThreat and 100xThreat
(5:21:25 PM) Borticus: So... 10% (or whatever the consoles are) ends up lost in the shuffle.
(5:21:37 PM) Borticus: Oh, I got those modifiers backwards. Close damage is high threat.
(5:21:45 PM) tyrneaa: So is closer more threating or farther away more threating Bort?
(5:22:04 PM) Borticus: Close = High Threat
(5:22:17 PM) iusasset: Is that in addition to the threat generated by just bopping them
(5:22:21 PM) tyrneaa: ok that makes sense, ty.
(5:22:27 PM) Borticus: The aggro system is built for ground fights, and to facilitate proximity tanking.
(5:22:28 PM) FuturePastNow: Eh, that makes sense. It also rewards the tank for being better at flying.
(5:22:31 PM) Borticus: Doesn't work so well in space.
(5:22:49 PM) iusasset: i.e. we're not talking about +threat gen from close-range damage increase right?
(5:23:06 PM) Borticus: That was the question asked, yes
(5:24:02 PM) Borticus: The main way in which -Th works as expected is with Heals and Buffs. Because proximity doesn't matter there.
(5:24:31 PM) tyrneaa: so the closer you are is directly tied to how much threat you generate. so someone with -Th console right next to the target will generate more threat potentionally that someone much farther away +th
(5:24:42 PM) Borticus: Yes, Smurf.
(5:25:04 PM) Borticus: And not even "potentially" but "assuredly."
(5:25:20 PM) tyrneaa: ok tanks in front, sci debuffers in the rear, DPS tacs to the middle... Like most mmo setups
(5:25:57 PM) dragonsbrethren: really interesting info Borticus, thanks
(5:25:57 PM) FuturePastNow: Except anyone who wants higher DPS is going to get as close as possible.
(5:26:03 PM) iusasset: Except everyone wants to be close range to get highest DPS
(5:26:11 PM) iusasset: FPN sniped me
(part of second conversation edited to remove parts not relevant to threat)
SCM - Crystal C. (S) - [00:12] DMG(DPS) - @jarvisandalfred: 8.63M(713.16K) - Fed Sci
Hrmm, I wonder if that would play into the thoughts I had on how Plasma DoTs increased threat - but I was treating it as a constant, where it might have been a case of proximity since that damage would be coming from the person at 0km range and thus potentially generating a larger amount of threat even for the lower amount of damage one was doing.
But that would only be for Damage-type threat, cause as mentioned there would also be threat from other actions....heals and buffs. Would have to figure that debuffs would count as an offensive action and apply threat as well, yeah?
So it would be a case of having to work into that formula some manner of account for the action...damage, buff, heal, debuff, etc, right?
Would there even be both Strength and Bonus Threat modification taking place or would they all be a lump sum kind of deal, eh?
Also would need to get into some of the aggro dump/reduction abilities out there and work them into the mix, yeah?
Would get into some interesting testing, because it would be difficult with damage variance and getting two folks to choreograph their movement with a NPC that could be wobbling anywhere.
With the various skills generally providing ~50%/49.5% at 99...would one assume that Starship Threat Control did the same thing or would it provide a larger increase.
A G15 +Th provides +150%. 9 in Threat Control providing another 50%, eh? 200% Threat from those two alone?
But the way Bort stated that...1x to 100x...that's basically 100% to 10000%.
That kind of suggests that it's more of a sum thing than the formula I wondered about earlier. Which would also point to some of the complaints wondering if Threat Control worked, eh?
Cause if it was just...
Threat = BaseThreat * (1 + SumAllThreatModifiers)
...then the skill would be pretty useless as somebody moving in closer would obliterate that benefit.
But that then gets into those modifiers and if they don't quite matter. Unless of course we're getting into one of those situations where the tooltips are...well...not quite right. Kind of like seeing a -10% that's actually just a -10. Is the +150% from that G14 actually just +150?
So for the example above, running it through the possible ways it might be done there compared to how it might be expected to be done...with say Jerry rocking the console.
With the +150, both end up being pretty low and easily getting lost there. If it were +150% on the other hand, if Jerry were to move to @7km, he'd be looking at 1000 * (100 - 70) * (1 + 1.5) = 75000 Threat and he'd pull the aggro from Tom.
If Jerry had 4x G14s, with it being +150 each instead of +150%, then with the initial ranges he'd be looking at 32000 or 20600 and couldn't touch Tom's aggro.
That just wouldn't do him much good at all then, eh? Can't believe that it's working in that fashion...hrmmm. Perhaps it's not working that way in another fashion?
Say it wasn't +1.5 but was +0.15 for one? So +0.6 for four?
Let's stick Tom and Jerry both at 4km, eh?
1000 * (100 - 40) * (1 + 0.6) = 96000 Threat
That wouldn't quite cover it though, eh?
Say Tom was doing 2000 damage and Jerry the 1000 still...
Jerry would have a hard time trying to keep threat on anybody...unless he was doing near the same damage or more which point why did he bother, eh?
Unless of course one were to work in some -Th for Tom, eh? Nah, lol, Tom's not going to have all those console slots to waste trying to help Jerry tank. Not with it working at that kind of ratio.
So there would have to be more at play there - other things affecting it.
But trying to keep it simple, let's say that it was a separate type SumAll modifier there.
Let's say Jerry has Attract Fire, (+100%), 2x G14 +TH (+300%), and 6 Starship Threat Control (+40%???) going for him...for a total of +440%, eh?
Have we seen such a situation where Jerry utilizing anything like that was able to do that? Even without Attract Fire, it would still be 13.2m Threat. Even without the Starship Threat Control, it would be 12m Threat.
But do we have anything approximating Archetypes/Threat Levels going on? Do we have potential Debuff Mods built into weapons? Would a Romulan Plasma weapon have a higher threat ratio going for it than an Antiproton weapon?
And getting back into that CoH formula and the possibility of there being multiple boosts working in different fashions, what would it mean if say the Attract Fire was working as an Archetype mod, while the +Th consoles were working like a Bonus and Threat Control like a Strength...?
Want fun math to do? Figure out the exact numbers on threat multipliers. :P
Here, have some dev quotes on the subject:
(part of second conversation edited to remove parts not relevant to threat)
That's some good info. Would you mind posting that in a new thread so it can be discussed? It's a bit out of place here but man I learned a lot just reading it lol
100% crtH (cuz at 100% there is a chance of not critting thats why is called chance) is needed to kill the evul threat called borg npcs.
Seems you don't even play the game or are a Noob
no one but a Noob even slots the skill in PvE or someone slots it just for its effect or fun
Beam Overload is a Non skill in PvE
Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng
JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
no one but a Noob even slots the skill in PvE or someone slots it just for its effect or fun
Beam Overload is a Non skill in PvE
You do realize that you talked to Edna who belongs to the veterans of the pvp-playerbase. You have no business talking down to him in such a disdainful manner. If he wants to he could bring you to your knees effortlessly even in a old-school JHAS with his Dual Heavy Lolly Lolaron Pwnies
Arguing about PvE content in this subforum is off-topic anyway.
so true...I am a nOOb ...a nOOb that kicks your a** and wrecks your ship even with 100% crtH
now weren't you supposed to be in a stf killing the main threat in this game....npcs?
Considering how the PvErs are... NPCs are a bigger threat than them.
If they fight NPCs it means they're intelligent. This means NPCs are more or equally intelligent than them, because there's no fun in fighting someone less intelligent than you.
That's a consequence of studying Physics theory from 8 AM to 7 PM.
My previous statement is scientifically correct as I've proven it. Fun fact: in Driveclub AI is smart and quite of a problem at hard difficulties, and generally less murderous than players in MP. That's why it's rather entertaining to do single player.
to many toys that boost crtD, it was a rather elegant solution in a vacuum. the guy behind it did get canned/left though a wile back.
It provides a more consistent experience at a lower level of damage than it did previously. The hope that it might appear worthwhile to PvE folks fell flat on its face though.
BO will never be of any use for PVE land. Not while the current version of BFAW exists.
What's funny, imho, is just how many issues one can trace back to FAW working the way it does...all sorts of complaints out there. I'm too lazy to type some out again or even link to the post I did recently. FAW is the Great Evil. :eek:
It was nerfed for the PvP guys as a PvP skill
Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng
JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
There were a series of nerfs to it after it got the 100% crit buff and people were doing 100k instakills. After the nerfs it was still less than useful in PVE.
Interestingly it did improve some of the lance-type weapons with high base damage that used BO mechanic internally and have high CritD bonus (eg, Romulan Plasma Hyperflux set bonus with Singularity Overcharge critd buff--hits for 20k per cycle sometimes)
If they ever make a queue with a few strong NPCs, single target powers would instantly become useful outside of PvE.
I don't think so. Even with few targets, the way BFAW and BO work now, you'll rack up more damage with BFAW. BO does its work in one shot but BFAW? You can keep critting and critting and critting and critting, on top of whatever attack buffs you have running. Since there's less targets, that means the damage is less diffused and you'll still rack up more dmg over time with BFAW.
Personally, I liked the first revamp of BO. The spike was large and appreciable in PVE. But that has major issues in PVP, esp with the Romulans that have long broken this game since LOR. The nerfs came to the revamped BO due to the PVP issues but now it's just pointless in PVE.
It's even more pointless on Intel ships since SS will be superior than BO on single targets. Even after the SS nerf. That's how bad BO is.
I'm kind of bored of the math I've got...I want to start calculating Critical Hit Chance Overflow.
Want fun math to do? Figure out the exact numbers on threat multipliers. :P
Here, have some dev quotes on the subject:
(part of second conversation edited to remove parts not relevant to threat)
SCM - Hive (S) - [02:31] DMG(DPS) - @jarvisandalfred: 30.62M(204.66K) - Fed Sci
Tacs are overrated.
Game's best wiki
Build questions? Look here!
Threat = BaseThreat * (1 + SumAllStrengthBoosts) * (1 + SumAllBonusBoosts) * (1 - RangePenalty)
But that would only be for Damage-type threat, cause as mentioned there would also be threat from other actions....heals and buffs. Would have to figure that debuffs would count as an offensive action and apply threat as well, yeah?
So it would be a case of having to work into that formula some manner of account for the action...damage, buff, heal, debuff, etc, right?
Would there even be both Strength and Bonus Threat modification taking place or would they all be a lump sum kind of deal, eh?
Also would need to get into some of the aggro dump/reduction abilities out there and work them into the mix, yeah?
Would get into some interesting testing, because it would be difficult with damage variance and getting two folks to choreograph their movement with a NPC that could be wobbling anywhere.
With the various skills generally providing ~50%/49.5% at 99...would one assume that Starship Threat Control did the same thing or would it provide a larger increase.
A G15 +Th provides +150%. 9 in Threat Control providing another 50%, eh? 200% Threat from those two alone?
But the way Bort stated that...1x to 100x...that's basically 100% to 10000%.
That kind of suggests that it's more of a sum thing than the formula I wondered about earlier. Which would also point to some of the complaints wondering if Threat Control worked, eh?
Cause if it was just...
Threat = BaseThreat * (1 + SumAllThreatModifiers)
...then the skill would be pretty useless as somebody moving in closer would obliterate that benefit.
But with the mention of CoH and Champs, we can actually do a quick search for some info on that and find the following:
The Champions wiki didn' But anyway, the old CoH one has...
Threat = Damage * Debuff Mod * AT Mod * AI Mod * Range Mod * (TauntDurationRemaining * 1,000)
Where we don't have Archetypes nor Taunts in the same sense...kind of.
Which would kind of make it tough to get into it with what was said about how the Range Mod would affect things, eh?
Say both Tom and Jerry are doing 1000 Damage, eh?
Tom's @4km, so 1000 * (100 - 40) = 60000 Threat.
Jerry's @8km, so 1000 * (100 - 80) = 20000 Threat.
But that then gets into those modifiers and if they don't quite matter. Unless of course we're getting into one of those situations where the tooltips are...well...not quite right. Kind of like seeing a -10% that's actually just a -10. Is the +150% from that G14 actually just +150?
So for the example above, running it through the possible ways it might be done there compared to how it might be expected to be done...with say Jerry rocking the console.
+150 Threat
Tom's @4km, so 1000 * (100 - 40) = 60000 Threat.
Jerry's @8km, so (1000 + 150) * (100 - 80) = 23000 Threat.
Tom's @4km, so 1000 * (100 - 40) = 60000 Threat.
Jerry's @8km, so (1000 * (100 - 80)) + 150 = 20150 Threat.
+150% Threat
Tom's @4km, so 1000 * (100 - 40) = 60000 Threat.
Jerry's @8km, so 1000 * (100 - 80) * (1 + 1.5) = 50000 Threat.
With the +150, both end up being pretty low and easily getting lost there. If it were +150% on the other hand, if Jerry were to move to @7km, he'd be looking at 1000 * (100 - 70) * (1 + 1.5) = 75000 Threat and he'd pull the aggro from Tom.
If Jerry had 4x G14s, with it being +150 each instead of +150%, then with the initial ranges he'd be looking at 32000 or 20600 and couldn't touch Tom's aggro.
That just wouldn't do him much good at all then, eh? Can't believe that it's working in that fashion...hrmmm. Perhaps it's not working that way in another fashion?
Say it wasn't +1.5 but was +0.15 for one? So +0.6 for four?
Let's stick Tom and Jerry both at 4km, eh?
1000 * (100 - 40) * (1 + 0.6) = 96000 Threat
That wouldn't quite cover it though, eh?
Say Tom was doing 2000 damage and Jerry the 1000 still...
Tom: 2000 * (100 - 40) * (1 + 0.0) = 120000 Threat.
Jerry: 1000 * (100 - 40) * (1 + 0.6) = 96000 Threat.
Jerry would have a hard time trying to keep threat on anybody...unless he was doing near the same damage or more which point why did he bother, eh?
Unless of course one were to work in some -Th for Tom, eh? Nah, lol, Tom's not going to have all those console slots to waste trying to help Jerry tank. Not with it working at that kind of ratio.
So there would have to be more at play there - other things affecting it.
But trying to keep it simple, let's say that it was a separate type SumAll modifier there.
Let's say Jerry has Attract Fire, (+100%), 2x G14 +TH (+300%), and 6 Starship Threat Control (+40%???) going for him...for a total of +440%, eh?
Tom: 80000 * (100 - 40) * (1 + 0) = 4,800,000 Threat.
Jerry: 50000 * (100 - 40) * (1 + 4.4) = 16,200,000 Threat.
Have we seen such a situation where Jerry utilizing anything like that was able to do that? Even without Attract Fire, it would still be 13.2m Threat. Even without the Starship Threat Control, it would be 12m Threat.
But do we have anything approximating Archetypes/Threat Levels going on? Do we have potential Debuff Mods built into weapons? Would a Romulan Plasma weapon have a higher threat ratio going for it than an Antiproton weapon?
And getting back into that CoH formula and the possibility of there being multiple boosts working in different fashions, what would it mean if say the Attract Fire was working as an Archetype mod, while the +Th consoles were working like a Bonus and Threat Control like a Strength...?
Jerry: 50000 * (100 - 40) * (1 + 4.4) = 16,200,000 Threat.
...would become...
Jerry: 50000 * (100 - 40) * (1 + 1) * (1 + 0.4) * (1 + 3) = 33,600,000 Threat.
And yeah, heh, don't think that's what's happening, eh? Lol...that's getting more into how damage is bazinga, heh.
So I'm sitting here, having just previewed this post...when I remembered what thread we were in.
That's some good info. Would you mind posting that in a new thread so it can be discussed? It's a bit out of place here but man I learned a lot just reading it lol
Seems you don't even play the game or are a Noob
no one but a Noob even slots the skill in PvE or someone slots it just for its effect or fun
Beam Overload is a Non skill in PvE
Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng
JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
Edna's being sarcastic and there's no need for name calling.
not more than you are though.
My character Tsin'xing
so true...I am a nOOb ...a nOOb that kicks your a** and wrecks your ship even with 100% crtH
now weren't you supposed to be in a stf killing the main threat in this game....npcs?
You do realize that you talked to Edna who belongs to the veterans of the pvp-playerbase. You have no business talking down to him in such a disdainful manner. If he wants to he could bring you to your knees effortlessly even in a old-school JHAS with his Dual Heavy Lolly Lolaron Pwnies
Arguing about PvE content in this subforum is off-topic anyway.
-=Hannibal - Inner Circle PvP-Department=-
Hannibal's YouTube PvP-channel (under construction)
More Inner Circle PvP-Action worth watching from: Hank, Mira Theng and Zimbilimbim
Considering how the PvErs are... NPCs are a bigger threat than them.
If they fight NPCs it means they're intelligent. This means NPCs are more or equally intelligent than them, because there's no fun in fighting someone less intelligent than you.
That's a consequence of studying Physics theory from 8 AM to 7 PM.
My previous statement is scientifically correct as I've proven it. Fun fact: in Driveclub AI is smart and quite of a problem at hard difficulties, and generally less murderous than players in MP. That's why it's rather entertaining to do single player.