The last patch notes said a fix was included for not being given a reward after completing the event, and yet it's happened to me more times since the fix was supposedly applied than it did before the "fix". So is there any chance that the "fix" will be actually applied before the event ends, or is this event just like every other broken event?
This could have been handled better. STO was actively promoting the CC event while CC itself was bugged, so you'd see it advertised on the launcher, blog, etc., then go in-game and maybe have to queue two or three times before you found an un-bugged instance...and even then, it was a crapshoot whether you'd actually be able to defeat the CE and complete the mission.
My point is, it would have saved a lot of frustration if Cryptic just said, "We know it's broken, we're shutting it down briefly to get it sorted, and don't worry because we'll make up the time lost." I'm sure most reasonable people would be cool with that.
It's the promoting a broken feature part that gets people frustrated.
Okay, time to uninstall and play a different game, one that isn't a broken piece of ****.
My point is, it would have saved a lot of frustration if Cryptic just said, "We know it's broken, we're shutting it down briefly to get it sorted, and don't worry because we'll make up the time lost." I'm sure most reasonable people would be cool with that.
It's the promoting a broken feature part that gets people frustrated.