Most PvE I don't have any trouble with but the Borg rip-down my shields instantly with some drain attack then catch me in a tractor beam. Flying a zippy destroyer this proves fatal nearly every time, is there anyway to counter this BS?
The answers are simple and I simply adore "Veterans" on these boards that don't know how to get around the issues. This is the simplest form of action:
Hazard Emitters will stop the effects and cleanse the Debuff. However, HE will not repair your shields by itself. Once you've seen all the Tachyon Beams/Borg Shield Neutralizer hit you, THEN pop your HE to clear the debuffs. Then, and ONLY then, you pop your shield heals. Popping RSE, EPTS, TSS, ST before clearing the debuff does nothing but feed more fuel to the fire.
If your hazard clearing methods are on cooldown, then GET AWAY before more heavy attacks come your way. Clear the hazards in safety, apply shield heals, get back in the action.
These are the most immediate, very simple actions to take against Tachyon Beam attacks, even if you get slammed by multiple sources. This is more important to do this if you're on a ship with lighter hull than something like a Cruiser.
If you have a build, a ship with good resists, you have nothing to worry about. Let the Tach Beam hit you at the NPCs leisure. Once the Tach Beam spam is done, use your hazard clearing techniques with shield heals to follow. No need to be in a rush since you have resists to protect your hull, even on Advanced. Cruisers are easily capable on withstanding this. They can have the massive hull and resists to ride this out smoothly. They can't ignore the attacks but I was never that big in a rush to clear it while flying in a well protected Cruiser.
Also, abilities that grant you heavy resists will save your TRIBBLE if your hazard clearing methods are in CD. DOFF'ed Auxiliary to Dampeners (with a Matter-Antimatter Specialist DOFF to grant +energy resist as well as the ability's inherent kinetic resists AND prolonging the buff's duration: Even green quality works well enough) is good. My favorite is Polarize Hull to provide excellent all dmg resist protection as well as Tractor Beam hold immunity.
These are very basic techniques that don't require respeccing, fancy equipment, no fancy ship, no fancy Command/Intel ability, no fancy console, NO GIMMICK B.S. Just simple, basic abilities that are available to everyone, even at Ensign level abilities. There are other ways and even tactics to protect yourself from Tach Beam, but these are the most basic and accessible ways of surviving.
And on the flip side, if you do see a teammate getting slammed by Tach Beams, noticeable from their shields just dropping like panties in prom night, and it's not getting cleared, save their behinds please. So you guys have more guns going instead of fewer since someone got blown up.
Sometimes I let a player or more that's rushed ahead of me to take the full whack then hit the Borg hard when they have finished draining their shields. ( yeah, not very nice of me, but who's going to stop them? Does anyone listen in a Alert?)
That works fine, too. As a matter of courtesy, I keep some heals ready to help the guy out for all the effects coming his way.
It also helps if it's a massive hulled ship to be the one charging in drawing all the fire. Most esp so if you're the one flying that ship and have good resists. Heavy ENG ships can take the punishment like rain rolling off the shoulders.
I just love the panic stricken replies around the boards of "DOOM!!!! THERE'S NOTHING YOU CAN DO!!!!" when there are, in fact, plenty of means of getting past this and come out quite decently.
Hazard Emitters will stop the effects and cleanse the Debuff. However, HE will not repair your shields by itself. Once you've seen all the Tachyon Beams/Borg Shield Neutralizer hit you, THEN pop your HE to clear the debuffs. Then, and ONLY then, you pop your shield heals.
Except thats incorrect. HE will clear the Borg Shield Neutralizer, but has zero effect on Tachyon Beam. They're two totally different powers. For all the schadenfreude you've so loudly had over this, you ought to at least make sure you're right first.
Doesn't the Regenerative Shield Array from the 3 piece Borg set also clear the Borg Shield neutralizer when it procs?
It has a 10% chance to activate from all incoming damage, so either you are getting hit, and it procs, cleansing at least one of the problems, or you aren't getting hit, so it doesn't proc, so who cares if your shields are dead? The proc also heals shields.
If the problem is getting hit with more than one of these attacks, maybe it's time to equip an alternate gear set for Borg STFs. It won't solve all the problems, but isn't the worst part of the issue the stacking of several tachyon beams on top of shield neutralizer? Even if hazard emitters is on cooldown, the Borg set can proc.
I'm wondering if this change is more to do with the FAW builds that dominate the game. They couldn't nerf the power directly due to player backlash so buffed NPC Tachyon Beam to overpowered amounts to make FAW/AOE targeting less favourable, Having 1 Borg drain you're shields is bad enough but a whole mob instant zap them and then bombard you with plasma torpedos, i know i'm trying to avoid mob aggro since this change as my poor armitage has been battered to hell.
I'm wondering if this change is more to do with the FAW builds that dominate the game. They couldn't nerf the power directly due to player backlash so buffed NPC Tachyon Beam to overpowered amounts to make FAW/AOE targeting less favourable, Having 1 Borg drain you're shields is bad enough but a whole mob instant zap them and then bombard you with plasma torpedos, i know i'm trying to avoid mob aggro since this change as my poor armitage has been battered to hell.
I wouldn't say it's aimed at FAW Builds. Because the means on easily surviving it can be done with an understanding on what your abilities do; It can be accomplished even with Ensign level BOFF abilities and more.
Basically when my shields drop I tend to activate Brace for Impact to reduce kinetic damage.
Not so simple, when 5-7 plasma burns are stacked together and, you are waiting on your HE as usual!
Oh, HE is back, shields gone BFI on cd, time to see what else can hold up against all those plasma torpedoes, that the borg use in place of energy weapons!
That is what it was! I popeed "All of the above" Hazard emitters, Reversed Shields, Sci Team, and was rotating enginerring team and power to shields. I hung on while getting out a couple of torpedoes spreads......sometime the other guys bail me out, other times not........ Omegas doesn't seem to work well either........
I think it is galled "Hull Tanking" using shilds to suck some damage down while trying to keep the hull from going all the way with Hazard Emirtters and engineering team with emergency power to SIF....if you can find the Boff slots......
The Universe is a messy place, You are born a mess. Sustaining life usually involves cleaning up messes. You die and usually are a mess then too. All of these messes usually involve some blood- get over it.
Not so simple, when 5-7 plasma burns are stacked together and, you are waiting on your HE as usual!
Oh, HE is back, shields gone BFI on cd, time to see what else can hold up against all those plasma torpedoes, that the borg use in place of energy weapons!
It's simple when you know what you're doing :rolleyes:
The HE runs a good while and isn't a 1 off thing like ET/ST. If you also have resists one way or another, you wouldn't be worried much at all. Do you panic that easily?
Eh I just use HE with my decloaking buffing with I mostly play KDF so I'm usually able to cloak ambush and its fun with the new command ships with that phalanx thing you can make a tremendous spike in damage which I assume was in the original design of the DR missions like borg disconnected that you have atleast 1 intel and 1 command ship in it. It seems like when you have that in a group most of the problems like the optional's that most people have go away when you get the right combination of powers going together along with strategy. Although I guess this was the only way they could come up with it because majority of players want their canon ships so they had to make a purpose for reasons players would buy the cryptic made ships to keep the game going. In all though I remember when the borg drain was a lot more dangerous than it is now though so atleast there is that.
It's simple when you know what you're doing :rolleyes:
The HE runs a good while and isn't a 1 off thing like ET/ST. If you also have resists one way or another, you wouldn't be worried much at all. Do you panic that easily?
Tell ya what, get another player to shoot you with Tachyon Beam (not Shield Neutralizer, Tachyon Beam), hit HE while doing so, and watch your shields keep draining anyways. Then you can come back here and admit you were wrong. But right now you seem to have two different powers confused, and you're basing your ranting on that confusion.
I'm wondering if this change is more to do with the FAW builds that dominate the game. They couldn't nerf the power directly due to player backlash so buffed NPC Tachyon Beam to overpowered amounts to make FAW/AOE targeting less favourable, Having 1 Borg drain you're shields is bad enough but a whole mob instant zap them and then bombard you with plasma torpedos, i know i'm trying to avoid mob aggro since this change as my poor armitage has been battered to hell.
If this is true, then unfortunately only the teams that run those builds have a decent shot at success because of how quickly they can take down the enemies. I have noticed a recent significant increase in the failure rates of the public queues. I was in a team where we combined for a total of 15 player deaths... fortunately we were able to beat the mission, but it was difficult.
As for how to deal with the drain, here would be a few suggestions:
Delta Unimatrix rep shield has a 50% shield drain resistance built into it, although I don't really know its effectiveness. Also you can try stacking Power Insulators, although I've heard mixed opinions about how much that has helped.
Hazard Emitters for clearing the Borg Shield Neutralizer (green rings) and plasma fires.
Other than that, I'd say stack shield heals and temporary hit points as much as possible... this seems to give me a fighting chance usually. Maybe they want us to get that command ship that has the trait that gives temporary hit points when you use Brace for Impact?? If you have Rock and Roll you can pop that for a brief reprieve too.
I've noticed that my shields get wiped out quickly even when I'm sitting in a Bio-molecular shield bubble, which is interesting.
It's simple when you know what you're doing :rolleyes:
The HE runs a good while and isn't a 1 off thing like ET/ST. If you also have resists one way or another, you wouldn't be worried much at all. Do you panic that easily?
Well, having a full time 47% kinetic + plasma resistance before applying any hull DR buffs, I can still watch a 70k hull drop to 30% in 1 sec.!!!
Reviewing many many parses, I have hit 90%+ in both hull & shield DR for short spurts and, while I do not die really but once in a blue moon it seems, the pounding you take, along with the necessity to consta-spam heals & DR buffs is a weeee bit over the top nowadays.
I mean I am not exactly whining but, vessels with little to weak eng + sci capacity suffer the worse and, is one of the few reasons I have been avoiding them as of late.
It's a fun challenge but, again it gets a tad out of control as well when you might as well strip your shield array off, for all the good it does at times!
The only ways to actually stop tachyon beam are to get out of it's arc, or cause the attacker to lose target lock (stun/jam/summat like that). Not really much use with 10 spheres giving it some at you, imo.
You can stack PI to try and resist the drain. You can keep adding more to your facing shield. You can add more hull resists for when the facing goes down. You can add more hull when your hull starts going down.
The tachyon beam was mostly buffed to sell the sci command ship -> Improved Tachyon Beam (Starship Trait) and its console.
Its also a standard balancing problem. NPCs and players use the same ability but one targets 1000k hulls the other 60k hulls (BO example of the recently fixed undine planet killer)...
Tell ya what, get another player to shoot you with Tachyon Beam (not Shield Neutralizer, Tachyon Beam), hit HE while doing so, and watch your shields keep draining anyways. Then you can come back here and admit you were wrong. But right now you seem to have two different powers confused, and you're basing your ranting on that confusion.
The actions in dealing with them are the SAME. PVP or PVE. The game does not drastically change the ruleset between PVE or PVP.
I'm sure a player specced real high in Flow Caps can do a nasty number on you. But the actions needed in surviving it are the same as if you were getting slammed by 6 Spheres doing Tachyon Beam on you. But you need to be real quick in PVP since players are more crafty.
Good luck with that - the new Tachyon beam drains shields faster than they can regenerate.
So I'm lucky, for I add resists and heals on my cruiser using shield command. Regenerating is not all for sure: it helps being the more protected. I have too +aggro consoles:
I can solo the borgs (standing without ever dying), but it's bor(g)ing slow, it's better with a friend doing 20 times more dps than me..
So I'm lucky, for I add resists and heals on my cruiser using shield command. Regenerating is not all for sure: it helps being the more protected. I have too +aggro consoles:
I can solo the borgs (standing without ever dying), but it's bor(g)ing slow, it's better with a friend doing 20 times more dps than me..
Is the joint i had last night or someone actually is starting to understand how differrnt roles(tank,healer,debuffer,damage dealer ) and teamplay ,works in a mmog.
Also fyi the delta shields kave a 50% drain resist, I wonder how well that works.
It wont help much. You have to understand that it will simply be overwhelmed. Either from the number of sources firing Tachyon Beam at you or from one of the very high-powered types.
It's not so much as shields resisting the drains.
It's more about clearing the hazards and if you have that capability on cooldown, then having good hull resists will safeguard you easily. Or being a good teammate and landing a hazard clearing ability on someone that just got hit by all the Tachyon Beams.
Power Insulator consoles - particuarly the Embassy ones - help to a degree. Hazard emitters can help, and as many shield heals as possible.
i find the humble shield battery works when used a.s.a.p. and EP2S would also shield batts worked for me every time but that was before all the changes
Try and understand the Chaos factor or just understand the variable, live long and live life Gee.
i find the humble shield battery works when used a.s.a.p. and EP2S would also shield batts worked for me every time but that was before all the changes
Using shield heals like ST, EPTS, RSP will not help while you have not cleared Tachyon Beam. You have to clear it first, then apply the shield heals. Throwing shield heals while Tachyon Beam isn't cleared is like throwing fuel into a fire.
Someone reported that hazard emitters doesn't clear tachyon beam - it does. Doesn't restore any shields but it stops the drain. Then pop shield heals if needed.
I have had zero issues with the improved tachyon beam the borg use. I use the unimatrix shield for Delta rep with 50% shield drain resistance. 6 points in insulators plus the Nukara deflector and zero point console for 125.
On my main, I immediately hit emergency power to shields 3, EPS power transfer and rotate shield frequencies. Normally gets my shields right back up.
I play an engineering captain with a very sturdy ship though.
"He shall be my finest warrior, this generic man who was forced upon me.
Like a badass I shall make him look, and in the furnace of war I shall forge him.
he shall be of iron will and steely sinew.
In great armour I shall clad him and with the mightiest weapons he shall be armed.
He will be untouched by plague or disease; no sickness shall blight him.
He shall have such tactics, strategies and machines that no foe will best him in battle.
He is my answer to cryptic logic, he is the Defender of my Romulan Crew.
He is Tovan Khev... and he shall know no fear."
Honestly, I don't really notice. I've just been hull tanking through most Borg encounters, and I get my shields back up fairly quickly when I need them. The best thing to do is to wait until each ship has hit you with its drain, then hit hazard emitters and whatever shield heals you have available. Don't be afraid to take a little damage in those few seconds of shieldlessness, that's what hull heals are for.
Your other option is to bug out once they use their drain, get out of range, and heal up, then come back and do your damage. If you can, get a cruiser to initiate the fight, they'll be able to take the damage while you hit the borg.
Someone reported that hazard emitters doesn't clear tachyon beam - it does. Doesn't restore any shields but it stops the drain. Then pop shield heals if needed.
I have had zero issues with the improved tachyon beam the borg use. I use the unimatrix shield for Delta rep with 50% shield drain resistance. 6 points in insulators plus the Nukara deflector and zero point console for 125.
It doesn't. It could be that by the time you hit HE, the 4 second beam of doom has stopped, but I've had HE, RSF, and TSS simultaneously active while in a Bio-Molecular Shield Generator, and still not had my shields stay up. And that is on a ship with 13k shields and 84 to power insulators. And a Valdore console.
SCM - Crystal C. (S) - [00:12] DMG(DPS) - @jarvisandalfred: 8.63M(713.16K) - Fed Sci
It doesn't. It could be that by the time you hit HE, the 4 second beam of doom has stopped, but I've had HE, RSF, and TSS simultaneously active while in a Bio-Molecular Shield Generator, and still not had my shields stay up. And that is on a ship with 13k shields and 84 to power insulators. And a Valdore console.
I tested Tachyon with a friend, I had the TB, he was hovering over HE and clicked it the instant I tagged him, but I kept right on draining anyways. Ditto when he activated HE preemptively. I'm not sure if people have the power confused with Shield Neutralizer or they think TB is a 10-second drain and so think they cleared it when it 'only' runs 4 or what, but HE is definitely not a hard counter.
The answers are simple and I simply adore "Veterans" on these boards that don't know how to get around the issues. This is the simplest form of action:
Hazard Emitters will stop the effects and cleanse the Debuff. However, HE will not repair your shields by itself. Once you've seen all the Tachyon Beams/Borg Shield Neutralizer hit you, THEN pop your HE to clear the debuffs. Then, and ONLY then, you pop your shield heals. Popping RSE, EPTS, TSS, ST before clearing the debuff does nothing but feed more fuel to the fire.
If your hazard clearing methods are on cooldown, then GET AWAY before more heavy attacks come your way. Clear the hazards in safety, apply shield heals, get back in the action.
These are the most immediate, very simple actions to take against Tachyon Beam attacks, even if you get slammed by multiple sources. This is more important to do this if you're on a ship with lighter hull than something like a Cruiser.
If you have a build, a ship with good resists, you have nothing to worry about. Let the Tach Beam hit you at the NPCs leisure. Once the Tach Beam spam is done, use your hazard clearing techniques with shield heals to follow. No need to be in a rush since you have resists to protect your hull, even on Advanced. Cruisers are easily capable on withstanding this. They can have the massive hull and resists to ride this out smoothly. They can't ignore the attacks but I was never that big in a rush to clear it while flying in a well protected Cruiser.
Also, abilities that grant you heavy resists will save your TRIBBLE if your hazard clearing methods are in CD. DOFF'ed Auxiliary to Dampeners (with a Matter-Antimatter Specialist DOFF to grant +energy resist as well as the ability's inherent kinetic resists AND prolonging the buff's duration: Even green quality works well enough) is good. My favorite is Polarize Hull to provide excellent all dmg resist protection as well as Tractor Beam hold immunity.
These are very basic techniques that don't require respeccing, fancy equipment, no fancy ship, no fancy Command/Intel ability, no fancy console, NO GIMMICK B.S. Just simple, basic abilities that are available to everyone, even at Ensign level abilities. There are other ways and even tactics to protect yourself from Tach Beam, but these are the most basic and accessible ways of surviving.
And on the flip side, if you do see a teammate getting slammed by Tach Beams, noticeable from their shields just dropping like panties in prom night, and it's not getting cleared, save their behinds please. So you guys have more guns going instead of fewer since someone got blown up.
That works fine, too. As a matter of courtesy, I keep some heals ready to help the guy out for all the effects coming his way.
It also helps if it's a massive hulled ship to be the one charging in drawing all the fire. Most esp so if you're the one flying that ship and have good resists. Heavy ENG ships can take the punishment like rain rolling off the shoulders.
I just love the panic stricken replies around the boards of "DOOM!!!! THERE'S NOTHING YOU CAN DO!!!!" when there are, in fact, plenty of means of getting past this and come out quite decently.
Except thats incorrect. HE will clear the Borg Shield Neutralizer, but has zero effect on Tachyon Beam. They're two totally different powers. For all the schadenfreude you've so loudly had over this, you ought to at least make sure you're right first.
It has a 10% chance to activate from all incoming damage, so either you are getting hit, and it procs, cleansing at least one of the problems, or you aren't getting hit, so it doesn't proc, so who cares if your shields are dead? The proc also heals shields.
If the problem is getting hit with more than one of these attacks, maybe it's time to equip an alternate gear set for Borg STFs. It won't solve all the problems, but isn't the worst part of the issue the stacking of several tachyon beams on top of shield neutralizer? Even if hazard emitters is on cooldown, the Borg set can proc.
I wouldn't say it's aimed at FAW Builds. Because the means on easily surviving it can be done with an understanding on what your abilities do; It can be accomplished even with Ensign level BOFF abilities and more.
Not so simple, when 5-7 plasma burns are stacked together and, you are waiting on your HE as usual!
Oh, HE is back, shields gone BFI on cd, time to see what else can hold up against all those plasma torpedoes, that the borg use in place of energy weapons!
Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!
I think it is galled "Hull Tanking" using shilds to suck some damage down while trying to keep the hull from going all the way with Hazard Emirtters and engineering team with emergency power to SIF....if you can find the Boff slots......
It's simple when you know what you're doing :rolleyes:
The HE runs a good while and isn't a 1 off thing like ET/ST. If you also have resists one way or another, you wouldn't be worried much at all. Do you panic that easily?
Tell ya what, get another player to shoot you with Tachyon Beam (not Shield Neutralizer, Tachyon Beam), hit HE while doing so, and watch your shields keep draining anyways. Then you can come back here and admit you were wrong. But right now you seem to have two different powers confused, and you're basing your ranting on that confusion.
If this is true, then unfortunately only the teams that run those builds have a decent shot at success because of how quickly they can take down the enemies. I have noticed a recent significant increase in the failure rates of the public queues. I was in a team where we combined for a total of 15 player deaths... fortunately we were able to beat the mission, but it was difficult.
As for how to deal with the drain, here would be a few suggestions:
Delta Unimatrix rep shield has a 50% shield drain resistance built into it, although I don't really know its effectiveness. Also you can try stacking Power Insulators, although I've heard mixed opinions about how much that has helped.
Hazard Emitters for clearing the Borg Shield Neutralizer (green rings) and plasma fires.
Other than that, I'd say stack shield heals and temporary hit points as much as possible... this seems to give me a fighting chance usually. Maybe they want us to get that command ship that has the trait that gives temporary hit points when you use Brace for Impact?? If you have Rock and Roll you can pop that for a brief reprieve too.
I've noticed that my shields get wiped out quickly even when I'm sitting in a Bio-molecular shield bubble, which is interesting.
Well, having a full time 47% kinetic + plasma resistance before applying any hull DR buffs, I can still watch a 70k hull drop to 30% in 1 sec.!!!
Reviewing many many parses, I have hit 90%+ in both hull & shield DR for short spurts and, while I do not die really but once in a blue moon it seems, the pounding you take, along with the necessity to consta-spam heals & DR buffs is a weeee bit over the top nowadays.
I mean I am not exactly whining but, vessels with little to weak eng + sci capacity suffer the worse and, is one of the few reasons I have been avoiding them as of late.
It's a fun challenge but, again it gets a tad out of control as well when you might as well strip your shield array off, for all the good it does at times!
Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!
You can stack PI to try and resist the drain. You can keep adding more to your facing shield. You can add more hull resists for when the facing goes down. You can add more hull when your hull starts going down.
Them's your options at the moment.
Its also a standard balancing problem. NPCs and players use the same ability but one targets 1000k hulls the other 60k hulls (BO example of the recently fixed undine planet killer)...
The actions in dealing with them are the SAME. PVP or PVE. The game does not drastically change the ruleset between PVE or PVP.
I'm sure a player specced real high in Flow Caps can do a nasty number on you. But the actions needed in surviving it are the same as if you were getting slammed by 6 Spheres doing Tachyon Beam on you. But you need to be real quick in PVP since players are more crafty.
I can solo the borgs (standing without ever dying), but it's bor(g)ing slow, it's better with a friend doing 20 times more dps than me..
Is the joint i had last night or someone actually is starting to understand how differrnt roles(tank,healer,debuffer,damage dealer ) and teamplay ,works in a mmog.
I see what you did there.
Also fyi the delta shields kave a 50% drain resist, I wonder how well that works.
Not everything you see on the internet is true - Abraham Lincoln
Occidere populo et effercio confractus
It wont help much. You have to understand that it will simply be overwhelmed. Either from the number of sources firing Tachyon Beam at you or from one of the very high-powered types.
It's not so much as shields resisting the drains.
It's more about clearing the hazards and if you have that capability on cooldown, then having good hull resists will safeguard you easily. Or being a good teammate and landing a hazard clearing ability on someone that just got hit by all the Tachyon Beams.
i find the humble shield battery works when used a.s.a.p. and EP2S would also shield batts worked for me every time but that was before all the changes
Using shield heals like ST, EPTS, RSP will not help while you have not cleared Tachyon Beam. You have to clear it first, then apply the shield heals. Throwing shield heals while Tachyon Beam isn't cleared is like throwing fuel into a fire.
I have had zero issues with the improved tachyon beam the borg use. I use the unimatrix shield for Delta rep with 50% shield drain resistance. 6 points in insulators plus the Nukara deflector and zero point console for 125.
I play an engineering captain with a very sturdy ship though.
"He shall be my finest warrior, this generic man who was forced upon me.
Like a badass I shall make him look, and in the furnace of war I shall forge him.
he shall be of iron will and steely sinew.
In great armour I shall clad him and with the mightiest weapons he shall be armed.
He will be untouched by plague or disease; no sickness shall blight him.
He shall have such tactics, strategies and machines that no foe will best him in battle.
He is my answer to cryptic logic, he is the Defender of my Romulan Crew.
He is Tovan Khev... and he shall know no fear."
Your other option is to bug out once they use their drain, get out of range, and heal up, then come back and do your damage. If you can, get a cruiser to initiate the fight, they'll be able to take the damage while you hit the borg.
It doesn't. It could be that by the time you hit HE, the 4 second beam of doom has stopped, but I've had HE, RSF, and TSS simultaneously active while in a Bio-Molecular Shield Generator, and still not had my shields stay up. And that is on a ship with 13k shields and 84 to power insulators. And a Valdore console.
SCM - Hive (S) - [02:31] DMG(DPS) - @jarvisandalfred: 30.62M(204.66K) - Fed Sci
Tacs are overrated.
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I tested Tachyon with a friend, I had the TB, he was hovering over HE and clicked it the instant I tagged him, but I kept right on draining anyways. Ditto when he activated HE preemptively. I'm not sure if people have the power confused with Shield Neutralizer or they think TB is a 10-second drain and so think they cleared it when it 'only' runs 4 or what, but HE is definitely not a hard counter.