I've been informed by other Tribble testers that they have boosted the spec points you get from some of the other areas of the game (Battlezones specifically, but it's possible other areas got a spec boost as well), and, as always, it's possible that any of the above is subject to change before hitting Holodeck.
Finally had a chance to try the Dyson Ground Battlezone on Tribble and, quite frankly, unless I'm missing something, I'm not sure what some of those other Tribble testers were going on about. The amount of spec points you gain, even from finishing the daily missions, is nowhere near the level one could gain from a single Argala run, much less multiple runs back to back.
Again, it's possible that the spec points aren't finalized yet, and there's still the question of if they boosted spec point gain in STFs, and to what degree, but if this is a preview of how they plan to handle the utter removal of Argala as a source of spec point gain, then I'm afraid I am deeply concerned.
"There will never be enough blood to wash away my need for vengeance! A single world...I could destroy a million worlds and it would not be enough! Your existence is an insult to the memory of my people! I will continue my fight, even if I must fight alone!"
You're looking at it from the efficiency standpoint, others are looking at it from the actually being rewarded standpoint. No, it's not as fast as Argala runs. (The fact that they're gating the patrols just shows that they're not going to add another source that good.)
If you enjoy playing that patrol back to back, then fine. I don't, so I hardly ever go there. So any skill points they add to other content only benefits me.
those missions have a different enter system message that take you to the same map so they should not be effected but this kills my alts even more then they where as grinding them to level cap to play the content is stupid and i refuse to do it as it is if this goes live i highly doubt i will even log in more then maybe once a week and that would just to talk with fleet mates and the starfleet battles channel
Unless you regularly play elites, there's no point in getting an alt to 60 just to play content. Advanced scales you up, most of the zones are actually level 50 zones. I just don't see the big deal. You can level your alts by slotting 20 doff assignments, then doing whatever. That's how I got two of mine up.
Im already on the fence with the XP nerf. The dilithium earned bug I posted got deleted. I see interest and enjoyment fade as less of my friends sign in to play. So I say show us the cards... Either way if they are testing it, it shows where their brain is going. The fact that they are even considering this... I'm already looking for alternatives. Thanks for the heads up.
I don't have time for pod casts. I am sure there are a lot of players that don't. If you have heard some solid information it would be nice to hear it.
Hopefully they coded it so that it does not interfere with any of the missions that you unlock the patrols for the first time with. Otherwise, you're looking at people having to play 4 hours just to finish those.
You're looking at it from the efficiency standpoint, others are looking at it from the actually being rewarded standpoint. No, it's not as fast as Argala runs. (The fact that they're gating the patrols just shows that they're not going to add another source that good.)
If you enjoy playing that patrol back to back, then fine. I don't, so I hardly ever go there. So any skill points they add to other content only benefits me.
Unless you regularly play elites, there's no point in getting an alt to 60 just to play content. Advanced scales you up, most of the zones are actually level 50 zones. I just don't see the big deal. You can level your alts by slotting 20 doff assignments, then doing whatever. That's how I got two of mine up.
you need to be 60 to play the story missions. i like to run my alts through the story content and making different choices depending on the characters because it's an RPG right now it;s work to play the story leveling content on alts as they need to be leveled up.
this is also not even getting into the spec point grind
My testing contradicts some statements made in this thread.
First, I just ran Argala four times in a row. When I selected the Delta Alliance mark package as reward the first three times, I could rerun the patrol immediatly. Only after selcting the "Token" reward did the invisible cooldown start.
Second, during the cooldown on Argala, I could still run other Patrols. I did the Farn system patrol and after selecting the Delta Alliance mark package as reward, Farn and other system (looked at Borg Battlefield and Zahl) patrols were still available.
This was with a level 60 character on normal difficulty (the four Argala runs rewarded 32111 Spec Exp in total, Farn rewarded 4275 Spec Exp)
This WOULD be a good change if the entire game past level 51 wasn't built around an incredibly long and slow progression structure that pretty much is begging players to grind the fastest route possible. Perhaps if Cryptic focused on making the game fun and full of diverse, rewarding content, then there would be no need for grinding Argala in the first place. This is a rather backwards approach. Either way, though, as some people said this should help the queues come back, and if I get Specialization XP while I'm grinding out marks and Dil in the Dyson Battlezones, then so much the better.
I've just ran it and selected the Token option, I got awarded 1354 for completing the missions and a further 1805 from the token. The slap in the face is that cryptic have slipped it in as stealth nerf. I really have had enough of this now. They beat us down constantly down with a stick, yet promise us the carrot, but never deliver.
Just out of curiosity has anyone tried Gerren? or have they just slapped CD on every single patrol mission in the game?
Go play on Tribble, do any patrol mission in any sector block, there is a timer once you finish the patrol. I discovered this myself yesterday and I am not happy. OH BTW I think they purposely kept it out of patch notes to see if they could pull a fast one on us but for me it didnt work.
Thanks for checking...NOT only a disgrace for being a NERF but a double whammy for trying to stealth nerf it. How low can one get? :mad:
Thanks for checking...NOT only a disgrace for being a NERF but a double whammy for trying to stealth nerf it. How low can one get? :mad:
It's not a "stealth nerf" at all. It was stated to be happening a while back. Geko said that the change is coming in a recent P1 podcast interview... if it were a "stealth nerf," he wouldn't have said anything about it. It is an intended change. If you find that to be wrong, that's on you, not on Cryptic.
It's stealth in that it wasn't mentioned in the patch notes of the patch it went live in. Which leads me to believe it's probably not even finished yet. It's not unheard of for things to creep their way into a patch before they're ready, it's even happened with Holodeck before ([Cold] Disruptors, anyone?).
So I really have no further investment in the game. If I ever feel like progression is worth the time I might support it some more, but right now the content available in the game doesent justify the mountanous climb up the progression ladder.
Why in hell would anyone want to work that hard to get to an endgame that includes about 30 minutes worth of repeatable content.
It's not a "stealth nerf" at all. It was stated to be happening a while back. Geko said that the change is coming in a recent P1 podcast interview... if it were a "stealth nerf," he wouldn't have said anything about it. It is an intended change. If you find that to be wrong, that's on you, not on Cryptic.
I guess the moon is full of cheese as well.
If not a stealth nerf then tell me WHY is not posted in any Tribble Release notes? what do call that...very clear and open tweak? If someone says something on an obscure podcast does not mean that entitles them to change the game as they pleased. Heck they said a while back on a podcast PvP would be revamped....5 years later has it been?
Cryptic does need defending whatever people here say or what you say...they will do what they want anyway.
If not a stealth nerf then tell me WHY is not posted in any Tribble Release notes? what do call that...very clear and open tweak? If someone says something on an obscure podcast does not mean that entitles them to change the game as they pleased. Heck they said a while back on a podcast PvP would be revamped....5 years later has it been?
Cryptic does need defending whatever people here say or what you say...they will do what they want anyway.
It has been revamped. Last I checked that mission where we could get dilithium after 3 arena fights has a long cd now. Before you could keep getting it and entering pvp arenas and slaughtering unfortunate noobs. Or that was the case months ago when I checked last. Might have changed since then.
Finally had a chance to try the Dyson Ground Battlezone on Tribble and, quite frankly, unless I'm missing something, I'm not sure what some of those other Tribble testers were going on about. The amount of spec points you gain, even from finishing the daily missions, is nowhere near the level one could gain from a single Argala run, much less multiple runs back to back.
Again, it's possible that the spec points aren't finalized yet, and there's still the question of if they boosted spec point gain in STFs, and to what degree, but if this is a preview of how they plan to handle the utter removal of Argala as a source of spec point gain, then I'm afraid I am deeply concerned.
If you enjoy playing that patrol back to back, then fine. I don't, so I hardly ever go there. So any skill points they add to other content only benefits me.
Unless you regularly play elites, there's no point in getting an alt to 60 just to play content. Advanced scales you up, most of the zones are actually level 50 zones. I just don't see the big deal. You can level your alts by slotting 20 doff assignments, then doing whatever. That's how I got two of mine up.
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This was mentioned numerous times in podcasts.
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you need to be 60 to play the story missions. i like to run my alts through the story content and making different choices depending on the characters because it's an RPG right now it;s work to play the story leveling content on alts as they need to be leveled up.
this is also not even getting into the spec point grind
First, I just ran Argala four times in a row. When I selected the Delta Alliance mark package as reward the first three times, I could rerun the patrol immediatly. Only after selcting the "Token" reward did the invisible cooldown start.
Second, during the cooldown on Argala, I could still run other Patrols. I did the Farn system patrol and after selecting the Delta Alliance mark package as reward, Farn and other system (looked at Borg Battlefield and Zahl) patrols were still available.
This was with a level 60 character on normal difficulty (the four Argala runs rewarded 32111 Spec Exp in total, Farn rewarded 4275 Spec Exp)
Just out of curiosity has anyone tried Gerren? or have they just slapped CD on every single patrol mission in the game?
Thanks for checking...NOT only a disgrace for being a NERF but a double whammy for trying to stealth nerf it. How low can one get? :mad:
Live Long And Suck It. - Wil Weaton
So I really have no further investment in the game. If I ever feel like progression is worth the time I might support it some more, but right now the content available in the game doesent justify the mountanous climb up the progression ladder.
Why in hell would anyone want to work that hard to get to an endgame that includes about 30 minutes worth of repeatable content.
Uh huh...sure you do. If you do it easy, let the rest of the playerbase in on your secret.
If not - diasappointing. If they don't want us repeating the same content ad nauseum, they should allow variety.
I guess the moon is full of cheese as well.
If not a stealth nerf then tell me WHY is not posted in any Tribble Release notes? what do call that...very clear and open tweak? If someone says something on an obscure podcast does not mean that entitles them to change the game as they pleased. Heck they said a while back on a podcast PvP would be revamped....5 years later has it been?
Cryptic does need defending whatever people here say or what you say...they will do what they want anyway.
It has been revamped. Last I checked that mission where we could get dilithium after 3 arena fights has a long cd now. Before you could keep getting it and entering pvp arenas and slaughtering unfortunate noobs. Or that was the case months ago when I checked last. Might have changed since then.