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partial skiping of replaying of completed missions



  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,788 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I'm looking at running Dust To Dust 24 times if I want the Kobali set for all 8 characters.

    I like the ideas of any of these after you've earned the set once on your main with 3 runs:

    - Giving alts the 3-piece set for just one run of Dust to Dust
    - Adding the 3-piece set as a 396 q-mendation event project -- save time, but lose the q-mendations you were saving for next year
    - Letting you replay other Delta missions instead (the reward table idea)
  • revandarklighterrevandarklighter Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I'm looking at running Dust To Dust 24 times if I want the Kobali set for all 8 characters.

    I like the ideas of any of these after you've earned the set once on your main with 3 runs:

    - Giving alts the 3-piece set for just one run of Dust to Dust
    - Adding the 3-piece set as a 396 q-mendation event project -- save time, but lose the q-mendations you were saving for next year
    - Letting you replay other Delta missions instead (the reward table idea)

    My suggestion would be much simpler.... Add the different setpieces to different missions.
  • imruinedimruined Member Posts: 1,457 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    czertik123 wrote: »
    wow, you agree that plaing them again and again can be boring ? and then as bonus you say that rewards are not even worth that repeating ? wow.

    but what i was tring to say ? :).

    and why you think that players will not play game if "the get all shinies for free" ? well, because endgame is suposed to be fun with workable concept ?

    If you actually bothered to read my response, I specifically mentioned playing them again and again in quick succession...
    imruined wrote: »
    Ok, first off... The episode being boring is your opinion - I'm sure after running it multiple times, all at once, it would get a little tedious, perhaps you should stretch it out a bit... And ok, you didn't like it... Doesn't mean no one else liked it...

    Secondly, you're the one who's setting yourself the task of obtaining each and every item rewarded... Personally, I don't think the Kobali set is even that great and I'd prefer the Solanae or Jem'Hadar set, if I was going for an episode reward set....

    If you were to do it once a day, it would not seem such a chore as you're not running it constantly, all at once...

    But given you have advocated the skipping of content, you're clearly one of those players who want everything NOW!

    Once people have all the shineys, they will stop playing as they will then complain there is nothing to do, as they've already done all the content in game... It's just the 'locust approach' of many MMO players - play until they have everything, then move on because there's 'nothing to do'...

    I was also pointing out that because you found them boring, does not mean everyone else found them boring...

    Further more, I was also just throwing out my opinion on the set itself which you are supposedly 'grinding' for and that, IMO, it's not that great a set and there are others I'd prefer...
    czertik123 wrote: »
    and what will be more fun that having WORKING pvp ? can you imagine beter motvation to pust your setups over max ?

    Once again, you presume to speak for everyone... Not everyone enjoys PVP... I don't...

    I find it exceedingly repetitive, even more so than PVE... It's the exact same thing over and over again, especially in STO's PVP... Shooting at the same handful of ship types (what ever is the current 'flavour of the month'), countering the same handful of abilities (what ever is the current 'flavour of the month'), on the same handful of maps...

    At least PVE has some variation in what you're doing as each requires a different approach, or at least has a different opponent or environment...

    But, to each their own...
    czertik123 wrote: »
    well, do you know why ppl fly in wartunder even maxed out planes at tier 2 while they have t5 (maxed too) planes ?

    Different game completely and not even remotely relevant to STO, what ever the reason...

    But, to answer your question, since I don't play WarThunder (and don't play it for the same reasons I don't PVP in STO) no, I don't know and kinda don't care why, to be perfectly honest...
    The entitlement is strong in these forums...

  • rimmarierimmarie Member Posts: 420 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I actually enjoy the mission, but I know some folks are more in it for the rewards so...

    Maybe if the mission had multiple paths, not just the HARD - MEDIUM - EASY stuff, More like

    Normal way~ the full mission..no shortcuts

    First alternative path ~ at the maze, you can go to the computer and unlock hatch to a crawl space Katen didn't anticipate that drops you down behind him. But he still gets to beam out (unlocks after you finish the Full version)

    Easy Path ~ After the Zip line, you can do a mini game to bypass his lock on the door and get to him fast enough to keep him from escaping (unlocks after you finished it normal way and the first alt way)

    Its a bit more work for the dev team, but in the end, I think it isn't as lame as a 'Gimmie ma stuffz' button.
  • davefenestratordavefenestrator Member Posts: 10,788 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    My suggestion would be much simpler.... Add the different setpieces to different missions.

    Good idea, and as you say it would be simpler for the developers.

    Just make each of the pieces a replay reward in different missions. There's no reason that the pieces couldn't be made replay rewards for both Dust to Dust and (for example) Takedown.
  • czertik123czertik123 Member Posts: 1,122 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    imruined wrote: »
    If you actually bothered to read my response, I specifically mentioned playing them again and again in quick succession...

    sight so you realy think it will be less boring if you will run it 12 after week pouse and then again 12 after another week pause ? or even by doing it just once per dey and per char (so it will greatly prolong geting whole sets for all chars).
    naive optimist.
    imruined wrote: »
    But given you have advocated the skipping of content, you're clearly one of those players who want everything NOW!

    i dont want everhing now, just limited ability to skip MOST BORING PART FOR ME, so others can actualy skip part which they dislike and i can like and vice versa.
    imruined wrote: »
    Once again, you presume to speak for everyone... Not everyone enjoys PVP... I don't...

    I find it exceedingly repetitive, even more so than PVE... It's the exact same thing over and over again, especially in STO's PVP... Shooting at the same handful of ship types (what ever is the current 'flavour of the month'), countering the same handful of abilities (what ever is the current 'flavour of the month'), on the same handful of maps...

    so, you are basicaly saing you have problem with pvp that i have with pve ? and now imagine that game will force you to play pvp if you want reward avaiable in pvp.
  • czertik123czertik123 Member Posts: 1,122 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    rimmarie wrote: »
    I actually enjoy the mission, but I know some folks are more in it for the rewards so...

    Maybe if the mission had multiple paths, not just the HARD - MEDIUM - EASY stuff, More like

    Normal way~ the full mission..no shortcuts

    First alternative path ~ at the maze, you can go to the computer and unlock hatch to a crawl space Katen didn't anticipate that drops you down behind him. But he still gets to beam out (unlocks after you finish the Full version)

    Easy Path ~ After the Zip line, you can do a mini game to bypass his lock on the door and get to him fast enough to keep him from escaping (unlocks after you finished it normal way and the first alt way)

    Its a bit more work for the dev team, but in the end, I think it isn't as lame as a 'Gimmie ma stuffz' button.

    well, unloking alternatives once you finish mission once sound very interesing, but it will NEVER happen as it will needed more tome to develop (and time is money) and with showflake in hell to have rewoked older mission for these alternate and faster ways.
  • revandarklighterrevandarklighter Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    czertik123 wrote: »
    sight so you realy think it will be less boring if you will run it 12 after week pouse and then again 12 after another week pause ? or even by doing it just once per dey and per char (so it will greatly prolong geting whole sets for all chars).
    naive optimist.

    As a matter of fact it will.
    I have the habit of replaying the entire story from stranded in space until whatever is the recent "last" mission about once or twice a year.
    I enjoy that.
    Playing one and the same mission 20 times in a row however... Not so much. Not at all.
    In fact it has the opposite effect, the missions I grindet for an item I've growm to hate and I do not replay those, no matter how good they actually are.
  • imruinedimruined Member Posts: 1,457 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    czertik123 wrote: »
    sight so you realy think it will be less boring if you will run it 12 after week pouse and then again 12 after another week pause ? or even by doing it just once per dey and per char (so it will greatly prolong geting whole sets for all chars).
    naive optimist.

    Who's being naive here? You complaining you want to skip parts of episodes, because you're too damn'd lazy to do specific sections you don't like, because you seem to have it in your head you must grind for that specific set, or me for suggesting you pace yourself...

    If pacing yourself means you run the episode once per day, rather than doing it 3 or 4 times in a row all at once, in order to avoid it being 'boring' and a 'grind' then that's what you do... You wont have the set right now, but you will in about 3 days (4 if you want the uniform unlock as well)...

    Such a suggestion is not 'naive optimism' but basic logic... Naive optimism would be making a suggestion like the one you have here and expect to actually be taken seriously...
    czertik123 wrote: »
    i dont want everhing now, just limited ability to skip MOST BORING PART FOR ME, so others can actualy skip part which they dislike and i can like and vice versa.

    Your proposal might as well have been to just give the rewards immediately, without having to even run the episode in question...

    How would you decide what parts can be skipped and not skipped?

    I don't want to run the trenches - skip...
    I don't want to avoid the electricity traps - skip...
    I don't want to run the maze - skip... But give me the Kobali Boff anyway coz I'm lazy and want the rewards without any effort...
    I don't want to run the platforms - skip...
    I don't want to have to sit through dialogue - skip...

    You know what, I don't want to even run the episode - skip everything and just give me all the rewards!

    This is exactly what your proposal entails...

    czertik123 wrote: »
    so, you are basicaly saing you have problem with pvp that i have with pve ? and now imagine that game will force you to play pvp if you want reward avaiable in pvp.

    I would either suck it up and PVP to get the rewards, or more than likely (as I have done in other games) I would accept that I'd rather not PVP and, rather than turn it into a 'grind', I would instead look for alternatives, that don't involve PVP...
    The entitlement is strong in these forums...

  • jaguarskxjaguarskx Member Posts: 5,945 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Can mod lock this thread....????

    It serves no purpose.
  • rahmkota19rahmkota19 Member Posts: 1,929 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    This suggestion. No.

    The idea of an MMO is, next to making money, to make players play specific content if they want specific rewards. You want a Dyson set? You play Dyson Battlezone, Contested Zone, Allied Zone or one of the PvE's. You don't do an Infected for that.

    If you want the Kobali space set, you play a specific mission. Yes, you replay it.

    However, the Kobali gear is not the best in game, nothing you need for any kind of content. Its nice, sure, but not the top-notch, the creme de la creme.

    So, the choice is very simple. You either play the entire mission 3 times (which is 45 minutes per char max if you skip through the dialog, excluding the 30m cooldown), or you don't get the gear. If the puzzle is frustrating you due to connection issues, get a teammate with a stable connection to do that part for you. I'm sure if you ask in your fleet/friend list, somebody will be willing to help you out.

    As for the overall suggestion, no. The episodes were designed by the developers in their current form with a reason. To play them completely. Otherwise, they'd have cut the mission in parts, a la 2800 style where you can (and should) skip "Of Bajor".

    Would I mind if they had created 3 missions, 1 per piece? No. But that is not what happened, and not something that will happen, ever. And frankly, not something that should be happen. It would equal out an "I want this faster than intended" button, which is hardly needed for a set that will take you 45 minutes instead of the usual 40 day full rep grind and then the mats for your set.

    As for the crafting recipe/replay pool reward ideas, I like them, but they won't happen, due to the simple fact that there are missions such as Spin the Wheel out there. Everybody could farm that 1 mission to get huge amounts of gear and such, completely blowing up the economy. The Kobali gear is locked behind a 15 minute mission. If that is what the developers want us to do for it, it will stay that way.
  • czertik123czertik123 Member Posts: 1,122 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    As a matter of fact it will.
    I have the habit of replaying the entire story from stranded in space until whatever is the recent "last" mission about once or twice a year.
    I enjoy that.
    Playing one and the same mission 20 times in a row however... Not so much. Not at all.
    In fact it has the opposite effect, the missions I grindet for an item I've growm to hate and I do not replay those, no matter how good they actually are.

    well, its you, i complete story arcs only once, and run certain episodes multipletime only for rewards.
    and since i have a lot of chars....i realy dont have t run them all once/two times year just for fun, i do it regulary for my chars :).

    how many chars did you have ?
  • czertik123czertik123 Member Posts: 1,122 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    imruined wrote: »
    Who's being naive here? You complaining you want to skip parts of episodes, because you're too damn'd lazy to do specific sections you don't like, because you seem to have it in your head you must grind for that specific set, or me for suggesting you pace yourself...

    If pacing yourself means you run the episode once per day, rather than doing it 3 or 4 times in a row all at once, in order to avoid it being 'boring' and a 'grind' then that's what you do... You wont have the set right now, but you will in about 3 days (4 if you want the uniform unlock as well)...

    Such a suggestion is not 'naive optimism' but basic logic... Naive optimism would be making a suggestion like the one you have here and expect to actually be taken seriously...

    well, did you ever heard about thing called "startin new char" ? i supose not, since you know there is very easily done "slow paced advance" - and you know ? still not fun if it runed first time for that char, but TRIBBLE time in general.
  • czertik123czertik123 Member Posts: 1,122 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    imruined wrote: »
    Your proposal might as well have been to just give the rewards immediately, without having to even run the episode in question...

    How would you decide what parts can be skipped and not skipped?

    I don't want to run the trenches - skip...
    I don't want to avoid the electricity traps - skip...
    I don't want to run the maze - skip... But give me the Kobali Boff anyway coz I'm lazy and want the rewards without any effort...
    I don't want to run the platforms - skip...
    I don't want to have to sit through dialogue - skip...

    you are troling or you simpkly cant READ ? your skip all simply CANT WORK it it is limited to 1-2 per mission as was proposed, so no instant reward.
  • kharliskharlis Member Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    imruined wrote: »
    I don't want to have to sit through dialogue - skip...

    Actually you can skip THAT part. Punching the "F" key repeatedly will take care of the dialog boxes. Hitting the "Esc" key will take care of the scripted speech.

    I basically speed run this thing seven times each week with that method and it takes a large portion of the boredom out of it since the down time between combat and puzzles is just the travel time between each area.

    As grinds go, it is a lot less tedious than grinding dilithium. And marks for that matter.
  • whamhammer1whamhammer1 Member Posts: 2,290 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    kharlis wrote: »
    Actually you can skip THAT part. Punching the "F" key repeatedly will take care of the dialog boxes. Hitting the "Esc" key will take care of the scripted speech.

    I basically speed run this thing seven times each week with that method and it takes a large portion of the boredom out of it since the down time between combat and puzzles is just the travel time between each area.

    As grinds go, it is a lot less tedious than grinding dilithium. And marks for that matter.

    If only we could skip dialogue/cut scenes on things such as the Hive and the Delta STF thats name escapes me at the moment. That would be real progress.
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