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Crippling Instability Issues - Disconnects



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    apedilbertapedilbert Member Posts: 97 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    It hasn't been as bad as it was when everyone rushed the event the first couple days, but I'm still getting lag spikes and rubberbanding more frequently than pre-event. It's especially frustrating when I try to do the new particle scan minigame and the lag suddenly jerks the molecules forward every few seconds.
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    spacegoatcx#8996 spacegoatcx Member Posts: 175 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I can confirm seeing fleetmates from across the world just mass drop constantly.

    Getting kicked is fairly rare for me (thankfully), but I get a good deal of rubberbanding that essentially renders the game unplayable outside as a glorified chat room 2-3 times a week.
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    rhakatheredrhakathered Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    German here. For 2 months or so the game has basically been unplayable due to lag or constant disconnects.
    There have been similar periods of this in the past, but never as long or as often as right now.
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    coors3coors3 Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I have heard of one instance of this involving one ISP, a notoriously bad one, and that occurred several years ago.

    It just does not seem worth it in the least to let government start artificially inflating the cost by attaching their own fees, while throttling short term development and killing long term development of internet technologies.

    Please, look at what one of the biggest providers did to netflix. Connections throttled down, service interuptions, and before the ink was dry on the "pay us more money" agreement, all of the problems that netflix customers were having went away. I doubt the service provider expanded there capacity in the space of seconds, so what else could possibly have been going on..hmmm :rolleyes: Anyhoo, many fleetmates are experiencing similar issues and the problem seems to be split between individual's ISPs to mass disconnects from the server at the same time. Seems like there are several things contributing to the problem. I would imagine this makes fixing the issues difficult.
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